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Order of the Lycan for Blood Hunters

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The Order of the Lycan is a proud order of blood hunters who undergo “The Taming”, a ceremonial inflicting of lycanthropy from a senior member. These hunters then use their abilities to harness the power of the monster they harbor without losing themselves to it. Through intense honing of one’s own willpower, combined with the secrets of the order’s blood magic rituals, members learn to control and unleash their hybrid form for short periods of time. Enhanced physical prowess, unnatural resilience, and razor sharp claws make these warriors a terrible foe to any evil that crosses their path. Yet, no training is perfect, and without care and complete focus, even the greatest of blood hunters can temporarily lose themselves to the bloodlust.

Enjoy this new, optional Order for the Blood Hunter class, available here: Blood Hunter

Update: 1.5 changes! 

1) Changed Blood Lust to be more in line with concentration checks, and be a little more dangerous when taking bigger hits of damage! I mean, whats the point of this option if you're afraid of losing control every now and again. ;) However, when you do go berserk, you do regain control after the attack action, allowing a Bonus Action and the remainder of your movement to be of use that turn.

2) Feral Precision changed to Beastly Precision (just for my own titling preference), and now increases unarmed attacked by half of your proficiency bonus (to allow a progression on par with magical weapons of a +3 variety at higher levels). 

3) Removed Improved Resilient Hide, as the resistance element required the PC to choose a rite that would many times be up against foes resistant or immune to it, lessening the fun of the feature. Instead, I've introduced Lycan Regeneration to replace it, which is largely more useful and very much in theme with the Hybrid form.

4) Blood Curse of the Howl has been improved to affect any number of targets you choose in 30 feet, only it causes fear on a failed save, and stun on failing by 5 or more. Amplifying increases the radius to 60 ft.

Just a note: You CAN still use weapons in your Hybrid form, so feel free to switch to weapons/claws for whichever the battle at hand calls for. :)

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Paul A November 08, 2020 5:29 am UTC
I played in a 1 shot and played a Order of the Lycan BH and there was a question regarding whether the class considers the character a shapechanger. We were talking about moonbeam and if they were revert my character back to its humanoid form. What is the census on that?
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David C October 23, 2019 7:57 pm UTC
Guys been looking everywhere and can't find the anawer

How does the crimson rite interact with the transformation?

Do i have to apply crimson rite every time i transform?

Can i apply crimson rite to my claws before the first transformation of the day?

How does this work?

P.S i alredy know about predatory strikes.
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Daniel P December 25, 2019 8:48 pm UTC
David, I think it depends on what you apply your crimson rite to. If you put it on your "normal" weapon then transform the rite would still be active on your weapon. If you are applying the crimson rite to your predatory strikes I would say you have transform before applying a crimson rite to your predatory strikes as the "weapon" is not available until after you transform. Then as you transform back to a humanoid you lose the predatory strikes "weapon" and thus the rite would end as the weapon is gone. And would need to be reapplied after your next transformation. Does that help?
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Craig L July 26, 2019 2:29 am UTC
Not to be that guy, but shouldn't it technically be "Order of the Therian" instead? "Lycan" specifically refers to wolves, while "Therianthropy" is an overarching term for someone who shapeshifts into another animal.
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Kelso S December 01, 2018 5:49 am UTC
For the purposes of overcoming Polymorph, would an Order of the Lycan BH be considered a "Shapechanger"? I'm at odds with this because I would think yes, since all were-creatures in the Monster Manual are tagged as being "shapechanger" and the BH would technically turn into a were-creature. But others might argue that they're not because it doesn't specifically say.
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Raphael G June 12, 2019 12:55 pm UTC
I think, due to the use of Blood Magic and the flavor to somewhat restrain the beast side, many benefits and drawbacks of the lycanthropes descriped in the Monster Manual (MM) do not apply. As such you don't gain the typical stats increase in Strength as a Werewolf and I would think neither the Shapechanger part as well. A Were-being in the MM can tranform at will to its humanoid, hybrid and beast form while the Order of the Lycan can only transform into Hybrid temporarily.
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Gerrit K October 18, 2018 9:56 am UTC
I would like to have claryfied if i need two wepon fighting to use my modifier for my bonus action attack or not.
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Jay L October 25, 2018 4:57 pm UTC
This ability is not two-weapon fighting. TWF specifically calls out that you are using a light melee weapon and that weapon is in your offhand. It also specifically calls out that you do not add your ability modifier to the damage.

The Predatory Strikes feature on the other hand says as a bonus action you can "make another unarmed strike". It does not say that you make the additional strike with an offhand, and it does not say that you do not add your ability modifier. So it is different from TWF. In fact, you could be missing an arm, and the way Predatory Strikes is written the ability would still function just fine.
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Jason S April 09, 2018 5:58 am UTC
So if say a Order of the Lycan BH was using a greatsword would the transformed claws effect the grip or does it just depend on the DM?
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Nathan A May 27, 2018 12:05 am UTC
With the version 1.5 update, Matt states in the description that you can freely switch between your weapons and your hybrid unarmed strikes. If your DM isn't cool with that (as growing large claws can tend to mess with weapon grip lol), then just drop the sword and light your claws on fire!
Each claw is a d6, and both can be Crimson Rite enhanced for a single HP reduction (technically all of your unarmed strikes would get it, but a flaming head-butt doesn't have the same zing as claws), and you even get a bonus action to use them like a monk's Martial Arts!
If you're level 5 and they all hit, that's 3d6 + 3d4 + STR/DEX*3. That beats the possible 4d6 + STR/DEX*2 anyways.
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Luke F February 27, 2018 7:57 pm UTC
I'm curious if anyone has any ideas for abilities if someone tried making this subclass (and class) was upgraded to level 30 (like the epic characters addon from this site) then what abilities would they have?
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Pippin G February 17, 2018 4:41 pm UTC
This is more of a role playing question what do you look like when you transform?
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Nathan A May 27, 2018 12:09 am UTC
I think that would depend on the type of lycanthrope your character is. The sidebar on page 2 has a brief list of possible lycanthropic beast sources, but I'm sure you could work with your DM to come up with some interesting descriptions of your transformation.
For some imagination fuel, you could go with a Jekyll/Hyde style transformation, or something more akin to the Hulk. Getting even more magical, He-Man is a stark example of change, albeit a little bit goofy.
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L. N February 16, 2018 9:33 pm UTC
Hi, with the claw attacks, do you need to take the two weapon fighter to get your strength/dexterity added to your second claw attack or do you just get to add that? Just curious cause it doesn't specify offhand attack.
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Bram V February 17, 2018 9:29 am UTC
Since it is worded like the similar ability of the monk, I assume it works the same and that you get to add your bonus to the offhand strike.
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Bram V February 08, 2018 9:43 am UTC
I got two qestions about bloodlust.
Since charm seems to be an effect that overwrites your will when failing the save, would it mean anything in regards to your ability to resist bloodust?
My other question involves the extra attack feature, which states that you can attack twice when taking the attaack action. Do you have any control over how many attacks you take during bloodlust? Is this always one, always two or can you pick it yourself?
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Nathan A May 27, 2018 12:27 am UTC
I'm responding using the version 1.5 of this Order, so I apologize if my answer isn't quite on par with what you are looking for.

Question 1.
The Bloodlust feature is not a charm effect. Sure, it uses a Wisdom save and the wording describes it as keeping control of yourself, but it does not explicitly state that it uses any of the mechanics for the charmed condition, or that the effect is even magical. So features like Fey Ancestry or Gnome Cunning would not apply. A feature would either have to be really broad and say something like "advantage on all Wisdom saving throws" (which seems really strong, but hey, not my boat) or be really specific and mention that any bonuses would have to explicitly state that they only apply against effects that would alter you controlling your own actions.

Question 2.
Bloodlust states that you've got to move towards the nearest creature and tear them a new corn chute, more or less. At levels 1-4, that's a single weapon attack per...See more
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Eric A January 26, 2018 8:17 am UTC
Sorry if this is a dumb question- at level 5, could you do something like a 2 handed weapon attack (such as using a greatsword) , then let go with one hand and use your claws for your second attack and get your bonus action claw swipe in as well? Trying to understand the exact interaction, and was thinking it'd be kinda neat to actually use both.
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Nathan A May 27, 2018 12:39 am UTC
As of version 1.5, yes, the circumstance you've described is possible. Some DMs could argue that growing claws could interfere with the grip on your weapon, and they'd have a point. But that's between you and them.
Thinking about it from an RP perspective, would your feral-beast-of-a-character even want to use a weapon if they just grew large claws and could light them on fire? Maybe, but hey, I'm not a cop.
Mechanically, if you have the Extra Attack Feature, you could make a greataxe attack (or any other 2H weapon, I won't judge), then make an unarmed strike for your second attack, then use your bonus action for the last hurrah. Keep in mind that your bonus action unarmed strike functions like the monk's Martial Arts attack, in that you can add your relevant ability modifier to the damage.
But just between you and me, if you're looking for raw damage output, use turn 1 to go hybrid as an action and then bonus action to light up your claws. On turn two (and every turn after that), you're gonna...See more
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Charles S January 24, 2018 10:51 pm UTC
Could the lycanthrope aspect of this be used with other classes, or is it solely built dependent on the blood hunter class?
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Nathan A May 27, 2018 12:44 am UTC
Like all the other subclasses in 5th edition, this is meant to be used as part of the core Blood Hunter class. Much of the abilities here are awesome by themselves, and don't even need the core Blood Hunter mechanics to function, but they are not balanced in a manner to be used by themselves or instead of a different class' subclass options.

That being said, there's nothing stopping an enterprising DM to make some of these features available as rewards over the course of the game. Although, without the drawbacks of those same features, it might feel a little cheap. OP, some could say.
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Clare B December 31, 2017 12:40 am UTC
just sorta reposting this comment since i noticed matt is answering comments does a blood hunter at level one leveling up to order of the lycan lose control on the full moon or something? since in the lore section it is described they go through a blood magic ritual called the taming
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Kyle B December 31, 2017 4:04 am UTC
At level one a Hunter could be part of the order, but wouldn't have gone through the taking until level three when they gain access to the lycanthropy.

Now all of the rest of this is very reliant on your DM, but I could see your taming being very thematic. Possibly how the induction into Circle of the Companions from Skyrim occurred. Either through XXX or blood, the curse could very well over power you. A series of Wisdom checks, similar to a skill challenge, to fight your new and violent bloodlust.

The full moon could be just as challenging, you wouldn't be sending other Lycanthropes though, but your party members. Although I'm not sure how long they would be willing to put up with a blood thirsty Weretouched creature ever full moon. Either way, this is all dependent on your DM and if it sounds fun, talk with them about it. Hopefully they are willing to work out a fun way to role-play the beast inside you worming it's way out during the moon light!
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Kyle B December 31, 2017 4:06 am UTC
It seems to be censoring the word B I T E there not sure why!
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Clare B December 31, 2017 4:09 pm UTC
true but also what if you started at level three that means you would most likely have gone through the taming and you were bitten by one of the members. Theres also the blood rituals and training that the blood hunters go through that is suppose to give them control which is why they can only transform into a hybrid state so wouldent the fact of the hybrid form show that the curse is heavily different within the blood hunter so it stands to reason with the flavour that a blood hunter could resist the moon but im mostly liking to hear from the class author since it is his creation or hear from multiple peoples opinions. sadly my dm only cares what the matt says about his class
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Matthew M January 01, 2018 1:33 am UTC
Kyle has the right idea. You wouldn't undergo the Taming until level 3, normally, having proven the possible willpower to control the beast within. If they had the disease before hand, then the DM can develop the scenario where you are unable to control yourself once transformed until the Taming is undergone (using the Monster Manual template until then).

As to a Full Moon, the training of the order allows them the willpower to resist the forced transformation on a Full Moon (in most cases), but your DM is certainly allowed to enable situational rules (such as disadvantage on Bloodlust saves during a full moon, etc).
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Clare B January 01, 2018 4:08 pm UTC
thank you matt this is what i was assuming that until level 3 i would transform but the ritual would allow me to resist the full transformation on full moon but i can easily imagine the disadvantage on bloodlust saves but thank you for getting back to me
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Kyle B December 29, 2017 4:39 pm UTC
Gods help you if your opponent happens to have a Magical weapon and you stick your snout in there unawares. Not only will you be taking full damage, one would possibly be faced with a 30 + wisdom save, especially later in the game. With the new and current Blood lust I find the lack of resistance to magical(excluding silvered of course), unlike that of a barbarians rage and to be a little too punishing.

Finally, although it wouldn't entirely mesh with the current Capstone ability, a scaling Healing factor would feel a little more beneficial in conjunction with some magical resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage. After that I feel like it would seal this Order in perfection.
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Matthew M December 29, 2017 9:36 pm UTC
In that scenario, it is not optimal, hehe. There will (and should) be battles here and there that prey on your weaknesses. Even then, you are merely taking as much damage as anyone else would. However, most creatures and enemies you fight do not deal magical damage in melee, so the resistance is still on par with a perpetual Stoneskin spell. You still have other things at your disposal, or can step back to a less tankier role for that fight. As long as you stick to your foe, Bloodlust triggering will still be a minimal annoyance... or you can still bust out a crossbow in these circumstances and play keep-away.

Situationally, things will go wrong, but that's the balance to the Order. Enabling magical weapon resistance puts things on par with a Barbarian's Rage, which is unbalanced by offering an Archetype with near equal bonuses to a full class' bread and butter. Scaling the healing can begin to encroach on other abilities like the Fighter Champion's capstone. Most things here are meant to be helpful...See more
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Kyle B January 11, 2018 4:05 pm UTC
Hey Matt thought I responded already, guess I never pressed enter. Regardless, you definitely make really good points, this is only a subclass and Blood Hunter gives more abilities on top of what are already fun abilities. Although, I'd still lean on giving them Magic Resistance, due to personally dealing with that issue. I wouldn't do this to my party or a Blood Hunter Lycan in my game, but I, myself have been beset with a magic wielding foe at level three, once that particular GM found out he could circumvent the resistance with said Magic weapon. It was not enjoyable being crippled by a spiteful GM. But like I said that's the only reason I'm wary of the weakness! This Class and subclass are extremely near and dear to the wild and wolfish heart inside of me and I only want to see it in more games I run and play.

Regardless of at that, I can't wait till tomorrow! Gods help me if I see any of the Criters playing this class, I'm pretty sure my heart might explode! Lots of love Mat!
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Nathaniel A December 27, 2017 10:16 pm UTC
Question regarding the changes to Bloodlust: is there a design/thematic intent behind having the DC be based on the total damage taken and making a check at the start of your turn, as opposed to making a separate Bloodlust saving throw each time that you take damage? I like that it's more aligned with concentration checks, but I noticed that there's that particular difference between bloodlust and concentration checks and I was wondering if that was intentional.
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Matthew M December 28, 2017 12:00 am UTC
This was mostly to avoid the scenario where you'd have to make multiple saving throws throughout the rounds (as a melee class, you are liable to take more hits than most casting classes), and to increase the chance of Bloodlust occurring. It's a drawback that only really hits with poor positioning... if you are sticking close to an enemy, even going berserk equates to a round of attacks against a foe with no real drawback. It's just a little factor of hot potato to add to the battle. ;)
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Nathaniel A December 28, 2017 3:09 am UTC
Okay, I can dig that. It's definitely not a huge drawback, but it does feed into the idea of the feral therianthropy by allowing the damage to stack up and to wear down your general sense of control. That was a really artful choice: mechanically small, thematically big. I like it a lot!
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Gregers W January 03, 2018 10:28 pm UTC
@Matthew M I love the new concept, but I'm having trouble with the language. It says that the dc is 10 or half the damage taken from attacks, which implies spell damage and traps and hazards etc dont affect the dc (which I'm sure isn't the case, just wanting to be sure), and that the dc is half the damage that has been taken from attacks since your last turn, which implies damage taken on your turn doesn't affect the dc, which is different than how it was. Could you please clarify?
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Finn R February 25, 2018 7:32 pm UTC
This came up in our group as well, and I'm curious about the answer on if it is intended. The definition of "attack" in 5e is very clear-cut as "if you're making an attack roll, you're making an attack". Which means being Disintegrated or Fire Breath'd is only a minor annoyance in comparison to being hit with a magical sword. It does put things in the Bloodhunter's favor for maintaining control, but it also means that you may have to do more book-keeping as to tracking what damage came from attacks vs. what came from environmental or spell effects.
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