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Over 3,000 downloads!
If you've ever introduced new players to D&D, you've almost certainly heard this question during character creation:
"What's the difference between X class and Y class?"
The flavor text and illustrations in the PHB make that an easy question to answer for martial classes (at least for me). But it's a little harder to explain the nuances and roles of the... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 Player: "I listen at the door."
DM: "You hear a couple voices talking ... does anyone speak Goblin?"
Players: *searching sheet* "Nope."
DM: "Yeah you don't know what they're saying."
What if you, the DM, had a handy dandy cheat sheet that showed you at a quick glance your players' language proficiencies? Character flaws? Bonds and ideals? Passive Perception scores?... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 A 2-3 hour adventure for 5th level characters
(Click on “Full-size Preview” to view the entire product before purchasing. I am confident you will love what you see, and I appreciate your support!)
Plot Summary
An ancient shrine in the center of a small jungle island is filled with small, lifelike statues and ape-like monsters. Dangerous fruit and a deadly... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 From the minds of Marco Michelutto, Maximilian Hart, and Marc Anderson come
With this supplement, you won't have to brave the dangers of Eberron's Valenar in order to learn more about the elves that call it home.
Step into the saddles of the Valaes Tairn elves and the Siyal Marrain (Horse Watchers) and find:
- Two new subclasses: the Circle of the Horse Watcher for druids and... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
An original oneshot adventure designed for 4-5 5th level characters.
"... a tight, challenging adventure perfect to slot into a campaign or keeping in your pocket as a one shot ..."
Plot Summary
Every year, the small town of Whitetree has to sacrifice a child as tribute to a fiery salamander slaver, Zassan. The players must pursue the slaver, attempting to stop him... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |