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Whenever you need some exciting companions/NPCs to join your party, use one of these 14 unique characters!
Included are 14 pre-made NPCs with suggested settings for use, statblocks, backgrounds, voice suggestions, artwork, and personality... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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For when you want powerful spells and fighting prowess
The multi-classing rules in the PHB and DMG work well to create a jack of all trades, but master of none style character, but they don’t quite cut it for a character that wants to be 2 or 3 classes for their entire career.
Includes 32 pages of information for all standard PHB classes as well as several new feats to enhance the multi-classing... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
 Waste Not, Want Not!
The world-city of Ravnica is an exciting place, and one that can be confusing and dangerous to the uninitiated. While the city may stretch over the entire plane, it would be a mistake to assume that every part of it is civilized, or even that the civilized parts are particularly safe. At the heart of Ravnica, the one ever-present factor is the city’s ten guilds, which... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The Show Must Go On!
The world-city of Ravnica is an exciting place, and one that can be confusing and dangerous to the uninitiated. While the city may stretch over the entire plane, it would be a mistake to assume that every part of it is civilized, or even that the civilized parts are particularly safe. At the heart of Ravnica, the one ever-present factor is the city’s ten guilds, which... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Gruul Strong! Be Strong Like Gruul!
The world-city of Ravnica is an exciting place, and one that can be confusing and dangerous to the uninitiated. While the city may stretch over the entire plane, it would be a mistake to assume that every part of it is civilized, or even that the civilized parts are particularly safe. At the heart of Ravnica, the one ever-present factor is the city’s... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Knowledge is Power!
The world-city of Ravnica is an exciting place, and one that can be confusing and dangerous to the uninitiated. While the city may stretch over the entire plane, it would be a mistake to assume that every part of it is civilized, or even that the civilized parts are particularly safe. At the heart of Ravnica, the one ever-present factor is the city’s ten guilds, which... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Worship at the Altar of Greed!
The world-city of Ravnica is an exciting place, and one that can be confusing and dangerous to the uninitiated. While the city may stretch over the entire plane, it would be a mistake to assume that every part of it is civilized, or even that the civilized parts are particularly safe. At the heart of Ravnica, the one ever-present factor is the city’s ten guilds,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
All for One and One for All!
The world-city of Ravnica is an exciting place, and one that can be confusing and dangerous to the uninitiated. While the city may stretch over the entire plane, it would be a mistake to assume that every part of it is civilized, or even that the civilized parts are particularly safe. At the heart of Ravnica, the one ever-present factor is the city’s ten guilds,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Bring Law and Order to Ravnica!
The world-city of Ravnica is an exciting place, and one that can be confusing and dangerous to the uninitiated. While the city may stretch over the entire plane, it would be a mistake to assume that every part of it is civilized, or even that the civilized parts are particularly safe. At the heart of Ravnica, the one ever-present factor is the city’s ten guilds,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Be the Fist of Justice!
The world-city of Ravnica is an exciting place, and one that can be confusing and dangerous to the uninitiated. While the city may stretch over the entire plane, it would be a mistake to assume that every part of it is civilized, or even that the civilized parts are particularly safe. At the heart of Ravnica, the one ever-present factor is the city’s ten guilds, which... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
A League of Their Own!
The world-city of Ravnica is an exciting place, and one that can be confusing and dangerous to the uninitiated. While the city may stretch over the entire plane, it would be a mistake to assume that every part of it is civilized, or even that the civilized parts are particularly safe. At the heart of Ravnica, the one ever-present factor is the city’s ten guilds, which... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
A Vigean Institution!
The world-city of Ravnica is an exciting place, and one that can be confusing and dangerous to the uninitiated. While the city may stretch over the entire plane, it would be a mistake to assume that every part of it is civilized, or even that the civilized parts are particularly safe. At the heart of Ravnica, the one ever-present factor is the city’s ten guilds, which constantly... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Suggested Contribution: $1.95
Featured in Issue 7 of Dragon+ Magazine and Unearthed Arcana in the March 2016 Review by Mike Mearls and Chris Lindsay!
Unleash the power of blood magic.
Thanks for the support - we've expanded Blood Magic to provide Players and Game Masters with the following for thrilling play:
Blood Magic. A wizard tradition for 5th Edition. This product... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
 A new character background for use with Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition, The Jailer allows you to quickly craft a character who is a seasoned veteran at dealing with, or perhaps being, a criminal.
"You’ve participated in your fair share of bribes too, so you know when to take a good one and when to pass lest you wind you up dead. Running favors or turning your head... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 A new character background for use with Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition, The Undertaker brings a grim and great new way to really flesh out a character.
"You’ve spent a lot of time around cadavers. You possess unrivaled knowledge of the human anatomy and you’ve done your fair share of stitching flesh, draining blood, and making the gruesome look pristine.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 Circle of the Garden - A New Druidic Circle
Designed by Cameron Day, Original Art by Ruben Cardenas, with the Word Template by Laura Hirsbrunner, stat blocks from Monster Designer Jeffrey Fischer, and support from Trevor Armstrong of Grim Press
In times of unrest and natural disharmony,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
For many, the mention of a bard conjures the humble image of a jovial performer of story and song. A wry traveler plying their trade with strumming lutes, drinking songs, and humorous limericks for the road weary and battle-hardened in roadside inns and taverns across the world. Whether they be skilled musicians, masterful storytellers, keepers of lore, or skilled with the blade, bards (and their bardic... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
A fighter archetype that is a full caster focused on defensive and weapon based spells that aid their attacks.
Blending sword and blade smoothly into one. The Sword Mage is the epitome of fighting prowess aided and infused by magic.
This product includes:
Full Fighter archetype from level 3 to 20
Unique features that help blend spells into attacks and defense.
12 new spells that merge sword and... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Master the New Sublime Way
Inspired by the works of the Tome of Battle: Book of Nine Swords, Forged in Battle explores nine new martial disciplines from their inception to their current incarnations. Over 75 combat maneuvers utilize the Superiority die mechanic introduced from the Battle Master Fighter, along with... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
GIANTS presents a way to incorporate giants as player characters in your campaign world. Gain new insights to giants whether you run a giant-centered campaign, or run them as adversaries for your toughest PCs. Introducing the specialized class of runegraver---a unique perspective on how runes work, particular to giants. Includes over 170 runes, and hundreds of tattoos, totems, fetishes, and new... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Experience the Magic of the City of Guilds!
There are many things that make the world of Ravnica unique: its eccentric guilds, its sprawling cityscape, its plane-shifting residents, and more. To truly experience life in the City of Guilds, however, one must experience Ravnica’s unique and special brand of magic: make new friends out of old with Golgari germination, throw down a lightning... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 You Think You’ve Had It Tough?
There are many measures of a hero, but one of the most enduring is the question of what he or she has overcome. While this obviously applies to performing superhuman feats of cunning and might, those are the sorts of things that all adventurers do, and so it just isn’t that impressive. But there are other ways to overcome adversity. Not all... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 Backgrounds for Cultist Characters
There are many different reasons why someone might want to play a character with a background in a cult. It can provide story hooks that lead to interesting side quests, it can present moral quandaries when they are forced to choose between their past faith and their current mission, and it can simply serve to add an air of dark mystery to a character,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 Specific rules and guidelines for magical research and spell creation. Includes the processes of spell invention and magic item creation. Both systems are balanced for a mediumly high magic campaign.
"Hello, and welcome you individual with an inquisitive mind. Within these pages lies the general guidelines, tips, and necessities for research into the unknown secrets of reality on the continent... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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1 Player Character race
4 Subraces
3 unique magical items related to the race
Detailed history, lore, and cultural notes
Descended from an ancient king, cursed when his selfishness and ego angered a powerful deity, the lyncus live solitary lives in cities of stone and mud along a fertile, subtropical river basin. Equal parts natural,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Unleash the true power of the Tarokka Deck!
This product provides Players and Game Masters with the following for thrilling play:
New rules to expand the use of the Tarokka Deck into your game.
An alternative to the inspiration system using Tarokka cards.
Rules how to implement despair and morale using Tarokka cards.
FEEDBACK: This... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Chosen of the Gods is a player and DM resource detailing the Chosen of the Forgotten Realms - mortals selected to fulfill the will of the gods. Rules, Inspiration, Feats, and Roleplaying Details for 50 different Chosen of Faerûn.
- "Follow me!" The Chosen of Torm, the Loyal Fury, cries out at the head of the battle line. His sword blazes with golden light as his warhorse rears.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Heroes of the Realms: 13 subclasses, plus feats, variant class features, new race options, and more, all drawn from and woven into the lore of the Forgotten Realms!
Note: This is the PDF product. If you would like to purchase the Fantasy Grounds version, click here.
Many new subclasses and other player... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 The lone half-elf huddled behind the battle-scarred column, desperately trying to fend off the barrage of arrows from the enemy. A quick glance revealed their location, clustered together in the battlements. A well-timed explosion should alleviate the pressure on the reinforcements. With a frantic hand, a small orb-like device was retrieved from the half-elf's satchel, a quick incantation and he... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The Sucron is a new playable Race for 5e, it is intended for younger audiences and more light-hearted campaigns, but it can fit into any setting with the DMs permission.
Sucrons are golems made of candy, the final step to animate them is to attach a lost soul to them, this process makes sucrons a very flexible race, because lost souls tend to be from various alignments and class orientations. ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
ALSO AVAILABLE FOR FANTASY GROUNDS: This page is for the PDF product; if you are looking for the Fantasy Grounds version - click here.
Like the approaching footsteps of an old foe you could never quite defeat, echoes of the Last War resound through the streets of Sharn. If peace is to be more than a fleeting dream, the people of this shattered realm need heroes...
Designed... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
An old favorite returns renewed and reborn for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. Adventuring is a dangerous profession. No matter how skilled, even the best can fall. It requires determination, some know-how, and a keen mind to navigate the perils of the world.
The Factotum is a complete class for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, inspired by the original class featured in D&D 3rd Edition's Dungeonscape,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 Legends say they were bears transmuted into humans by the gods, and the tales that claim to know why are too many to tell tonight. They came to this land from a place they call “the lost wilds,” which may exist only in dreams and memory tonight, if it ever existed. Now, these people are known as bjorhon and they roam the land as adventurers, struggling to understand and balance the... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Even cooks go on adventures sometimes!
A chef must forge their culinary path, discovering new cuisine and techniques along with finding rare ingredients. Most importantly, practice makes perfect, and what better test subjects than your friends around a campfire.
The Gastronome is a complete class for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. The class was inspired by notable chef celebrities, with... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Heroes of Icewind Dale features 13 subclasses, variant class features for every class, new spells, and new feats for your Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign or any other game set in in arctic lands or dangerous frontiers!
Steeped in lore and brimming with flavorful character options, this player's companion provides new... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Apathetic to Abjuration? Tired of Transmutation? Bored of Bladesinging and disinterested in Divination? Well have I got the school of magic that's right for you: Explosion Magic!
An extremely focused school of magic, specialising in one very specific ability: to create explosions of unparalleled and devastating destructive force. While it may seem eccentric, impractical, or inconvenient to some; Explosion... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
 Contained within these pages are three archetypes focused on war and battle. The Barbarian Path of the Untamed Dervish moves with untrained grace, moving through hordes of enemies and cutting them in a brutal dance of bloodshed. This archetype focuses on using two light weapons and constant movement to inflict the most pain to their enemies.
The Fighter Martial Archetype of the Draconic Scion focuses... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Behold the Juiblexian, a race of sentient oozes inspired your favorite oozes and slimes such as gelatinous cubes, black puddings, the oblex (Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes), and even living spells from Eberron.
You get three subraces and four racial feats:
Corrosive - inspired by gelatinous cubes, this juiblexian is... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Players Guide to Gith is just you need to bring a githyanki or githzerai character to life, including racial traits, new feats, psionics, and expanded bonds. Here, you'll find everything from zerths to red dragon riders to silver swords.
If you're looking for a great new adventure, check out The Pristine City!
If you're looking for more monsters, check out Tome of Templates... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The Ancestral Guidance archetype focuses on the bond a ranger has with the legends of their past. Ancient long-dead relatives provide guidance in difficult situations, and honoring them brings honor to oneself. The connection with the realm of the dead grants the ranger new abilities, the ancestor helping to protect the ranger from the dangers of the world.
Contact me at: Twitter:... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
The Diwata will be free to try for self-distancing!
(Normally priced at $1.99)
After this virus has finally been defeated by the amazing doctors and pharmaceutical scientists of the world, if you want to support me in return then come back and purchase it as a gift for someone else to spread the love!
Check me out on YouTube, and subscribe if you're looking for more D&D content.
The Diwata... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Cet ouvrage de 21 pages est conçu comme un guide pour les joueurs voulant incarner le clerc nain du kit d’initiation La Mine Oubiiée de Phancreux. C’est le supplément idéal pour un joueur novice ou expérimenté qui souhaite plus de contenu sur ce personnage.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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One DM's attempt to bring the Ranger out of shadow of every other class, while returning its old identity as a combat class with a deep toolkit.
This class is the opinion of a single DM, you should take it with a grain of salt. I don't believe the Ranger is as bad as it is often talked about. The class is almost where it needs to be, but falls short in a couple very major ways. Anything I say on this... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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Killer Classes — Marvelous Avenging Heroes takes inspiration from a certain super team of heroes from the world of comic books and film, the avengers of the world, the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes, and reimagines them as subclasses for the 5th edition of Dungeons & Dragons.
Within its pages, you will find:
5 new subclasses, including the Shieldslinger Artificer, and the Path of the Green Goliath... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Welcome to the Candlekeep Cluefinders’ Compendium, a collection of tips, tricks, and lore for would-be investigators and amateur sleuths.
Within it’s pages, players will find everything they need to create their own investigator characters, while DMs will find the tools necessary to construct mystery scenarios for their adventures and campaigns.
The Candlekeep Cluefinders’ Compendium contains:... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Between dragon attacks, goblin invasions, and evil necromantic cults, everyone needs an opportunity to unwind and relax. Festivals, Feasts & Fairs is designed to turn your “pleasant downtime” into a fully interactive experience.
In this book you'll find...
Carnival games & competitive activities...
Two new player backgrounds, the Carnie and the Mummer...
New mundane and... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
In this work, spells are presented that will not only last until dispelled but are predators as well if uncontrolled. Created by powerful magicians those spells scourge the lands and could be used as plot-hooks as well. Maybe you've heard stories about mystical happenings in the woods or mountains or even an undead carriage offering rides to villagers.
Living Spells contains 22 new spells and descriptions... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 This is the german version of the Phoenix Soul Sorcerer!
Die erste Version der Phönix-Seelenzauberei wurde in der Unearthed Arcana Serie von Wizard of the Coast veröffentlicht. Die Klasse war zu abhängig von der Fähigkeit des Flammenmantels, die nur einmal verwendet werden konnte. Dieses Produkt stellt den Ursprung des Zauberer neu dar und entkoppelt die Mechanik des... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
!["18 Archetypes Bundle by Nicolas "Zehus" L" [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/377456-thumb140.png)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
"4 Warlock Subclasses : Pact of the Archolemental" Regular price: $0.99 Bundle price: $0.38 Format: PDF
Warlock - Archoelementals Patrons
Archoelementals are powerful, unique elemental creatures, who often represent the Good and Evil sides of a given elemental energy. They are said to be among the... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$15.47 $5.95
Warlock - Archoelementals Patrons
Archoelementals are powerful, unique elemental creatures, who often represent the Good and Evil sides of a given elemental energy. They are said to be among the most powerful elemental creatures in existence, each the master of great armies of elemental creatures, and each in control of great swaths of their elemental homeland.
You have promised to help your patron... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |