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Eberron Archetypes: Heroes of the Five Nations

Eberron Archetypes: Heroes of the Five Nations

ALSO AVAILABLE FOR FANTASY GROUNDS: This page is for the PDF product; if you are looking for the Fantasy Grounds version - click here. Like the approaching footsteps of an old foe you could never quite defeat, echoes of the Last War resound through the streets of Sharn. If peace is to be more than a fleeting dream, the people of this shattered realm need heroes... Designed...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.95

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The Blackstaff's Treasury of Items

The Blackstaff's Treasury of Items

The Blackstaff’s Treasury of Items-- NOW UPDATED with a whole new chapter on Infernal War Machines (as introduced in Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus)-- is a massive collection of over 250 magic items, from the creators behind such titles as The Blackstaff's Book of 1000 Spells, The Blackstaff's Tome of Wizardry, Elminster's Candlekeep Companion, Faiths of the Forgotten...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.95

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Dragonmark Heirs I: An Eberron NPC Portfolio

Dragonmark Heirs I: An Eberron NPC Portfolio

Welcome to Dragonmark Heirs volume 1, an NPC portfolio for the 5th edition ruleset of Dungeons and Dragons. A trio of NPCs are presented here for integration in the world of Eberron, all tied to a different Dragonmarked house. They all have 3 stat blocks, for the NPCs to grow with your player characters. These are all exceptional individuals, and may serve as nemeses or potential short term allies....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.50

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WE-1: Red Dawn

WE-1: Red Dawn

The year is 1019 YK, and the world is ending. Twenty-three years ago, the nations that were once Galifar signed the Treaty of Thronehold and ended the Last War.  Now, the drums of war rumble once again.  The peace that lasted a generation is threatened, and Eberron may go to war once again. As a member of the Scions of the Second Dawn, a secretive order dedicated to studying...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $8.99

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100 Bard Songs

100 Bard Songs

What is the name of the song that this bard is playing? Use this d100 list to randomly generate a song title and what the song might be about. This is useful for roleplaying situations and anyone who is thinking of playing a character who plays a musical instrument! ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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100 Feywild Encounters

100 Feywild Encounters

The Feywild is a magical storybook land where nothing is ever as it seems. Use this list to generate one hundred different mystical encounters your players will experience while exploring the Feywild.  ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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100 Scam Magic Items

100 Scam Magic Items

Within your fantasy game, you might have a sleazy merchant trying to make some quick gold off of unsuspecting adventurers. The merchant sets up shop with the guise that these are incredible magic items and not cheap imitations. Use these scam magic items to really get under your player’s skin! ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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107 Magic Item Menagerie: Volumes I-IV Finder's Tables

107 Magic Item Menagerie: Volumes I-IV Finder's Tables

Animancy Press Featuring 100% Handmade Art! Magic Item Menagerie now has rollable finder's tables complete with a mundane item table for those magical items which are disquised, rolling guides, identifier codes, and short descriptions that won't give away the item's magical nature unless it's obviously magical. Includes rollable tables for each rarity of magic item. Includes 9 handmade digital drawings/paintings....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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2024 UA Artificer - Abilities, Items and Spells (2025 Forge of the Artificer)

2024 UA Artificer - Abilities, Items and Spells (2025 Forge of the Artificer)

Excited for the upcoming Forge of the Artificer update? Me too! I decided to demonstrate how my Generic Action and Feature pocket-size handouts could be used to create assets for an entire class using the new UA 2024 Artificer! This release is a Kickstarter-style experiment, depending on the amount of interest I will add more: Currently all actionable class and subclass abilities,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $7.00

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2024 UA Artificer - Abilities, Items and Spells (2025 Forge of the Artificer) [blank version]

2024 UA Artificer - Abilities, Items and Spells (2025 Forge of the Artificer) [blank version]

Excited for the upcoming Forge of the Artificer update? Me too! I decided to demonstrate how my Generic Action and Feature pocket-size handouts could be used to create assets for an entire class using the new UA 2024 Artificer! This is the pay-what-you-want version free of art and AI-generated anything. There is also a paid version with graphics. Features - 43.5...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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2024 Update Bundle - New and Missing Spells, Artificer [BUNDLE]

2024 Update Bundle - New and Missing Spells, Artificer [BUNDLE]

This special bundle product contains the following titles. 2024 UA Artificer - Abilities, Items and Spells (2025 Forge of the Artificer) Regular price: $7.00 Bundle price: $4.00 Format: PDF Excited for the upcoming Forge of the Artificer update? Me too! I decided to demonstrate how my Generic Action and Feature pocket-size handouts could be used to create assets...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $20.50 $15.00

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25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume I

25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume I

Animancy Press Features 100% Handmade Art! Now a Silver Best Seller! Magic Item Menagerie: Volume I has gotten a layout update, new and original artwork, and other minor revisions to celebrate its entry onto the best seller's list. It is packed with 25 mystery provoking, must have magic items for dms and players alike. This is the first in the Magic Item Menagerie series to recieve an updated layout,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume II

25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume II

Animancy Press Features 100% Handmade Art! Magic Item Menagerie: Volume II is packed with 30 mystery provoking, must have magic items for dms and players alike and includes equestrian accessories, tools, trinkets, orbs, extradimensional spaces, a new cantrip, and more! Please check out the rest of the Magic Item Menagerie titles including the best selling Magic...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $5.00

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25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume III

25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume III

Animancy Press Magic Item Menagerie: Volume III is packed with 25 mystery provoking, must have magic items for dms and players alike and includes mirrors, orbs, animal handling accessories, clothing items, spell foci, armor, and a bonus cantrip! Please check out the rest of the Magic Item Menagerie titles including the best selling Magic Item Menagerie Vol I! Haddri's Armor Alternatives: Volume...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume IV

25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume IV

Animancy Press Features 100% Bespoke Handmade & Ethically Created Art! The fourth installment of Magic Item Menagerie; Volume IV is here and is packed with 25 mystery provoking, must have magic items for dms and players alike and includes armor, bracelets, breaking sticks, an upgraded version of the vial of faerie fog, clothing items, spell foci, orbs, a bonus spell that you can learn from an...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume V

25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume V

Animancy Press The fifth installment of Magic Item Menagerie is here! Packed with 25 premium magic items, 4 new spells, the Cambion Noble and the Swarm of Cats, Magic Item Menagerie Volume V continues where its predecessors left off! Please check out the rest of the Magic Item Menagerie titles including the best selling Magic Item Menagerie Vol I! Haddri's Armor Alternatives: Volume - I | II...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume VI

25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume VI

Animancy Press Magic Item Menagerie: Volume VI from Animancy Press introduces 27 new adventure starting magic items from Animancy Press including Cloaks and Daggers of Kurtulmak, Gloves of the Brute, the Pocket Dragon Egg, the Ring of Ruckus, the Seashell Wand, the Tomb of Spirits, three new bestiary entries, three Animancy Press orignal spells and more! Please check out the rest of the Magic Item...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume VII

25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume VII

Animancy Press Magic Item Menagerie: Volume VII from Animancy Press introduces 25 new magic items from Animancy Press including ammunition of blasting (types I & II), the blasting orb, the choker of involuntary control, the cloak of dark horizons, a new bestiary entry for a Wight Deathlord, an original Animancy Press spell and more! Please check out the rest of the Magic Item Menagerie titles...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume VIII

25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume VIII

Animancy Press Featuring 100% Handmade Art Magic Item Menagerie: Volume VIII from Animancy Press introduces 25 new magic items from the Animancy Press Catalogue including the Amulet of Stored Victories, the Arcane Adaptation Robe, the Beating Heart, and the Illusionist's Pendant, among others. Also included are two original Animancy Press spells and twenty pieces of art, many new! Please check out...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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30 Archetypes for Eberron

30 Archetypes for Eberron

In this collection, we present a total of 30 archetypes that are inspired by Eberron Campaign Setting, and they can be used with all established and homebrew campaign settings and adventures with little changes. Have fun using these diverse archetypes! If you want to see a sample of our products: 100 Random Encounters for Spelljammer Adventures (Pay What You Want) In this collection,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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5 Magewright Backgrounds (Rev + Exp) Vol I

5 Magewright Backgrounds (Rev + Exp) Vol I

Animancy Press Featuring 100% Handmade Art! Magewright Backgrounds Vol I (Revised & Expanded) is here and contains 3x the content compared to the initial release. Each background has received an overhaul of their background spell list and now includes rollable tables to help you learn more about your characters in a pinch or during character creation! Also included are expansive options for skill...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $7.99

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5 Magewright Backgrounds: Volume I

5 Magewright Backgrounds: Volume I

Animancy Press Magewrights are occupational mages, dedicated to enhancing mundane activities with their magic as well as a study of related spells. Did your character's background occupation involve casting spells for money? Did they work their way through magic school? Did your character get their start as a Deck Wizard's Apprentice? How about a Field Research Assistant (Curricumancer's Research Assistant)...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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5 Magewright Backgrounds: Volume II

5 Magewright Backgrounds: Volume II

Animancy Press Featuring 100% Handmade Art Magic is an everpresent staple of our fantasy worlds and many in them are assumed to be magical practitioners, so why not have backgrounds representing this feature of gameplay? Included are five magewright backgrounds complete with spell lists from cantrips to 5th level spells, optional background feats, and new background spells. Does your character come...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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5 Magewright Backgrounds: Volume III

5 Magewright Backgrounds: Volume III

Animancy Press Featuring 100% Handmade Art Bundle this Title Magewright Backgrounds: Volume III is the third installment of the best selling metal ranked Magewright Backgrounds series from Animancy Press. Is your character a Cult Prospector, always on the lookout for new converts by whatever means neccessary? Perhaps your character is a shady undertaker always on the lookout to increase their 'workforce,'...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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5 Magewright Backgrounds: Volume IV

5 Magewright Backgrounds: Volume IV

Animancy Press Features 100% Handmade Art Did your character get their start as a Magewright Apothecary? How about a Magewright Herald who delivered local current events and the like? Or perhaps you were a Magewright Page who delivered packages and messages? Maybe you were a Magewright Scribe for a rich and powerful wizard or lord? Perhaps you kept a tavern as a Magewright? This package includes 5...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $5.00

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5 Magewright Backgrounds: Volume V

5 Magewright Backgrounds: Volume V

Animancy Press Featuring 100% Handmade Art Magewright Backgrounds Volume V is here and features a new section containing suggestions for NPC and player magewrights; including a magewright rate card, availability table, a section on players, rivals, and mentors, as well as a section including rules for learning spells from magewrights. Use it to add granularity to your Eberron Campaign, or add it to...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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5 Magewright Backgrounds: Volume VI

5 Magewright Backgrounds: Volume VI

Animancy Press Magewright Backgrounds Volume VI from Animancy Press brings the Arcane Acrobat, Arcane Gladiator, Arcane Mason, the Governmage, and the Messagemage to your fantastic worlds, be it Eberron, Strixhaven, Ravnica, Dragonlance, or another world. Magewrights can be found in all of them. Breath fire as an Arcane Acrobat, get a weapon and armor proficiency as an Arcane Gladiator, use your reaction...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $7.99

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50 Aberration Plot Hooks

50 Aberration Plot Hooks

Easily introduce aberrations into your campaign! This product contains quick, simple plot hooks and adventure ideas for every common 5e aberration, and some more obscure ones, for every tier of play....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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5E Automatic Effects - Eberron Rising from the Last War (Fantasy Grounds)

5E Automatic Effects - Eberron Rising from the Last War (Fantasy Grounds)

Instantly add effects for all class features, racial traits, feats, items, and monster traits found in Eberron: Rising from the Last War 5E Automatic Effects is a series of modules to aid Game Masters and Players by automatically adding coding effects in the 5e D&D ruleset on the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop platform. These modules pre-build all possible custom and spell...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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5MWD Presents: Spellscars

5MWD Presents: Spellscars

5 Minute Workday Presents: Spellscars Become warped by the chaotic magic of the spellplague The spellplague resulted from the death of Mystra and breaking of the Weave, which caused waves of blue fire to roll across the Forgotten Realms, burning and twisting those touched by the uncontrolled magic. Those who survived exposure to the spellplague found themselves altered. They gained spellscars....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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A Blademark's Guide to the Last War

A Blademark's Guide to the Last War

Scribed by Tasker d'Sivis from the dictation of a Deneith blademark who wishes to remain anonymous. This guide provides an inside look at some of the various types of men and women, various types of soldiers that the blademark encountered on the battlefields of the Last War, both as allies and as enemies. Each page is chock-full of information for players to use to create characters in tune with the...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.99

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A Call to Action! Robust Rules for Action Points in 5th Edition

A Call to Action! Robust Rules for Action Points in 5th Edition

Do you need more action in your life? Have you ever needed to push your luck so you can score an attack? Have you ever needed to twist your blade to slay your foes? Have you ever needed to push yourself to dash and dive out of the way of a fireball blast? You just might need action points! Action points have been a staple of D&D since 2004 with the first publication of the Eberron...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.49

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A Crimson Carol

A Crimson Carol

A Crimson Carol a Holidanger Adventure and an Eberron Salvage Mission   Ebon’ezar ir’Scrüge, a mean and heartless corpse dealer, has decided to shed the last of his humanity by becoming an everlasting lich. His sole employee, the warforged Ratchet, is afraid of being sacked if his boss become a tireless undead creature capable of working without rest. The adventurers...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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A Darkness from the Stars

A Darkness from the Stars

Descend into the Starpeaks in A Darkness from the Stars, a mystery adventure set in Eberron. This 3-5 hour one-shot, built for characters levels 4-6, is sprinkled with Eberron’s celestial lore, bringing you a mystical adventure for Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition. When the researchers of the Starpeaks Observatory are put in danger by a creature nesting under the mountains, the characters...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.99

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A Feyling: An Archfey Legacy

A Feyling: An Archfey Legacy

Animancy Press The Feyling Featuring 100% Handmade Art The Feyling is a creature of the feywild often resembling a fairy or pixie in both appearance and deed. It is said that they are wished into existence by powerful archfey to serve as protectors of a particular forest feature such as a stream, waterfall, pond, or an ancient tree.  “...wherever the Feyling stays their gaze, flowers do blaze...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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A Guide to Candlekeep Mysteries

A Guide to Candlekeep Mysteries

Looking to play Candlekeep Mysteries as a campaign? Just trying to spice the adventures up? Or are you looking to run them in Eberron? Then A Guide to Candlekeep Mysteries has got your back! This 60-page guide includes an overarching storyline to link the adventures together, "character ties" to help players make connections to the campaign world during character creation, tips...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.99

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A Impling: a Tiefling of Imp Origins

A Impling: a Tiefling of Imp Origins

Animancy Press Features 100% Handmade Art "Sometimes appreciated, sometimes not, in good times you float silently about the sneaky one's shoulder identifying their finds as they pilfer about, guiding their actions through your soft telepathic whispers. In tough times, you float behind the big tough one, telling the oaf how to protect you." The Impling is an imp themed tiefling who can float...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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A Keye Without A Locke

A Keye Without A Locke

“Never steal from a Boromar, unless you’re eager to see what’s beneath Sharn’s clouds.” “A Keye without a Locke” is an adventure for 5th-level characters that takes place in the dramatic world of Eberron. This adventure can focus on roleplaying, problem-solving, or combat: depending on how they want to try and save Locke.  This adventure was made possible by the 2020...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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A Kobolds Guide to Awesome Ores

A Kobolds Guide to Awesome Ores

The purpose of this supplement is simple: it adds 20 new metals and ores that you can use to enhance and improve both basic non-magical weapons and also their magical variants. Each of the metals listed here can be used as weapon and armour variants in the same way as you would use something like the hellfire weapon variant or the Mithral armour variant. Each metal/ore has one trait associated with...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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A Looming Darkness

A Looming Darkness

Long ago, there were 13 dragonmarks in Eberron. The 13th mark, the Mark of Death was destroyed alongside the entirety of House Vol when both dragons and elves worked together to kill every bearer of the mark. The disappearance of the Mark of Death has left many people on the continent of Khorvaire curious about the powers it possessed, and many seek to recreate the mark for their own purposes. Rumors...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.00

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A Oni: a Giant Tiefling Legacy

A Oni: a Giant Tiefling Legacy

Animancy Press Fly, change your appearance, and become large sized with this fiendish giant inspired by the monster of the same name from the monster manual and japanese folklore. Included in this package is the Oni ancestry, and several feats, some exclusive to the Oni and others open to other tiefling legacies. Thanks for visiting, ratings and reviews are greatly appreciated! Ancestries     ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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A Scandal In Sharn

A Scandal In Sharn

Iago d'Jorasco made a mistake twenty years ago. He thought he buried that secret, hid it behind a beautiful family and admirable job. However, he's worried that someone will soon reveal that secret, and he's taken drastic steps to preserve his idyllic life.  And someone hired the party to stop him and rescue a dinosaur.   Sharn Nights Detective Serial No. 1: A Scandal in Sharn...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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A Vampire: A Legacy of Blood

A Vampire: A Legacy of Blood

Animancy Press Featuring 100% Handmade Art Animancy Press presents a unique take on Vampires in this supplement for 5th Edition D&D, where you curse the day, but can still walk in it, are created by a dark and sacred ritual which binds you in service to your creator, hunger for blood (hit dice), shapeshift, become invisible, and work various magical effects from the blood that you consume!  Thanks...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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A Vampire: A Legacy of Blood (Handmade)

A Vampire: A Legacy of Blood (Handmade)

Animancy Press The Animancy Press Vampire has received an Art and Layout Overhaul! Presented in this supplement, is a unique take on Vampire player characters for 5th Edition D&D, where you curse the day, but can still walk in it, are created by a dark and sacred ritual which binds you in service to your creator, hunger for the blood (hit dice) of humanoids, shapeshift, become invisible, and can...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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A Whisper In Your Mind

A Whisper In Your Mind

When you hear a faint whisper in your head of an urgent plea for help will you answer the call? What if answering puts you all at risk? What rules and laws exist in the Mournland mists? A Four hour Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 7. A Whisper In Your Mind is an Eberron: Oracle of War salvage mission for Tier 2 characters that can be completed in approximately 4 hours. It...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.99

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Aberrant Tieflings

Aberrant Tieflings

Tieflings are traditionally demonic. However, Eberron isn't a very traditional place. While the great corrupting forces of the Forgotten Realms are the likes of Asmodeus and Orcus, Eberron is safely guarded from the influence of these evils by the work of Siberys, Eberron, and Khyber. No, Eberron isn't tainted by the wrath of fiends. Eberron is tainted by the will of Daelkyr. And thus, the aberrant...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Aberrant-Marked Human Criminal Battlemaster Fighter

Aberrant-Marked Human Criminal Battlemaster Fighter

Do you have an upcoming Eberron game starting soon, and you don't have the time to create a character? Do you want to keep a back-up character in case you (or your players) unexpectedly die? Then this product is for you! Karine lived a happy life before she manifested an aberrant dragonmark and everyone she knew turned against her. She became part of a secret team run by the King's Citadel, and was...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Academies of Eberron

Academies of Eberron

Academies of Eberron: A collection of subclasses from Eberron's finest institutions New "Strixclasses" using the design from the now defunct Mages of Strixhaven Unearthed Arcana! What you'll find inside:  8 total subclasses  4 subclasses for Paladins 2 subclasses for Artificer 2 subclasses for Fighter 2 subclasses for Wizard 2 subclasses for Ranger 1 subclass for Warlock 1...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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Academies of Eberron: Addendum

Academies of Eberron: Addendum

Academies of Eberron: Addendum, a collection of additional "Strixclasses", using the design from the now defunct Mages of Strixhaven Unearthed Arcana! What you'll find inside:  Dragonmarked Adept: a subclass for sorcerers, warlocks, and wizards with a Dragonmark Gatekeeper Hunter: a demon/abberation slayer subclass for fighters and barbarians Talenta Plainsrider: a dinosaur...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.99

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AD&D5E: The Human

AD&D5E: The Human

Redesign of the Human race and its variants. Humans are supposed to be adaptable. Every edition of D&D says so, but nobody has ever laid out exactly what that means, until now. Humans from different environmental regions all have additional features based on their homeland environments. Also included are the human variant redesigns: - Faerûn: Yuan-ti Transformed Human - Eberron: Dragonmarked...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.70

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