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 Agrettanui! The titanic dragon turtle with a town built on its back has made the transit from the Sword Coast to the Shining Sea and back for longer than any now remember. Aboard it travel all manner of passengers, from haughty aristocrats to the humblest of stowaways.
The jungles of Chult welcome you! Looking for a vacation that’s hot in more ways than one? Join us for an unforgettable excursion... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
On the Rock of Bral the dohwar of the Silver Beak merchant cartel are feeling the squeeze as the mercane are moving in on their turf. To make matters worse a recent raid by vampirates has resulted in the loss of the secret production facilities for their most lucrative trade commodity, sweet honeyfish mooncakes. With time running out the dohwar require adventurers with a particular set of skills to... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Festive D&D Fifth Edition One-Shot for 3rd-Level Characters
This winter solstice, the elite of the sprawling city of Baldur’s Gate are throwing a soiree at the gleaming trade spire, Platomi Nakaza. Sure, dark forces are in motion, but aren’t they always? As a weary adventurer returning from the wilds, you’re just looking forward to an evening of posh nibbles, corporate luxury and chitchat.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Your Descent Into Hell
Isn't Done Yet
This is the digital and print on demand versions of Hellbound Heists. If you are looking for the Fantasy Grounds module - click here.
Nine layers of Hell, nine heists, and the odds aren't in your favor. Explore each layer as a separate adventure or tie them all together for one hellish campaign.
Featuring... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Bring Your Jungle Campaign to Life!
Six short adventures to supplement your exploration of the jungles of Chult!
These six fun adventures feature interesting challenges highlighting the dangers of the jungle. Each scenario is easy to drop into Tomb of Annihilation or any wilderness campaign.
Includes the following adventures:
Tavern Trouble - With a mysterious curse upon... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Three Body Problem
Dawn of Ruin Trilogy
Three corpses have appeared in gruesome manners across the dock districts of Neverwinter. Rising cult activity is a tide of ill-omen. Lord Protector of Neverwinter calls on heroic adventurers to join the Neverwinter Criminal Investigative Services, to root out these cultists that now linger. 4-Hour Adventure. Optimised for APL 8.
By Cameron... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 Regular adventures available in discounted form as a bundle - or with the Roll20 versions to get everything!
The relentless bustle of Waterdhavian trade screeches to a halt when letters and words disappear from scrolls and books. As illegible contracts in the City of Splendors kindle an outcry of dissolved... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Neverdeath Nights
Dawn of Ruin Trilogy
“In the depths of Neverdeath, the boundary between life and death is as thin as the mist that shrouds its tombs.”
Rising cult activity is a tide of ill-omen. Lord Protector of Neverwinter calls on heroic adventurers to root out these cultists infesting the catacombs deep beneath the Neverdeath Graveyard once and for all. Learn the secrets... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Waterdeep, the City of Splendors. Within these pages you will find two dozen unique shops, restaurants, and other places of interest for your adventures in the Crown of the North.
20 unique locations! Restaurants, taverns, inns, shops, and more. Fill your version of Waterdeep with life and intrigue!
Includes drink menus, plot hooks, and curated shop inventories.
Every location includes... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Eldritch Eye Wide Shut
Dawn of Ruin Trilogy
Rising cult activity is a tide of ill-omen. Lord Protector of Neverwinter calls on heroic adventurers to root out these cultists that now linger, hidden in Neverwinter high society.
Optimized for APL 8.
By Cameron Pearce & Steven Truong
CONTENT ADVISORY: This adventure contains themes of Animal Cruelty, Body Horror (Blood,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Fantasy Grounds Conversion Available Now!
BUNDLE ALERT: Save $2 off this product by purchasing it with one of the following bundles.
Replay Dragon Heist
Dragon Heist for Dungeon Masters
Fantasy Grounds Conversion Bundle
Waterdeep Adventure Seeds
Waterdeep Patron Resources... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Looking to play Candlekeep Mysteries as a campaign? Just trying to spice the adventures up? Or are you looking to run them in Eberron?
Then A Guide to Candlekeep Mysteries has got your back!
This 60-page guide includes an overarching storyline to link the adventures together, "character ties" to help players make connections to the campaign world during character creation, tips... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Prologue to the Lost Mine of Phandelver.
Story Overview
On a chilly autumn night, a brittle copper lantern hangs from a pirate hook as it squeaks and rattles swaying in the dock-side breeze. The adventurers meet at Neverwinter’s most questionable tavern, The Old Lantern. This place serves anything it can get its hand on, locally and afar. Known for its cheap drink and heavy... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Dragonbowl is a setting and pulp action adventure in one. It plunges a party into a rich festival scenario that revolves around a deadly gladiatorial contest, where the dangers they face in the arena are almost secondary to those they encounter in the murky criminal underworld they find themselves in: a world that stinks of corruption, human trafficking,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
"Just finished this delightful modular addition to Keys from the Golden Vault - The Incredible Balloon Bamboozle! If you're looking for a thrilling adventure set on a blimp, with shenanigans galore and a Beholder ready to ruin your day, check it out!" The Geekly Grind.
What is The Incredible Balloon Bamboozle?
The Incredible Balloon Bamboozle... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The Shining Seas Mercantile League’s presence throughout the Border Kingdoms, and especially on the Lake of Steam, is too much to bear.
To fight back, and earn some coin, you have chosen to join Captain Blackblade’s growing pirate gang.
Your first task is to travel a short way down the coast to secure a much-needed harbor for the expanding fleet.
Part One of the Pirates of the Border Kingdoms... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Detailed Battle Maps for Affair on the Concordant Express in Keys from the Golden Vault!
**Now with Animated Terrain! Comes with MP4 files of moving ground.**
Ground Train (80x16)
Flying Train (80x16)
Ground Train (124x16)
Flying Train (124x16)
Animated Ground (80x16)
Each Train Car and Roof included as individual assets!
This allows you to configure the... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Cruel Summer is an extension to Waterdeep:Dragon Heist which continues the Summer story arc and the tale of the Cassalanters, with lots of emphasis on mystery solving, investigation and intrigue.
After the Cassalanter's Founders' Day celebration ends in death and destruction,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 Note: Vehicle name spoilers for Baldur’s Gate: Descent to Avernus in the description.
Your Devil’s Ride’s engine screams underneath you as you quickly look over your shoulder, the Tormentor filled with Bearded Devils gaining ground. As the gap closes, the devil driving grins madly, gunning the engine to overtake you. The grin disappears in a cloud of shrapnel as you activate your... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
A Spellbook of Wild Magic has been stolen and unleashed, adventurers are gathered to recover the artefact before it reaches those with sinister intentions.
An Official Mistbourne Dungeoncraft Adventure written by the Melbourne DDAL community for the D&D Adventurers League.
This adventure is an inciting incident in the Protectors of the Weave Saga.
A Two-Hour Adventure for... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Genies! Lovers! Monsters! Assassins! Fire! It's all here!
"Midnight in the City of Brass is possibly one of the best modules we’ve read, and may be in the running for 'best module of the year'. We are rating it 5 Stars [out of 5] and giving it a Must Have!" - Ryan Langr of Realmwarp Media
"The best adventure I've played in years!"... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
A sunken ruin deep beneath the bay of Mulmaster holds the key to unraveling the Cult of Glaugrax’s nefarious plans. Dare you brave danger and duplicity to plumb its depths?
Part 2 of The Neverdusk Trilogy.
A Two-to-Four Hour Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 8.
The Sequel to Ooze There?, an ENnie Awards 2019 nominee in the Best Organized Play category!... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
When an important artifact is stolen from the Chultan Historical Society, tensions rise between rival merchant princes vying for control. As agents of one of these princes, it falls to a group of unlikely heroes to track down the thief and recover the priceless artifact. Will they navigate the treacherous political landscape and escape with their lives, or find themselves in the torture chamber... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Security detail at Wildspace’s largest merchant convention seemed like an easy gig. That was until the dreaded Red Flag Fleet attacked and the lives of the dohwar of the Silver Beak Cartel were thrown into chaos! Can you catch the ruthless vampirates and stop Dread Captain Yi before it’s too late?
A Spelljammer Dungeoncraft Adventure... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
There's a mega-bounty on the Macguffin, and a gang of pirates is en-route to claim it — but not if you can steal it from them first!
Part 1 of the Suncorp's Bounty series.
A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 2 characters. Optimized for APL 8.
Fire Thieves has your PCs infiltrating the Sunkiller, the infamous pirate ship crewed by the Crack of Dawn. The goal is... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
As the Red War rages and Mulmaster burns, the Cult of Glaugrax sunders the arcane bindings on their alien master, unleashing an ancient evil that threatens to sink the Factions' evacuation efforts. Can you thwart them before the City of Danger is swept away in the wake of Fenaria's revenge?
Part 3 of The Neverdusk Trilogy.
A Four-to-Six Hour Adventure for Tier 3 Characters.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Zhentil Keep has lain dormant for decades, the destruction wrought upon it enough to keep even the bravest and most foolhardy away. But rumors and plots are stirring up things better left alone in the skeleton of the city, and the dead may not lay still for much longer.
East from the Keep, the city of Phlan celebrates Reclamation Day, honoring those lost in the fight to take back their... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The Flumphs’ pilgrimage to the Fluxspace, a location of religious fervor to the benign psionics, is being studied by an eccentric professor. You are hired by the Blackstaff tower to keep him safe and enjoy the majesty of the unique wildspace.
Story 1 of the Flumph Fantasy Trilogy
A Two-Hour Spelljammer Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3.
Wildspace: Fluxspace
CONTENT... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Jean Ralphio is the goblin with the goods. After his adoptive father Morur Thunderthark passed of old age, Jean Ralphio left the dwarven hemit's bunker and became a traveling merchant and adventurer, bringing inventive clockwork technologies with him and devising more along the way.
Utilize this clockwork weaponry with the Mechanic and Gun Fighter classes.
All proceeds go to our IVF fund!... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Smugglers, Secrets & Stormwreck Isle.
Prologue to the Dragons of Stormwreck Isle.
Smugglers, Secrets & Stormwreck Isle is a gripping adventure that serves as a thrilling prologue to the Dragons of Stormwreck Isle campaign. Designed for Level 1-4 characters, it provides a comprehensive introduction to the rich world of the Forgotten Realms.
Join Braun of Riverdale... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Free entertainment during pandemic times.
In light of current events, I have decided to offer this adventure for free. It's a small gesture but I hope it can help a little bit.
Heist on Cassalanter Villa
A one-shot conversion for Waterdeep: Dragon Heist
The Black Viper is recruiting a team of thieves for her greatest heist yet: emptying the Cassalanter vault right under its owners' noses,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Tier 2 (2-Hour DungeonCraft, Spelljammer)
It is Liar’s Night Eve, and the Candy King needs your help! A supply of sweets for the children and revelers of Faerun has been waylaid deep in the Astral Sea at the edge of Doomspace.
A Two to Four Hour Spooktacular Adventure for Tier 2 Characters. Optimized for APL 8.
Adventure by Steven Truong
CONTENT ADVISORY: Arachnophobia... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 The characters are assigned the task of investigating the floating city, which is constructed from stolen ships tethered to a large barge, anchored near the center of the Lake of Steam.
Part Three of the Pirates of the Border Kingdoms series of adventures.
A Four-Hour Adventure for 1st through 4th Level Characters ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
IN A WORLD of inadequate lupine swimwear
one wolf must embark on a journey from
modest to monstrous
*dramatic music*
a hero will rise
standards must fall
FLOON BLAGMAAR proudly presents
an adventure for 20th level characters
STAR IN THE... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The Devourer Awakens A 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons campaign for characters from 1st to 12th level
When a cloud giant castle comes tumbling from the sky right into the characters’ path, they are confronted with the horrifying realisation that an ancient blue dragon named Rah-Ziel the Devourer has woken from his centuries of slumber, and is making his presence... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
You need to steal the Macguffin back?! Enter Club Diamond, rub shoulders with its mega-rich patrons, and get past its well-protected vault to reclaim the prize.
Part 2 of the Suncorp's Bounty series.
A Two-Hour Adventure for Tier 2 characters. Optimized for APL 8.
Club Diamond's the stomping grounds of the Immortals, a cabal of mega-rich businessmen. The... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
2-Hour Spelljammer adventure, playable by D&D Adventurers League Forgotten realms characters levels 1-4.
Tensions rise on Crystalstar as more undead materialize from the Maercryshal. Two astral elves
may have a solution to save the planet, but can you act fast enough to prevent utter ruin?
Part three of the Crystalstar Trilogy
Unsworn Oath is a two-hour... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
You’ve found yourselves in possession of a lockbox full of secrets – secrets to die for.
Can you unravel the truth before those who want it come calling?
An Action-packed Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 3.
Content Warning: Loss of a parent
From veteran Dungeoncraft designers Martine Lassen and Steve... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 A scholar has made a startling discovery, potentially game-changing in the fight against evil. However, there is someone who wants her dead, and it is no ordinary assassin. She calls upon the assistance of brave heroes to protect her until she returns to Candlekeep.
A three- to four-hour adventure for 15th-level characters.
Includes maps... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |

Add a touch of another world to your table with these 24 Mind Flayer themed magic items for DnD 5th edition. With rarities ranging from Common to Legendary and Artifact these magic items are designed to be for both Spelljammer campaigns and adding an otherworldly scfi touch to your High Fantasy.
In this supplement from the Arcane Academy, kit out your mind controlled thralls with a Vital Sword... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Journey to Samsara, the Feywild's Domain of Delight, a realm of Rewards, Reincarnation and Fortune.
Inspired by The Myths of the Lunar New Year and the Animals of the Eastern Zodiac.
A mystical underwater saga in the Domain of Delight, Samsara.
A sacred stone has been stolen from the Coral Kingdom of the archfey of Samsara, The Dragon Lord. Summoned to track down the... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$4.99 $3.99
Goblin’s Gambit
Part 1 of the Goblin Gods
A nilbog has been born amongst the wild tribes of the goblin hordes of Phandalin. Adventurers find themselves taking responsibility for this young child, protecting them from the wicked followers of Maglubiyet.
A Two-Three Hour Starter Adventure for Tier 1 Characters. Optimized for APL 2.
By Steven Truong
CONTENT... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Someone threatens the detective Vincent Trench who drags the party into a story that includes intrigue, jealousy, theft and subterfuge in a series of deductive challenges to catch the culprit. T.A. Noire is a short adventure that will keep busy your players for 1-2 hours, there is no level requirements cause fights are not required to resolve the case. If the party has not met Vincent yet the DM... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The Harpers' Heist is a pulp fiction mashup of intrigue, burglary, and undead combat!
Join the mysterious Harper organization to extract a spy marked for death, break into an impenetrable bank vault, and crush a cultist cell bent on purging the world in a flood of undead.
This adventure is balanced for 4-5 players (APL 3). It includes 5 custom maps (Gridded, Non-gridded and DM versions of each)... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The Way of the Force Monastic Tradition for Monks [D&D 5e (2024)]
A 1/3 caster subclass for monks
Version 3.0 The Way of the Force teaches its students that magic is all around us, flows through every living creature, and connects everything together like an infinite weave. Monks of this tradition are taught that magic in its purest form can be channeled through ki. Its followers train their... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Under the Flooded Forest grows a toxic maze of magical fungi called the Nidus. From this horrid realm a cult has struck a terrible blow against the wood elves struggling to regrow the trees in the forsaken swamp of the Flooded Forest. The elves, on the brink of extinction, need the adventurers to navigate this deadly labyrinth and recover a precious object. But the tunnels here crawl with... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The Macguffin's fallen into the wrong hands. Now the world will end... unless you can reach a shareholder's meeting and block the resolution that will destroy the sun.
Part 3 of the Suncorp's Bounty series.
A Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 3 characters. Optimized for APL 13.
Mergers and Acquisitions is the thrilling finale to the Suncorp's Bounty series. Sol... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Fiona had a halfling's perfect life: a cozy house, a beautiful farm, and plenty of peace of quiet to enjoy them. Until the kobolds showed up, that is.
What are they doing there? How do we get them to leave? Find out by playing -- "Kobolds Are The Worst Guests!"
This adventure includes custom icons and maps for use with your choice of VTT.
A Two-Hour Forgotten Realms Dungeoncraft Adventure for... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Journey to Samsara, the Feywild's Domain of Delight, a realm of Rewards, Reincarnation and Fortune.
Inspired by The Myths of the Lunar New Year and the Animals of the Eastern Zodiac.
A mystical whimsy saga in the Domain of Delight, Samsara.
The Usagi clan has been stricken with misfortune and are unable to complete the quest of their patron archfey, The Jade Hare.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Journey to Samsara, the Feywild's Domain of Delight, a realm of Rewards, Reincarnation and Fortune.
Inspired by The Myths of the Lunar New Year and the Animals of the Eastern Zodiac.
A mystical racing competition in the Domain of Delight, Samsara.
The race that stops the domains of delights, The Samsara Cup. A festive race hosted by the archfey of the Horse. Test your... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |