More than just powerful wizards, divine temples, and wise kings comprise the Realms. For every beacon of light there exists a shadow; and shadows conceal much. Those who work in secret wield much power in Faerun: Groups as diverse as the Harpers and the Zhentarim all live and work in the shadows of the Realms. Here, for the first time, is detailed information on these groups' areas of influence,... [click here for more]
A Guide to Transylvania is an indispensable accessory for any Masque of the Red Death campaign - or for a campaign for any game system set in the 1890s. This 96-page book contains everything needed to explore the exotic, fear-filled country that is home to Dracula.
Highlights of this volume:
A survey of Transylvania's history and geography;
an overview of the beliefs, practices, crafts, and... [click here for more]