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(FREE) A Book of Most-Eccentric Dragons

(FREE) A Book of Most-Eccentric Dragons

This is a free sample of the new DMs Guild publication: ‘A Book of Most-Eccentric Dragons’, an NPC compendium focused on unusual dragon characters that break all the tropes of this eldest of D&D foes (find the link in the image above) Sure, there are epic battles to be had and evil plots to be foiled within these pages. But there are also unexpected alliances, charming adventures and meaningful...   [click here for more]
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A Band of Adventurers Argue over Treasure

A Band of Adventurers Argue over Treasure

As many poor commoners can attest, there can be nothing quite as destructive as a band of adventurers with no moral compass, except perhaps for a band of adventurers with no moral compass and no coordination. Alas, our intrepid heroes have fallen victim to one such band, and are sure to be in for a challenging fight, as soon as their captors have finished fighting among themselves. This is a short...   [click here for more]
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A Chance Encounter

A Chance Encounter

A Chance Encounter is a classic, low level adventure designed for a group of 3 to 4 1st level players. It should take about 2 to 3 hours to play through. This is the first adventure in a miniseries with the following adventures being: The Mystic Circle An Urgent Rescue A Dark Veil Falls In addition to the adventure, there are a couple of maps of the adventure area as separate jpeg files. There...   [click here for more]
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A Crumb in Winter

A Crumb in Winter

The Beast Market is a famed destination for anyone seeking rare magical goods, but the Windswept Plains that surround it are filled with dangers. When a baby mouse wanders out of the market during a snowstorm, it’s up to an intrepid band of adventurers to find him. Talking animals, enchanted pastries, and more populate this lighthearted, fully-illustrated winter adventure for level 3.   ...   [click here for more]
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A Dark Design

A Dark Design

A Dark Design is the sequel to the Mud Creek trilogy and the first adventure of the Burning Valley trilogy were the players have decided to serve Saarith. This adventure is a low level adventure designed for a group of three to four players at 2nd or 3rd level, which lean towards an evil alignment. I should note that this adventure shares many elements from "A Source of Secrets" which is the sequel...   [click here for more]
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A Dark Veil Falls

A Dark Veil Falls

A Dark Veil Falls is a classic, low level adventure designed for a group of 3 to 4 3rd level players. It should take about 3 to 6 hours to play through. This is the fourth and final adventure in the miniseries. The first adventure of the miniseries is A Chance Encounter. In addition to the adventure, there are a few of maps of the adventure area as separate jpeg files. There is also a printerfriendly...   [click here for more]
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A Flight to Remember

A Flight to Remember

Looking for a way to transport your players from one end of the world to another with an adventure in between?   Flee a rebellion, jump on an airship, and travel to a mystical mountain monastery in this adventure!  Learn the mysteries of Shangri-La and comtemplate the true meaning of neutrality   This adventure combines elements of classic 1930's literature with a Dungeons and Dragons setting...   [click here for more]
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A Gem for your Troubles and other tales - Preview of Twilight at Eventide

A Gem for your Troubles and other tales - Preview of Twilight at Eventide

This is a free preview copy of Twilight at Eventide.  Twilight at Eventide is a 32-page collection of three short adventures designed for characters of level 1-3. In the village of Eventide, the walls separating the settlement from the Feywild are weak. And strange creatures stalk the surrounding forests. Dark forms worship their demigod in hidden caves. A darkling elder...   [click here for more]
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A Goblin's Tale - a level 1-8 homebrew campaign

A Goblin's Tale - a level 1-8 homebrew campaign

You control a small tribe of goblins living on the outskirts of the forbidden realms. Can you lead them to glory and greatness or will the human menace prove too much. Build your dungeons, raze towns to the ground and make unlikely allies as you strive to become the greatest goblin tribe that ever lived. A short homebrew campaign for characters level 1-8 ...   [click here for more]
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A Night of Masks and Monsters (A Requiem of Wings #1)

A Night of Masks and Monsters (A Requiem of Wings #1)

An original one-shot adventure designed for 3-6 level 3 characters. A DMsGuild bestseller, downloaded more than 9,500 times and played by parties around the world. Newly redesigned and updated! Summary In the city of Ibrido, locals enjoy a life of splendor and frivolity. Every week, a lavish party is held at the Castel...   [click here for more]
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A Night of Masks and Monsters | Roll20 VTT

A Night of Masks and Monsters | Roll20 VTT

An original one-shot adventure designed for 3-6 level 3 characters. The Roll20 version of a DMsGuild bestseller, downloaded almost 75,000 times and played by parties around the world. Newly redesigned and updated! Summary In the city of Ibrido, locals enjoy a life of splendor and frivolity. Every week, a lavish party is held at the Castel di Maschera, hosted by the Marquis di Maschera, Prospero,...   [click here for more]
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A Patrulha de Líberis

A Patrulha de Líberis

A Patrulha de Líberis recebeu uma solicitação do Conselho para investigar a oficina do artífice Baran Cajado-da-Montanha, sob a alegação de que o mestre-anão estaria desenvolvendo um artefato de magia negra. Com todos os criminosos que andam soltos pelas ruas apertadas e escuras da cidade, por que o Conselho de Líberis, conhecido por ser corrupto e leniente com a delinquência, solicitaria...   [click here for more]
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A Rat Problem

A Rat Problem

Every day, rubes from the country come to Highcliff to answer the call to adventure. Their destination is the Problem Solvers’ Guild, where adventurers solve the problems that the authorities don’t have the time, skills, or inclination to solve. Joining the guild isn’t easy, though; recruits have to complete a job to show they have the requisite grit and good sense. “A Rat Problem” is an...   [click here for more]
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A Ship in the Mist - A Horror One Shot

A Ship in the Mist - A Horror One Shot

In A Ship in the Mist, the players are hired to recover a lost skyship known as the Sky Scythe and retrieve an experimental artifact called the Veil of Aramis. The Sky Scythe disappeared decades ago under mysterious circumstances, only to resurface in a desolate region. As the players investigate the ship, they uncover its eerie connection to a plane...   [click here for more]
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A Source of Secrets

A Source of Secrets

A Source of Secrets is the sequel to the Mud Creek trilogy and the first adventure in the Valley of Kyros trilogy. This adventure is followed by "The lights of Darkness" and then "The Purging flames". In this adventure our heroes set out to discover the secrets of Saarith. A lich they unwittingly released from a magical prison. This adventure is designed to be a low level adventure for three to four...   [click here for more]
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A Stop on the Road

A Stop on the Road

A short adventure for 3-5 players of level 1-3   The hamlet of Cartrest has grown up around the Wearied Wagon Inn beside a main road. Recently locals have seen strange lights around a set of ancient ruins nearby. Driven by a mix of fearful superstition and curiosity the locals have scraped together a small reward to encourage someone to investigate. ...   [click here for more]
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Abandoned Sins

Abandoned Sins

In another great addition to my mini-campaigns, this is Abandoned Sins.  It is a dungeon-crawl module designed for three Level 1 Adventurers, and they will level up by the end (if they confront every NPC). "The Party has booked passage on a ship going through the Nelanther Isles.  They dock at an island named Youra for supplies, and the local half-orc mayor has a job for the Adventurers.  There's...   [click here for more]
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Accessible Adventure of the Week: Fey & Fortune

Accessible Adventure of the Week: Fey & Fortune

Better to burn out than allay the fey! The forest is thick with fey creatures. Why? And can they stop the influx of fey magic? This side adventure is designed for four to six characters with an average party level of 4, totaling roughly 20 levels. Background & Synopsis An aperture to the Feywild has opened, and magical energy and fey creatures are sneaking through the portal. The party first...   [click here for more]
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Accessible Adventure of the Week: The Dark Watchman

Accessible Adventure of the Week: The Dark Watchman

As the river carves its way through the marsh, the Watchman, a 500 foot tall lighthouse overlooks the passing ships, lighting their way and alerting them to dangers that would lurk in the shadows. But what happens when the shadows extinguish the light, and what purpose do they have? This adventure is designed for a party of characters around the third through fifth level with a combined total of about...   [click here for more]
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Accessible Adventure of the Week: The Dour Dowry

Accessible Adventure of the Week: The Dour Dowry

Wild Horses Couldn't Drag Him Away A centaur must complete an impossible quest to gain his bride, but is he really the dark horse that can succeed? This one-shot sidequest adventure is designed for 3-5 characters, level 2-3, with a total of 8-10 levels. Make Lives Better through Role-Playing Games This adventure is one piece of a movement within the D&D community to invite, encourage, and include...   [click here for more]
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Accessible Adventure of the Week: The Ember Elk

Accessible Adventure of the Week: The Ember Elk

The fire is coming. Will you prevent it in time? It’s an old forest with majestic trees so thick that the canopy darkens the forest floor, but a looming danger is coming: the Ember Elk! What will happen to the forest when this flaming deer appears? And what about the goblin woman living in the cottage in the woods — can you save her? This side adventure is designed for four to six characters with...   [click here for more]
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Accessible Adventure of the Week: The Greater of Two Evils

Accessible Adventure of the Week: The Greater of Two Evils

Evil is coming. Or is it already here? The baron hires you to stop an undead creature that’s sure to bring evil to the community, but is the evil already there? This side adventure is designed for four to six characters with an average party level of 4, totaling roughly 20 levels. 4K Combat Maps (Gridless, square, and hex) available at DriveThruRPG  Make Lives Better through Role-Playing Games This...   [click here for more]
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Accessible Adventure of the Week: The Price of Success

Accessible Adventure of the Week: The Price of Success

My Students Are My Treasures A rural school is haunted by two banshees: former teachers who cared more about how their students made them look than the well being of the students themselves. Can you free the countryside from this threat? This side adventure is designed for four to six characters with an average party level of 3, totaling roughly 16 levels. Includes 2 new undead monster stat...   [click here for more]
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Accursed Apple Twists

Accursed Apple Twists

Accursed Apple Twists This One-Shot Adventure Module Contains: The story for a single adventure, perfectly suited for new players A map of a small burial-mound dungeon usable in virtual tabletops such as roll20 Two NPC stat-blocks Stat block for a new deadly boss enemy Several hand-drawn illustrations The Story Near the old dwarven road lies a tiny...   [click here for more]
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Advanced Encounters

Advanced Encounters

The module 'Advanced Encounters' includes an exciting, intriguing encounter, as well as a table to roll for random encounters. The scenarios here are complex and story-driven, adding backstories and complex foes to otherwise ordinary treks through the wilderness. The encounters can provide sparks to light the fires of future campaigns, providing villains and plots for characters to continue to explore....   [click here for more]
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Advent Calendar Extras

Advent Calendar Extras

Additional free content for the D&D Advent Calendar! Uncover extra encounters, new locations, and unique magic items that didn't make it into the main calendar due to difficulty or pacing. But as we love their mechanics, we've included them here! They can be used as alternatives (ideal for replays!) or stand-alone encounters. Encounter 2 Christmas themed plant monsters Visit a sauna teeming...   [click here for more]
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Adventure - Shadows of Lineage

Adventure - Shadows of Lineage

"Ladies and gentlemen, you're about to behold a sight so strange, so horrifying, so utterly monstrous, that I urge you who are easily frightened or upset to forgo. They did not ask to be brought into the world, but into the world they came..." The traveling side show is always a spot for minor amusement. However, in thise case, it's also the perfect place for murder. Uncover the threat to a centuries...   [click here for more]
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Adventures Daycare of Uncle Ordark

Adventures Daycare of Uncle Ordark

Adventures Daycare of Uncle Ordark is a DnD one shot where players take the roles of Ordark's proteges around age 4-5 and embark on a quest to investigate his disappearance. Once famous champion Ordark is now retired. That doesn’t stop him from new endeavours such as establishing “Adventures Daycare of Uncle Ordark”, where he takes care of his fellow adventurers’...   [click here for more]
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Adventures Daycare of Uncle Ordark: Halloween

Adventures Daycare of Uncle Ordark: Halloween

Adventures Daycare of Uncle Ordark: Halloween is an one-shot, where the players take the roles of Ordark’s proteges around age 4-5 and will go trick-or-treating to celebrate Halloween. Today is the end of the harvest, and tonight we celebrate All Hallows’ Eve. Ordark prepared everything necessary: decorated the house, sewed the costumes,...   [click here for more]
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All Aboard the Golden Mast

All Aboard the Golden Mast

A mysterious message in a bottle leads to a high seas adventure full of danger and intrigue in this D&D one-shot for players level 1-3. ...   [click here for more]
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An Easter Egghunter's Guide to Adventure

An Easter Egghunter's Guide to Adventure

Tired of watching your children have the time of their lives hunting for magic eggs while your inner dragonborn barbarian stews and simmers on the sidelines?   Well, thanks to An Easter Egghunter's Guide to Adventure they no longer have to! This adventure supplement is much more than a full length adventure!  It is a source of inspiration and template for how you can incorporate an egg hunt into...   [click here for more]
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An Eggcellent Adventure

An Eggcellent Adventure

This starting adventure for 5E is designed to introduce new players and give them a taste of the core aspects of D&D. Over the course of a single session the heroes will journey to the dungeon where the evil kobolds have taken hold and rescue the kidnapped baby before the kobolds welcome their new draconic overlord. Included are first level character sheets so you can get started right away. ...   [click here for more]
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An Introduction to D&D - The Wealthy Merchant

An Introduction to D&D - The Wealthy Merchant

This campaign was created as a response to comments from some friends of mine. Though they were avid board game players, they didn’t want to try D&D because it seemed like too much of a time commitment with too many rules to learn before getting started. This campaign uses stripped down characters and a simple campaign, and was made to give them a chance to try it for half an hour on a regular...   [click here for more]
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An Orphan's Inheritance

An Orphan's Inheritance

Not knowing one's ancestry can be difficult on a person. It can cause someone to question their place in the world and condemn them to a life that never fully understands parts of its existence. And yet... ...and yet there are times when having the opportunity to learn the truth turns out to be worse. This 1-2 hour psychological horror adventure is suitable for PCs between levels...   [click here for more]
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An Urgent Rescue

An Urgent Rescue

An Urgent Rescue is a classic, low level adventure designed for a group of 3 to 4 2nd level players. It should take about 2 to 3 hours to play through. This is the third adventure in the miniseries. The first adventure of the miniseries is A Chance Encounter. The final adventure in the miniseries is A Dark Veil Falls. In addition to the adventure, there are a few of maps of the adventure area...   [click here for more]
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Ascent of Dragons: Dark Blades

Ascent of Dragons: Dark Blades

Dark Blades is the fourth title in the campaign spanning 20 modules -one for each level. All are designed for zero DM preparation time!   In Dark Blades, the adventurers are co-opted into hunting escaped draconians -deadly creatures with black dragonborn ancestry, and returning them alive for a bounty. Following...   [click here for more]
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Ascent of Dragons: Greenmoot

Ascent of Dragons: Greenmoot

Greenmoot is the third title in the campaign spanning 20 modules -one for each level. All are designed for zero DM preparation time!  In Greenmoot, now commissioned by Lenastyll, the adventurers make their way to Greenmoot, a trading post deep in the High Forest. Here, as well as participating in the local nightlife, they also have the...   [click here for more]
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Avarsal | Storm of the Stonekin

Avarsal | Storm of the Stonekin

Can the adventurers relight the Avarsal before the Stonekin orcs invade Trademoot? Trademoot is in danger! For fifty years the Avarsal’s light has shone from the mountains, protecting the town from attack by the Stonekin orcs. But the light has mysteriously extinguished, leaving the town vulnerable. The Trademoot Council is desperate to have the Avarsal relit and will pay a handsome...   [click here for more]
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Azorius 99

Azorius 99

 A cop caper set in the world of Ravnica. Officers in the Azorius Senate must find the culprit of a murder in order to keep the peace. Inspired by the police comedy television series set in Brooklyn, NY. ...   [click here for more]
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Back To The Sea

Back To The Sea

When the party are shipwrecked they take shelter in an old forgotten cottage. They soon find themselves uncovering a mysterious death. One thing is for sure, they are not alone... Back to the sea is a 3-5 hour one shot, recommended for Level 1-4 adventurers. It offers a refreshing and different look at Ghosts in D&D. Setting neutral, easy to slide into any campaign, especially settings with ports...   [click here for more]
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Be seen by Nobody

Be seen by Nobody

Be seen by Nobody This One Shot Adventure Module Contains: The story for a single adventure Builds for 3 new monsters A rule set for fighting giant monsters for D&D 5e Inspiration for an action-puzzle boss encounter A rough map of an island The Story Far-off from any trade routes, in the middle of the ocean, lies a small island named “Isstic”....   [click here for more]
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Before Dawn

Before Dawn

Before Dawn is a single-session adventure for two to four players of 2nd to 3rd-level characters using the fifth edition for the world’s greatest roleplaying game. ● The adventure begins with friends meeting up for drinks in a local bar in a port town to share stories, relax, and discuss jobs to take on as part of their potentially new adventuring life. ● Things go sideways when one of the...   [click here for more]
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Before The Trolltide, sidequest for Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

Before The Trolltide, sidequest for Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

This adventure can be played as a side quest to your Waterdeep: Dragon Heist or used a oneshot session. Based on Trolltide at Waterdeep, you can embrace your player to feel one of waterdeep holiday~ ...   [click here for more]
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Beware the Moonless Night

Beware the Moonless Night

In the last few weeks, seven children have vanished from the ranching village of Hillsend.  Townsfolk are reacting with a mix of anger, fear, and willful denial. The adults in town are rapidly converging on a consensus: A band of orcs has been spotted skirting the fields of Hillsend, and the townsfolk believe they intend to use or sell the children as slaves. But the local children have a darker suspicion....   [click here for more]
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Beyond the Green Wall

Beyond the Green Wall

A booming explosion inside an otherwise deserted forest leads the party into a previously unknown industrial-era enclave.  Enter into the creepy regime of the One State, where people designated by assigned numbers march to synchronized government hymns, follow rigorous schedules, and are always watched by their panopticon guardian angels.  Use your fantasy characters to totally demolish this clockwork...   [click here for more]
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Birchbud Adventure

Birchbud Adventure

Once sleepy Birchbud located near Featherdale waits you to stumble in. There you will meet an evil Wizard and his gang pressuring common man. Are you able to save the day by making a hero out of yourself? This module contains a short adventure for two to three 1st level characters. They should reach level two by the end of an adventure. ...   [click here for more]
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Blasdel's 1st of 20 Mini-Campaigns

Blasdel's 1st of 20 Mini-Campaigns

Welcome to the 1st of my 20 part series!!! Ever have a new group of players, and you're just not sure if starting a whole campaign is the best way to go?  Have a few missing players, but the rest of you still want to game?  Your world building software is on the fritz, but you still need something cool and original?  Then try my games! Each Mini-Campaign is designed for the same level of player...   [click here for more]
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Blasdel's 2nd of 20 Mini-Campaigns

Blasdel's 2nd of 20 Mini-Campaigns

Welcome to the 2nd of my 20 part series!!! Ever have a new group of players, and you're just not sure if starting a whole campaign is the best way to go?  Have a few missing players, but the rest of you still want to game?  Your world building software is on the fritz, but you still need something cool and original?  Then try my games! Each Mini-Campaign is designed for the same level of player...   [click here for more]
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Blasdel's 3rd of 20 Mini-Campaigns

Blasdel's 3rd of 20 Mini-Campaigns

Welcome to the 3rd of my 20 part series!!! Ever have a new group of players, and you're just not sure if starting a whole campaign is the best way to go?  Have a few missing players, but the rest of you still want to game?  Your world building software is on the fritz, but you still need something cool and original?  Then try my games! Each Mini-Campaign is designed for the same level of player...   [click here for more]
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Blasdel's 4th of 20 Mini-Campaigns

Blasdel's 4th of 20 Mini-Campaigns

Welcome to the 4th of my 20 part series!!! Ever have a new group of players, and you're just not sure if starting a whole campaign is the best way to go?  Have a few missing players, but the rest of you still want to game?  Your world building software is on the fritz, but you still need something cool and original?  Then try my games! Each Mini-Campaign is designed for the same level of player...   [click here for more]
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