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 Hottest Mystery, PDF, New Year, New Game Sale
 Hottest Community Mystery, PDF, New Year, New Game Sale
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Second Glance

Second Glance

Woodlands patient, woodlands wise Beneath the valley’s obscured skies Dangers foul and treasures fair Lie in wait for those who dare But should the prudent take note here Deduce, observe, or lend an ear All is not as it says or seems The civilized are cutthroat for shiny dreams -  Haddiwe Vol, Witch of the Snakewood Continue your duet campaign or add something new! Wake up in a druid colony...   [click here for more]
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St. Andral's Orphanage

St. Andral's Orphanage

Welcome to the orphanage. This module was designed to be inserted into the main Curse of Strahd campaign, in the centralized town of Vallaki. However, it is entirely possible to run St. Andral's Orphanage as a stand alone adventure or incorporate it into another campaign. This chapter provides Vallaki with some additional pacing before the events of St. Andral's Feast and the Festival...   [click here for more]
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A Most Unexpected Zombie Invasion - Level 4 Mini Adventure

A Most Unexpected Zombie Invasion - Level 4 Mini Adventure

A Most Unexpected Zombie Invasion is a Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition mini-adventure by Midnight Tower. It is designed for a group of three to five 4th-level characters, but the DM can easily replace encounters to suit characters of any level. The adventure can be played as a one-shot episode or an alternative ending to the adventure An Unexpected Wedding Invitation. It can...   [click here for more]
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The Archivist's Wedding - A one-shot adventure of social encounters

The Archivist's Wedding - A one-shot adventure of social encounters

"The Archivist's Wedding" is a D&D 5th Edition adventure featuring a lot of social interactions and creativity and resolving of an underlying mystery. The adventure contains 6 pages of content through 5 main scenes, 4 battle maps. It is expected to provide about 5-6 hours of play time with active roleplay for a party of 3 or 4 adventurers at level 3. The Story This is...   [click here for more]
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The Tale of Nicholas and the Winter Rescue

The Tale of Nicholas and the Winter Rescue

A Heartwarming Tale for the Holiday Season In the snow-covered woods near the village of Frostwood, an old dwarf toymaker named Nicholas has been kidnapped by a band of mischievous goblins. With the toys he lovingly crafts for the village children at risk of not being delivered this winter, a band of unlikely heroes must rise to the challenge. Players take on the roles of loyal animals...   [click here for more]
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Haunted Chapel

Haunted Chapel

"Haunted Chapel" is a D&D 5th Edition adventure resolving the curse of Tania Filmura's crypt. The adventure contains 6 pages of content and 1 detailed map. It is expected to provide about 3-4 hours of play time for a party of 4 adventurers at level 4. The Story The adventurers arrive to a chapel – which seems empty but not deserted. The floor and pews are clean – though covered...   [click here for more]
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Adventures in the Night - Level 1 Mini Adventure

Adventures in the Night - Level 1 Mini Adventure

Adventures in the Night is a Dungeons & Dragons 5th edition mini-adventure by Midnight Tower. It is designed for a group of three to five 1st-level characters, but the DM can easily replace encounters to suit characters of any level. The adventure can be played as a one-shot episode or as a prequel to the Hunter’s Full Moon trilogy. It can also be used in any campaign that features...   [click here for more]
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Adventure: Leomund's Misplaced Manor

Adventure: Leomund's Misplaced Manor

Home is what you make of it. Leomund's Misplaced Manor is a D&D 5th Edition adventure designed to give players a classic dungeon crawl while they explore the confines of the Manor and unravel the mystery of its last owner. Uniquely, at the end of the adventure the location itself becomes the reward, along with any new allies the characters have made along the way and any treasure...   [click here for more]
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The Raven's Rocks - A Saltmarsh encounter

The Raven's Rocks - A Saltmarsh encounter

After a series of Undermountain encounters, we’ve decided to ascend to a different sort of depths – the treacherous waters of Saltmarsh. The Raven’s Rocks, our first Saltmarsh encounter, brings you to a reef filled with craggy cliffs, collections of shipwrecks and gardens of kelp. So, trade your pickaxe for a harpoon and bring along some sea shanties – the waters are filled...   [click here for more]
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Follow the Lights

Follow the Lights

Follow the Lights This One Shot Adventure Module contains: The story for a single adventure Builds for a new monster Build and Background for a NPCs Puzzles and riddles for your party to solve Maps and ideas for special combat encounters The Story While many know legends or stories about mythical artefacts granting immortality, the gnomish scholar...   [click here for more]
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Trouble in Wealdham

Trouble in Wealdham

Save an unwitting hamlet from an undead threat! Wealdham is a sleepy, quiet town located in the Westwood. Nothing ever happens in Wealdham, until Waterdeep necromancer Faurius Besk decides to test his latest invention near the town... Trouble in Wealdham is a 4 hour adventure for Tier 1 Characters (optimized for APL 3). It can be run as a one-shot, as part of...   [click here for more]
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Unlicensed Enchantment - A short adventure for Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

Unlicensed Enchantment - A short adventure for Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

There is a rogue enchanter at work in Waterdeep. Help the Watchful Order of Magists and Protectors hunt them down, or perhaps strike a deal with the scofflaw mage. Unlicensed Enchantment is an investigation themed adventure, designed to be played as part of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, but can also be run during any adventure set in the City of Splendors. It can be used as a bonus mission for...   [click here for more]
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The Sunken Ruins of Ishau

The Sunken Ruins of Ishau

Free entertainment during pandemic times. In light of current events, I have decided to offer this adventure for free. It's a small gesture but I hope it can help a little bit.   The Sunken Ruins of Ishau Near the jungles of Chult, beneath the waves of Refuge Bay, lies a ruined city. Evil hags and their minions make their home among the ancient relics. Even deeper down, at the bottom of an old...   [click here for more]
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A Ship in the Mist - A Horror One Shot

A Ship in the Mist - A Horror One Shot

In A Ship in the Mist, the players are hired to recover a lost skyship known as the Sky Scythe and retrieve an experimental artifact called the Veil of Aramis. The Sky Scythe disappeared decades ago under mysterious circumstances, only to resurface in a desolate region. As the players investigate the ship, they uncover its eerie connection to a plane...   [click here for more]
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The Witches of Lonelywood

The Witches of Lonelywood

The Witches of Lonelywood is a short adventure designed for 5th-6th level characters. This side quest can easily fit into your Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden campaign or be used on its own as a wintery one-shot.  People are going missing in Lonelywood, and the normally friendly townsfolk are turning on each other. After a teenage boy is blamed for the latest disappearance,...   [click here for more]
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The Reliquary

The Reliquary

The Reliquary is a 2-4 hour dungeon for any level that will challenge your party's teamwork, compassion, and puzzle solving as they attempt to find the artifact hidden behind a challenge that only the truly good and heroic can best. Drawing from some of the best fantasy tropes, where great magic is hidden behind traps that only the selfless and good-of-heart can solve, the Reliquary will force your...   [click here for more]
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Nothing out of the ordinary

Nothing out of the ordinary

Loyalty to the employer? In this adventure, the party is hired by the nobles of Rustwater to deal with a group of bandits, a seemingly generic quest. However, they soon discover that some things are not what they seem and the fate of this poor town is in their hands. This adventure offers a thrilling twist on the classic tale of good vs. evil, challenging players to weigh their moral compass against...   [click here for more]
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La Meravigliosa Torre di Babbo Droniel

La Meravigliosa Torre di Babbo Droniel

La Meravigliosa Torre di Babbo Droniel è la rivisitazione a tema natalizio dell'avventura "La Meravigliosa Torre di Droniel", modulo per D&D 5e curato dai ragazzi del canale youtube D20 Nation! Un piccolo modulo aggiuntivo di 24 pagine che vi fornisce tutte le variazioni e indicazioni per rendere più magico e festoso il modulo originale così...   [click here for more]
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Walk the Blink Dog

Walk the Blink Dog

New Remastered Version with a cleaned-up PDF and DungeonDraft maps Do you have animal lovers in your party? Does everyone want an animal companion? Then this is the adventure for you! Several canines at Harmony Park have gone missing and need to be found! This module can be played with any level party, and should take 3-5 hours to play. ...   [click here for more]
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Esmeraldas Schwimmender Zirkus

Esmeraldas Schwimmender Zirkus

Esmeraldas Schwimmender Zirkus Ein schwimmender Zirkus ist aufgetaucht. Gerüchte sagen, dass sich unter den Zirkusleuten böse Kreaturen verbergen, die für einige Tote und Verschwundene verantwortlich sein sollen. Erkundet das Zirkusschiff, lernt Artisten, Crew und Gäste kennen und findet heraus was dem Vermissten zugestoßen ist! Ein Abenteuer für 4 SpielerInnen der 3. Stufe....   [click here for more]
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Back To The Sea

Back To The Sea

When the party are shipwrecked they take shelter in an old forgotten cottage. They soon find themselves uncovering a mysterious death. One thing is for sure, they are not alone... Back to the sea is a 3-5 hour one shot, recommended for Level 1-4 adventurers. It offers a refreshing and different look at Ghosts in D&D. Setting neutral, easy to slide into any campaign, especially settings with ports...   [click here for more]
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Das ist nicht das Ende (One-Shot!)

Das ist nicht das Ende (One-Shot!)

Deine Sinne kehren langsam zurück und mit einem schweren Keuchen richtest du dich auf. Du bist nicht sicher, was geschehen ist, doch auf einmal bist du genau hier, an diesem trostlosen Ort. Nur vereinzelt siehst du noch andere Bewohner*innen der Burg, die gleichermaßen verwirrt scheinen. Deine Erinnerungen sind verblasst. Du wischt dir über die Augen und versuchst etwas Klarheit...   [click here for more]
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A Study in Marble

A Study in Marble

The richest man on the isle of Syklos has suddenly gone missing. He's been known to have some extramarital excursions in the past, but this time is different—he hasn't come back. Why did he disappear? Who is responsible? And what does the eccentric local sculptor have to do with it? A Study in Marble is an adventure for a 3rd to 5th level party inspired by ancient Greek mythology. Players will...   [click here for more]
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A Humble Treasure

A Humble Treasure

What value do heroes place on a single Potion of Healing? Is it something they’re willing to die for? Is it something they’re willing to kill for? The latest PWYW adventure from Winghorn Press Suitible for level 1-20 While travelling through the village of Oakbridge, the PCs find themselves tangled up in local politics. Bandits have stolen a treasure from the tavern, but not everybody wants fancy,...   [click here for more]
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The Glass Forest - A One-Shot Adventure

The Glass Forest - A One-Shot Adventure

Embark on an epic journey with the inaugural one-shot from the Black Nexus series! Explore the never-before-seen island of Venkara, concealed within the Korrandarllum Bay of Riedra by a powerful Psyco-Arcane disturbance known as The Black Nexus. Here, the Glass Forest conceals treacherous perils at every turn. Each step you take threatens...   [click here for more]
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The Village Forgotten By Time - A Level 4 Adventure

The Village Forgotten By Time - A Level 4 Adventure

Deep in an ancient forest that few where few dare to travel lies the village of Kamourat. Two thousand years ago, cultists of Bhaal, the god of murder, were driven away from civilization and started their own society away from everyone else. Their culture is centered around worship involving ritual sacrifice and cannibalism. Of course, your players won't know this....   [click here for more]
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Getting to Barovia

Getting to Barovia

The creeping fog scenario is one of my favourite adventure hooks for Curse of Strahd becuase of it's simplicity - however, some people might find it hard to place it in a setting. This is a one page adventure hook that expands on the "Creeping fog" scenario a little more, giving the players and yourself a good footing to get the adventure started.  ...   [click here for more]
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The Meteor of Col Fen

The Meteor of Col Fen

The Meteor of Col Fen An adventure for four 2nd – 3rd  level characters. What lurks in the fog of Col Fens Graveyard? As a small meteorite crashed in the graveyard of Col Fen, the energy emitted by it gave life to a fungus grown in the local crypt. The fungus grew and became a Myconid Sovereign starting his own colony in the graveyard. Amongst spawning...   [click here for more]
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Adventurers Guild Admissions Office

Adventurers Guild Admissions Office

   This short dungeon is for four to five third-level characters and is designed as an entrance examination for the Adventurers Guild. It can be run as a single-session stand-alone adventure or dropped into an existing dungeon as a classic escape room-style puzzle. The Adventurers Guild Admissions Office has a mix of combat threats, traps, role-playing, and...   [click here for more]
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The Modron Maze

The Modron Maze

In a distant dimension of existence, a collective of Modrons run experimental tests to find the answer to one question: What draws adventurers to places known as "Dungeons"? Hijacking the travel of adventuring parties, these Modrons subject them to a series of tests in their artificially created dungeon. Deadly combat, logic puzzles, "moral" challenges, and a plot about a kidnapped "Maiden"...   [click here for more]
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On Her Majesty’s Pest Control Service

On Her Majesty’s Pest Control Service

On Her Majesty's Pest Control Service This One Shot Adventure Module contains: The story for a single adventure Tips on how to run a introduction session for new TTRPG players Builds for several new monsters Build and Background for a NPC Puzzles and riddles for your party to solve Maps and ideas for special combat encounters The Story Like most large...   [click here for more]
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Asmodeus Attorney - A One-Shot for Any Levels

Asmodeus Attorney - A One-Shot for Any Levels

This one-shot places your party in a small town with a dark secret. Fiendish forces are at work to corrupt the hearts and minds of the townsfolk, and only your players can stop it. A combat-free social-challenge one shot that can be played as a standalone, or plugged into your campaign. Inspired by games like Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney, and Tyrion Cuthbert: Attorney of the Arcane. ...   [click here for more]
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Sewers and Spiders

Sewers and Spiders

Sewers and Spiders is a one shot for tier one adventures in an urban environment. Navigate the twists and turns of the sewer system beneath busy city streets. Find treasure and danger in equal measure amidst the muck. A group of adventurers who are lucky enough, clever enough, brave enough, and loyal enough might just make it through. With half a dozen magic items, NPCs that burst off the page, and...   [click here for more]
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The Untitled One-Shot

The Untitled One-Shot

After a round of celebratory drinking at a quaint local tavern, our heroes awaken to find themselves trapped in a darkened room, where everyday objects seem oddly larger than they should. Force your players to think outside the bounds of their usual characters, and discover exactly how long it will take them to open a door without the use of opposable thumbs! Inspired by another popular game, how long...   [click here for more]
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Blight of the High Forest

Blight of the High Forest

Strange things are happening in the legendary High Forest, and the fates of everyone residing there are in your party's hands. Blight of the High Forest is a short to medium length adventure set in the Forgotten Realms for those who enjoy heavy role-playing, dangerous romps through the woods, and fighting for what they believe is right. This adventure contains four...   [click here for more]
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Easter Eggs from the Feywild

Easter Eggs from the Feywild

*** Das ist die englische Version. Klicke hier für die deutsche Version!*** Easter Eggs from the Feywild Random Tables and Statblocks as a DM-Tool for your Easter Adventure ------------- Easter Eggs from the Feywild consists of a short story about the Easter bunny and two random tables for the appearance and effects of the eggs he hides. When...   [click here for more]
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Assassinio sul Treno Folgore 5E

Assassinio sul Treno Folgore 5E

La luce autunnale ha da poco schiarito il cielo e la stazione del Treno Folgore di Fairhaven è illuminata ancora dalle luci delle lampade a fiamma perenne che la notte rischiarano il centro della città. Il treno è già alla sua banchina, pronto a partire. Meraviglia fra le meraviglie del Khorvaire, il Treno Folgore rappresenta una delle più incredibili creazioni ad oggi esistenti. Nato quando...   [click here for more]
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Quick Encounter #2 - Cemetery

Quick Encounter #2 - Cemetery

"Cemetery" is a 1-page, quick to set up encounter for D&D 5th Edition. One Sentence Summary A forest patch glows with faint candle light. Looking inside, spirits seem to be haunting this long forgotten cemetery. Good to Know Contents of the download package include the map, and the 1 page PDF. If you enjoy the adventure, please consider checking out my other titles as well....   [click here for more]
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The Haunted Well

The Haunted Well

The village of Qamaan is nestled on the outskirts of the woods. The villagers of Qamaan are plagued by a supernatural issue. The well in the woods, which is the only source of water for the village is haunted, or so the villagers say. With various rumours going around, there is one who can solve the issue, but she cannot do it alone. Can the party help out? A 5e one shot adventure for level 1 players....   [click here for more]
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The Holy Purge: One Shot Rescue Mission

The Holy Purge: One Shot Rescue Mission

**Updated to include battlemap and Foundry VTT import file** I created a one-off that turned out to be one of my parties favourite night. One character gets captured in the opening scene.   Its a great oppertunity for this singled out character to build their backstory during multiple moments in the session The rest of the party witness the capture and are rescued themselves by...   [click here for more]
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Ostereier aus dem Feywild

Ostereier aus dem Feywild

*** this is the german version. Click here for the english version! *** Ostereier aus dem Feywild DM-Werkzeug für dein Osterabenteuer ------------- Ostereier aus dem Feywild besteht aus einer kurzen Geschichte über den Osterhasen und zwei Zufallstabellen für das Aussehen und die Effekte der Eier, die er versteckt. Wenn du ein Abenteuer aus den Inhalten kreierst, empfehle ich 4-6...   [click here for more]
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Something in the Swamp: An Undeadly Encounter

Something in the Swamp: An Undeadly Encounter

As the party progresses past the pile of undead and deeper into the cave, the smell worsens.  Dread starts to set in as they pass rotting mounds of bodies and spare parts lying along the floors and walls of the cave. What is this horrible place, and who created it? Fear for your life in this terrifying adventure designed to challenge a 5th level party. Encounter swamp monsters, zombies, and...   [click here for more]
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Ire of the Wilds

Ire of the Wilds

Ire of the Wilds An Adventure for a party of 3rd to 5th level characters Ire of the Wilds is an adventure that pits players against a powerful being whose corrupting influence is affecting the nearby town of Rothcairn. They will fight monstrosities, the undead, and even nature itself. Not everything is quite as it seems, in fact there is more to...   [click here for more]
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HEAD GAMES ~ A Hallowe'en Adventure about LOSING your HEAD!

HEAD GAMES ~ A Hallowe'en Adventure about LOSING your HEAD!

[Content Warning: Lots of Decapitation!] Every year, the little town of Diggerby Hill celebrates Heebie-Jeebie Week. It's a time for children to dress up in spooky costumes and give each other a good-natured fright! This year, however, the scares have gotten too real. A shadowy being known as the Head-Taker has been prowling around the outskirts of town, decapitating creatures and stealing...   [click here for more]
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The Toymaker's House

The Toymaker's House

In the eerie glow of the moonlight, the Toymaker’s old, gothic house looms like a shadowy sentinel against the night sky. Its weathered façade, adorned with intricate carvings and crumbling stone, speaks of a bygone era of opulence and grandeur now lost to time. Ivy snakes its way up the cracked walls, weaving a tangled web of darkness around the decaying structure. Despite its dilapidated state,...   [click here for more]
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Murmur through the Cracks

Murmur through the Cracks

Murmur through the Cracks This One Shot Adventure Module contains: The story for a single adventure An intriguing mystery for your players to solve Builds for 4 new monsters Builds for multiple tough NPCs Detailed maps of the city of Samin and some key locations Ideas for special combat encounters and a final boss fight The Story Even a decade after...   [click here for more]
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The Executioner

The Executioner

The Executioner - Tarokka card A unique adventure based on the Executioner, the seventh card from the Tarokka deck This adventure takes place in a small town. The characters found themselves in a small prison and they know that is the day of their execution even though they don’t know how they ended up there. Suddenly the doors open and they...   [click here for more]
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An Empty Cage

An Empty Cage

When a storm-ravaged merchant vessel is grounded violently on a rocky shore, the death of its crew and the sad state of its strange cargo tell of a bad plan gone badly awry. Explore the wreck of this ill-fated vessel and discover the hidden dangers and secrets it holds. Players will encounter riddles, traps, monsters and mysteries in this 3-5 hour module designed for a party of 3-6 level 1...   [click here for more]
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The Mists of Lake Lyral Part 1. The Labor of the Deep Wraiths (PDF)

The Mists of Lake Lyral Part 1. The Labor of the Deep Wraiths (PDF)

The Labor of the Deep Wraiths is a level 3+ adventure set in the Forgotten Realms. Players are recruited by Kent of Blackenwald, a retired master thief, to find a cure for his henchman, Adric, who has been sentenced to hang after being cursed with lycanthropy. As they investigate, players uncover eerie mysteries around Lake Lyral, where strange metallic sounds and glowing lights indicate the presence...   [click here for more]
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A Tale From The Wild Frontier

A Tale From The Wild Frontier

A Tale From The Wild Frontier A 1st Level adventure for any setting and campaign! The Wild Frontier is a savage territory, rich with danger and mystery, which you can fit into any setting. A girl has gone missing in the moorlands, after a gruesome bandit attack! Her father cannot afford to leave the rest of his family unguarded to rescue her, and he asks a group of...   [click here for more]
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