Welcome to the orphanage. This module was designed to be inserted into the main Curse of Strahd campaign, in the centralized town of Vallaki. However, it is entirely possible to run St. Andral's Orphanage as a stand alone adventure or incorporate it into another campaign.
This chapter provides Vallaki with some additional pacing before the events of St. Andral's Feast and the Festival... [click here for more]
Welcome to the Fleshing Out Curse of Strahd: Player Primer!
This character chronicler was designed to inspire the creation of player characters for the Curse of Strahd campaign and includes documents for both Dungeon Masters and players alike.
Within this product, you'll find 4 different documents to help you prepare for the Curse of Strahd module:
Player... [click here for more]
In A Ship in the Mist, the players are hired to recover a lost skyship known as the Sky Scythe and retrieve an experimental artifact called the Veil of Aramis. The Sky Scythe disappeared decades ago under mysterious circumstances, only to resurface in a desolate region. As the players investigate the ship, they uncover its eerie connection to a plane... [click here for more]
Revelations from the Mists is a collection of additional content for the Curse of Strahd campaing, full of additional lore and special interactions to flesh out the original book. With this 18-page document, adventures in the lands of Barovia will be enriched by:
a new mystery adventure in the Vistani Encampment of Tser Pool;
a new location in... [click here for more]
The Sutured Sun has burned day and night for the last eight months. The crops are dying. The air is choking. And the Darklord seems content to let his people burn.
This is the Phunch Bowl, a Domain of Dread held within impenetrable glass. A prison of torment for Gaddin Phunch, the indefatigable iconoclast who upset more than a few powers-that-be. The people of the Five Towns are generally left to... [click here for more]
The Legionnaire
A new subclass for my homebrew class, the Spiritfarer! Take control of the Legionnaire and defeat evil with the spirits of those wronged by it. Let your strength grow along with your legion of spirits, enhance all attributes of your combat potential and eventually summon your spirits into the physical world to aid you in battle.
-The Legionnaire... [click here for more]
Locked away in ghoulish chambers, in crypts of once holy places desecrated by dark powers, lurks the Undead Minister. These creatures were once holy clerics, priests, or paladins, who in life dedicated their lives to serving a particular deity or cause. However, upon their death, something went terribly wrong, and they were unable to pass on to the afterlife. Instead, their bodies were reanimated by... [click here for more]