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St. Andral's Orphanage

St. Andral's Orphanage

Welcome to the orphanage. This module was designed to be inserted into the main Curse of Strahd campaign, in the centralized town of Vallaki. However, it is entirely possible to run St. Andral's Orphanage as a stand alone adventure or incorporate it into another campaign. This chapter provides Vallaki with some additional pacing before the events of St. Andral's Feast and the Festival...   [click here for more]
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A Chance Encounter

A Chance Encounter

A Chance Encounter is a classic, low level adventure designed for a group of 3 to 4 1st level players. It should take about 2 to 3 hours to play through. This is the first adventure in a miniseries with the following adventures being: The Mystic Circle An Urgent Rescue A Dark Veil Falls In addition to the adventure, there are a couple of maps of the adventure area as separate jpeg files. There...   [click here for more]
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Rise of the Necromancer

Rise of the Necromancer

Now a PLATINUM seller! And over 52,000 downloads - Holy avernus thank you all so much! Thank you all for the continued support with this one shot - in the top 40 most popular of "pay what you want" titles. This is amazing I am eternally greatful! Rise of the Necromancer is a beginners quest for D&D 5e players and DM's offering a descriptive setting and an easy to follow quest with some unique...   [click here for more]
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Igor's Challenge

Igor's Challenge

Igor's Challenge is a 3-4 hour, non-lethal, funhouse style dungeon.  It is a self-contained adventure that should fit into any campaign or serve as a one-shot adventure for any group.  The adventure can fit a party of any level and size with only minor adjustments. Igor is an eccentric gnome inventor and retired adventurer renowned around the world.  He has sent out invitations...   [click here for more]
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The Mystic Circle

The Mystic Circle

The Mystic Circle, sequel to A Chance Encounter, is a classic, low level, dungeon crawl adventure, which is designed for a group of 3 to 4 1st level players and should take about 2 to 3 hours to play through. This is the second adventure in a miniseries, which can also easily be adapted into a standalone adventure. The next adventure in the miniseries is An Urgent Rescue. In addition to the adventure,...   [click here for more]
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An Urgent Rescue

An Urgent Rescue

An Urgent Rescue is a classic, low level adventure designed for a group of 3 to 4 2nd level players. It should take about 2 to 3 hours to play through. This is the third adventure in the miniseries. The first adventure of the miniseries is A Chance Encounter. The final adventure in the miniseries is A Dark Veil Falls. In addition to the adventure, there are a few of maps of the adventure area...   [click here for more]
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A Dark Veil Falls

A Dark Veil Falls

A Dark Veil Falls is a classic, low level adventure designed for a group of 3 to 4 3rd level players. It should take about 3 to 6 hours to play through. This is the fourth and final adventure in the miniseries. The first adventure of the miniseries is A Chance Encounter. In addition to the adventure, there are a few of maps of the adventure area as separate jpeg files. There is also a printerfriendly...   [click here for more]
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Fun for the People

Fun for the People

Fun for the people This Adventure Module Collection Contains: A detailed campaign setting & lore for a wandering fair Three complete one shot adventure modules A ruleset on how to fairly judge competitions between players A ruleset on how to handle drunkeness or getting drunk A ruleset for creating a Doppelganger race in D&D 5e A ruleset for how to run a siege … and lots...   [click here for more]
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Greger's Grotto

Greger's Grotto

An Adventure for Levels 1 to 3. Greger’s Grotto is a community of pirates and other criminals, hidden away on a desolate coastline. The players are slaves sold to the Grotto’s owning family and used for manual labour and bloodsport in the arena. In this adventure, the players will need to: survive harsh prison conditions, including the rivalry between prisoner factions: human, orc, goblin and...   [click here for more]
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Accursed Apple Twists

Accursed Apple Twists

Accursed Apple Twists This One-Shot Adventure Module Contains: The story for a single adventure, perfectly suited for new players A map of a small burial-mound dungeon usable in virtual tabletops such as roll20 Two NPC stat-blocks Stat block for a new deadly boss enemy Several hand-drawn illustrations The Story Near the old dwarven road lies a tiny...   [click here for more]
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Follow the Lights

Follow the Lights

Follow the Lights This One Shot Adventure Module contains: The story for a single adventure Builds for a new monster Build and Background for a NPCs Puzzles and riddles for your party to solve Maps and ideas for special combat encounters The Story While many know legends or stories about mythical artefacts granting immortality, the gnomish scholar...   [click here for more]
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A Ship in the Mist - A Horror One Shot

A Ship in the Mist - A Horror One Shot

In A Ship in the Mist, the players are hired to recover a lost skyship known as the Sky Scythe and retrieve an experimental artifact called the Veil of Aramis. The Sky Scythe disappeared decades ago under mysterious circumstances, only to resurface in a desolate region. As the players investigate the ship, they uncover its eerie connection to a plane...   [click here for more]
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The Reliquary

The Reliquary

The Reliquary is a 2-4 hour dungeon for any level that will challenge your party's teamwork, compassion, and puzzle solving as they attempt to find the artifact hidden behind a challenge that only the truly good and heroic can best. Drawing from some of the best fantasy tropes, where great magic is hidden behind traps that only the selfless and good-of-heart can solve, the Reliquary will force your...   [click here for more]
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The Galley of Death

The Galley of Death

The Galley of Death This One-Shot Adventure Module contains:  The story for a single adventure Builds for three different enemies / monsters Builds for two kinds of friendly NPCs A table for rolling events for a ship caught in a storm A simple sketched map of a ship Several high detail maps to be used in an online tabletop such as Roll20 The Story The...   [click here for more]
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Pilot in Peril: a Sharn Tale

Pilot in Peril: a Sharn Tale

Adventure Level: 1st-3rd level Location: Breland, Sharn - Middle Dura Adventure Length: 3 Acts | Approx. 6-8 hours Will The Adventurers Save Sharn's Star Pilot in Time? Alara Stormwind, a famous sky-racing pilot, has been kidnapped just before the city's most thrilling event—the Tumbledown Race. In Pilot in Peril, players must navigate the towering...   [click here for more]
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Crypt of the Archmage (5e)

Crypt of the Archmage (5e)

The secret lies inside you all, with which to paint me on the wall. Forge a key of ruby-red, but what will be must then be dead. Crypt of the Archmage is an adventure for Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition, designed to mimic the style of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons modules from the 1970s! Enter the dungeonous crypt of the Archmage, battling puzzles, riddles,...   [click here for more]
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Back To The Sea

Back To The Sea

When the party are shipwrecked they take shelter in an old forgotten cottage. They soon find themselves uncovering a mysterious death. One thing is for sure, they are not alone... Back to the sea is a 3-5 hour one shot, recommended for Level 1-4 adventurers. It offers a refreshing and different look at Ghosts in D&D. Setting neutral, easy to slide into any campaign, especially settings with ports...   [click here for more]
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Katha - the City of Potential

Katha - the City of Potential

Katha is a fully built city with nearly a hundred NPCs, dozens of shops, and many different factions all vying for power over this growing city.  Katha is a growing city-state that can expand (or regress) in any direction depending on the choices of your group.  It can easily suit any party of any size or level but is designed for mid-level parties with money to spend.  The city...   [click here for more]
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Das ist nicht das Ende (One-Shot!)

Das ist nicht das Ende (One-Shot!)

Deine Sinne kehren langsam zurück und mit einem schweren Keuchen richtest du dich auf. Du bist nicht sicher, was geschehen ist, doch auf einmal bist du genau hier, an diesem trostlosen Ort. Nur vereinzelt siehst du noch andere Bewohner*innen der Burg, die gleichermaßen verwirrt scheinen. Deine Erinnerungen sind verblasst. Du wischt dir über die Augen und versuchst etwas Klarheit...   [click here for more]
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Ascent of Dragons: Greenmoot

Ascent of Dragons: Greenmoot

Greenmoot is the third title in the campaign spanning 20 modules -one for each level. All are designed for zero DM preparation time!  In Greenmoot, now commissioned by Lenastyll, the adventurers make their way to Greenmoot, a trading post deep in the High Forest. Here, as well as participating in the local nightlife, they also have the...   [click here for more]
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Seeds of Chaos

Seeds of Chaos

Seeds of Chaos  The Horror of Horticulture Valentine Manor is beauty entrapped in architecture. The lavish stately home is renowned throughout the realms, and its gardens even more so. However, despite its famed beauty something has found its way into the garden and corrupted its allure. Could it be something to do with the new gardeners, or something even more sinister? A 4-hour...   [click here for more]
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Teuflischer Apfelstrudel

Teuflischer Apfelstrudel

Teuflischer Apfelstrudel Dieses One-Shot Abenteuer enthält: Ein kurzes Abenteuer, perfekt für neue Spieler Die Karte eines kleinen Verliesses (brauchbar in online tabletops wie Roll20) Angaben für zwei NSC Ein neues, tödliches Boss Monster Mehrere handgezeichnete Illustrationen Die Geschichte Im Hügelland, östlich der alten Zwergenstraße liegt...   [click here for more]
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Ascent of Dragons: Dark Blades

Ascent of Dragons: Dark Blades

Dark Blades is the fourth title in the campaign spanning 20 modules -one for each level. All are designed for zero DM preparation time!   In Dark Blades, the adventurers are co-opted into hunting escaped draconians -deadly creatures with black dragonborn ancestry, and returning them alive for a bounty. Following...   [click here for more]
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The Modron Maze

The Modron Maze

In a distant dimension of existence, a collective of Modrons run experimental tests to find the answer to one question: What draws adventurers to places known as "Dungeons"? Hijacking the travel of adventuring parties, these Modrons subject them to a series of tests in their artificially created dungeon. Deadly combat, logic puzzles, "moral" challenges, and a plot about a kidnapped "Maiden"...   [click here for more]
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On Her Majesty’s Pest Control Service

On Her Majesty’s Pest Control Service

On Her Majesty's Pest Control Service This One Shot Adventure Module contains: The story for a single adventure Tips on how to run a introduction session for new TTRPG players Builds for several new monsters Build and Background for a NPC Puzzles and riddles for your party to solve Maps and ideas for special combat encounters The Story Like most large...   [click here for more]
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Chasing the Green

Chasing the Green

Chasing the Green is a 2 - 3 hour adventure for three to four 1st level characters, but can easily be adjusted for 2nd level characters by adding to the encounters.  This adventure is the second of the Mud Creek trilogy. A set of adventures for low level characters which takes them from 1st level to 3rd level and sets them on a path to glory or infamy. In this adventure the players meet for the first...   [click here for more]
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The Quarrelsome Quarry

The Quarrelsome Quarry

The Quarrelsome Quarry is a 2-3 hour adventure for 2nd level characters at the end of which the players need to make a choice that will decide their path. This adventure is the third and final adventure of the Mud Creek trilogy. A set of adventures for low level characters which takes them from 1st level to 3rd level and sets them on a path to glory or infamy. The previous adventures in this campaign...   [click here for more]
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Temple Of The Nightwind

Temple Of The Nightwind

"Deep in the Kryptgarden Forest lies a forgotten temple. Are you brave enough to face the dangers within?" Temple of the Nightwind is a short LVL 2 adventure designed for new players and new dungeon masters. My goal was to design a fun adventure that anyone can grab and play, without doing too much prep work. You can place the adventure in any setting and you do not need the Monster Manual or Dungeon...   [click here for more]
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Grymm House: A Horror / Halloween One Shot Adventure

Grymm House: A Horror / Halloween One Shot Adventure

When a group of adventurers become lost in a heavy snowstorm which appears unexpectedly out of nowhere, they are glad to take refuge at Grymm House. However, everything is not as it seems and the situation rapidly proceeds from unsettling to terrifying!  Grymm House is a spooky horror one-shot D&D 5e adventure for 4-6 level 3 players. Unleash the adventure: 6+...   [click here for more]
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The DnD 5E New Player Tutorial Adventure

The DnD 5E New Player Tutorial Adventure

I'm of the mind that the two most difficult things for players who are new to Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition ("DnD 5E") are creating a character and learning the basic mechanics. This adventure addresses the latter. I like to run this tutorial for players who are brand new to DnD. The less familiarity your players have with DnD and role-playing games in general, the more valuable this tutorial...   [click here for more]
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Before The Trolltide, sidequest for Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

Before The Trolltide, sidequest for Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

This adventure can be played as a side quest to your Waterdeep: Dragon Heist or used a oneshot session. Based on Trolltide at Waterdeep, you can embrace your player to feel one of waterdeep holiday~ ...   [click here for more]
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Murmur through the Cracks

Murmur through the Cracks

Murmur through the Cracks This One Shot Adventure Module contains: The story for a single adventure An intriguing mystery for your players to solve Builds for 4 new monsters Builds for multiple tough NPCs Detailed maps of the city of Samin and some key locations Ideas for special combat encounters and a final boss fight The Story Even a decade after...   [click here for more]
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Be seen by Nobody

Be seen by Nobody

Be seen by Nobody This One Shot Adventure Module Contains: The story for a single adventure Builds for 3 new monsters A rule set for fighting giant monsters for D&D 5e Inspiration for an action-puzzle boss encounter A rough map of an island The Story Far-off from any trade routes, in the middle of the ocean, lies a small island named “Isstic”....   [click here for more]
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Bounty Hunt - Gnasher (5e)

Bounty Hunt - Gnasher (5e)

An adventure created to compliment any current town or city your group are in. This bounty hunt is a simple three to four hour adventure. The group will be incentivised to bring the bounty in alive, but the scenario is open ended enough that each time I have run it, each group has approached each part differently. ...   [click here for more]
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The frosted path

The frosted path

This is a dungeon and dragons level 1 initiation one-shot. Follow the frosted path to the Winter's respite and investigate the curious disappearance of magical beasts in the forbidden mountains! This product include a 12-pages pdf with the main plot, NPC and their statblock, as a well as a map for the final fight. It also includes 12 pre-filled level 1 character sheets and their associated spell list,...   [click here for more]
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The Cult of the Dragon

The Cult of the Dragon

I developed this side quest for my campaign of Dragon of Icespire Peak for level 3. My intention was to introduce the party to the Cult of the Dragon as I am intending on running a modified version of Hoard of the Dragon Queen and then Rise of Tiamat. Any feedback would be appreciated! ...   [click here for more]
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The Untouchables of Sharn - Gli Intoccabili di Sharn

The Untouchables of Sharn - Gli Intoccabili di Sharn

This one-shot adventure is set in Sharn, the City of Towers. The characters are part of an investigative unit of Sharn Watch, known as the Untouchables, which fights organized crime. It is a tribute to the crucial scenes of a masterpiece movie of the 80s, The Untouchables, whose story, set in Chicago during the Prohibition years, is transposed in Eberron,...   [click here for more]
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The Haunting of Sleepy Hollow

The Haunting of Sleepy Hollow

The village of Sleepy Hollow is in a state of deep distress and urgent need of aid! Crops have withered, animals have disappeared and a strange dark presence seems to shadow the townsfolk! The villagers are in desperate need of adventurers to uncover the mystery behind the sinister happenings and save the village of Sleepy Hollow from its impending doom! The Haunting of...   [click here for more]
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Visit from the Stars

Visit from the Stars

A 2-3 hour 5e adventure for 4 to 6 fourth level characters. Content warning: physical disability. Includes: stylized document, printer-friendly document, accessible document. Needed: A Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide and Monster Manual are required to play. The legends of the village of Visétoile speak of the...   [click here for more]
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Caverns of The Dirty Hag

Caverns of The Dirty Hag

A free adventure with a map. Enjoy! :) It's made for four level 3's. It has a marked map inside the download. ...   [click here for more]
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The Lost Adventurer

The Lost Adventurer

A festival in a friendly town is interrupted by the disappearance of the guest of honor. Where could they be, and who is the culprit? Is it the shady necromancer that stopped by town the other day? The fire bandits that have been tormenting the town? Or something far more mysterious and sinister? That's up for you to discover. The Lost Adventurer is a quest for beginner D&D 5e players and DMs....   [click here for more]
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The Old Church

The Old Church

An adventure where every play through can have its own twist and there is more to explore than meets the eye! The Old Church was built long ago. Under the vision of a priest whose name has been lost to the ages. Those that fell into his beliefs believed that when the world was near its end and the sun would set for the last time, they would be’ the chosen ones’ and would take shelter within the...   [click here for more]
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Don't Break your Pick

Don't Break your Pick

Don't break your Pick This One-Shot Adventure Module Contains: The story for a single adventure Builds for 3 new monsters Detailed and high-resolution encounter maps (to be used e.g. in Roll20) A boss fight with unique lair actions Several hazards and ideas for a mining expedition The Story Far up in the cold North, nestled between two giant mountains, lies a mining city called Dandery....   [click here for more]
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A Stop on the Road

A Stop on the Road

A short adventure for 3-5 players of level 1-3   The hamlet of Cartrest has grown up around the Wearied Wagon Inn beside a main road. Recently locals have seen strange lights around a set of ancient ruins nearby. Driven by a mix of fearful superstition and curiosity the locals have scraped together a small reward to encourage someone to investigate. ...   [click here for more]
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The Fade Lands

The Fade Lands

“The Fade Lands” is a unique, PC-centric adventure. 185 pages. It is designed to strengthen the bond of your RPG group.   FEATURES: (A) The player-created, PC backstories are the focus of the adventure. (B) Unique land, wildlife, & culture. (C) Optional, peaceful solutions listed for most encounters. (D) New items, monsters,...   [click here for more]
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Guardians of Island Peace: The Moonshae-Fey Expeditions

Guardians of Island Peace: The Moonshae-Fey Expeditions

An entire island to explore. Fantastical beasts to save. There's no time to lose in this race against time. Strange beasts have been spotted stalking the land. A mysterious Drow offers a high price for their safe return. Poachers, bandits and mercenaries are closing in. Can you rescue them before an untimely demise? "Aye, thought you could keep this a secret from us, eh? Well,...   [click here for more]
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The Feywild Exorcism

The Feywild Exorcism

Just in time for Halloween, we offer you a treat - a brief, compact quest that might transport your adventurers into the realm of trickery and deceit. Featuring the ever-known tropes of a cursed child, a scene of exorcism, the shady magics of the Feywild, a vengeful hag and, potentially, a band of drunken satyrs. This is a self-contained quest for all kinds of settings...   [click here for more]
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Breaking Waves

Breaking Waves

Breaking waves This One Shot Adventure Module contains: The story for a single maritime adventure - ideal for introducing D&D 5e to new players Builds for 2 new monsters and 1 new boss monster Builds for multiple tough NPCs A simple treasure riddle Detailed Maps of the mysterious ship called the "Selandia" A loot table for plundering a passenger ship Multiple social,...   [click here for more]
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A Source of Secrets

A Source of Secrets

A Source of Secrets is the sequel to the Mud Creek trilogy and the first adventure in the Valley of Kyros trilogy. This adventure is followed by "The lights of Darkness" and then "The Purging flames". In this adventure our heroes set out to discover the secrets of Saarith. A lich they unwittingly released from a magical prison. This adventure is designed to be a low level adventure for three to four...   [click here for more]
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The Abandoned Campsite (5e Quest)

The Abandoned Campsite (5e Quest)

Have your party discover what remains of a ravaged campsite. Will your party discover the means of this attack, and rescue those lost? This quest is balanced around a party of four level four adventurers A fifth edition quest created by Keltick, of the Game Master’s Tavern. ...   [click here for more]
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