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Alternative Steeds for Paladins, Volume 1

Alternative Steeds for Paladins, Volume 1

Introduction: Spice up your Paladin with a more interesting Steed. The parameters for the beasts are as follows; each is a Celestial/Fiendish/Fey modified version of a natural real world animal and each is roughly comparable to a warhorse. So while there won’t be any hippogriffs or dragons in this menagerie, there will definitely be some interesting possibilities. This includes a short story...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.77

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Paladin Variant: Oath of the Steadfast Defender

Paladin Variant: Oath of the Steadfast Defender

Introduction: A paladin is a warrior whose strength of devotion to sworn oaths is as important as the strength of their sword arm. This is certainly the case with the Steadfast Defender, only whereas most paladins swear to ideals and concepts, Steadfast Defender will typically swear to defend in a more concrete way. This archetype is meant to explore the ideas of defense and duty. As a player you...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.77

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Paladin Variant: The Oath of Immaculate Nobility

Paladin Variant: The Oath of Immaculate Nobility

Paladin Variant: The Oath of Immaculate Nobility “Find Steed? Why would I do that? If I want a steed I'll send a peasant to fetch it, not say a bunch of mumbo jumbo and wave my arms about.” (In response to one of the reviewers - Yes, this is meant to be funny. I hope it is enjoyed it the spirit is was intended.) By Dave Goff ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Paladin Variant: Oath of the Lawwarden

Paladin Variant: Oath of the Lawwarden

While it may not be the most glamorous job, somebody has to enforce the Law and keep the Peace. These Paladins are Oath-Bound to do just that. Have fun putting on your role-playing hat and try playing your Paladin as a detective instead of a meat shield. By Dave Goff Like everything I do, this item includes a quirky story of a Lawwarden. The story continues in Alternative Steeds for Paladins, Volume...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Alternative Steeds for Paladins, Volume 2

Alternative Steeds for Paladins, Volume 2

Introduction: Spice up your Paladin with a more interesting Steed. The parameters for the beasts are as follows; each is a Celestial/Fiendish/Fey modified version of a natural real world animal and each is roughly comparable to a warhorse. So while there won’t be any hippogriffs or dragons in this menagerie, there will definitely be some interesting possibilities. LIKE, A...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Creepy, Crawly & Crazy

Creepy, Crawly & Crazy

Discover 6 Creepy, Crawly & Crazy creatures to add some real flavor to your campaign. Meet the Ghost Herder who steals the souls of children and uses them as weapons. A brother to Night Hags and just as evil. Perhaps you might do better to start off with the Boneless Man, a fey prankster who might cause some annoyance, but also might leave a little gift. But as that bit of merriment...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.25

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