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 Hottest D&D Classics, Curse of Strahd / Van Richten, 3rd Edition (d20 System)
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Expedition to Castle Ravenloft (3e)

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft (3e)

The master of Ravenloft is having guests for dinner... and you are invited.   A dark shape emerges from the shadow of Castle Ravenloft. A flash of lightning reveals the sneering countenance of Count Strahd von Zarovich. His eyes burn with eternal hunger and a contempt for life. From a narrow balcony, he peers out into the drizzling twilight at the few sad lights of the village...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $19.99

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Ravenloft (3.0)

Ravenloft (3.0)

A Domain of Dread A night of eternal terror. A world ruled by fear and horror. Vampires who rule the night. Shapeshifters who prowl the forests. Eldritch ghouls and undead skeletons who prey upon a fearful populace. If ever a world needed heroes, it is the world of Ravenloft. A World of Gothic Adventure The Ravenloft setting takes one of the classic roleplaying...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $14.99

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Ravenloft Player's Handbook (3.5)

Ravenloft Player's Handbook (3.5)

Step into the Darkness Within the darkness, terror reigns. Vampires rule the night. Shapeshifters howl beneath the gibbous moon. Ancient evil and new-made ghosts and ghouls prey upon a populace ruled by fear. Yet within the darkness glows a light - a few brave souls who stand against the evil. Have you the courage to join their struggle? Gothic Adventure in the Domain of Dread The Ravenloft Player's...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $14.99

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Champions of Darkness (3e)

Champions of Darkness (3e)

Tortured by Darkness Whether lured by the Dark Powers or born to a life of darkness, those who devote themselves to the masters of the Land of Mists undergo their own agonizing struggles. Nemeses of good, yet puppets of evil, these beleaguered men and women may rise to greatness or find their way back to the light. In any other world, they would be called anti-heroes. Here, they are...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $9.59

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