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Manageable Monsters - Goblins

Manageable Monsters - Goblins

Manageable Monsters is exactly what it sounds like: simple but fun monsters for Dungeons & Dragons 5e (2014 & 2024), designed for both new and seasoned DMs. Each monster in this supplement takes up no more than half a page. Within that space, you’ll find a brief description of the monster, its concise stat block, and even a combat tracker. Some of their abilities have been simplified for...   [click here for more]
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Saphren - An Elemental from The Quasi-Elemental Plane of Minerals

Saphren - An Elemental from The Quasi-Elemental Plane of Minerals

A Saphren is an elemental creature hailing from the Quasi-Elemental Plane of Minerals, though small clusters of them can also be found on the Elemental Plane of Earth and deep within the Underdark on the Material Plane. Saphren have a reptilian appearance, with four muscular legs and a powerful tail. Their bodies are covered in opalescent crystals, ranging in colour from green to blue and purple....   [click here for more]
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Tyranny of Dragons: Reloaded

Tyranny of Dragons: Reloaded

All profits from this book (after WOTC's 25% licensing fee) will be donated to charity (Doctors Without Borders). If you want to donate 100% to charity, feel free to pay 0$ for the article, and donate directly at . This is a companion book to Hoard of the Dragon Queen and Rise of Tiamat. The goal...   [click here for more]
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(WIP) Descent into Avernus - A Tier 4 Adaptation

(WIP) Descent into Avernus - A Tier 4 Adaptation

All profits from this book (after WOTC's 25% licensing fee) will be donated to charity (Doctors Without Borders). If you want to donate 100% to charity, feel free to pay 0$ for the article, and donate directly at . This is a companion book to Descent into Avernus. The goal is to make it a high-level campaign,...   [click here for more]
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Beyond the Stars

Beyond the Stars

Travel beyond the stars in this 5th Edition spelljammer horror adventure! Step aboard a once-glorious spelljamming galleon, now a ghost ship. Discover the truth of what happened. Try to hold onto your mind as you face the deadly aberration that stalks the halls. Includes a complete multi-level dungeon, dramatic skill challenges, a new deadly monster, and overhauls for the Sanity system including...   [click here for more]
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Daria’s Guide to Prosthetics

Daria’s Guide to Prosthetics

Daria’s Guide to Prosthetics This homebrew is dedicated to providing replacements for lost limbs in your Dungeons and Dragons party, or giving them to a BBEG. The guide primarily focuses on prosthetics and some examples of them, but it also gives rules for losing limbs, severing them, crafting the prosthetics, and installing them. The guide is designed to be modular, allowing you to pick and choose...   [click here for more]
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The Saboteur - a Rogue Archetype

The Saboteur - a Rogue Archetype

Saboteur: Rogue Archetype Master the art of explosives and tactical traps with the Saboteur rogue archetype. Create a variety of powerful bombs that use Sneak Attack dice for damage to control the battlefield, incapacitate enemies, and cause chaos. Combine precision and destructive power to become a formidable and unpredictable force in any conflict. You can contact Lorenzo via: Instagram:   [click here for more]
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Critical Flaws - A Fun Roleplay Mechanic

Critical Flaws - A Fun Roleplay Mechanic

Rather than punishing your players by forcing them to drop a weapon, trip, or accidentally attack themselves due to a random dice roll, this mechanic applies a role-playing flaw to their character for the remainder of the session. These flaws are similar to the ones chosen during character creation but are a bit more light-hearted. When a player rolls a natural 1 on any d20 test, have them roll on...   [click here for more]
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Fighter Subclass: Nautiloid

Fighter Subclass: Nautiloid

People have wanted to play as mindflayers and various other abberations and monsters in D&D for as long as the game has been around, and the imagination jumps straight to Cthulhu, Krakens, and many other cruel and bizarre creatures that devour and consume.Why does this collection go with Storm King's Thunder so well? Well, this subclass has spoilers, although vague, there is something affecting...   [click here for more]
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Item Handouts for the Players Handbook (2014)

Item Handouts for the Players Handbook (2014)

294 items, 19 page PDF, from Players Handbook (2014) in small handout size for GMs to give their players. Handouts are sized based on the item description and therefore are different sizes. ...   [click here for more]
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Orvly Bar and Pool - An Adventuring Hub for Low Level Campaign's

Orvly Bar and Pool - An Adventuring Hub for Low Level Campaign's

This supplement is intended to be used as a sort of launch pad or meeting place for low-level campaigns. Within this supplement, you will find everything you need regarding fleshing out this location, including three NPCs, all with unique stat blocks, food and drink menus to entice your players, job opportunities, and passive ways for your players to make an income during downtime by working in the...   [click here for more]
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Wild Beyond the Witchlight Story Tracker

Wild Beyond the Witchlight Story Tracker

Description A redesigned unofficial replacement for the Wild Beyond the Witchlight Story Tracker. This tracker includes quick check-box and ready-made options for all of the events throughout The Wild Beyond the Witchlight at every point where the DM is prompted to record the outcomes in the Story Tracker, making recording these events much easier and ensuring you do not miss out. Contents This tracker...   [click here for more]
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Slay All Dragons: Bog of the Black Wyrm

Slay All Dragons: Bog of the Black Wyrm

"A dragon is hard to overcome, but one must try."  - Definition of "dragon" from Nowe Ateny Slay All Dragons: Bog of the Black Wyrm A Deadly Dungeon and a Dreaded Dragon for characters of 15th Level Penumbranyx, also known as Worldshadow, is an ancient black dragon that resides in the marsh-ridden region known only as the Sunken...   [click here for more]
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Cragmaw Goblin (One Page Monster)

Cragmaw Goblin (One Page Monster)

The Cragmaw Goblin tribe, a menacing collection of Goblins, Hobgoblins, and formidable Bugbears, finds its dark home in the shadowy depths of the Neverwinter Wood. They derive their ominous name from the jagged, almost unnatural teeth that protrude from their mouths, resembling eerie white or yellow crags amidst the darkness of the forest. These ruthless marauders are notorious for their brazen assaults...   [click here for more]
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King Grol (One Page Monster)

King Grol (One Page Monster)

King Grol is a formidable and cunning goblin leader who plays a significant role in the "Lost Mines of Phandelver" adventure. As the chieftain of the Cragmaw goblin tribe, he is responsible for capturing Gundren Rockseeker, a pivotal character in the storyline. King Grol is ruthless and opportunistic, and he seeks to use Gundren's knowledge to his advantage. He resides in the foreboding Cragmaw Castle,...   [click here for more]
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Gobledogs (One Page Monster)

Gobledogs (One Page Monster)

Gobledogs are sickly, deformed creatures with dark grey fur that often seems matted and patchy. Their most peculiar feature is the sheer number of teeth they possess, far more than could comfortably fit in their mouths. As a result, some of these teeth jut out at odd angles, creating a menacing and grotesque visage. Many Gobledogs are tailless, a genetic quirk that causes their tails to fall off, leaving...   [click here for more]
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Klarg (One Page Monster)

Klarg (One Page Monster)

Klarg is a hulking and menacing Bugbear, known for his brutal leadership and cunning tactics. With a towering frame and a perpetually scowling expression, he strikes fear into those who cross his path. His matted fur and crude armor give him a savage appearance, and his sharp eyes miss little in his domain. Klarg is a formidable figure in the world of goblins, commanding respect and fear from his underlings....   [click here for more]
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Yeemik (One Page Monster)

Yeemik (One Page Monster)

Yeemik, a goblin of the Cragmaw tribe, possesses a lean and wiry frame that sets him apart among his kin. His appearance is marked by mottled green skin and a particularly cunning gleam in his eye. Yeemik's personality is characterized by ambition and cunning, traits that drive him to seek leadership within the tribe. He is known for his snickering laugh, which often precedes his treacherous plans....   [click here for more]
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The Mighty Morhell - A Challenging Encounter for Low Level Adventurers

The Mighty Morhell - A Challenging Encounter for Low Level Adventurers

This encounter is designed to be a challenging/deadly encounter for low-level players—a kind of mini-boss fight. It is purposefully designed to be difficult and something new for more experienced players. Encounter Outline The settlement the PC's find themselves in is located in a 'soft place,' a location on the Material Plane where the border between the other planes is incredibly...   [click here for more]
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A Kobolds Guide to Awesome Ores

A Kobolds Guide to Awesome Ores

The purpose of this supplement is simple: it adds 20 new metals and ores that you can use to enhance and improve both basic non-magical weapons and also their magical variants. Each of the metals listed here can be used as weapon and armour variants in the same way as you would use something like the hellfire weapon variant or the Mithral armour variant. Each metal/ore has one trait associated with...   [click here for more]
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Cuppa Kobolds (One Page Location)

Cuppa Kobolds (One Page Location)

The exterior is adorned with an eclectic array of mismatched signage, with colorful, hand-painted boards that display a blend of Common, Draconic, and various other languages. The entrance, framed by a rustic, dragon-shaped arch, opens into a cozy, dimly lit space. Inside, the ceiling is festooned with countless hanging lanterns and knick-knacks collected from across the multiverse. The walls are covered...   [click here for more]
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Toys of Loomlurch - A Witchlight Supplement

Toys of Loomlurch - A Witchlight Supplement

Toys of Loomlurch! In Skabatha Nightshades workshop the kids are slaving away making toys. The Tin Soldiers can now use those toys against the PCs who are trying to infiltrate Loomlurch. Let Tin Soldiers rip toys from the shelves and toss them at your PCs! They are ment to be used to slow down and hamper the movement of the PCs while a single Tin Soldier runs to fetch Granny Nightshade,...   [click here for more]
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Goblin Loot (One Page Loot Table)

Goblin Loot (One Page Loot Table)

Get ready to dive into the Goblins' Grab Bag of Treasures! This table is packed with quirky, often ridiculous, but always entertaining loot straight from the goblin world. Expect everything from shrunken heads to lucky rocks, each with its own peculiar twist. It's loot so unusual that even goblins themselves might raise an eyebrow (if they had any) Included in this PDF: 50 Unique trinkets treasured...   [click here for more]
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Lost Mines of Phandelver Store Inventory & Pricing

Lost Mines of Phandelver Store Inventory & Pricing

Here's a little something I personally struggled with and... ending up over doing because I thought it looked cool. So, here's hoping at least a few people get some use out of my insomniac work. Not every DM likes to break immersion and say to their players "Here's a basic guide line of what these stores have from the PHB, go nuts". I like to be able to hand my players store stock, and let them feel...   [click here for more]
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PPP Potions

PPP Potions

These potions are taken from our book Journey Around the Radiant Citadel, but in celebration of our first copper medal on the dmsguild we are making them available here. If you like what you read feel free to check out our other titles on the dmsguild. Included in this document is: A Potion shop and Potion maker  21 new potions to stock the shop This Preview is part of our Copper...   [click here for more]
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BAHAMUT, The Platinum King ✧ Forgotten Realms 5e

BAHAMUT, The Platinum King ✧ Forgotten Realms 5e

This is a lore pamphlet for players that play clerics, paladins, or worshippers of Bahamut, god of justice, wind, and good dragons in the Forgotten Realms. Updated to post-Sundering status quo. A compilation of lore based on established canon lore published across all editions of Dungeons & Dragons, combined with non-canon gap fillers. This document contains the following:...   [click here for more]
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Advance Armour Training - A New Armour Mechanic

Advance Armour Training - A New Armour Mechanic

Advanced Armor Training is a feat available to anyone with at least one armour proficiency at level 4. It is designed to complement the new Weapon Mastery feature, allowing you to use your armour in unique and strategic ways. Each standard armour type in the Player's Handbook is assigned 3 of the 10 new advanced armour properties. When you take this feat, you choose one of the new advanced properties...   [click here for more]
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Little Book of Kobolds

Little Book of Kobolds

The title pretty much says it all here: just a little book containing six new kobold variants, including the Rotspore Kobold, the Geomorph Kobold, the Revenant Kobold, the Draconic Kobold, the Boldlyn, and the Blind Kobold. These are low CR creatures ranging from CR 1/4 to CR 2, and can be easily swapped in for regular kobolds to spice up your kobold-tastic encounter. ...   [click here for more]
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Bister the Cartographer (One Page NPC)

Bister the Cartographer (One Page NPC)

Bister is a small and wiry goblin with dark green skin and sharp, observant eyes. They wear a tattered brown cloak adorned with various map-making tools—compasses, quills, and inkwells—that clink and jingle as they move. Bister's hands are constantly stained with ink, evidence of their tireless dedication to their craft. Included in this PDF: Background and roleplay notes for Bister the Cartographer. Unique...   [click here for more]
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Grukka the Ferocious  (One Page NPC)

Grukka the Ferocious (One Page NPC)

Grukka stands out among Kobolds with her muscular, reptilian form covered in mottled crimson scales. She sports tribal tattoos on her arms, each mark representing a victorious battle in the underground fighting pits. Her sharp teeth gleam as she wears a fierce grin, and her claws are always at the ready. Grukka's eyes burn with an unquenchable ferocity. Included in this PDF: Background and roleplay...   [click here for more]
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Scrapper (One Page Subclass)

Scrapper (One Page Subclass)

Scrappers are a unique subclass of fighters designed exclusively for Goblin characters. These diminutive warriors embrace their small size and harness it as an advantage in combat. Agile, cunning, and fearless, Scrappers excel at chaos and unpredictability, leveraging their nimbleness and affinity for mischief to confound their enemies. With their unorthodox fighting style, Scrappers strike fear into...   [click here for more]
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Goblin Arsenal (One Page Arsenal)

Goblin Arsenal (One Page Arsenal)

These weapons have been meticulously designed by goblins, for goblins, to cater to their specific murdering needs. The intricate craftsmanship and balance of these weapons are tailored to fit perfectly in a goblin's grotesque hands. Included in this PDF: 20 Unique Weapons designed by Goblins, for Goblins, to murder non-Goblins All wepons use the Owl Preservaltions Societys...   [click here for more]
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Herald of Tiamat: A Descent into Avernus Adventure

Herald of Tiamat: A Descent into Avernus Adventure

  Herald of Tiamat: A Descent into Avernus Adventure Unleash the fury of dragons and step into a world of ancient deities and infernal plots with "Herald of Tiamat," a thrilling Dungeons & Dragons adventure designed for 5th to 6th level characters. This adventure seamlessly integrates into the "Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus" campaign but can also serve as a standalone experience or be...   [click here for more]
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Ziblin the Inept (One Page NPC)

Ziblin the Inept (One Page NPC)

Ziblin is a scrawny Kobold with dull, brownish scales that seem to blend into the background. They wear a patchwork robe that's several sizes too big for them, and their overlong sleeves often get in the way when they attempt to cast spells. Ziblin's tail constantly twitches with nervous energy, and their beady eyes dart around, always on the lookout for potential magical mishaps. Included in this...   [click here for more]
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Wizzle Quickfingers (One Page NPC)

Wizzle Quickfingers (One Page NPC)

Wizzle Quickfingers is a wiry and sprightly goblin with a mischievous glint in his eyes. His emerald green skin is adorned with smudges of dirt and vibrant streaks of paint, suggesting his affinity for pranks. Wizzle's clothing is a patchwork of colorful fabrics, and he wears a peculiar fisherman's vest festooned with pockets of all shapes and sizes, some containing peculiar trinkets. His nimble fingers...   [click here for more]
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Primordial Hill Goblin (One Page Monster)

Primordial Hill Goblin (One Page Monster)

The lesser-seen Hill Goblin actually originates from an ancient lineage dating back to the time of the primordials—long before the first goblins stepped across from the Feywild. It is believed that Maglubiyet stole a vial of blood from Annam and utilized it to create his army of oversized goblinoids, meant to rival the giants. The reason behind this endeavor remains unknown. However, Maglubiyet's...   [click here for more]
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Frostscale Abishai Kobold (One Page Monster)

Frostscale Abishai Kobold (One Page Monster)

The Frostscale Abishai Kobolds are descended from Kobolds who swore fealty to Tiamat, the Queen of Chromatic Dragons. In return for their loyalty, she bestowed upon them the blood of her chromatic Abishai spawn. This gift has been passed down from generation to generation, imbuing them with the powers of her white Abishai spawn. Included in this PDF: Background and new lore for the Frostscale Abishai...   [click here for more]
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Rem the Melodious (One Page NPC)

Rem the Melodious (One Page NPC)

Rem is a diminutive Kobold with shimmering azure scales and a vibrant shock of cobalt blue hair. They are adorned in a patchwork cloak made from various colourful fabrics, adorned with small, tinkling bells that chime melodiously as they move. Rem's clawed fingers are always in motion, strumming an invisible instrument in the air, and their bright yellow eyes sparkle with mischief and creativity.....   [click here for more]
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Primordial Fire Goblin (One Page Monster)

Primordial Fire Goblin (One Page Monster)

The Primordial Fire Goblins share a similar origin to their kin among the Primordial Goblins. They were among Maglubiyet's attempts to create a formidable force by utilizing a vial of Annam the All-Father's blood. During Maglubiyet's skirmish against Annam's giants, the Primordial Fire Goblins proved to be a formidable force. They cut through many of Annam's giants, especially the frost giants. However,...   [click here for more]
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Primordial Frost Goblin (One Page Monster)

Primordial Frost Goblin (One Page Monster)

The Primordial Frost Goblins share their origins with the Hill and Stone Goblins, all of whom can trace their lineage back to a distant time when Maglubiyet, the Goblin god, sought to create an army of primordial goblins using the stolen blood of Annam, the giant deity. The Hill Goblins were the first, born from this audacious experiment, but they soon parted ways with Maglubiyet's grand goblinoid...   [click here for more]
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Primordial Stone Goblin (One Page Monster)

Primordial Stone Goblin (One Page Monster)

The roots of the Primordial Stone Goblins extend deep into antiquity, preceding even the earliest goblin migrations from the Feywild. Originating during the age of primordials, their lineage is shrouded in enigma. According to ancient lore, Maglubiyet seized a vial containing Annam's blood, a pivotal act that gave rise to these oversized goblinoids. Fashioned as rivals to the giants, their true purpose...   [click here for more]
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Curseblood Goblins (One Page Species)

Curseblood Goblins (One Page Species)

The Curseblood Goblins, despite their goblin-like appearance, are not actually Goblins. They are the result of a man-made disease called Goblin Pox, created by the necromancer Karlt Corvell. Goblin Pox was specifically designed to infect Goblins and swiftly bring about their demise. And it was highly successful. Karlt wiped out over two hundred Goblins in less than a week, all members of the same tribe....   [click here for more]
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Viridian Abishai Kobold (One Page Monster)

Viridian Abishai Kobold (One Page Monster)

Viridian Abishai Kobolds reside in extensive conclaves, predominantly composed of their own kind, although some winged kobolds and diminutive chromatic dragonborn also share their habitat. Unlike the Green Abishai, with whom they share their heritage, these kobolds harbour an aversion to the Nine Hells, opting instead for the call of the wilds and establishing their homes in wooded areas on the material...   [click here for more]
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Primordial Storm Goblin (One Page Monster)

Primordial Storm Goblin (One Page Monster)

The Primordial Storm Goblin stands as a colossal figure, towering at a staggering 18 feet in height. Their emerald-green skin, a hallmark of goblin heritage, is adorned with swirling runic symbols, crackling with faint traces of lightning. They possess long flowing blue hair that crackles with static energy, adding to their imposing presence. Born of an audacious experiment by the goblin god Maglubiyet,...   [click here for more]
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Obsidian Abishai Kobold (One Page Monster)

Obsidian Abishai Kobold (One Page Monster)

Obsidian Abishai Kobolds bodies are adorned with sleek, jet-black crystalline scales that seem to swallow ambient light, rendering them masters of stealth. Their lithe frames and graceful, bat-like wings enable them to navigate through shadows with remarkable dexterity. Distinctively, long onyx-black horns protrude from their foreheads, complementing their dark scales. Included in this PDF:...   [click here for more]
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Ghosts of Saltmarsh Encounters

Ghosts of Saltmarsh Encounters

This supplement contains six ready to run encounters in Saltmarsh to give DMs a quick side trek to fill a night when needed. It also helps create ties to later adventures in the series. Featuring 6 encounters, three battle maps, and one new monster! Check out my Gold best selling DM's Guide to the Dragon of Icespire Keep! My silver best selling adventure The Mystery at Dreary's Well My copper...   [click here for more]
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Firenewt (One Page Species)

Firenewt (One Page Species)

Firenewts, also known as salamen, are reptilian humanoids hailing from the volcanic regions, where they evolved from lizardfolk and developed the ability to breathe fire. These creatures are typically of a similar size to a slim human, with eel-like, smooth-scaled skin ranging from dark reddish-brown to nearly white. Their striking inky-black or deep crimson eyes betray a sadistic nature, as firenewts...   [click here for more]
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Primordial Cloud Goblin (One Page Monster)

Primordial Cloud Goblin (One Page Monster)

In stark contrast to the other primordial goblins, the Cloud Goblins were not created by Maglubiyet's use of Annam's blood. Instead, they are the result of interbreeding among primordial goblins, one of their parents being a Storm Goblin. However, these unions are not born of love but rather an act of dominance. Storm Goblins, who believe themselves superior to their primordial kin, forcibly impregnate...   [click here for more]
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The Rhumari (Playable Species)

The Rhumari (Playable Species)

The Rhumari are a distinct branch of humanity, having evolved in isolation from the broader human population. While they bear an undeniable resemblance to humans in physicality, it is their unique upbringing, traditions, and profound spiritual connection to both their ancestors and the natural world that sets them apart. As a nomadic species, the Rhumari reject the notion of anchoring their lives to...   [click here for more]
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Phandalin Map: Stonehill

Phandalin Map: Stonehill

Map of the Stonehill Inn, a famous meeting place in the town of Phandalin. Included: Ground Floor First Floor Underground For each level the following are available: Maps with and without lighting Maps with and without grid JPG formats at Low and High resolution .dd2vtt formats for import in Fantasy Ground Additionally, the tokens and handounts of the characters...   [click here for more]
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