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Start your own duet campaign! Teleport your way out of the confines of a castle to an ancient mountainside cavern with a secret waiting just for you...
First Blush is the inaugural adventure of D&D Duet, bringing you high quality, ready to play material focused on supporting adventuring parties of 1 Player and 1 DM.
This adventure is written for a first-level character in a one-on-one... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Woodlands patient, woodlands wise
Beneath the valley’s obscured skies
Dangers foul and treasures fair
Lie in wait for those who dare
But should the prudent take note here
Deduce, observe, or lend an ear
All is not as it says or seems
The civilized are cutthroat for shiny dreams
- Haddiwe Vol, Witch of the Snakewood
Continue your duet campaign or add something new!
Wake up in a druid colony... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Those who organically regenerate, afflict metal and the lungs, and are reborn from death are mighty yet small. Others flit about, felt but unseen. Greater mysteries than these lie within the Veil, near to the land of Faerie, clinging to the magic of forgotten times. True travelers know that stories are best believed when lived, and those who best believe, live.
— Rai’tyl, twenty-second Head... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
An original interactive story for level 3 solo players. Nominated for a 2019 ENnie Award!
Soldra is a beautiful, ancient city, flanked by sea and mountain and lit by the sun as if blessed by the gods themselves. But its beauty comes with a price. After a tumultuous history fighting dragons that attacked and looted the city, the superstitious citizens of... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
■導入 PCは、ネヴァーウィンターから南東32㎞にある共同体ヘルム砦の議長アマランディーンから、山賊に攫われた修道女を取り返してほしいと依頼される。修道女の名はミトナ、ネヴァーウィンターの貴族から預かった美しい娘であり、美の女神スーニーに仕えている。彼女は東にあるネヴァーウィンター森に潜む山賊によって攫われた、と話す。騒ぎになる前に、秘密裏に山賊のアジトから彼女を助け出してほしい、とのことだ。... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
PCはバルダーズ・ゲートに住むエルフの少女アンナロッテから依頼を受ける。彼女の大祖母ラーラマリアの寿命が尽きようとしており、大祖母が亡くなる前にラーラマリアのかつての盟友、ドワーフのアウレリウスの遺品を探し出してほしいというのだ。... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
■導入 PCは旅の途中、ネヴァーウィンターに程近いハイ・ロード大街道にて商人ジョナンから依頼を受ける。ネヴァレンバー卿に届ける貴重なバジリスク酒を、街道でローブを身に纏ったティーフリングの男に奪われ、娘のキエルも連れ去られてしまったという。... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Goldenfields Vacation Cancelled is a solo adventure for a 4th level character where you act as both player and Dungeon Master using Fifth Edition D&D rules. This adventure is based in Goldenfields, north of Waterdeep, where you take part in a mystery and chase on your well earned day off. This adventure plays out by reading the entries, making decisions and rolls, resolving combat, and moving... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Drops of inky black rain fall over Gemflame Mountain. Tortured weeping can be heard echoing in the night. Invasive orc tribes are spreading throughout the region, clashing with local humans and dwarves. Adventurers will be drawn to Oremoor, the dwarven mining settlement within the mountain, central to the unnatural phenomena and orc threat.
This adventure module is designed to guide one or more third-level... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
![The Long Road Home: Bundle [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/430559-thumb140.jpg) This is a single player adventure for D&D 5e. No DM required. Playing all three parts should take character from 1st to 4th level. If you wish to bring in multiple characters or play with a friend just double the number of adversaries, or in the case where there is a single adversary double its hit points.
The setting is not specific to any world. However, it takes place in a region where most... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
A solo/small party adventure for level 3 characters.
Pirates have always pestered the coast around the trading town of Sharnwick. Now they appear to have become organised and are causing chaos to the surrounding villages. Investigate the Pirates sudden boldness and bring an end to the suffering of the towns people.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
You find yourself abducted by the Cult of the Snaruval the Insatiable, the Red Ooze. Chained and unarmed, waking moments before your scheduled sacrifice, you must act quickly to save yourself and any others victims of the cult…
This mini-adventure module is designed for solo-play of one 1st-level to 3rd-level character. ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
 This adventure is for a low- or mid-level character(s), and written to fit in any world the player desires. No DM is required! You may bring in a sidekick or potentially pick up one or two as the adventure progresses.
As the title implies you are part of an expedition to explore an unknown region of the world. The adventure takes place in a wilderness setting.
The adventure is in a sandbox style... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
While traveling through the forest near your camp, a miserable howl echoes through the trees. Birds take flight, deer dash away in terror, and a shiver rocks through you. Something awful is happening nearby...
A 30-minute Adventure for One to Four 1st Level Characters
This adventure is designed to take characters from 1st to 2nd level. It is written for “evil” characters of orc, half-orc, or... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
 Legends speak of a mysterious temple in the depths of the nearby jungle. The temple is said to house a priceless artifact but each expedition that has gone out in search of the temple has gone missing. Most recently, your contact Firk Kogg has established a base camp a few miles into the jungle in order to finally rediscover the temple. You have been recruited to join Firk’s expedition and find the... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
This adventure is all Japanese.
今回は「ターシャの万物釜」で扱われる「Sidekick」のルールを使った少人数セッションというコンセプトでシナリオ集を作ってみました。12本入りです。... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want