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Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone

Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone

Have Wand—Will Travel Join Eberron setting creator Keith Baker on a journey across the Western Frontier, the contested land that lies between the ancient kingdom of Breland and the rising nation of Droaam. Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone takes a deep dive into this untamed region, exploring the towns and denizens of this dangerous land. The...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $33.95

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Exploring Eberron

Exploring Eberron

Join Eberron setting creator Keith Baker in this tour through the lands, oceans, and planes of Eberron. Exploring Eberron presents Keith's vision of Eberron like never before, with fresh lore and rich illustrations to bring the setting to life.   In this book, Keith takes players and Dungeon Masters on a thrilling dive into the world of Eberron. Encounter the monstrous folk of Droaam,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $29.95

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Chronicles of Eberron

Chronicles of Eberron

Join Eberron setting creator Keith Baker for another journey across the realms of Eberron, from the trackless void of the Astral Plane to the unknown depths of the Barren Sea. Chronicles of Eberron takes a deeper dive into Keith’s vision of Eberron, with expanded mechanics and detailed illustrations that bring the world to life. This companion to Exploring Eberron contains lore...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $27.95

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Uncaged: Goddesses

Uncaged: Goddesses

2022 Ennie Award winner for Best Adventure (Gold) and Best Cover Art (Silver), with nominations for Best Interior Art and Product of the Year!!! Discover the motivations behind the goddesses of Dungeons & Dragons' rich history in Uncaged: Goddesses, an epic collection of Tier 4 adventures spanning the multiverse.  Each adventure in this massive 297-page book centers around an evil-...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $19.99

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An Elf and an Orc Had a Little Baby: Parentage and Upbringing in D&D

An Elf and an Orc Had a Little Baby: Parentage and Upbringing in D&D

Now you can play an elf-orc raised by dwarves! Or a gnome-halfling raised by kobolds! Even a grung-warforged raised in Avernus is a possibility! “...this supplement is truly an informed, aware and inspired step forward in continuing discussion about who, how and what makes up a D&D character, and how to create them just how we envision them.” - Curse of Sebs An...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $17.95

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Murder on the Eberron Express

Murder on the Eberron Express

Murder on the Eberron Express is a character driven murder mystery, confined on a moving lightning rail, where the murderer changes each time you run it. This 3-5 hour one-shot for level 6 characters aims to give you all the fun of a game of Clue with all the variety of Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition. It is set in Eberron, an unusual D&D setting, that is darker and with more pulp noir...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.95

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Eyes Unclouded

Eyes Unclouded

Eyes Unclouded is an anthology of adventures for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition, inspired by classic Japanese animation. Entreat with the Cat King of the Feywild, learn the truth behind a curse affecting an ancient forest, race by airship to find a lost sky fortress and more! Eyes Unclouded is a full-colour 180 page digital PDF that includes 11 original adventures for players of level 1 – 14....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $19.95

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The Greasemonkey's Handbook: Rules for piloting Magitech, Steampunk and Sci Fi mechs in D&D 5th Edition

The Greasemonkey's Handbook: Rules for piloting Magitech, Steampunk and Sci Fi mechs in D&D 5th Edition

What lies within this book? The Greasemonkey's Handbook is a comprehensive guide to building, piloting and fighting alongside your very own mechanical constructs in the fantastic world of Dungeons and Dragons 5th edition. Designed from the ground up to be completely compatible with almost any campaign setting, this handbook brings the world of mechs, tanks,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.95

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Dread Metrol: Into the Mists - An Eberron / Ravenloft Crossover

Dread Metrol: Into the Mists - An Eberron / Ravenloft Crossover

Join Eberron setting creator Keith Baker for a journey through the Mists and into the domain of Dread Metrol. Explore one of the greatest cities of Khorvaire—a city now besieged by nightmares. In this book, Keith creates a bridge between the settings of Eberron and Ravenloft. Trapped in an endless war, Metrol has become a harsh realm where familiar elements take dark turns. In this besieged...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $17.95

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Morgrave Miscellany

Morgrave Miscellany

BACK IN SESSION! Returning students, faculty, and those pondering admissions! The halls are once again open as we have completed University referbishment. You'll find the facilities updated to be in-line with the recent releases of Eberron Rising & Exploring Eberron. With that, we're proud to say we've also been rated the #1 party school on Eberron....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.95

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Vecna: Eve of Ruin - Companion

Vecna: Eve of Ruin - Companion

This Companion for Vecna: Eve of Ruin, aims to improve the adventure offering a new and consistent plot for the events detailed in the official product. It also offers new ideas and plots involving the Dungeons & Dragons campaign settings presented in the adventure, as a way to better incorporate the lore of those settings. Changes will be suggested, chapter by chapter, offering new possibilities,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.99

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The Blackstaff's Book of 1000 Spells

The Blackstaff's Book of 1000 Spells

The Blackstaff’s Book of 1,000 Spells is the largest compilation of 5E spells ever released, over 300 pages, from the creators behind such titles as Elminster's Guide to Magic, the Player's Companion, Faiths of the Forgotten Realms (I and II), Eberron Archetypes, and the Ravenloft Archetypes series (which Critical Role creator Matt Mercer praised...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.95

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Eberronicon: A Pocket Guide to the World

Eberronicon: A Pocket Guide to the World

From the team that brought you the Convergence Manifesto,   Across Eberron presents the… This pocket guide for DMs, players, and content creators provides a concise overview of the fascinating world of Eberron. Within these pages, we've consolidated fifteen years of lore into one easy-to-read supplement. What’s inside? Quick reference. Highlights setting...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $12.99

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Eberron Confidential

Eberron Confidential

    Everyone's hiding something! What's a secret you've never shared? Are you hiding an aberrant dragonmark? Were you kicked out of Arcanix? Were you actually raised by gnolls? Or are you [REDACTED]? In Eberron Confidential, setting creator Keith Baker presents a host of secrets for DMs and players to enjoy. Each secret provides a unique connection to the world...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Monster Loot – Eberron: Rising from the Last War

Monster Loot – Eberron: Rising from the Last War

I want to loot the Lord of Blades! When brave adventurers face the dangers of the world, they want something to show for it. This supplement provides individual loot for each monster in Eberron: Rising from the Last War, as well as a basic crafting and harvesting system that works well with 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons.  With this supplement, these brave adventurers...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.95

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Creature Harvest Index - Beasts

Creature Harvest Index - Beasts

**NOW OUT: Vol 2, ELEMENTALS! Thank you all for the support!!** "In my culture, we harvest what we kill. The meat feeds us. The furs warm us. We adorn ourselves with their feathers and bones with pride- not in the kill, but in gratitude of the spirit that chose us to wear it." - Aki T'chana, shaman of the...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Magic of Chaos

Magic of Chaos

This volume presents a lot of new options for Wild Magic and magic based on the unpredictability  of Chaos. Inside you will discover: - An Alternate Table for Wild Magic effecs with 100 entries - a new school for Wizards: the School of Chaos - 17 new magic items - 12 new spells - 43 new monsters, inspired by the living spells from Eberron - 25 stock art If you are looking for the Fantasy...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Trust No One

Trust No One

House Tarkanan and the Trust have embroiled the Sharn underworld in a silent war, the result of which has dire consequences for Zilargo. The characters must fight their way through assassins, aberrant dragonmarks, information brokers, and fancy parties in this conflict between shadow organizations.  An Eberron adventure for 1st to 4th level characters Keith Baker (creator of the...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Dragonmarks Reimagined

Dragonmarks Reimagined

With the new Players Handbook coming out soon, take the opportunity to update dragonmarks from a racial option, limited in power and that overtly favored spellcasters, to something you as a player invest in gradually over the course of a campaign to greater and greater heights. In this book is thirteen backgrounds to allow you the chance to play a member of one of the prestigious Dragonmarked Houses,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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The Giant Guide to Xen'drik

The Giant Guide to Xen'drik

Explore the secrets of the Shattered Continent of Xen’drik in this giant expansion for the Eberron campaign setting. The Giant Guide contains over 500 pages of content, divided into a main Setting Guide, a dedicated Bestiary, and a Character Options Guide for players. Ancient archfiends, ruined empires, lost treasures, and rising...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $24.99

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The Forgotten Forge: An Expansion and 5e Conversion Guide

The Forgotten Forge: An Expansion and 5e Conversion Guide

The Forgotten Forge is the classic adventure most often recommended as an introduction to Eberron. An adventure intended for 1st level character, The Forgotten Forge is set in Sharn and is included in the original Eberron Campaign Setting for 3rd Edition. It is available for free download on this site. This document is an update that will allow you to use it with 5th edition...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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Textiles of Eberron Issue 1: Five Nations

Textiles of Eberron Issue 1: Five Nations

“What are they wearing?” A simple question, that can infuriate any DM or player, it seems trivial to go on and on about a character's clothes, but answer this question elegantly and not only have you elevated your game, you’ve done worldbuilding in ways you’d never realize. Textiles of Eberron is a supplement which will introduce the idea of Cultural fashion trends to your...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.99

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The Korranberg Chronicle: Map Perilous

The Korranberg Chronicle: Map Perilous

Find adventure anywhere in Khorvaire with The Korranberg Chronicle - Map Perilous The latest tome from the Korranberg Chroncile, Map Perilous is a combined bestiary and NPC codex that delves into the far corners of the continent of Khorvaire! With over 500 pages detailing allies, enemies, and rivals this book is invaluable to any Eberron campaign! Included with...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $29.99

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Sharn I, The Missing Schema

Sharn I, The Missing Schema

You can now get the trilogy bundle here:    You can also get this product in Fantasy Grounds format - Click Here This is an introductory adventure to Eberron and Sharn. It is written for 3-6 characters of levels 1 to 5. This adventure showcases the versatility of urban adventures in Sharn. The adventure takes a party of characters from the lowest and more dangerous parts of the...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Shadows of the Last War: An Expansion and 5e Conversion Guide

Shadows of the Last War: An Expansion and 5e Conversion Guide

Shadows of the Last War The follow-up to my 5-star conversion of The Forgotten Forge is now available! Journey into the Mournland. Discover Whitehearth. This classic Eberron adventure takes the PCs from Sharn to the goblin nation of Darguun and into the Mournland to brave Whitehearth, one of Eberron's most iconic locations. You know that when Darguun is considered safe and civilized,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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Points of Interest: The Mournland

Points of Interest: The Mournland

Delve into the riches and ruin of Cyre in this 5th-Edition expansion for the Eberron campaign setting. Points Of Interest: The Mournland contains 10 different locations and a bevy of random encounters, as well as optional rules for adventures. Each location includes flavor, ambience, example encounters, enticing treasures, quest hooks and more, all designed to be used...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.99

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Sharn: City of Blood

Sharn: City of Blood

It's arcanopulp intrigue in this Eberron mystery! A pulp adventure designed for characters of 3rd to 5th level. Est. playtime 5-8 hours, depending on your table. Warforged private detective Steel-Eye Dixon has caught a case, just not in a manner he's accustomed to. After begging for his help, a would-be client has turned up dead. Stranger still, multiple murders across Sharn...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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AE01-01 Fired & Forgotten by Imogen Gingell

AE01-01 Fired & Forgotten by Imogen Gingell

Take a literal leap of faith into Sharn's industrial underworld. Will you fight for warforged rights? Jump into the first adventure of the Across Eberron: Convergence Manifesto adventure path with this introductory adventure for 1st level characters. Written for use with either Eberron: Rising from the Last War or the Wayfinder's Guide to Eberron by...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Izzy's Airships a la Carte: Build your own Airship!

Izzy's Airships a la Carte: Build your own Airship!

If you like airships, why not check out Izzy's entire collection! Available now! That's right folks! Izzy’s Airships À la Carte is finally here! This standalone, fully illustrated airship guide can at long last be yours! Custom Airships, Built to Order Are you tired of gazing longingly at the airship entry at the DMG, while wishing for something with a more personal...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $7.95

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Grasp of the Emerald Claw: An Expansion and 5e Conversion Guide

Grasp of the Emerald Claw: An Expansion and 5e Conversion Guide

Grasp of the Emerald Claw The epic Eberron adventure that began in The Forgotten Forge comes to its epic conclusion as you travel to the jungles of Xen'drik in this race against evil! This classic 3.5 adventure takes the PCs from Sharn through the sahuagin-infested Thunder Sea to the city of Stormreach... and then into the jungles of Xen'drik in search of secrets locked away in the ruins of the ancient...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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Whispers of the Vampire's Blade: A Remix and 5e Conversion Guide

Whispers of the Vampire's Blade: A Remix and 5e Conversion Guide

Now Available! This is the follow-up to my 5-star conversions of The Forgotten Forge and Shadows of the Last War. Intrigue and excitement await as you travel across Khorvaire in search of a legendary sword. This classic Eberron adventure takes the PCs from Sharn to the gnomish nation of Zilargo and beyond, as they travel by airship and lightning rail in search of a rogue secret agent. Whispers...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $5.99

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The Cyre 1313, the Mourning Rail

The Cyre 1313, the Mourning Rail

The Cyre 1313, the Mourning Rail, first appeared in Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft as one of the less-detailed Domains of Dread. Combining the gothic horror of Ravenloft and the arcane industry of Eberron, the Cyre 1313 exists entirely onboard a corrupted lightning rail. Terrified, undead passengers haunt the metal carriages while the sinister Last Passenger hopes to preserve their secrecy at any...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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The Korranberg Chronicle: Nightmare on the Mournland Express

The Korranberg Chronicle: Nightmare on the Mournland Express

The Korranberg Chronicle Presents Nightmare on the Mournland Express This one-shot, horror-themed adventure is set on the lightning rail of the world of Eberron! Will your party of 6th-level adventurers be able to rescue an innocent before it all comes crashing down!? Nightmare on the Mournland Express features: An example lightning rail to explore. Updated...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.99

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The Korranberg Chronicle: Psion's Primer - A Complete Psionics System

The Korranberg Chronicle: Psion's Primer - A Complete Psionics System

Open your Mind's Eye with The Korranberg Chronicle - Psion's Primer A Complete Psionics System Within this book's pages, you'll find all you need to play psionic characters and create psionic campaigns: 3 Brand new psionic classes: the Empath, the Icon, and the Psion 9 Psionic subclasses, including three for Player's Handbook classes: the Mystic, the Occultist,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.99

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Points of Interest: Karrnath

Points of Interest: Karrnath

Delve into the dangers and darkness of Karrnath in this 5th-Edition expansion for the Eberron campaign setting. Points Of Interest: Karrnath contains 10 different locations and a bevy of random encounters for adventures and exploration in the country of the sword. Each location includes flavor, ambience, example encounters, enticing treasures, quest hooks and more,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.99

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Creature Harvest Index - Monstrosities

Creature Harvest Index - Monstrosities

VOLUME IV: ELEMENTALS NOW OUT AND ALREADY A COPPER BEST SELLER! "Magic has long been used to create. It is no surprise that beings with the ability to do so have used their powers to breathe life into strange creatures that don't seem naturally possible. I mean, come on- an owlbear?" - Magus Darion Forgana...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Points of Interest: Aundair

Points of Interest: Aundair

Delve into the wine and whimsy of Aundair in this 5th-Edition expansion for the Eberron campaign setting. Points Of Interest: Aundair contains 10 different locations and a bevy of random encounters for adventures and exploration in the country of magic. Each location includes flavor, ambience, example encounters, enticing treasures, quest hooks and more, all designed...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.99

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Lost Lovers of Sharn

Lost Lovers of Sharn

In this heist-themed adventure, the characters need to scout the Noble Mansion during the Silvertide ball, infiltrate it at night, and bring their target to a safe house. But, as with most things in the City of Towers, it is not as straightforward as it appears at first sight... It was the kind of night when my favorite moon was hiding behind a veil of clouds as if it knew better than to cast...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Eberron Solo Adventure: The Saviour of Sharn

Eberron Solo Adventure: The Saviour of Sharn

Want to discover the incredible world of Eberron? You won't even need a DM... 5e Solo Gamebooks introduces The Saviour of Sharn, a level 4 solo adventure for 5e. This adventure is written in gamebook style (think Fighting Fantasy / Lone Wolf) but with 5e mechanics. Narrative entries guide you through the adventure and remove the need for a Dungeon Master. Custom combat sheets run monster tactics during...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $8.95

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Points of Interest: Breland

Points of Interest: Breland

Delve into the crime and creativity of Breland in this 5th-Edition expansion for the Eberron campaign setting. Points Of Interest: Breland contains 10 different locations and a bevy of random encounters for adventures and exploration in the country of the cunning. Each location includes flavor, ambience, example encounters, enticing treasures, quest hooks and more,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.99

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Archetypes of Eberron: 31 Subclasses

Archetypes of Eberron: 31 Subclasses

31 immersive subclasses created for the world of Eberron! This supplement is crafted with love by three bestselling Eberron designers, and features beautiful full-color art for each subclass by Olie Boldador, Juno Viinikka, and more. For the Fantasy Grounds conversion, click here. For a discounted bundle including both PDF and FG versions, click here. Artificer Crystal...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.95

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Politics of the Lhazaar Principalities

Politics of the Lhazaar Principalities

Welcome to the Lhazaar Principalities, a rugged nation of pirates and privateers. This comprehensive supplement expands on the internal politics of the Lhazaar Principalities, a nation in the Eberron campaign setting. This latest installment in the Politics of Eberron series goes farther in depth than previous entries in the series at almost three times the content, an original...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.95

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Eberron: Papers Please

Eberron: Papers Please

Across Khorvaire, the diligent and loyal scribes of House Sivis work tirelessly to produce and provide the civilised world with documentation. Identification papers, travel permits, birth and death certificates, lightning rail tickets, and more can all be found in this collection.  A roleplay enchancement tool for your Dungeons and Dragons game in Eberron or elsewhere, with handouts for...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.98

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Points of Interest: Thrane

Points of Interest: Thrane

Delve into the danger and divinity of Thrane in this 5th-Edition expansion for the Eberron campaign setting. Points Of Interest: Thrane contains 10 different locations and a bevy of random encounters for adventures and exploration in the country of the righteous. Each location includes flavor, ambience, example encounters, enticing treasures, quest hooks and more,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.99

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Sharn II, Council of Roaches

Sharn II, Council of Roaches

You can now get the trilogy bundle here: You can also get this product in Fantasy Grounds format - Click Here Sharn II, Council of Roaches This is the second installment of our introductory adventure to Eberron and Sharn. It is written for 4-5 characters of levels 3 to 7. This adventure showcases the versatility of urban adventures in Sharn. The adventure takes a party of characters...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Sharn III, City of Monsters

Sharn III, City of Monsters

You can now get the trilogy bundle here: You can also get this product in Fantasy Grounds format - Click Here Sharn III, City of Monsters This is the third installment of our introductory adventure to Eberron and Sharn. It is written for 4-5 characters of levels 5 to 9. This adventure showcases the versatility of urban adventures in Sharn. The adventure takes a party of characters...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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The Fiend of Hollow Mine DMs Pack, Maps, and Handouts

The Fiend of Hollow Mine DMs Pack, Maps, and Handouts

A handy pack with all you need to run "The Fiend of Hollow Mine," from Journeys Through the Radiant Citadel. Save time hunting for maps and handouts and looking for key information. This pack includes advice on how to run the adventure plus: a single-page reference version of the Radiant Citadel adventure “The Fiend of Hollow Mine;” four developed NPC profiles for Serapio, Itzmin del Prado,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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{WH} Expanded Artificer! New subclass and infusion options

{WH} Expanded Artificer! New subclass and infusion options

Artifice is the magic of creation, of imbuing material items with arcane intent, of achieving wonders impossible for lesser minds to comprehend. But rarely do two artificers practice their craft in exactly the same way. As ambitious and divided as they are, artificers work upon all angles of crafting, devising an endless string of new technomagical contraptions on a limitless quest of arcane discovery....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.00

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Tools of the Trade: Artificer Options

Tools of the Trade: Artificer Options

Fill out your utility belt with these new artificer specialties! Updated for Eberron: Rising from the Last War! With the recent release of the much-anticipated artificer revision, we wanted to strap on our goggles and get to work on these fascinating class. We hope these artificer specialities let you explore different playstyles while still maintaining the arcane inventor theme....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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Politics of Q'barra

Politics of Q'barra

This to-the-point supplement expands on the internal politics of Q'barra, a nation in the Eberron campaign setting. Topics include New Galifar, Hope, House Tharashk, and the Scales. The Politics series consolidates and expands upon the canonical information from Eberron sourcebooks. A few changes have been made to cohere with the author's personal view of the setting, influenced by the...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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