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Well met, adventurers!
Directly from Keith Baker's last book "Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone", you can find here the one and only...
Map of the Town of Quickstone
Be ready to face trigger-happy wand-slingers and outlaws in this far away town!
At the resolution of 300dpi both in RGB (screen) and CMYK (print) version, ready to be navigated in its full splendor or be printed... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a character sheet in a classic style with some truly unique features. I made this with the intention of having everything you functionally need to play a character on a single page, and increasing the durability of character sheets by grouping often-erased sections. Download is a fillable pdf.
Section for attuned magic items!
Spellcasting... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
네버윈터에 첫 발을 내디딘 모험가들. 영광과 모험을 찾아 나섰지만, 아직 그들은 새파란 애송이 루키들입니다. 그런 그들에게 천금과도 같은 기회가 찾아옵니다. 하지만 제대로 된 모험을 떠나기에 앞서 의뢰주는 작은 테스트를 제시하는데… 과연 모험가들은 그 테스트를 무사히 성공할 수 있을까요?... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
These sleekly designed log sheets allow both players and DMs to record their information.
DM Logsheets The discerning DM can log up to five (5) adventures, quests, or other events onto a single sheet of paper. This sheet also includes the ability to mark off and note which rewards were applied... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Speel nu zelf het one-shot avontuur 'het Eiland der Sirenen' opgesteld voor de Rollen & Dollen podcast van Lekker Spelen.
Onze avonturiers vertrekken op een houten vissersboot genaamd ‘de Kolk’, op zoek naar de verdwenen vissers van de nabijgelegen kustplaats. Meerdere vissers uit het kustdorp waren in de afgelopen maanden niet teruggekeerd.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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Are you a fan of the Witcher games and books? Do you wish for more terryfing vampires than the Monster Manual meek versions? Then this book is for you!
Nine new vampires inspired by Andrzey Sapkowski's writing and CDPR's games await you on the pages of this book. Complete with flavourful descriptions, art, tactics, treasure and tools for monster hunters!
9 new vampires
3 new items
Нравятся... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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A simple map of a small tavern. The material contains two *.png files with a resolution of 200 dpi: with a grid and no grid.
Update 23.03.2018: Added *.pdf file for printing with margins on A4 paper.
Простая карта небольшой таверны.
Материал содержит два *.png-файла разрешением 200 dpi: с сеткой и без сетки.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
티에프-홀드에 들어가기 전 반드시 거쳐야 하는 관문 마을 클리프브릿지. 시끄럽지만 평화롭던 이 마을에 전쟁의 불길이 다가온다. 과연 모험가들은, 이 마을을 위험으로부터 지켜낼 수 있을 것인가. 1~5 레벨 캐릭터들을 위한 6시간 길이의 모험. APL 4에 최적화되어 있습니다.
이 어드벤처는 다음과 같은... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$8.99 $7.19
허니브루 마을의 촌장 무린 허니비어드의 의뢰로 진상품 '왕의 탄식'을 티에프-홀드로 운반하게 된 모험가들.
그러나 티에프-홀드로 향하던 중 평범하기만 하던 산 '부리산'에 들어선 이후 어째서인지 산을 빠져 나가지 못하게 되는데... 그리고 그때 그들의 눈 앞에 나타난, 예상하지 못했던 존재들!
과연... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Эта книга - путеводитель о землях "Красных волшебников", которые известны как страна работорговцев и нежити. Однако, на самом деле, это волшебная страна с богатой культурой. Внутри вы найдете историю государства и его народа,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Эта книга поможет вам создать гильдию воров. Здесь вы найдете все, начиная от членов преступного синдиката и заканчивая преимуществами вступления в него или просто способы взаимодействия с ним.
Внутри вы найдете:
Глава... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
There are so many factions in Curse of Strahd and sometimes it helps to have sigils, shields and symbols that identify them easier. I found it helps immensly with immersion.
So, I made heraldic shields / house sigils for almost every major faction in Curse of Strahd. All in all its 25 shields. You get the png's with transperant background in 300 dpi and 2200 x 2700 px
Heraldry in Barovia
Blood... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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Türkçe D&D oynayan ama bir türlü Türkçe D&D Karakter Kağıdı bulamayanlar için hazırlandı. Tüm terimler türkçeleştirildi, artık arkadaşlarını ilk defa D&D oynamaya ikna ettiğinde oyunu anlatman daha kolay olacak. ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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"Еще одно хорошее место, от которого стоит держаться подальше" - Эд Гринвуд
Нарфелл - это замерзшая тундра на севере Забытых Королевств, где кочевые и скотоводческие племена ведут тихое существование, предпочитая... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Welke voorbijganger zou niet binnengaan in The Nifty Duck wanneer ze de warme lichte gloed, de muziek en de mooie waardin Zia zagen staan?
Maar The Nifty Duck is niet de onschuldige taverne die het lijkt te zijn. Zia is niet de onschuldige waardin die ze lijkt te zijn.
Niet iedereen die The Nifty Duck binnengaat, zal er ook weer als een vrij persoon terug buitenkomen. Welk geheim schuilt er achter... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Adventure in Russian language. Made in Ukraine - Зроблено в Україні.
Доброго вечора! Ми з України! Слава Україні!
Сделано в Украине.
Добрый вечер. Мы из Украины. Слава Украине.
Наш дискорд сервер
Начальное приключение для 3-4 персонажей... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
В книге вы найдёте кучу новых нежитей как и взятых из предыдущих редакций, так и созданных с нуля. Всех их можно легко внедрить в свою компанию. Внутри вас уже ждет 21 новый монстр и их блоки характеристик
... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Notice: This book is made by Japanese.
コラム:あらいよしゆき、柳田真坂樹 ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
DMarc0S's Ultimate Character Sheet is the result of over 4 years of DMing, Playing, and Homebrewing for Dungeons and Dragons 5e. Greetings, I am DMarc0S, and I love Dungeons and Dragons. However, the basic Character Sheet provided by Wizards of the Coast always felt inneficient. I had experimented with a variety of differing Character Sheets: from MPMB's famous designs to Current Standard,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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** This is a Dutch Product - Dit is een Nederlandstalig product **
Welkom in Bach'Lor!
Jouw personages infiltreren in dit avontuur een kasteel om mee te dingen naar de hand van een prachtige jonge dame. Maar er is meer aan de hand. Dit is al de zevende editie van de Spelen en elke editie verdwijnen er toeschouwers en deelnemers.
Ontdekken jullie het mysterie?
Of worden... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
この短いアドベンチャーは、「ダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズ 第5版」を使って、3~5時間程度で遊ぶためのものである。 1レベルの冒険者4人用にデザインされているが、冒険者の人数が多少変化しても対応可能である。
最近、近隣の海に海賊が現れては貿易船を襲っているらしい。... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
It's a simple story. A boy is missing in the woods. His father is heartbroken. Can you save him? Will this simple story have a happy ending?
A simple introductory adventure for D&D 5th edition, for 3-4 beginner characters of level 1.
Important Note: the adventure is entirely in Hebrew. This adventure includes material that was already published... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Nothis! This book made by Japanese.
D&D5版のファンブック第2弾。 今回は、キャラクターの発展の仕方やDM向けモンスターの使い方まで幅広くサポートしています。 オリジナルモンスターのカラーページがオマケに付きます。 A5サイズ 26ページ。
漫画:あやめゴン太、田中としひさ、吉井徹... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Nothis! This book made by Japanese.
D&D5版のビギナーズブック第3弾です。 エキスパンションの紹介やDM向け記事がメインです。
コラム:あらいよしゆき、柳田真坂樹 ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
*Adventure written in Korean
[탈출하기 좋은 때]
-사교도 신전에 잡혀온지 얼마나 지났는지 모르겠다.
-확실한 사실은 여러분은 탈출해야 한다는 것과... 방금 절호의 기회가 왔다는 것이다.
여러분은 정체불명의 사교도들에게 납치당하고 말았습니다. 아마 제물로 바쳐질 예정이었을 것입니다. 여러분을 구하러... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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A selection of 4 wild encounter maps. Forest, beach village, and cave. ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Dungeons & Dragons Character Sheet in Arabic & English (size A4)
This has been created to make it easy for Arabic speakers to enter this hobby. The English version was made as a thank you for all those who are supporting our growth!
This contains Form Fillable & Print Versions, additionally I've made a minimalist print verion but it's only available now in AR.
I've made some fields for... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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Notice:This adventure is all japanese.
概要:ネヴァーウィンターにて、奇妙なワーラットの噂が広まっている。冒険者たちは各々の目的のため、守護卿から依頼を受けて都市を脅かす奇妙なワーラットへと立ち向かう。... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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Een plaag heeft de stad Valkenval bereikt en zelfs de cleric van de stad kan de verwoestende koers ervan niet afwenden. Met het hoesten van de zieken en het jammeren van de stervenden dat door de stad weerklinkt, ontdekt de lokale kruidenkundige een geneesmiddel, maar ze heeft dappere helden nodig om de ingrediënten te bemachtigen. Het vinden van het geneesmiddel betekent het trotseren van... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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This is a one shot adventure book for fifth edition, written in Thai.
When the sacred skin of the fallen warlock was stolen from a tomb. Villager hired adventurers for taking it back. However, something evil is about to happen soon
หนังสือผจญภัยในธีมสยองขวัญ "ผืนหนังต้องสาปของวอร์ล็อค" สำหรับ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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--- UA ---
У цьому продукті представлений український Аркуш Персонажа, що використовує термінологію Глосарію, створеного за участі спільноти D&D UA. Однак не маючи остаточної єдиної думки стосовно окремих термінів, а також... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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I needed the most simple and basic combat tracker to have ready on the fly, and this was created.
I also made an Arabic version for my Arabic D&D sessions. Enjoy! ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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*Adventure written in Korean
인퍼널 핫 스프링 온천개발 주식회사의 사장 칼라움 락드릴의 분노에 찬 드워프-사자후가 수오말리 산기슭에 차려진 임시 사무실을 쩌렁쩌렁하게 울립니다.
"저 망할 도마뱀이 매일 세번씩 식후땡으로 브레스를 쏘고 가는군! 우리가 적당히 포기할거라고... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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Dungenos&Dragons(ダンジョンズ&ドラゴンズ)の初心者向け日本語サマリになります。 Twitterで拙者(@Fighter_KOU)が案内、Dropboxで公開しているサマリと同じものです。 何かの理由(例えば拙者が突然逝ったとか(^^;))で保管先サーバーがアクセス不能になった場合を考慮してDM Guildにも置いておくことにしました。... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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*6 classes 12 characters Paper miniatures & Clip art *
Very cute Adventurers Paper miniatures!!
・Paper miniatures Print & Play ready paper miniatures for PCs, NPCs. PDF + PNG Please print it out using A4 or letter size paper. ・Bonus Monsters paper miniatures
・Clip art All images are 1500*1500 pixels PNG. (with transparency.)
・Terms of Use
You are NOT allowed... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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Dit is een nederlands avontuur!! (This is a dutch adventure) voor 5e DND.
Gratis downloaden? Vergeet dan zeker niet om een rating te geven. Dit zou me echt veel plezier doen! Bedankt alvast!
Een groep avonturiers komt terecht in het magische dorpje Funchy. Een magisch paddenstoelendorp. Daar ontmoeten ze Dunas, een schattenjager die een kaart gevonden heeft die zou leiden naar... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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Carceres et Dracones: Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? is an adventure in Ancient Rome for the 5th Edition of Dungeons and Dragons. This adventure, Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?, is intended for between four and six players, and it should ideally take between three and four hours to play. It is a one-shot, and thus it may be played without reference to any larger campaign. The game... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
注意: この本は日本語で作成されています。
コラム:あらいよしゆき、柳田真坂樹 ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Hér má finna tvö ævintýri sem gerast í borginni Hulburg í Forgotten Realms. Borgin er ört vaxandi eftir nokkur erfið ár, en löngum hefur nálægðin við Thar og orkaættbálkana þar valdið íbúum Hulburg miklum vandræðum. Sífellt fleiri flykjast til borgarinnar í von um gróða og ævintýri, hið sama gildir um þá sem vilja græða á öðrum.
Seyðisbruggarinn í Hulburg
Í... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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“On a warm late summer day, a couple plans to exchange vows for a new beginning.
The wedding officiant is excited to bless everyone present with a Heroes’ Feast spell at the very end of the ceremony.
Does anyone present know of any reason that this couple should not be joined in holy matrimony?
“어느 따스한 늦여름, 두 연인이 새 출발을 언약하려 합니다.
주례는 식의... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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Inspired by Simple Word Template (strongly recommend) and Indesign Template by Nathanaël Roux(also strongly recommend).
Данный шаблон поддерживает русский язык за счет использования шрифтом с поддержкой как латиницы так и кириллицы.
Last update: 08.12.2020
Added simple template for Microsoft Word.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
[EN] English below. [RU] Набор полноцветных карт HD качества, созданных специально для приключения В поисках Угеморта.
Все карты поставляются в разрешении 256 DPI и подходят как для печати игровых матов, так и... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Illindi í Ormpetarr er ævintýri fyrir 4-6 hetjur á 1-2. leveli. Þá getur verið afar hjálplegt fyrir hetjurnar að hafa galdramann meðal sinna raða. Að spila í gegnum ævintýrið tekur um 3-5 klukkustundir. Auðveldlega má laga ævintýrið að minni eða stærri hópum sem og finna því stað í annarri borg.
Fátt er meira rætt í Ormpetarr en uppgangur hins nýja þjófagildis,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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[EN] Adventure in russian language. [RU] Приключение на русском языке.
Всего лишь доставка ресурсов в отдалённую крепость, ничего сложного!
Адориан Толгрип, один из знатных и уважаемых волшебников, ректор академии волшебников... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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*Gelatinouscube Paper miniature & Clip art*
Everyone loves Gelatinous Cube! Very cute paper mini and clipart. ******
・Paper miniatures Print & Play ready paper miniatures. PNG Please print it out using A4 orletter size paper.
・Clip art All images are 800*800 pixels PNG. (with transparency.)
・Terms of Use
You are NOT allowed to use the materials for commercial use. (If you... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Víðimörk er víðfeðmt landsvæði hvar menn, álfar, dvergar og aðrir kynþættir búa. Löngum var þetta friðsælt svæði en nú eru blikur á lofti. Drýslar og orkar ógna friðinum úr suðri, drekar sjást á flugi og svartkuflungar boða nýja trú sem mun líklega raska jafnvæginu og spilla frið íbúa. Þetta er landsvæði þar sem þörfin fyrir hetjur hefur aldrei verið meira... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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[EN] English below. [RU] Набор полноцветных карт HD качества, созданных специально для приключения Крепость Изенклуфт.
Все карты поставляются в разрешении 256 DPI и подходят как для печати игровых матов, так и... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Skuggasöngvar er ævintýri fyrir 4-6 hetjur á 3. leveli. Þá getur verið afar hjálplegt fyrir hetjurnar að hafa prest meðal sinna raða. Að spila í gegnum ævintýrið tekur um 3-5 klukkustundir. Auðveldlega má laga ævintýrið að minni eða stærri hópum, sem og finna því stað í annarri borg.
Dithian Delarin er söngvaskáld og prestur Shar, sem hefur verið að lokka fólk... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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En: This archetype was created as an alternative to Blade Singer – a wizard, capable of combat – but without a style of elven elegance. This archetype is suitable for those who wants to play as a character which combines a brutality of a close combat and an intellect of a wizard
Ru: Этот архетип создан как альтернатива Песни клинка – волшебник,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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Приключение на русском языке. Классика Подземелий и Драконов! Героям предстоит присоединиться к археологической экспедиции известно учёного, исследовать живописную Долину в горах, столкнуться с её обитателями... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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