In the bustling city of Waterdeep, a shadowy underworld criminal known as Valerius Nightshadeseeks the ultimate prize: the Heart of Ice, a priceless blue diamond. To secure this coveted gem, he assembles a team of skilled individuals, each with their own unique talents and secrets. Together, this team of rogues and misfits must overcome personal conflicts and trust issues to accomplish their... [click here for more]
This Book is designed to add 6 new haunting locations into any setting. "The Howling Moon Inn And Other Establishments" provides quality locations that show descriptions, dramas and priced items!
The Howling Moon Inn: A Tavern on the edge of the woods where rumors of lycanthropes and other humanoid beasts gather!
The Witch's Brew: A small hut at the edge of a swamp where a mysterious witch guides... [click here for more]
The Quiver of Chaos may be technically "rare", but don't let that mislead you - this thing is legendary!
Five arrows that recharge daily at dawn. Each time you shoot one, you roll the dice and see which of 100 different arrows flies toward your target. User beware, sometimes the effect is spectacular and helpful, and other times the arrow just "whooshes" through the air.
This item is designed... [click here for more]