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Soiree: A Waterdeep Tale

Soiree: A Waterdeep Tale

"A Masquerade, an assassination plot, and a poetry contest. All of this before cocktails are served. Your party has been hired by a mysterious benefactor to crash the party of the year at the Cassalanter Winter Estate. Your objective is simple: infiltrate the ball and locate Lord Cassalanter's private office, abscond with the files in his safe, and return them to your employer without anyone discovering...   [click here for more]
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Heist Heist Baby! A one shot Waterdeep heist adventure

Heist Heist Baby! A one shot Waterdeep heist adventure

In the bustling city of Waterdeep, a shadowy underworld criminal known as Valerius Nightshade seeks the ultimate prize: the Heart of Ice, a priceless blue diamond. To secure this coveted gem, he assembles a team of skilled individuals, each with their own unique talents and secrets. Together, this team of rogues and misfits must overcome personal conflicts and trust issues to accomplish their...   [click here for more]
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Before The Trolltide, sidequest for Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

Before The Trolltide, sidequest for Waterdeep: Dragon Heist

This adventure can be played as a side quest to your Waterdeep: Dragon Heist or used a oneshot session. Based on Trolltide at Waterdeep, you can embrace your player to feel one of waterdeep holiday~ ...   [click here for more]
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WILD HUNT: Waterdeep

WILD HUNT: Waterdeep

"Survive until the sun rises and all that you owe is wiped from the ledger. Fall during the night and consider your debt paid with blood." - Huntmaster Snake Wild Hunt: Waterdeep is an urban survival crawl for 3rd level adventurers. Designed to be run as a one-shot or fit into an existing Waterdeep campaign, this 3-4 hour adventure pits a group of indebted...   [click here for more]
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NPC: Little Bas

NPC: Little Bas

Inspired by "Parks and Recreation's" Lil' Sebastian, the world famous mini-nightmare Little Bas has come to Waterdeep. He isn't just a firey mini-horse, he's a friend, a legend, and a beaon of light. Little Bas can be found helping out at the Waterdeep Pet Rescue, helping children Bring Little Bas to your Waterdeep campaign, or another adventure. This pdf includes - Brief backstory on Little Bas...   [click here for more]
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NPC: Destroya the Ravenous

NPC: Destroya the Ravenous

Please welcome Destroya the Ravenous, the Waterdeep Parks and Recreation Department's newest intern. Hailing from Cormyr, Destroya is a young black dragon who is eager to help Waterdeep residents enjoy local Parks and Rec programs.  DMs can use Destroya in their Waterdeep adventures and campaigns.  This short booklet includes - history and stat block for Destorya - suggestions on how to use her...   [click here for more]
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The Howling Moon Inn And Other Establishments

The Howling Moon Inn And Other Establishments

This Book is designed to add 6 new haunting locations into any setting. "The Howling Moon Inn And Other Establishments" provides quality locations that show descriptions, dramas and priced items! The Howling Moon Inn: A Tavern on the edge of the woods where rumors of lycanthropes and other humanoid beasts gather! The Witch's Brew: A small hut at the edge of a swamp where a mysterious witch guides...   [click here for more]
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Season 8 rvtEasy Logsheet

Season 8 rvtEasy Logsheet

I have a local AL group that has a large community of children and I wanted to create a simpler version of the logsheet. The intention was to have a cheat sheet to answer a lot of Frequently Asked Questions and references for players to find quickly. Secondly, I wanted the logsheets to be more functional with visual representations (for Adavancement Checkpoints primarily) as opposed to just a datasheet...   [click here for more]
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Waterdeep Dragon Heist Chapter 1 NPC Cards

Waterdeep Dragon Heist Chapter 1 NPC Cards

This is still a work in progress. More to be added soon Printable NPC cards. These cards are narrow enough to fit into a standard 3x3 binder card sleeve. Some are too long and will need to be folded. Monster and NPC stablocks are included. NOT ALL the NPCs from the Yawning Portal are included, just ones that PC are likely to end up fighting. ...   [click here for more]
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Waterdeep: Dragon Heist: Queer Listing

Waterdeep: Dragon Heist: Queer Listing

I made every major named NPC in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist queer, and explained a little bit about my reasoning for a few of them. This will make it way easier for certain DMs and players to totally do them. ...   [click here for more]
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The Quiver of Chaos

The Quiver of Chaos

The Quiver of Chaos may be technically "rare", but don't let that mislead you - this thing is legendary!  Five arrows that recharge daily at dawn. Each time you shoot one, you roll the dice and see which of 100 different arrows flies toward your target. User beware, sometimes the effect is spectacular and helpful, and other times the arrow just "whooshes" through the air.  This item is designed...   [click here for more]
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art 002 - Dragon Heist 5 Faction Emblems approximations

art 002 - Dragon Heist 5 Faction Emblems approximations

These are approximations of the Waterdeep: Dragon Heist 5 faction emblems. There are several variations (banners, badges and section page markers). This new set of 5 emblems I created based upon what Wizards of the Coast produced for their titled adventure Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. Please be aware that these emblems are not identical to those created by Wizards of the Coast because doing so...   [click here for more]
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Baker's Guild Law: Waterdeep

Baker's Guild Law: Waterdeep

This is a guide for adventures in or traversing Waterdeep, to help those dealing with the Baker's Guild.  This is a series in progress, other guild laws will be covered in different bodies of work. ...   [click here for more]
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4 FREE Stat Blocks (Waterdeep Dirty Jobs)

4 FREE Stat Blocks (Waterdeep Dirty Jobs)

Hey Dungeon Masters, grab these 4 FREE stat blocks, perfect for running urban campaigns. The Arcane Trickster and Merchant Prince stat blocks are useful tools for running certain D&D archetypes (not found in the Monster Manual). Meanwhile, the original White Cloak and White Cloak Inquisitor stat blocks are perfect for DMs interested...   [click here for more]
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Adventurers League Season 8 Form Fill Log Sheet

Adventurers League Season 8 Form Fill Log Sheet

Based on the official season 8 log sheet from Wizards of the Coast, this sheet offers 4 entries per page and has form fillable boxes to allow a player to make a typed sheet. ...   [click here for more]
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Adventuring Guild / Company Contract - Trollskull Manor Waterdeep

Adventuring Guild / Company Contract - Trollskull Manor Waterdeep

A free to use and modify contract for forming an adventuring company! In one of my games of Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, the adventurers started in the Yawning Portal marveling over the adventurers being lowered down into Undermountain. They asked about joining an adventuring company... and the Volo in this game thinks that's a way better idea than just handing over a large piece of property as a reward!...   [click here for more]
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Book Wyrm's Birthday Gift

Book Wyrm's Birthday Gift

Enjoy this free Waterdeep-themed encounter. Trollskull Alley is celebrating the birthday of Rishaal the Page-Turner, but the dragonborn doesn't seem happy for the occassion. Local PI Vincent Trench is on the case ... and by "on the case," he means he'll task adventurers with helping make the perfect gift for a bookworm like Rishaal.  This encounter is for any character at any level. It can also...   [click here for more]
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DDAL08-12 Xanathar's Wrath Errata

DDAL08-12 Xanathar's Wrath Errata

Errata for a fun Dungeons & Dragons adventure! Ease the prep and play of the adventure, DDAL08-12 Xanathar's Wrath, with the updates in this document. ...   [click here for more]
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Lords of Waterdeep Board Game Rulebook

Lords of Waterdeep Board Game Rulebook

Waterdeep, the City of Splendors—the most resplendent jewel in the Forgotten Realms, and a den of political intrigue and shady back-alley dealings. In this game, the players are powerful lords vying for control of this great city. Its treasures and resources are ripe for the taking, and that which cannot be gained through trickery and negotiation must be taken by force! Lords of Waterdeep is...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast   FREE 

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Mending a Friend

Mending a Friend

A little dragonborn girl named Lucki had her teddy bear damaged and she needs your help in fixing her.  This encounter can be run at any level. Dungeon Masters can use this for their “Waterdeep: Dragon Heist” campaign, or a standalone adventure set in the City of Splendors....   [click here for more]
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Murgo Bumblestout: Resident of Trollskull Alley

Murgo Bumblestout: Resident of Trollskull Alley

Murgo Bumblestout is one of the many colorful residents of Trollskull Alley.  This short supplement contains character details, a stat block, and details about his shop.   For more great NPCs, check out our Gold bestselling supplement Residents of Trollskull Alley for details on the residents and businesses for 35 buildings in Trollskull Alley. ...   [click here for more]
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Oath of Maternity - Paladin Subclass

Oath of Maternity - Paladin Subclass

A paladin subclass to celebrate mothers and motherhood.  If you haven’t recently (or even if you have), make sure you tell your mother you love and appreciate her for all she has done for you this mother's day! ...   [click here for more]
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Oath of Paternity - Paladin Subclass

Oath of Paternity - Paladin Subclass

A paladin subclass to celebrate fathers and fatherhood. If you haven’t recently (or even if you have), tell your father you love and respect him for all he has done for you this father's day! ...   [click here for more]
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Rumble at the Yawning Portal-FREE

Rumble at the Yawning Portal-FREE

D&D’s newest adventure ‘Dragon Heist’ is set in Waterdeep and begins with a time-honored trope: a tavern brawl! Use this 1-page supplement to add some extra spice and flavor to your brawl in the Yawning Portal. It contains an alternative brawl encounter, colorful tavern NPCs and new elements to make brawling even more fun! If you enjoyed this freebie, check out my supplement...   [click here for more]
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Spell-Based Monster - Clurichaun

Spell-Based Monster - Clurichaun

Based on the charm person spell, the Clurichaun is a Challenge 1/2 festive monster. The fey creature is renowed for its drunken binges and antics. Run a charming village party, or help a poor local whose brewery is haunted by the fey. You can use a clurichaun's visit to town as the inciting incident to a new adventure! All the booze and gold in the village is gone, and...   [click here for more]
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Spell-Based Monster - Leaping Juggernaut

Spell-Based Monster - Leaping Juggernaut

Based on the jump spell, the Leaping Juggernaut is a Challenge 8 construct designed to pancake player characters with its deadly leaps! Combining an extended jump distance, a fearsome body slam, and the False Appearance trait, the juggernaut can be used as a lurker-style trap monster or a more straightforward brute to gives DMs plenty of variability in encounter design....   [click here for more]
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Spell-Based Monster - Mage Hound

Spell-Based Monster - Mage Hound

Based on the detect magic spell, the Mage Hound is a Challenge 1 magic-tracking mastiff! This highly-trained hound makes for a great sidekick for a faction of witch hunters, or a useful companion for players who want to get the drop on their magic-wielding foes! This title is part of a series of spell-based monsters from the Player's Spellbook podcast series. New...   [click here for more]
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Spell-Based Monster - Royal Drake

Spell-Based Monster - Royal Drake

Based on the purify food and drink spell, the Royal Drake is a Challenge 1 lesser dragon that adopts noble families so it can partake in their wealth. The royal drake's cleansing breath renders food free from poison and disease, so anyone who fears being poisoned and has the wealth to support the drake's luxurious lifestyle will be likely to keep one around. This can include...   [click here for more]
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Spell-Based Monster - Wererat Spymaster

Spell-Based Monster - Wererat Spymaster

Based on the speak with animals spell, the Wererat Spymaster is a Challenge 3 lycanthrope for urban campaigns. The wererat gathers intelligence using vermin as its spies, in service to a thieves' guild or its own devices. The spymaster fits well in intrigue games, with eyes and ears everywhere, or in comedy games for hijinks resulting from taking information solely from...   [click here for more]
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Strixgotten Realms

Strixgotten Realms

Strixgotten Realms is a free sample of my work “Strixhaven Faculty Handbook Volume 2:  Multiversal Exchange Program. That book has suggestions for adapting Strixhaven the setting into different genres of school story (high school, military school, sports school, and mystery school). ...   [click here for more]
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Trades Point North (Waterdeep Sites)

Trades Point North (Waterdeep Sites)

A Tour Around the Neighborhood! Come explore the Trades Point North neighborhood of Waterdeep's mercantile Trades Ward district! Each building is given a short description, enough to give a DM a starting point for portraying the neighborhood and its folk, and to give players some inspiration for backgrounds or shopping trips. This free resource includes links to supplements from our Waterdeep Sites...   [click here for more]
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Waterdeep Transit System

Waterdeep Transit System

A full tram-styled transport system for you to use for your adventures in Waterdeep. This 12 page module is a great way to help memorize the areas of the city and to help create and inpire scenario's for you to use in your games. From train heists to daring chases, add a bit of flare to your campaign setting with this module.  The Module includes; - Full system map with 7 lines and over 40 stops...   [click here for more]
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Waterdeep: Cloak & Dagger

Waterdeep: Cloak & Dagger

Waterdeep: Cloak & Dagger Waterdeep and Undermountain are filled with many strange and secretive factions. From the renegade drow of the Dark Dagger, to the vigilante organisation known as the Red Sashes, this guide will take you through twelve different factions operating in and around Waterdeep. These factions can serve as either allies or enemies. Each faction has its history,...   [click here for more]
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Yearning to Breathe Free - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Primer

Yearning to Breathe Free - Waterdeep: Dragon Heist Primer

This FREE primer is designed to allow you to integrate your reputation with the factions introduced in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist into the Yearning to Breathe Free campaign. This primer also offers a new faction for use in Waterdeep: Dragon Heist - The Order of the Hellfire Hearth. Get the Yearning to Breathe Free FREE RPGDAY PREVIEW...   [click here for more]
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[Korean]워터딥 암흑무투무도회_Waterdeep Dark-Martial Arts Masquerade

[Korean]워터딥 암흑무투무도회_Waterdeep Dark-Martial Arts Masquerade

'워터딥 암흑무투무도회는' 3~4레벨 파티를 위한 짧은 개드립성 인카운터 단편입니다. 캠페인 중간의 소일거리 미션으로 수행하기에 적당할지도 아닐지도? 본 인카운터는 전혀 테스트되지 않았습니다. ...   [click here for more]
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「ドラゴン金貨を追え」をDMすると、まず季節を決めなければなりません。選んだ季節によって、敵や天気の効果など、色々と変わります。また、「ヴォーロのウォーターディープ旅行ガイド」に載っている祝日や祭りを冒険に入れると、プレイヤー達が「壮麗なる都」をリアルに感じさせることができるかもしれません。...   [click here for more]
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