The Beast - Tarokka cardA unique adventure based on the Beast, the second card from the Tarokka deck
This adventure takes place in an old mansion. The character asked for shelter for the night and a very old man offered them something to eat and a place to stay. During dinner the adventurers are asked very personal and creepy questions; the man... [click here for more]
The Artifact - Tarokka cardA unique adventure based on the Artifact, the first card from the Tarokka deck
The adventurers are in an old, abandoned structure, looking like a temple. In the middle there is an empty pedestal while four doors lead in some smaller chambers. Inside each of the smaller chambers there is a brief test for them to prove... [click here for more]
The Darklord - Tarokka cardA unique adventure based on the Darklord, the fourth card from the Tarokka deckA long forgotten Darklord has finally found a new acolyte, a servant blessed with its supreme powers and ready to sacrifice his own sister to ressurect his master.
Try your group resilience in this race against... [click here for more]
The Broken One - Tarokka cardA unique adventure based on the Broken One, the third card from the Tarokka deck
A beggar that used to be an adventurer. An old crypt stacked with treasures. A shattered mirror and a shattered personality.
What happens when you see your group fail the quest? How can you keep them alive in your memory as a falllen... [click here for more]
The Donjon - Tarokka cardA unique adventure based on the Donjon, the fifth card from the Tarokka deck
The adventurers have been captured by the Donjon card. This place is not just a building made up of walls and doors but is a sentient entity that acts to test the characters. Each time the characters change rooms, the Donjon will change, to test... [click here for more]