Title |
Publisher |
Price |
 A Guildmaster’s Greatest Companion!
This is the full version, but if you'd like to see a demo version, it can be found here free of charge: https://www.dmsguild.com/product/464973/Ravnica-Guilded-Age-Demo-Version?src=newest_community&filters=0_0_45759_0_0_0_0_0
Life teems on the streets of Ravnica, the City of Guilds. Spanning the entire plane from the soaring towers of New Prahv... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Animancy Press
Newly expanded and revised skills, spell list, tools, and feats: The Deckmage, Apprentice Deck Wizard, or Ship's Magewright is a background for seafaring spellcasters! Gain access to background spells and ritual casting from your background spells list. Comes complete with expanded skill and tool options, an expanded spell list from the previous version and new background spells as... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Animancy Press
Newly expanded and revised with feats, skill and tool options, and an expanded background spell spell list. The Travelmage, or Traveler's Magewright is a spellcasting background focused on travel by air, land, and/or sea and comes complete with new spells from Animancy Press, all new rollable tables to get to know your character or NPC as well as details on magewrights as PCs and as... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Animancy Press
Newly expanded and revised: The Diplomage or Diplomatic Entourage Magewright is a high stakes background for PC and NPC spellcasters who were previously or are concurrently involved in international relations as an entertainer and cultural emissary and includes revised and expanded feats, skill, and tool options, and a background spell list including new spells. Also added are new rollable... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Animancy Press
Features 100% Handmade Art
Did your character get their start as a Magewright Apothecary? How about a Magewright Herald who delivered local current events and the like? Or perhaps you were a Magewright Page who delivered packages and messages? Maybe you were a Magewright Scribe for a rich and powerful wizard or lord? Perhaps you kept a tavern as a Magewright?
This package includes 5... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Animancy Press
Newly Revised and Expanded to include rollable tables, revised feats, expanded skill and tool options, and a revised spell list: The Fieldmage is a spellcasting background for an arcane researcher and archeological explorer and comes complete with a spell list including new spells from Animancy Press, the ability to prepare and ritual cast spells from your background spell list if you... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 Animancy Press
Keep your party connected with the Messenger Magewright Background. Includes expansive options for skill and tool proficiencies, a communication realted spell list, including the connection, encode object, lesser connection, send familiar, and shared text. New rollable tables to get to know your character's background include work you've done, special connections and experiences, and... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 Animancy Press
Dazzle your audience and your foes with the Arcane Acrobat Magewright Background. Includes expansive options for skill and tool proficiencies, a performance realted spell list, including the new Divinterference cantrip, new rollable tables to get to know your character's background and several feats for magewrights and other backgrounds with background spell lists.
Please check out... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 Animancy Press
Govern, Gavel, and/or Exploit with the Governmage Magewright Background. Includes expansive options for skill and tool proficiencies, a governmancy realted spell list, including the new sales tactics spell, new rollable tables to get to know your character's background and gain special spell talents, and several feats for magewrights and other backgrounds with background spell lists.
Magewrights... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 Animancy Press
Magewrights can be used as a basis for NPCs or as a PC Background. The Arcane Mason is a Magewright background complete with a selection of relavant skill and tool proficiencies, the ability to use move earth, conditions permitting, to gain a +2 AC bonus as a reaction, a complete background spell list including five spells from the Animancy Press Catalogue, 3 rollable tables to get to... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Animancy Press Features 100% Bespoke Handmade & Ethically Sourced Art
The all new College of Adventure brings the Bard into a new light and enhances their capacities as a support character with the encouraging words class feature that allows your bard to spend their reaction to make an insight check against the AC or DC that their ally is attempting to meet and grant them a bonus to their attack... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Ancient Egyptian Inspired Trinkets for Ravenloft and Gothic Earth Regular price: $0.50 Bundle price: $0.35 Format: PDF Ancient Egyptian Inspired Trinkets for Ravenloft and Gothic Earth
This supplement introduces 50 new trinkets that you may find on the demiplane of Ravenloft or Gothic Earth. These trinkets... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$31.15 $21.81
![Animancy Press Ancestries [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/446569-thumb140.png)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
A Feyling: An Archfey Legacy Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $4.00 Format: PDF
Animancy Press
The Feyling
Featuring 100% Handmade Art
The Feyling is a creature of the feywild often resembling a fairy or pixie in both appearance and deed. It is said that they are wished into existence by powerful... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$15.30 $13.00
This special bundle product contains the following titles. S Accursed: a Sorcerous Origin Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $0.50 Format: PDF
Animancy Press
Your power stems from an age old curse upon your lineage, or perhaps something more recent. Whatever the case, you’ve learned to live with it and now bend its power to your will.
"A fun little subclass for... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$33.60 $17.50
![Big Teeth Artificer Specialists [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/435898-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Bomber Specialist for Artificers Regular price: $0.65 Bundle price: $0.33 Format: PDF A new artificer specialist option for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons.
Bomber artificers throw alchemical bombs to inflict area-of-effect damage and debilitating conditions on their foes. They... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$1.95 $0.98
![Big Teeth Barbarian Primal Paths [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/433401-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Path of the Anarchist for Barbarians Regular price: $0.65 Bundle price: $0.33 Format: PDF A new barbarian primal path option for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons.
Anarchist barbarians thrive in the midst of a riot. They gain abilities that help them deal with crowds of foes, and smash the tools... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$2.90 $1.45
This special bundle product contains the following titles. College of Carnage for Bards Regular price: $0.65 Bundle price: $0.33 Format: PDF A new bard college option for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons.
Bards from the College of Carnage love dishing out pain. They gain a damage bonus when they use their Bardic Inspiration feature, and they find inspiration... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$2.25 $1.13
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Chaos Domain for Clerics Regular price: $0.65 Bundle price: $0.33 Format: PDF A new cleric domain option for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons.
Chaos Domain clerics bring the forces of entropy to bear against their foes, and can create unpredictable magic effects.
Gods who include the Chaos... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$2.25 $1.13
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Circle of Ruin for Druids Regular price: $0.65 Bundle price: $0.33 Format: PDF A new druid circle option for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons.
Nature fights back.
Circle of Ruin druids transform into an embodiment of nature's rage to fight in close-quarters. They make use of shillelagh... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$2.25 $1.13
![Big Teeth Fighter Martial Archetypes [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/434947-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Bodyguard Archetype for Fighters Regular price: $0.65 Bundle price: $0.33 Format: PDF A new fighter archetype option for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons.
Bodyguard fighters protect their chosen wards and are always ready for trouble to break out.
Few guards of the city watch... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$1.95 $0.98
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Way of Strength for Monks Regular price: $0.65 Bundle price: $0.33 Format: PDF A new monastic tradition option for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons.
Sometimes a monk’s greatest strength is their strength.
Monks who follow the Way of Strength specialise in wrestling moves. They use... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$2.25 $1.13
![Big Teeth Ranger Archetypes [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/433453-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Loyal Companion for the Ranger, and the Ranger's Companion Sidekick Regular price: $1.49 Bundle price: $0.89 Format: PDF A new ranger archetype option, and a new sidekick class for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons.
You’ve got a friend.
A Loyal Companion fights in battle alongside a... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$2.79 $1.67
![Big Teeth Wizard Arcane Traditions [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/436019-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Chronomancy for Wizards Regular price: $0.65 Bundle price: $0.33 Format: PDF A new wizard arcane tradition option for 5th edition Dungeons & Dragons.
Wizards who study the Chronomancy receive aid from their future selves. They can extend spell durations, scramble initiative, and even reverse... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$1.95 $0.98
![BUNDLE! Subclasses Vol 1 [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/375301-thumb140.jpg)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Barbarian: Path of the Dragonheart Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.69 Format: PDF
“The power of a dragon is so lauded that many secrets kept by dragonkind can be easily learned in a tavern’s common room. One... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$14.07 $4.95
![Class specific spell sheets [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/428169-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Class Specific Spell Sheets - Cleric - v1.9 (EE, UA, XGtE & TCoE) Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $1.67 Format: PDF A simple and easy to use spellcasting sheet for your Cleric, including all new spells up to Tasha's Cauldron of Everything.
V1.9 Updated all files with the optional spells from Tasha's... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
![Color Magic [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/475258-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Revised 5 Color Magic Spell List Regular price: $1.99 Bundle price: $1.00 Format: PDF This document is the latest contribution to the growing collection of 5 Color Mana Spell Point Variant Rules published through DMsGuild.com here:
... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$24.87 $16.50
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Revised 5 Color Magic Spell List Regular price: $1.99 Bundle price: $1.00 Format: PDF This document is the latest contribution to the growing collection of 5 Color Mana Spell Point Variant Rules published through DMsGuild.com here:
... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$29.82 $18.98
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
Eberron logo pack Regular price: $3.00 Bundle price: $2.00 Format: ZIP File Got an upcoming DMs Guild title set in Eberron? This logo clip art is for you!
The ZIP file contains full color, flat color, and 1-color (black or white) versions of this DMs Guild friendly Eberron logo in transparent TIFFs,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$18.00 $12.50
![DQ's RAVNICA: Adventures! [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/336812-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. RAVNICA: Against the Golgari Regular price: $1.27CAD Bundle price: $0.64CAD Format: PDF A fast, combat-oriented adventure for five 2nd-level Boros, Azorius and Selesnya characters!
Take your sword, spell or bow and help the Boros Legion to re-conquer one of its Sacred Foundries fallen in the dirty... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$11.00 $5.50
![DQ's RAVNICA: Skills&Powers [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/309634-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. RAVNICA: Guilds' Fighting Styles Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.50 Format: PDF From the same author of bestselling Drizzt's Handbook: Fighting Styles!
Guildmasters’ Guide to Ravnica revealed that each Guild has a list of signature spells. Another secret is hidden among the intrigues... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$3.00 $1.50
![DQ's SILVER Bestsellers [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/348274-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. An EBERRON Adventure: The Goose of the Golden Eggs Regular price: $1.99 Bundle price: $0.50 Format: PDF The Goose of the Golden Eggs is a single-session 5E scenario set in Eberron, suitable for four 6th-level PCs. The characters explore a small underground complex inhabited by the wicked servants of Rhashaak... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$13.99 $6.50
![Entertainment Mages: Volume I [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/448993-thumb140.jpg)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
B Arcane Acrobat Background (Magewright) Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $2.40 Format: PDF Animancy Press
Dazzle your audience and your foes with the Arcane Acrobat Magewright Background. Includes expansive options for skill and tool proficiencies, a performance realted spell list, including the new... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$24.00 $16.20
![Gladiator Background + Vampire + Adventure Bard [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/435971-thumb140.jpg)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume I Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $0.50 Format: PDF
Animancy Press
Features 100% Handmade Art! Now a Silver Best Seller!
Magic Item Menagerie: Volume I has gotten a layout update, new and original artwork, and other minor revisions to celebrate its entry onto the... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$32.99 $17.50
This special bundle product contains the following titles. 5 Color Mana Symbols Art Pack Regular price: $5.00 Bundle price: $3.00 Format: PDF These DMsGuild-approved illustrations represent color mana spell points for the 5 color magic paradigm The symbols represent White, Blue, Black, Red, and Green. There's 10 transparent image PNG files. 5 are color, 5 are... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$10.00 $6.00
![H Bikini Day Bundle! 4 Wizard and Sorcerer Subclasses [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/444304-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. S Accursed: a Sorcerous Origin Regular price: $2.99 Bundle price: $1.50 Format: PDF
Animancy Press
Your power stems from an age old curse upon your lineage, or perhaps something more recent. Whatever the case, you’ve learned to live with it and now bend its power to your will.
"A fun little subclass for... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$16.00 $8.00
![Magewright Backgrounds Volume VI + [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/440688-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. 107 Magic Item Menagerie: Volumes I-IV Finder's Tables Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $0.50 Format: PDF
Animancy Press Featuring 100% Handmade Art!
Magic Item Menagerie now has rollable finder's tables complete with a mundane item table for those magical items which are disquised, rolling guides,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$45.23 $13.00
![Magewrights I & V [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/432109-thumb140.png)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume I Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $0.50 Format: PDF
Animancy Press
Features 100% Handmade Art! Now a Silver Best Seller!
Magic Item Menagerie: Volume I has gotten a layout update, new and original artwork, and other minor revisions to celebrate its entry onto the... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$15.00 $7.50
![Magic Item Menagerie Volumes I & VII [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/446461-thumb140.jpg)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
25 Magic Item Menagerie: Volume I Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $3.25 Format: PDF
Animancy Press
Features 100% Handmade Art! Now a Silver Best Seller!
Magic Item Menagerie: Volume I has gotten a layout update, new and original artwork, and other minor revisions to celebrate its entry onto the... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$13.49 $10.00
![Magic Item Menagerie: Volumes I & II + Finder's Tables [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/447273-thumb140.jpg)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
107 Magic Item Menagerie: Volumes I-IV Finder's Tables Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $1.00 Format: PDF
Animancy Press Featuring 100% Handmade Art!
Magic Item Menagerie now has rollable finder's tables complete with a mundane item table for those magical items which are disquised, rolling guides,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$11.89 $6.00
![Magic Item Menagerie: Volumes I & III + Finder's Tables [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/447274-thumb140.jpg)
This special bundle product contains the following titles.
107 Magic Item Menagerie: Volumes I-IV Finder's Tables Regular price: $4.99 Bundle price: $1.00 Format: PDF
Animancy Press Featuring 100% Handmade Art!
Magic Item Menagerie now has rollable finder's tables complete with a mundane item table for those magical items which are disquised, rolling guides,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$11.89 $6.00
![Magitech Menagerie Bundle [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/295444-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Adaptable NPCs: Calamity Regular price: $9.95 Bundle price: $7.50 Format: PDF Dungeon Masters, immerse players in your post-apocalyptic worlds by bringing your non-player characters to life!
The next product in the Adaptable NPCs line, Adaptable NPCs: Calamity contains 41 NPCs with unique statblocks, custom... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$41.98 $29.27
![Monster Manual Expanded Trilogy PDF + Roll20 Bundle [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/501108-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Monster Manual Expanded (5E) Regular price: $29.99 Bundle price: $21.50 Format: PDF
Getting the PDF? Save up to $19 if you grab the series bundle instead:
Grab the Roll20 version here.
“A fantastic resource for DMs that want to keep players on their toes or want stronger or weaker variants... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$214.94 $154.96
![Mordenkainen's Guide to Peaceful Spells | PDF + Roll20 [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/496756-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Mordenkainen's Guide to Peaceful Spells Regular price: $3.95 Bundle price: $3.95 Format: PDF
Unlock a New Dimension of Adventure with Non-Violent Magic!
Welcome to a groundbreaking addition to your gaming experience: Mordenkainen’s Guide to Peaceful Spells. This unique supplement introduces 44 innovative... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$9.44 $6.64
![More Monsters! And More! The Mega Bundle! [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/356996-thumb140.png) More Monsters! And More! The Mega Bundle!
The More Monsters! Mega Bundle! includes all of the products published by Craig Mackie up to the beginning of May 2021
Forty-six (46) new monsters and NPCs, ranging from CR 1/8 to 9
Twenty-one new magical items
Five... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$12.99 $8.00
![More Options! March 2021 [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/351421-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Domains of Adversity Regular price: $1.00 Bundle price: $0.80 Format: PDF Within Domains of Adversity, you shall find three new divine domains for clerics.
Whilst these subclasses were flavorfully created with the dark realms of Ravenloft in mind, they are setting-agnostic.
There are also two new spells... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$3.99 $3.00
![Oni + Battlemancer Fighter [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/444655-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. 5 Magewright Backgrounds (Rev + Exp) Vol I Regular price: $7.99 Bundle price: $2.50 Format: PDF
Animancy Press
Featuring 100% Handmade Art!
Magewright Backgrounds Vol I (Revised & Expanded) is here and contains 3x the content compared to the initial release. Each background has received an overhaul... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$21.00 $10.00
![Paths of Ravnica: Wave One [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/312402-thumb140.jpg) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Paths of Ravnica: Azorius Oath of Duty Paladin Regular price: $0.95 Bundle price: $0.76 Format: PDF Join the Azorius Senate and learn how to keep the streets of Ravnica safe. With Paths of Ravnica: Oath of Duty Paladin you gain a host of powers that help you solve cases and detain criminals, stop fleeing... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$4.75 $3.80
![Ravnica 360 Fantasy Grounds [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/336237-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Ravnica Encounters (Fantasy Grounds) Regular price: $11.95 Bundle price: $5.99 Format: MOD (Virtual Tabletop) Ravnica Encounters is a collection of random events that introduce the characters to interesting inhabitants of Ravnica, bring them into conflict with the guilds, and offer inspiration... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$25.85 $12.95
![Ravnica Encounters PDF + FG [BUNDLE]](https://d1vzi28wh99zvq.cloudfront.net/images/8957/316122-thumb140.png) This special bundle product contains the following titles. Ravnica Encounters Regular price: $7.95 Bundle price: $5.99 Format: PDF Ravnica Encounters is a collection of random events that introduce the characters to interesting inhabitants of Ravnica, bring them into conflict with the guilds, and offer inspiration for adventure. Since the characters’... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$19.90 $14.99
This special bundle product contains the following titles. Ravnica Races Expanded Regular price: €1,71 Bundle price: €1,38 Format: PDF SIX NEW PLAYABLE RACES FOR ADVENTURES IN THE CITY OF GUILDS
Ravnica Races Expanded introduces six new playable races present on Ravnica, including:
Gorgons, also known as medusas, capable of turning their foes to stone... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$4.95 $4.00