Between East and West, between Earth and Sky, lies the Endless Waste. Barren and desolate, this windswept land forms the barrier between the feuding kingdoms of Faerun and the ancient empires of Kara-Tur. The eternal steppe is home only to the hardy, nomadic horsemen who travel its secret paths.
This region, long ignored by its neighbors, is about to erupt in the bloodiest conflict ever to sweep across... [click here for more]
A Guide to Transylvania is an indispensable accessory for any Masque of the Red Death campaign - or for a campaign for any game system set in the 1890s. This 96-page book contains everything needed to explore the exotic, fear-filled country that is home to Dracula.
Highlights of this volume:
A survey of Transylvania's history and geography;
an overview of the beliefs, practices, crafts, and... [click here for more]