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Heroes & Villains of Theros

Heroes & Villains of Theros

Heroes & Villains of Theros is a massive expansion for the Theros D&D setting that presents a ton of new content to make your game MYTHIC! Latest Update v1.1 (8/8/2020) Now available for Fantasy Grounds! Subclasses suitable for adventures in any setting! Barbarian: Path of the Mythic Totem Warrior // Bard: College of Tragedy Cleric:...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $7.95

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Mythic Encounters

Mythic Encounters

Disclaimer: According to our team of legal prophets and other assorted diviners, the authors of this tome are not accountable for any burden of destiny thrust upon characters. No, not even your bard Steve. Yes, our diviners told us you would say that. Watch the language please. Alustriel Silverhand, Elminster Aumar, Varja Safahr… err, I mean... Blackstaff. Heroes from our history, all...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.95

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Legends From Spelljammer

Legends From Spelljammer

From the minds who brought you the best-selling Factions of Phandalin and Factions of Sigil comes a new set of adventures across 5 settings... FIVE short adventures across the D&D multiverse; play them as mini-campaigns unto themselves or connect them as a 15-session campaign where the characters travel across the Astral Sea and various Wildspace systems to reach the Legendary Spelljammer! Embark...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $19.95

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Gathering Magic: Mystical Archives

Gathering Magic: Mystical Archives

A compilation of over 300 spells with options pulled right out of Ravnica, Theros, and Arcavios (Strixhaven) such as Firemind's Research, Grave Betrayal, Enter the Infinite, Anger of the Gods, Aspect of Gorgon, Thoughtseize, Pigment Storm, Mascot Exhibition, and Flamethrower Sonata. There's at least 1 spell of every level for...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $10.00

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Compendium of Blades Vol 4. Weapons of Theros

Compendium of Blades Vol 4. Weapons of Theros

The Compendium of Blades: Weapons of Theros The Compendium of Blades is an ongoing series that covers magical bladed weapons. Future volumes will include daggers, axes, polearms, eastern swords, exotic bladed weapons, and western swords not covered in the original volume. This volume covers 24 magical blade weapons drawn from the campaign setting Theros. Magic weapons are a staple of...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.25

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Tap Untap Burn 5 Color Mana Spell Point Variant Rules Core Mechanics

Tap Untap Burn 5 Color Mana Spell Point Variant Rules Core Mechanics

Replace spell slots and the eight schools of magic with spell points and the five color magic paradigm. Alternate preview link: This book redefines spellcasting for DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 5th Edition  Perfect for Ravnica and Theros, fun for all! Variant rules for: - Spells and magic defined by the five colors of Magic: The...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $12.95

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Tap Untap Burn 5 Color Mana Spell Point Variant Rules Knights and Tricksters

Tap Untap Burn 5 Color Mana Spell Point Variant Rules Knights and Tricksters

This book offers an alternate spellcasting system that replaces the 8 schools of magic with 5 colors of magic, and uses colored spell points matching the color of spells you cast.  The mechanics are minimal for DMs to incorporate into any setting, and are perfect for Ravnica, Theros, and other MtG settings, alternate preview link:   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Anvilwright: Artificer Specialist of Theros

Anvilwright: Artificer Specialist of Theros

This supplement presents a new specialization for the artificer class with strong ties to the world presented in Mythic Odysseys of Theros but playable in any campaign setting. Anvilwright artificers carry on the practice of crafting anvilwrought creatures—metal constructs first forged by the Theran god Purphoros. Those who pursue this specialty create and bond with...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.50

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Iason and the Margonauts: Mythic Nautical Options

Iason and the Margonauts: Mythic Nautical Options

The mythic tale of Iason and the Margonauts recounts the Margo crew's quest to cross the Siren Sea of Theros in search of a legendary treasure. Now, whether campaigning in Theros, the Forgotten Realms, Eberron, Ravnica, or beyond, you can play as a character embodying the unique abilities of this brave crew. This supplement...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.95

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Astromancy: A Wizard Tradition

Astromancy: A Wizard Tradition

Astromancers focus their arcane study on the cosmos, observing the movement of celestial bodies so as to unravel deeper mysteries about the workings of their own world and of the wider multiverse. On the world of Theros, these wizards scrutinize the patterns of the starry plane of Nyx and analyze the rising and setting of the sun. Applying this astronomical research to their wider knowledge of magic's...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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Oracle Domain: A Mythic Cleric Subclass

Oracle Domain: A Mythic Cleric Subclass

This supplement offers a new cleric domain that could be tied to any deity but might also be tied to an entire pantheon, to deities across pantheons, or even to no deities at all. On the world of Theros, for example, the domain might be linked to the cryptic patterns visible in the starry plane of Nyx. Essentially, an Oracle cleric acts as a divine mouthpiece—a mortal conduit for spreading...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.50

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Hellenic Horsemen, Chariots & Racing

Hellenic Horsemen, Chariots & Racing

Hellenic Horsemen, Chariots & Racing In the ancient times horses were primarily utilized to pull chariots or transport troops, though examples of lancers and actual cavalry charges surface eventually. Racing existed a long time, and was an entertaining, though dangerous, sport in the olympics. This book provides a small number of feats for a cavalryman, general ruleset for chariots and cavalry...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.95

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Nymph Bloodline: A Sorcerous Origin

Nymph Bloodline: A Sorcerous Origin

This supplement presents a new sorcerer subclass with strong ties to the world presented in Mythic Odysseys of Theros but playable in any campaign setting. Nymph Bloodline sorcerers have been transformed by a nymph heritage mingled with their own or with that of an ancestor. Such sorcerers gain mythic powers from this link—powers that are distinctive based on the particular type...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.50

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Death Skulk: A Rogue Archetype of Theros

Death Skulk: A Rogue Archetype of Theros

This supplement offers a new roguish archetype inspired by the legendary apotheosis of Phenax, the mortal who became a god of Theros after dying and escaping from the Underworld through trickery. Death Skulk rogues emulate Phenax, railing at mortal fate and seeking any means at their disposal by which to steal life back from death. Mechanically, the subclass offers an exciting new paradigm for rogues...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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Tap Untap Burn - Elemental Ki

Tap Untap Burn - Elemental Ki

Elemental Ki is a collection of variant rules that provide new options for Monks that choose Way of the Four Elements tradition. A full walkthrough of the document preview is on youtube here: The Elemental Magic paradigm creates games mechanics around a monk's Ki pool and disciplines chosen to feel like the Way...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.99

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Hellenic Heroes: Hoplite Martial Archetype

Hellenic Heroes: Hoplite Martial Archetype

Hellenic Heroes: Hoplite This is first of several-to-be hellenic mythology and history inspired classes, and likely the most grounded of the classes to be. The Hoplite is a Martial Archetype for a Fighter, and also contains two simple magic items; a spear and a shield, that grow in power with their wielder. Contents, as seen above: Martial Archetype: Hoplite, for the Fighter Class. 2 new magic items;...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Path of the Forestmaster: Barbarian Subclass and Theros Quest

Path of the Forestmaster: Barbarian Subclass and Theros Quest

On the world of Theros, barbarians who follow the Path of the Forestmaster do so only after tracking down a mythic being that dwells in the unexplored, primeval forest beyond Theros's Oraniad Mountains: the Traxian Forest. An overgrown, gentle cyclops touched by the magic of Nyx, the Forestmaster becomes a devastating force of destruction when provoked. To those it deems worthy, the Forestmaster...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Hellenic Heroes: Misthios Roguish Archetype

Hellenic Heroes: Misthios Roguish Archetype

Hellenic Heroes: Misthios The second of the hellenic mythology and history inspired classes. Misthophoroi were ancient greek mercenaries, at times hired as bodyguards, armed servants, and as career soldiers. The Misthios class (misthia for female) is intended to represent the more irregular lower class variant of such mercenaries, inspired by history, mythology, and of course, certain franchise centered...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Hellenic Heroes: Minoan Druid Circle

Hellenic Heroes: Minoan Druid Circle

Hellenic Heroes: Minoan With this subclass I desired to mix historic minoans, their religion, and the greek mythology, to create a kind of a Taurus related mystical shapeshifting occult circle, that worships the Taurus, the bull, which, among many other things, signified the sun. While not strictly Greek, Minoan civilization exists within the mythology and history of the greeks, and is easily associated...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Backgrounds of the New World - 14 New Backgrounds

Backgrounds of the New World - 14 New Backgrounds

Backgrounds of the New World! Venture forth into adventure with this new resource! This book has 23 pages in which you will find 14 backgrounds for Player Characters to use during their character creation process. These backgrounds include features and characteristics that provide  ideas for players to make this background into a grand story for their characters. Most of these...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.50

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Piety: Dogmas & Portfolios Revisited

Piety: Dogmas & Portfolios Revisited

5E DOGMAS & PORTFOLIOS REVISITED Includes over 40 new spells and PIETY BENEFITS for Forgotten Realms deities based on the system introduced in Mythic Odysseys of Theros ! Domain spell options for clerics based on their deity! Forgotten Realms deities may grant domain spells based on their portfolio. At the player’s option, a variant domain spell can...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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Hellenic Heroes: Orphean Bard College

Hellenic Heroes: Orphean Bard College

Hellenic Heroes: Orphean Orphean bards are related to dreams and death, drawing upon various orphean mysteries of history, and the mythology of Orpheus. While relation to dreams remains, particularly through more potent Sleep spell, the orphean practices relating to Ekstasis and bloody rituals are also accounted for, and of course the mythological Katabasis; journey to the underworld. Contents: Orphean...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Mythic Classes of the Odyssey

Mythic Classes of the Odyssey

Mythic Classes of the Odyssey introduces 13 new subclasses to support your Greek-inspired D&D setting! Enjoy powerful new class options for every class in the game, pulling inspiration directly from Greek myth. Class Odyssey Subclass Description Artificer Archimidean Employ combat calculus to make precision strikes from range, lock on targets, and blow stuff up. No additional...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $5.99

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Hellenic Heroes: Pantheon Otherworldly Patron

Hellenic Heroes: Pantheon Otherworldly Patron

Hellenic Heroes: Hierophant of the Pantheon Inspired by the mystery cults and priesthoods of the ancient greece, working around performance of sacrifice in order to invoke aspects of the gods. Contents, as seen above: Otherworldly Patron: Pantheon, for the Warlock Class. 2 new magic items; the branch of a hierophant and the sacred torch. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Hellenic Heroes: Telamonian Primal Path

Hellenic Heroes: Telamonian Primal Path

Hellenic Heroes: Telamoian Telamonian class is based upon Ajax, also referred to as Telamonian Ajax, a great warrior from the Trojan War, who was described as a towering figure of incredible strength. He is said to wield a great shield and an incredibly long spear to battle. I aim to depict such a fantasy to satisfy, to become the tower on the field of battle. The class is based more upon myth than...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Hellenic Heroes: Automationist Specialist

Hellenic Heroes: Automationist Specialist

Hellenic Heroes: Automationist I have seen many renditions of the ancient greek artificer, most often relating to figures such as Icarus. I felt that I desired to try something new and unique mechanics wise (far as I know), to create a kind of an automata-making inventor, inspired by Hephaestus and ancient greek fascination with automata. This is my attempt of doing that. Contents, as seen above:...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Mordenkainen's Multiversal Feats for Fantastical Lineages

Mordenkainen's Multiversal Feats for Fantastical Lineages

Once upon a time, Xanathar's Guide to Everything introduced racial feats for the core races of D&D. While we've had a couple from other sources, only the D&D Beyond set of Expanded Racial Feats by Adam Bradford for races from Volo's Guide to Monsters and Elemental Evil has really built upon it. It seems only fitting that with the increased interest in feats for leveling...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $5.99

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Hellenic Pankration: Martial Arts System

Hellenic Pankration: Martial Arts System

Hellenic Pankration Martial Arts System This book provides a modular in-depth martial arts system, and several variants, to be used in Pankration and Pygmachia, which were brutal, crippling, and lethal unarmed martial arts competitions in the Hellenic (and surrounding) world. In a fantastic setting, with magical healing, such blood-sports could flourish. I have created the system in this book by...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.00

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Hellenic Heroes: Pythagorean Arcane Tradition

Hellenic Heroes: Pythagorean Arcane Tradition

Hellenic Heroes: Pythagorean This was an intereting one, as I delved into the pythagoreanism and Pythagoras himself, in search of inspiration for the archetype. Pythagorean unlocks Pythagorean Mysteries, similar to maneuvers, that they may then utilize while casting spells in certain shapes. I hope you find the ends results intriguing as I did the search to the subject matter. Contents, as seen above:...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Nymphs of Myth: Dryads and Their Kin - A Classical PC Species

Nymphs of Myth: Dryads and Their Kin - A Classical PC Species

More Than a Pretty Face... Nymphs are nature spirits and minor goddesses from Greek mythology renowned for their captivating beauty. They feature throughout the legends of many gods and great heroes and are venerated in real-world folklore to the present day.  In D&D terms, they are Fey. Nymphs dwell in nature and care for the wild places and creatures of the world. In that...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.99

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Hellenic Heroes: Hetairoi Sacred Oath

Hellenic Heroes: Hetairoi Sacred Oath

Hellenic Heroes: Hetairoi Hetairoi, or the Companion, is a martially inclined sacred oath, which focuses on creating sacred bonds with others, to provide additional benefits for everyone involved within the oath. Hellenic mythology provides several tales of such companions, of which most famous no doubt is the bond of Patroclus and Achilles. The class also takes faint inspirations of the companions...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Heroes & Villains of Theros (Fantasy Grounds)

Heroes & Villains of Theros (Fantasy Grounds)

Now for Fantasy Grounds! Heroes & Villains of Theros is a massive expansion for the Theros D&D setting that presents a ton of new content to make your game MYTHIC! Latest Update v1.1 (8/8/2020) Subclasses suitable for adventures in any setting! Barbarian: Path of the Mythic Totem Warrior // Bard: College of Tragedy Cleric:...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $12.95

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Hellenic Heroes: Pyrrhic Domain

Hellenic Heroes: Pyrrhic Domain

Hellenic Heroes: Pyrrhic Domain Kouretes are based upon historic practice of pyrrhichios, and the mythologies involving Zeus and Rhea, where the Kouretes feature as dancing warriors that would bang their shields and sing loudly to ward off danger. This is the last piece of the Hellenic subclasses, which somehow slipped through the cracks. Finally the project is complete, and hopefully to your liking!...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Otherwordly Patron - The River Styx - A Greek Subclass

Otherwordly Patron - The River Styx - A Greek Subclass

Rise from the river and take the world by storm! Your pact is not with a single entity, but a greater force. The primordial river of the Underworld has made an unspoken pact with you, granting the chance to become a legend. Inspired by the legend of Achilles from Greek Mythology, this Warlock sports Iron skin, which will grow tougher as you become more powerful....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.99

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Odyssey Races

Odyssey Races

Odyssey Races A Collection of Four Greek Mythology Inspired Races Contains Nymph (Auraiad, Dryad, Maenad, Naiad, Nereid, Oread), Medusa, Siren, and Satyr ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.95

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Demigod - a Playable Race for 5E

Demigod - a Playable Race for 5E

Product Overview: This 5E title includes a new playable race, the demigod. This race has 4 variants for you to chose from to create just the herculean hero or scandalous aphroditess you want! Based on greek mythology and 90's pop culture, the rules within this title allow you to chose a half-god half mortal character that can adventure in any setting! This title features: Roleplaying...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.95

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Medusae: A Classical PC Species

Medusae: A Classical PC Species

If Looks Could Kill! Medusae, medusas, gorgons…Whatever you call them, they’re truly icons of fantasy and pop culture. From Ray Harryhausen to Rick Riordan and Ovid to #MeToo, these serpent-haired ladies captivate our imaginations. With so many sources of inspiration, and such a long history in D&D, there are many possible approaches to portraying them. I chose a Classical...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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Hellenic Heroes: Daimonic Sorcerer

Hellenic Heroes: Daimonic Sorcerer

Hellenic Heroes: Daimon It is said, that all are born with a daimon within them, bound before their birth by random chance. It is also said, that ancient heroes were transformed to potent Daimon, to allow them to continue the protection of their future descendants. As a Daimonic Sorcerer, your daimon has awakened and become a part of you, granting you supernatural powers to gaze into the...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Sorcerous Origin - Titan's Blood - A Greek Subclass

Sorcerous Origin - Titan's Blood - A Greek Subclass

A Bloodline of Forgotten Divinity Venture forth into danger with the power granted by a far off relative, a Titan. Having been descended from one of the many minor deities or nature spirits spawned by these humongous immortals you have acquired powerful magic, however it seems to resemble the domain of your most divine ancestor. Choose from 4 different bloodlines! Atlas:...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.99

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Roguish Archetype - The Hermaean Legerdemain - A Greek Subclass

Roguish Archetype - The Hermaean Legerdemain - A Greek Subclass

Sneak around, hit and run around your foes with backing of the divine! Create your own path with the Rogue that has touched divinity! With access to divine magics and unique ways to approach battle and problem solving, be clever, be sneaky and make your god of trickery proud. Get ready to dissapear in front of everyone, reappear, buff your allies,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.99

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Monastic Tradition - Way of the Pankrátion Champion - A Greek Subclass

Monastic Tradition - Way of the Pankrátion Champion - A Greek Subclass

Seek Glory! Seek Greatness! March forward into adventure with the acknowledgment of the gods! The Pankrátion Champion is an unarmed combat specialist who combines their insane physical ability with powerful grappling maneuvers and the blessings that the gods have seen fit to grant onto them. This divine magic enhances their strikes and all of their Ki abilities.                            ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.99

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Hellenic Heroes: Way of the Hypaspist

Hellenic Heroes: Way of the Hypaspist

Hellenic Heroes: Hypaspist This subclass is largely inspired by Theseus, Perseus, Heracles, and numerous other lightly armored wrestling warriors of Greek history and mythology. Shortswords and shields are frequently used in sync with the wrestling abilities of these mythical heroes, and what class better to fit that fantasy than the monk. Contents, as seen above: Monastic Tradition: Hypaspist, for...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Subclass Subversions

Subclass Subversions

Why does every class feel like a trope? Shouldn't your characters have options that make them unique and different? Of course they should. Subclass Subversions takes the existing thoughts about each class and turns them on their head. Inside you'll find flavorful non-traditional archetypes like a Druid who realizes the best way to preserve nature is to embrace the progress of humanity rather than to...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.99

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Hellenic Heroes: Skiritai Conclave

Hellenic Heroes: Skiritai Conclave

Hellenic Heroes: Skiritai The First to engage, the last to withdraw. Vanguard of kings, sentinel of war camps. The Skiritai are elite warriors, proficient in war of all manner, from skirmish and scouting, to phalanx and horse riding. While they may lack the heavy armoring of a hoplite, their maneuverability and versatility make them ideal for special operations, flanking, assassination, and exceptional...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Sacred Oath - Oath of the Fates - A Greek Subclass

Sacred Oath - Oath of the Fates - A Greek Subclass

A Guardian of Fate Go into adventure with the backing of destiny at your side. Hunt down those who would twist the very order of the world for their own ambitions. You are the chosen of the Fates. Go forth as the protector of fate. Your Channel Divinity options Seal of Fate and Pledge of Triumph will let you make short work of your enemies and let...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.99

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Ranger Conclave - The Laphrian Hunter - A Greek Subclass

Ranger Conclave - The Laphrian Hunter - A Greek Subclass

The Hunt approaches! Stalk your prey, prepare the shot and take them down! Become an acolyte for the divine quest of the hunt! This Ranger Conclave is focused on improving skills necessary for hunting down creatures of the wild, monsters born from magic or even abominations from beyond the veil of your world. With a divine bond, you acquire acess to certain divine...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.99

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Gathering Magic: Theros (Fantasy Grounds)

Gathering Magic: Theros (Fantasy Grounds)

Now for Fantasy Grounds! Over 100 new spells with some options pulled right out of Theros, such as Anger of the Gods, Aspect of Gorgon, and Thoughtseize. There's at least 1 spell of every level for each of the classes that can cast spells and options ranging across the different schools of magic.  Note: This product is for...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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Harpy: Unique Player Options

Harpy: Unique Player Options

Explore unique player options for inhabiting a harpy character! With a reputation for being voracious killing machines or alluring tricksters, harpies are often dismissed as mere monsters, when in fact they have a distinctive culture and widely varying outlooks and alignments. This 34-page supplement dives deep into harpy lore and contains everything you need to play a harpy in the Forgotten...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Primal Path - Path of the Hero - A Greek Subclass

Primal Path - Path of the Hero - A Greek Subclass

A Heroic Barbarian leader Lead your party to victory with this teamwork-focused Primal Path! Make your allies stronger as you inspire them with your fearless rage, freeze your enemies in fear as you charge and show them how things are done! Go forth as your heroic rage boosts your allies, protecting them against harm, forcing your foes to recoil and let your party wail on them! Furthermore,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.99

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Cupids: A Celestial PC Species

Cupids: A Celestial PC Species

Love Conquers All. For centuries, the angelic folk known as cupids have frolicked through art and poetry, symbolizing the joy, mischief, and unpredictability of love. Yes, Cupid is a singular deity, but cupids or amores (Latin), or erotes (Greek) have long been depicted as the many mischievous spirits of love. Celebrate amour this Valentine’s Day and year-round by becoming one...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.99

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