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Have Wand—Will Travel
Join Eberron setting creator Keith Baker on a journey across the Western Frontier, the contested land that lies between the ancient kingdom of Breland and the rising nation of Droaam. Frontiers of Eberron: Quickstone takes a deep dive into this untamed region, exploring the towns and denizens of this dangerous land.
The... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
If You Purchased The PDF Click Below For a Bundle Discount on the Premium, Hardcover.
CLICK HERE FOR THE PDF + Hardcover, Premium Bundle.
Arcanum Worlds Presents: Chains of Asmodeus
Chains of Asmodeus is a 286-page source book and adventure for the Nine Hells written by legendary game designer James Ohlen (Baldur's Gate, Baldur's Gate II, Star Wars: Knights... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Join Eberron setting creator Keith Baker in this tour through the lands, oceans, and planes of Eberron. Exploring Eberron presents Keith's vision of Eberron like never before, with fresh lore and rich illustrations to bring the setting to life. In this book, Keith takes players and Dungeon Masters on a thrilling dive into the world of Eberron. Encounter the monstrous folk of Droaam,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Join Eberron setting creator Keith Baker for another journey across the realms of Eberron, from the trackless void of the Astral Plane to the unknown depths of the Barren Sea. Chronicles of Eberron takes a deeper dive into Keith’s vision of Eberron, with expanded mechanics and detailed illustrations that bring the world to life.
This companion to Exploring Eberron contains lore... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Now you can play an elf-orc raised by dwarves! Or a gnome-halfling raised by kobolds! Even a grung-warforged raised in Avernus is a possibility!
“...this supplement is truly an informed, aware and inspired step forward in continuing discussion about who, how and what makes up a D&D character, and how to create them just how we envision them.” - Curse of Sebs
An... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Known to the wider Forgotten Realms® as a sinister land of Red Wizards, slavers, and marching undead armies, Thay is the distant—or uncomfortably close—menace that “may become our doom if Szass Tam turns his attention in our direction.”
And Thay is that, but it is also so much more. A truly magical land (thanks to a secret that even the goddess Mystra helps to keep) of rich culture,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This 68-page handbook contains progression from 20th to 30th level for all character options found in the Player's Handbook, Dungeon Master's Guide, Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, Xanathar's Guide to Everything, Guildmaster's Guide to Ravnica, and Eberron: Rising from the Last War. It also includes epic racial bonuses for all races found in the aforementioned titles, in addition to those found... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Behold, Greyhawk!
A land of magic, mystery, and mayhem, where ancient dungeons contain vast treasures and infinite dangers, where great armies march across the land, and where bands of adventurers seek to maintain the balance, or help the innocent, but are never above making a quick profit.
This book gives players and dungeon masters the information they need to run a cleric character in this... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The authors of the platinum-bestselling Feywild Companion and Fizban’s Vault of Draconic Secrets, bring you a 180-page book over six months in the making.
The world of Krynn is yours with the Dragonlance Companion. Players and DMs will find everything they need to create compelling characters and undertake exciting adventures across Ansalon and beyond.
3 classic races... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$44.99 $38.99
"Dragonlance is a story of love and friendship set against a backdrop of war." -Margaret Weis
The Dragonlance Nexus proudly presents the Tasslehoff's Pouches of Everything Revised/Champions of Krynn, Chapter 1: The Mystery of the Lost Patrol two-pack! With this book, you get both a complete sourcebook that encompasses all ages of Krynn, and an action-packed... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$43.95 $39.56
Meet Muk, the very bravest goblin, and his best friend Birdsquirrel. Adventure your way through the Dankwood and search for a great treasure that is rumored to be hidden far beyond.
For players of all levels.
This activity book includes enjoyable adventure hooks written by D&D’s Adam Lee, puzzles, unique Dankwood goblin character sheets developed by D&D’s Chris Lindsay, modified monster... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Pay What You Want
As smoke clears from a candle-lit laboratory, a gnome wipes the soot from his goggles. In front of him lies a glowing mixture that fumes offensively after the sudden, but anticipated, reaction. His excitement overcomes a curse the concoction seems to be casting on his senses, as he rushes to seal the now shaking flask with cork. Holding the vibrating flask in-hand, he smiles as he drips a layer... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Print On Demand is finally available, with softcover, a new layout and updated version!
This volume aims to investigate the relationship between warlocks and their patrons, from the relationship's inception to the myriad developments that could occur during a campaign.
Inside you will discover:
- Chapter 1: Relationship Between Warlocks and Patrons, which explores Backstory, Purpose, Methods,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Return to Where the Forgotten Realms Began!
Discover the mythic Moonshae Isles, the first published region of the Forgotten Realms. Now you can walk in the footsteps of Tristan and Robyn, sail the straits in dragon-head longships, look deep into the moonwells of the Earthmother, and feel the fury of Kazgoroth the Beast!
The Moonshaes Regional Guide is intended for use with Moonshae... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The Dragonlance Nexus proudly presents Autumn Twilight, an all in one 5th Edition conversion guide for DL1 through DL5, the classic campaign that started it all. Within these pages you'll find 5th Edition stat blocks for every monster, NPC, and magic item your players will encounter, as well as tips and tricks for running individual encounters without... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
"Don't miss the Campaign Guide to Zakhara! Bringing the setting to 5e and cleaning up many of the cultural issues!"
- Ahmed Aljabry, 20Arabia
"ADVENTURES IN THE LAND OF FATE DOES AL-QADIM 5E RIGHT . . . This book makes me want to jump in the Al-Qadim 5e pool feet first. [It] is in every way a rival for any official WotC D&D Fifth Edition content out there. GtG Rating: 5 out of 5"
- ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Drizzt’s Travelogue of Everything is a massive, two-volume collaboration of DMs Guild creators that expands on the options found in the Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual.
Below is a short description of what you’ll find in each chapter of the book.
26 new subclasses for every class, including... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Link to the Fantasy Grounds version
Dive into the Divine
Embark on a divine journey and bring the rich lore of the Faerûnian pantheon to life in your Forgotten Realms campaign!
This meticulously crafted guide provides players and Dungeon Masters with everything they need to integrate the 48 gods of Faerûn, as well as the faiths of Corellon and Moradin, into their adventures.
Experience... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Drizzt’s Travelogue of Everything is a massive, two-volume collaboration of DMs Guild creators that expands on the options found in the Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s Guide, and Monster Manual.
Find below a short description of the content you can find in each chapter of the book
•Be free of Yeenoghu's hunger and play as a... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Within this 112-page handbook you will find a vast array of new player options across all levels of play, starting at 1st level and going all the way to epic levels.
Discover three new races that all offer unique roleplaying possibilities and carry with them deep ties to a particular aspect of the world.
You will find two new subclass options for each of the 14 core classes, for a total of 28... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Now an ENnie-nominated title!
A dark mage, defiant to the gods.
A marauding warrior bent on conquest.
A true knight, twisted by grief into something cruel.
This book contains them all—and many more! This collection of characters, designed by some of the most prolific designers of D&D 5e content, houses the perfect archvillain for your next campaign. Each... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Fantasy Grounds version now live! Get it here!
5 stars from DM Dango!
DM Dango reviews MLN on his YouTube channel - https://bit.ly/2zo4wkV - copy and paste the link into a new window.
to Mordenkainen’s Lost Notebook! Nobody, not even he, knows exactly how it got lost. But lost it got, and remained lost in Barovia until it ended up among the possessions of... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Hope for the Best. Prepare for the Worst. Bring a Warm Coat.
The frozen wastes are as inhospitable place as you can find. Subzero temperatures. Driving winds. Chest deep snows. Hungry predators. And between all that? A lonely death. But still, those few who prepare for it manage to survive where all others fall. Ready yourself. The blizzard comes.
Knuckleheads &... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Playing Dead is a complete ruleset for starting (or continuing) your journey as an undead, including new thematic options for class features, subclasses, spells, magic items, and transcending the limits of undeath itself.
A 100-page player’s companion for keeping that favorite character of yours going, even after that unfortunate moment when you forgot to check for traps.
In this supplement,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Soar into the Heavens!
Faiths of the Forgotten Realms is back with volume 2!
50 gods have been selected from the various peoples of the realms, including the pantheons of the dragons, drow, dwarves, elves, gnomes, halflings and orcs. Each has a Deeper Faiths section detailing the religion and character motivations for devoting themselves faithfully to their chosen... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
"Gather the faithful. The time has come for a Great Hunt."
The Forgotten Realms god of the hunt is feral, wild, and vicious: Malar is the dark side of nature. The civilized people of Faerûn might pray to Malar out of fear or before hunting. But they also forbid worshiping him and loathe his followers, considering them savage murderers.
Assembled from the vast collection of knowledge... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
"I adore everything about Bearthazar's and would like to only shop for familiars with him from now on. I love every single one of them. Help me."
"...thumbing through this book really gave me that lovely feeling of going to the animal shelter, locking eyes with the one that was just right for me, and saying, "This one. This one is perfect."
"probably the only way I'd ever touch... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
At last, the complete Krynn source book that contains all the information necessary for limitless campaigning in the world of the DragonLance saga!
Provides all-new information on the character classes, races, artifacts, and powers that are unique to the fascinating world of Krynn.
Product History
Dragonlance Adventures (1987), by Tracy Hickman and Margaret Weis, is the... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Ready to explore your character's wild side?
Player’s Option: Heroes of the Feywild enables players to weave elements of the Feywild into their existing and future characters, in much the same way that Player’s Option: Heroes of Shadow gave players reasons to explore their characters’ dark connections to the Shadowfell.
This book contains exciting new character builds and... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
The secret of survival ain't who you are, berk - it's what you know!
-Planewalker adage
Feeling overwhelmed by the infinite possibilities of the multiverse? Wondering how to roleplay a tiefling, what spells to memorize, and how to manipulate portals? Here's the dark of it: The Planewalker's Handbook is the essential manual for survival on the planes - a Players Handbook... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
No longer can the members of one of the most infamous clandestine organizations in all the Realms lurk in their confortable shadows. No more can these men, women, dragons, dracoliches, and... others... scheme to subjugate all that is good and true while the rest of Faer?n waits unaware. For centuries has the evil secret society founded by the mad mage and Chosen of Mystra, Sammaster, labored secretly-well,... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Secrets of Sarlona explores the continent of Sarlona for the first time, giving players and Dungeon Masters their first real glimpse inside the empire of Riedra, home of the Inspired and the kalashtar.
It also explores the mysteries of Adar, a nation isolated from the rest of the world, and never-before-seen locations.
Secrets of Sarlona also presents new options (feats, prestige classes,... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Out of the depths of wildspace come astonishing new ideas for SPELLJAMMER campaigns. Now you can create player characters from the nonhuman races of the giff, dracons, scro, grommams, and more. Equip you characters with kits like the Corsair, War Mage, and Aperusa. Then add some new space-oriented proficiencies and equipment, enlist your character in a spacefaring organization, and head off into the... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Do you want to introduce your kids to Dungeons and Dragons, but feel like the full game may be too much for them? That is what this pack was created for, and uploaded to the DMs' Guild after much demand in response to a tweet about it. The pack includes character creation guidelines, a sample character sheet and a blank one for you to fill in for your players. You'll need the 5th edition Player's Handbook... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Explore a savage, wondrous world.
Aimed at players and Dungeon Masters, this game supplement explores the heroes and wonders of Athas—a savage desert world abandoned by the gods and ruled by terrible sorcerer-kings. Use it to build Dark Sun heroes and thrilling D&D adventures set in the Seven Cities of the Tyr Region, the Ivory Triangle, the Sea of Silt, and monster-infested... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Unlock the Lore of a Thousand Spellcasters
The essential spellcaster's companion, Spell Compendium gather over 1,000 of the best spell from previously published Dungeons&Dragons game supplements and campaign settings, Dragon magazine articles, and articles posted on the Wizards of the Coast website.
The spells contained herein complement those presented in the Player's Handbook... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
This is a simple text file including the template code for making your own races on the homebrewery, which for some reason doens't include this option. To use it, simply copy the text from the file and paste it in the hombrewery editor. You can use it to make individual hombrew races or you can paste it inside of your already existing hombrewery code to add races to your file. I hope this saves you... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Friends, Foes and Other Fine Folks is a collection of NPCs who represent the diverse community that plays 5th edition dungeons and dragons. This includes, but is not limited to, representations of various genders, races, physical characteristics, orientations, personalities and disabilities.
What's inside?
58 non-player characters for 5th edition dungeons and dragons.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Introducing a diverse collection of 12 pre-generated D&D characters designed to get new players into the action quickly and easily! Each character is richly detailed, offering unique backgrounds, traits, and compelling roleplaying opportunities for both new and experienced players.
Meet Hemma, the steadfast human fighter with a farmer’s resilience and a fierce drive to protect... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
The book you now hold in your hand represents new dimensions to an already fascinating game system. This is the third supplement to DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, and was produced as a result of an ever increasing demand for new material. This book also represents a new trend in the fine art of Dungeon Mastering. As originally conceived, D & D was limited in scope only by the imagination and devotion... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
An alphabetical listing of monsters found in ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS adventures, including attacks, damage, special abilities, descriptions, and random encounter tables. A must for the serious AD&D game player. This manual contains all the new members, from Abishai to Zygom, including new creatures like the Deadly Pudding, Devas, and Valley Elves. And you'll also have the advantage of the... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
From the ashes of an ancient culture of proud warriors rises a race of people unlike any other in the Known World.
Long ago, the power of Blackmoor all but destroyed the mighty Azcans. Some of them, the bravest of the brave, sought refuge under the shadow of a great plateau. For decades, they struggled to preserve their lives and their culture. Now, centuries later, their secrets are revealed. From... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Want to Get in Touch?
Twitter @FrictionlessDan
Check out other Best-Selling Content by Daniel Kahn!
Adventure Anthologies
Monster Weaknesses and Rules Supplements
Wild Beyond the Witchlight
Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden
Tomb of Annihilation... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is the first Gazetteer to outline a non-human culture: that of the elves. Herein DMs and players alike will find information on elven society, politics, economics, and culture. Fascinating, first-hand details on the fabulous tree-cities are at last available to adventurers. The pageant of elven life hinted at in previous TSR products such as CM7 "The Tree of Life" is now revealed in its entirety.... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
$9.99 $8.99
NOTE: The print version of this title does not include spine information.
Welcome to the Land of Vikings. Discover the berserk Jaris of Soderfjord, the Vikings of Vestland, and the fearsome Drakkars of Ostland. The Norther Reaches is a unique complement to your Gazetteer collection, providing detailed background on these three nations, their people, and many adventures, including
Separate players'... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Diabolical threats lurk everywhere in the world of the AD&D game. Heroes who fight evil on the Prime Material Plane may contend with forces whose power rises from the depths of Hell. Adventurers who travel to Hell meet devildom on its own terms and risk not only their lives, but also their everlasting souls. Guide to Hell is a comprehensive look at the nature of devils, ways for heroes... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Orcs? A Gazetteer about Orcs?
Absolutely. And hobgoblins, kobolds, bugbears, gnolls, trolls, goblins, and more! If you think the only good orc is a dead orc, you're in for a surprise. Orcs (and the other humanoids) are more than just anonymous hordes to be slaughtered for easy experience points - they are creatures with personality, culture, likes and dislikes, and a point of view. Find out all about... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
$19.99 $17.99
From the storm-lashed rocks west of fabled Evermeet to the Plains of Purple Dust, all the folk of Faerun have heard of the Harpers. Noble fools, some call them. Crazy, misguided meddlers, others say. Still others disagree. "The one true hope of the Realms," said one princess.
"A shining light in the darkness of our lives," agreed a sage. "Pray that it never goes out."... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
 Who said cheat sheets were for cheaters? To those who do, I say, “How dare you?”
No, no. These cheat sheets are created for you, player-who-can’t-remember-all-those-wonderful-features-you-have-and-whose-DM-is-patiently-waiting-while-you-re-read-your-character-sheet-for-the-fifth-time-this-session. I see you. I’m here for you.
Enjoy your sessions from now on, care-free, guilt-free and... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 Who said cheat sheets were for cheaters? To those who do, I say, “How dare you?”
No, no. These cheat sheets are created for you, player-who-can’t-remember-all-those-wonderful-features-you-have-and-whose-DM-is-patiently-waiting-while-you-re-read-your-character-sheet-for-the-fifth-time-this-session. I see you. I’m here for you.
Enjoy your sessions from now on, care-free, guilt-free and... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |