Carceres et Dracones: Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes? is an adventure in Ancient Rome for the 5th Edition of Dungeons and Dragons. This adventure, Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?, is intended for between four and six players, and it should ideally take between three and four hours to play. It is a one-shot, and thus it may be played without reference to any larger campaign. The game... [click here for more]
En: This archetype was created as an alternative to Blade Singer – a wizard, capable of combat – but without a style of elven elegance. This archetype is suitable for those who wants to play as a character which combines a brutality of a close combat and an intellect of a wizard
Ru: Этот архетип создан как альтернатива Песни клинка – волшебник,... [click here for more]
En: This class was inspired by a same-name class from Pathfinder, but in the process of writing it I’ve slightly reworked the original magus’ concept. With a direct transfer it became a clone of paladin class with the arcane spells instead of divine, which I considered as too boring. So I’ve implemented some changes, and now magus is surprisingly closer to cleric – it’s a full-caster with... [click here for more]
Temă suplimentului acesta sunt elementele, deci fiecare vrajă e concentrat pe unu sau mai multe D&D tipuri de răni elementare (acid, frig, foc, fulger, și tunet), sau una dintre elementele tradiționale (aer, pământ, foc, și apă). Câteva din tipurile de răni (acid și tunet mai ales) sunt foarte subreprezentate de vrăjile oficiale, făcându-l dificil să creez un caracter cu un... [click here for more]