Attend the concert of a lifetime in this One-Shot adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game…
The concert of a lifetime is about to take place, the party taking on the role of an indie band of their own, potentially get into and thrown out of the exclusive club Elvinor and try and make a name for themselves as dark forces work in the background.
When Danny Breeze... [click here for more]
Purloined treasures to be gained from...Sora Esma's Gritt's Dirt-Cheap Sullied Goods
The sly mephit known as Gritt has absconded with several curious and tokens from Sora Esma's Cart of Wonders. Gritt has 30 Eberron trinkets to offer, with bargains that are a steal! Grab these humorous pranks... [click here for more]
Escape the curse of Kevin Kepona if you can with... Sora Esma's Cart of Capybara Mementos
Sora Esma has unfortunately gathered 30 esoteric items relating to that adorable menace known as Kevin Kepona. She has capybara trinkets aplenty and is more than happy to barter them away, lest they... [click here for more]
Known as the HazMag suit for short, this two page book is all about a single magic item specially constructed by artificers for the exploration of the most extreme environments imaginable. Especially suitable for Eberron, the HazMag suit is rare on other worlds. It is coveted by alchemists and poison collectors across the multiverse. Never venture into a necrotic storm without one again! ... [click here for more]