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Claus for Concern: A Holiday One-Shot for Christmas

Claus for Concern: A Holiday One-Shot for Christmas

An ADAMANTINE Bestseller! That's amazing. I can't believe it. You're all fantastic human beings! Thank you for the support! -- Oh, no! Santa has been bamboozled! Something is wrong in the toy factory, and the workshop is overrun with frosty foes, wintry wrongdoers, and North Pole ne'er-do-wells. A team of Santa's elves manages to escape the workshop warzone and...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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"This book is just full of fun fun things [...] It is the book for geese related Dungeons & Dragons content [...] and this one does it really really well." -Splinterverse "I absolutely love absurd supplements like this, so I’m very giddy about it." -Geektyrant >Best Copper Seller in 24 hours< >Best Silver Seller in 48 hours< >Appeared...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.95

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Tavern Games

Tavern Games

Everything was going great, until someone decided to test out their loaded dice. In this compendium, you will find mini-games for players to partake in when they are hanging out at their local watering hole. These games can be casual pass-time for the adventurers while they are waiting to get paid for a bounty, or it can be a high stakes game of chance with a potential pay-out of massive amounts of...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.95

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Waterdeep: Kitten Rescue

Waterdeep: Kitten Rescue

A purr-fect short adventure to run in-between ongoing urban campaigns, or if you’re looking for something to run while some of your players are away. Set in the city of Waterdeep characters are asked to help a kitten find her home. Spend a morning playing with cute kitties at the Homeward Bookshop, cross paths with Zhentarim rivals, and uncover the mystery of this curious kitten. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.95

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The Carnival of Tears

The Carnival of Tears

Should anyone mentions Jack's name three times in a group of at least three witnesses, his Carnival is bound to arrive at the nearest town within the following three days. The Carnival of Tears is a plug and play adventure, suitable for any campaign setting and capable of accomodating a party of characters regardless of their level. The story revolves around a jolly...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $5.95

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Witchlight for the Combat-Starved (Thither)

Witchlight for the Combat-Starved (Thither)

Welcome to Witchlight for the Combat-Starved! This is the second of three supplements to help you add combat to this admittedly low-combat campaign. This supplement adds random encounters and three sidequests to Chapter 3: Thither. These sidequests include: Hunting Carbuncle the Behir Sommelier. Carbuncle is the worst kind of wine snob. He has captured creatures...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $8.00

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The Monster Menu

The Monster Menu

"They're going Breath Of The Wild on us lads" -Phil S. "Sure to spice up any campaign" -Robert R. "You had me at eating monsters" -Wonder and Widget's Workshop The Monster Menu features over 100 unique monster meals to sate the appetite of any questing chef! We're talking thunderous Behir Gizzards, highly suspicious Manticore Fondue, rustic Owlbear Shanks,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.95

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The Book of House

The Book of House

What’s Behind Your Mask? A Barovian wizard named Sir House has transformed his old spellbook into a chronicle of the people and adventures he's encountered since leaving his homeland. His account of the world goes into the finer details that most people never see, uncovering masks and revealing secrets hidden in plain sight. The Book of House is a 5th Edition Supplement for Dungeons...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.99

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Santa's Helpers - An All-Gnome Christmas One-Shot

Santa's Helpers - An All-Gnome Christmas One-Shot

It's the day before Christmas and Santa's sleigh is stolen with the party on board! Can they retrieve the magical Cheer Core in time to save Christmas? The party takes on the roles of Santa's Helpers, gnomes that work in a new and industrialized North Pole. They're sent into the belly of this year's sleigh (a coal-powered machine the size of a warship) to deal with some minor pests. While...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.00

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Arcana Depot: Over Ten Magical Shops

Arcana Depot: Over Ten Magical Shops

Discover Arcana Depot - Your Gateway to 10+ Magical Shops! Each shop boasts a fully-fleshed NPC, captivating store descriptions, and a treasure trove of magical items, complete with prices.  Immerse your players in a world of enchantment with unique magical items, from the curiously curative Healing Tiles to the slightly unexplosive Wand of Fire (space) Balls. Add chaos and fun...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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Fey Bargains: Trade and Trickery

Fey Bargains: Trade and Trickery

Fey Bargains: Trade and Trickery   Sell your voice for fey favours!   Swap your first-born child for long-lost fey secrets!   Suffer horrible fey consequences for your hubris!   Based on the Diabolic Deals rules found in Descent into Avernus, Fey Bargains: Trade and Trickery is...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.00

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The Loot Goblin's Guide to Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden

The Loot Goblin's Guide to Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden

Eternal winter grips the land. Savage beasts roam the hills. Snowstorms chill you to the bone..... But what about the loot? Half of the fun in playing D&D is getting fun loot! This guide contains individual loot tables for each monster introduced in the Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden module, along with a simple method of determining what loot is received. Some enemies give usable items,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.99

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Icewind Dale: Secrets of the Frostmaiden

Icewind Dale: Secrets of the Frostmaiden

What’s a few secrets between friends? In this supplement, you will find new background secrets to be used in your game. The secrets are geared towards being used in the Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden adventure. These secrets are tailor made for Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden and will give you players new hooks to the adventure....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.50

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100 Gnomish Inventions (Where Safety Was Clearly An Afterthought)

100 Gnomish Inventions (Where Safety Was Clearly An Afterthought)

One hundred fun Gnomish inventions that get the job done one way or another. Results may vary. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Jingle Hells: The Rescue of Santa Claus

Jingle Hells: The Rescue of Santa Claus

Jingle Hells: The Rescue of Santa Claus A Christmas Holiday Adventure for Characters Levels 6 to 10 This Christmas season, take your players on a holiday adventure like no other! Jingle Hells is packed with everything you need to create an unforgettable D&D experience, from the snow-dusted peaks of Sugar Plum Mountain to the icy depths of the Jingle Hells...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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Battle of the Bands: A One-Shot Adventure

Battle of the Bands: A One-Shot Adventure

Attend the concert of a lifetime in this One-Shot adventure for the world’s greatest roleplaying game…  The concert of a lifetime is about to take place, the party taking on the role of an indie band of their own, potentially get into and thrown out of the exclusive club Elvinor and try and make a name for themselves as dark forces work in the background.  When Danny Breeze...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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Bolo's Bargain Bin of Blursed Bits & Bobs

Bolo's Bargain Bin of Blursed Bits & Bobs

Step Into the Madness of Bolo's Bargain Bin!  Bolo the Bubblegum Dragon—part hoarder, part pawnbroker, and full-time chaos enthusiast—needs you to help clear out his warehouse of weirdness. This 30-page collection brims with offbeat magic and nonsensical treasures that will leave your adventurers giggling, groaning, and occasionally questioning their...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.99

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The Loot Goblin's Guide to Wild Beyond the Witchlight

The Loot Goblin's Guide to Wild Beyond the Witchlight

The Witchlight carnival is in town! The air of mystery hangs thick around the fair. Hidden plots begin to appear. Fey trickery saturates the air....... But what about the loot? Half of the fun in playing D&D is getting fun loot! This guide contains individual loot tables for each monster introduced in the Wild Beyond the Witchlight module, along with a simple method of determining what loot...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.99

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Fhamzax Presents - Cursed Items Vol. 1 (Dungeon Master's Guide)

Fhamzax Presents - Cursed Items Vol. 1 (Dungeon Master's Guide)

IMPROVE YOUR ITEMS WITH UNIQUE CURSES! USE NEW ITEMS TO ADD MYSTERY TO YOUR GAME! RETURN THE FUN TO YOUR ADVENTURES! This product contains: 160 Curses for Items (for the Dungeon Master's Guide). My remarkable tome finally puts the world back in balance. Never again must you fear to be bored by just another magic item! I - Fhamzax the Fantastic - became aware of their...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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The Loot Goblin's Guide to Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

The Loot Goblin's Guide to Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus

Elturel is being dragged into the pits of the Hells. The Blood War rages between devils and demons. Your party plans to dive into the infernal Hells....... But what about the loot? Half of the fun in playing D&D is getting fun loot! This guide contains individual loot tables for each monster introduced in the Baldur's Gate: Descent into Avernus module, along with a simple method of determining...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.99

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Bert's Practically Useless Magic Items: Now including pets and spells!

Bert's Practically Useless Magic Items: Now including pets and spells!

Bert’s Practically Useless Magic Item is a document of, well, practically useless magic items! There are currently twenty-eight unique and practically useless magic items and nineteen unique and practically useless spells in this document.  I will add to the list whenever someone or something inspires me to make a new item!   **2021 Update: New Layout and...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.95

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Waterdeep: Items & Encounters

Waterdeep: Items & Encounters

Welcome to Waterdeep: Items & Encounters, a collection of 45 encounters with unique magic items attached set in the city of splendor, Waterdeep. This encounter supplement for adventuring around Waterdeep is perfect during any Waterdeep: Dragon Heist campaign or as a prelude to Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage! These 45 encounters are designed for characters of 1st to 5th level! Perfect for...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $7.95

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Baelorn's Bargain Bin

Baelorn's Bargain Bin

Welcome to Baelorn's Bargain Bin, where thrifty heroes find magical items that even the thinnest coinpurse can afford! Delve into a trove of discounted D&D magic items, handpicked by the savvy shopkeeper Baelorn himself. His prices can't be beat, but some of these items may have.... unusual functions. You're looking for Bracers of Defense? Right over here are the Bracers of Deaf Ents, next to the...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.49

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Domain of Delight: The Swindle Sisters' Marvelous Magic Market

Domain of Delight: The Swindle Sisters' Marvelous Magic Market

Come one, come all - to the most amazing bargain in all the planes! The Swindle Sisters’ Marvelous Magic Market invites all adventurers, merchants, and bargain-hunters to a shopping experience the likes of which you’ve never seen before, nor will you see again. A perfect shopping addition to Wild Beyond the Witchlight! Use this book...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.99

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100 Scam Magic Items

100 Scam Magic Items

Within your fantasy game, you might have a sleazy merchant trying to make some quick gold off of unsuspecting adventurers. The merchant sets up shop with the guise that these are incredible magic items and not cheap imitations. Use these scam magic items to really get under your player’s skin! ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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The Glitter Grimoire

The Glitter Grimoire

To whomever is reading this message: STOP IMMEDIATELY. DO NOT OPEN THIS BOOK, UNDER PENALTY OF EJECTION FROM CANDLEKEEP.  This "tome" represents nothing but trouble. A collection of some of the most bizarre magic ever created, this "Glitter Grimoire" is a surprisingly powerful tool. The magic contained within must never be unleashed, lest pure chaos overtake the realm. The Grimoire was given to...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.95

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Gritt's Dirt-Cheap Sullied Goods

Gritt's Dirt-Cheap Sullied Goods

Purloined treasures to be gained from... Sora Esma's Gritt's Dirt-Cheap Sullied Goods The sly mephit known as Gritt has absconded with several curious and tokens from Sora Esma's Cart of Wonders. Gritt has 30 Eberron trinkets to offer, with bargains that are a steal! Grab these humorous pranks...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.99

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A Day with the Fey

A Day with the Fey

It all begins with the dryad's funeral... Suddenly, your party is (quite possibly accurately) blamed for her death and forced to pay recompense by undergoing three trials under the watchful eye of of her dearest friends. The penalty for failure? Well, let's just say no one in the Feywild takes kindly to oathbreakers.  Featuring a delightful assortment of feyfolk to entertain and annoy, including:  Thizzletwit...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $5.95

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Barovian Things

Barovian Things

...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Candy Of Ill Repute

Candy Of Ill Repute

Happy Halloween! Welcome to Day 3 of my Spooktober Extravaganza! A new spooky homebrew every day this month! All for reduced prices until november 1st! This is a collection magic candies perfect for giving to your players as a treat, just be careful cavities are the least of their worries with some of these! Includes: 5 Magic Candies 1 Monster ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.75

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Baelorn's Bargain Bin Volume 2

Baelorn's Bargain Bin Volume 2

Welcome back to Baelorn's Bargain Bin, where treasures both peculiar and potent beckon to be unearthed! In Volume 2, prepare to encounter another assortment of discount magical items, from the whimsical to the downright bizarre. But heed the warnings of previous purchasers: within this affordable shop, the line between boon and bane may blur, and what seems a steal may come at a price. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.49

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Happy Hour: Potions Pack for 5e

Happy Hour: Potions Pack for 5e

Best Copper Seller! Thank you! Is your potion provider not packing enough punch? Look no more! Welcome to 'Happy Hour: Potions for 5e!' Do you have a local potion seller popping up in your game and not nearly enough ideas to fill the stock? Look no more! In this document are 25 (with extra variations on some) magic potions for you to keep some...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.99

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The Clown

The Clown

Welcome to the crazy world of clowns! With this supplement, you’ll have at your fingertips a class built around being highly adaptable and able to fill any role needed by the party at almost any time simply by changing their facepaint. Here’s what you get: • The Clown class, complete with all sixteen subclasses — the auguste, the blood, the dandy, the grotesque, the harlequin, the hobo, the...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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Jostica's Store Of Wonders

Jostica's Store Of Wonders

Jostica the Jester has traveled far and wide, buying items that other enchanters didn't want. Be they broke, unreliable or just strange, Jostica buys them up and sells them on at a discounted price! Now she throws open her doors to all adventures, giving them the chance to buy and experience some of the weirdest oddities in her collection. Jostica's Store Of Wonders is a collection of weird and...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.48

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Baelorn's Bargain Bin Volume 3

Baelorn's Bargain Bin Volume 3

Step right up, adventurers, to the latest installment of Baelorn's Bargain Bin! Explore a cornucopia of curiosities, where the arcane meets the unexpected. There's a magic item for everyone upon these shelves! But remember, dear patrons, in the realm of bargains, not all that glimmers is gold. Baelorn's wares may come with quirks and quandaries you never knew you needed. Find the balance between price...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.49

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Happy Hour 2: Another Potions Pack for 5e

Happy Hour 2: Another Potions Pack for 5e

Now Copper Bestseller! Part two! Is your potion provider not packing enough punch? Look no more! Welcome to 'Happy Hour 2: Potions for 5e!' Do you have a local potion seller popping up in your game and not nearly enough ideas to fill the stock? Look no more! In this document are 20 (with extra variations on some) magic potions for you to keep...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.99

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Happy Hour 3: Another Potions Pack for 5e

Happy Hour 3: Another Potions Pack for 5e

The Copper Bestselling Series! Part three! Is your potion provider not packing enough punch? Look no more! Welcome to 'Happy Hour 3: Potions for 5e!' Do you have a local potion seller popping up in your game and not nearly enough ideas to fill the stock? Look no more! In this document are 20 magic potions for you to keep some fun in your game...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.99

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Sora Esma's Cart of Capybara Mementos

Sora Esma's Cart of Capybara Mementos

Escape the curse of Kevin Kepona if you can with...  Sora Esma's Cart of Capybara Mementos Sora Esma has unfortunately gathered  30  esoteric items relating to that adorable menace known as Kevin Kepona. She has capybara trinkets aplenty and is more than happy to barter them away, lest they...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.99

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Magical Games: 6 Festival Games for Casters

Magical Games: 6 Festival Games for Casters

Magical Games: Your Passport to Festive Spellbinding Fun! Tired of carnival games that only let the strong show off? This Dungeon and Dragons module offers carefully crafted rules, enticing prizes, and an array of enchanting games to infuse any festival with a touch of magic so your casters can shine. With 6 captivating games to choose from, spellcasters of every stripe will have the chance to flex...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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Tumblestrum's Tome of Unicorns

Tumblestrum's Tome of Unicorns

Tumblestrum's Tome of Unicorns Tumblestrum's Tome of Unicorns provides a unique spin on the classic fairytale monster, with over 10 new monsters to brighten your campaigns! ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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A Punsters Guide to Shops, NPCs, and Items for Sale

A Punsters Guide to Shops, NPCs, and Items for Sale

Dungeon Masters have 99 problems, but coming up with a punny shop name, NPC, and items for sale doesn't have to be one of those problems. This is a Dungeon Master supplement designed for your TTRPG campaign. There are over 15 full pages of 99 stores that are set up alphabetically with the store type and include the store name, NPC name, personality, and appearance. Over half the entries include three...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.99

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A Magical Merchant Manual: Premade Potion Seller NPC Guide

A Magical Merchant Manual: Premade Potion Seller NPC Guide

Welcome to 'A Magical Merchant Manual: Potion Sellers - Predesigned Merchant NPCs For A Variety of Campaigns.' This handbook offers a variety of four interesting (and somewhat wacky) potion makers to smoothly insert to your adventures without having to worry about coming up with something on the fly if your campaign doesn't actually have that information and/or you struggle a little...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.59

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The Gauntlet Caper

The Gauntlet Caper

Stop an evil cult from misusing a powerful artifact in this short adventure for characters level 1-2. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.50

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Greenbird's Cursed Inventory II

Greenbird's Cursed Inventory II

Curses! Greenbird is hosting a sale of magical items once more - glamorous, shiny, dangerous and, most of all, cursed! From spellbooks that steal your memories, to armchairs that are just a little bit too comfortable - we have it all. Or, at least, 30 more cursed items! Inflict our cursed items upon your adventurers or use them on some poor NPC - they can be used as both mechanics and storytelling...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Unremarkable Relics - A Treasury of 10 Trivial Talismans

Unremarkable Relics - A Treasury of 10 Trivial Talismans

A collection of some magic items that sure are magical! Contains 10 items. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.80

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To Rule Them All: Magic Ring Pack for 5e

To Rule Them All: Magic Ring Pack for 5e

Copper Bestseller - Thank you! Welcome to 'To Rule Them All: An Assortment of Strange Homebrew Magic Rings.' We all like more magic items. And rings are great for their versatility; they don't take up a huge amount of your outfit like a cloak or shoes do, they're usually not attunement, and they're a fun accessory too! ...well, if you have fingers. If...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.59

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Mecis' Manual of Magix

Mecis' Manual of Magix

Surprise your players with new, original and strange magic items and monsters! Explore a collection of marvelous and mind-boggling magic items & monsters in this supplement for the world's greatest roleplaying game, written from the perspective of the equally marvelous merchant Mecis! Mecis' Manual of Magix is a D&D 5e supplement full of unique and extraordinary...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Dungeons IN Dragons - Fabulous Compendium Vol. 1

Dungeons IN Dragons - Fabulous Compendium Vol. 1

Royalties go to charity! Fabulous Compendium - Vol 1  This compendium module gives dungeon masters ready-made material to help run new encounters on a bunch of beautiful and colorful maps involving dragons in a whole new way, with very little preparation! However, maps and encounters are not the only glittering thing of this loot: new subclasses,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.80

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Unremarkable Relics 3 - A Treasury of 10 Even More Trivial Talismans

Unremarkable Relics 3 - A Treasury of 10 Even More Trivial Talismans

A collection of even more magic items that sure are more magical! Contains 10 items. Before you ask yes there will be a snowglobe in each one, they are from a homebrew of magic snowglobes I was going to release but didn't, figured I would put one in each of these so I don't have to feel guilty anymore. Hope yall are doing well, so glad to see my Foolish post did so amazingly I'm so suprised. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.80

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100 Bard Songs

100 Bard Songs

What is the name of the song that this bard is playing? Use this d100 list to randomly generate a song title and what the song might be about. This is useful for roleplaying situations and anyone who is thinking of playing a character who plays a musical instrument! ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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