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This is a free sample of the new DMs Guild publication: ‘A Book of Most-Eccentric Dragons’, an NPC compendium focused on unusual dragon characters that break all the tropes of this eldest of D&D foes (find the link in the image above)
Sure, there are epic battles to be had and evil plots to be foiled within these pages. But there are also unexpected alliances, charming adventures and meaningful... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
In A Ship in the Mist, the players are hired to recover a lost skyship known as the Sky Scythe and retrieve an experimental artifact called the Veil of Aramis. The Sky Scythe disappeared decades ago under mysterious circumstances, only to resurface in a desolate region. As the players investigate the ship, they uncover its eerie connection to a plane... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Better to burn out than allay the fey!
The forest is thick with fey creatures. Why? And can they stop the influx of fey magic?
This side adventure is designed for four to six characters with an average party level of 4, totaling roughly 20 levels.
Background & Synopsis
An aperture to the Feywild has opened, and magical energy and fey creatures are sneaking through the portal. The party first... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
As the river carves its way through the marsh, the Watchman, a 500 foot tall lighthouse overlooks the passing ships, lighting their way and alerting them to dangers that would lurk in the shadows. But what happens when the shadows extinguish the light, and what purpose do they have?
This adventure is designed for a party of characters around the third through fifth level with a combined total of about... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Wild Horses Couldn't Drag Him Away
A centaur must complete an impossible quest to gain his bride, but is he really the dark horse that can succeed?
This one-shot sidequest adventure is designed for 3-5 characters, level 2-3, with a total of 8-10 levels.
Make Lives Better through Role-Playing Games
This adventure is one piece of a movement within the D&D community to invite, encourage, and include... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The fire is coming. Will you prevent it in time?
It’s an old forest with majestic trees so thick that the canopy darkens the forest floor, but a looming danger is coming: the Ember Elk! What will happen to the forest when this flaming deer appears? And what about the goblin woman living in the cottage in the woods — can you save her?
This side adventure is designed for four to six characters with... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
My Students Are My Treasures
A rural school is haunted by two banshees: former teachers who cared more about how their students made them look than the well being of the students themselves. Can you free the countryside from this threat?
This side adventure is designed for four to six characters with an average party level of 3, totaling roughly 16 levels.
Includes 2 new undead monster stat... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Accursed Apple Twists
This One-Shot Adventure Module Contains:
The story for a single adventure, perfectly suited for new players
A map of a small burial-mound dungeon usable in virtual tabletops such as roll20
Two NPC stat-blocks
Stat block for a new deadly boss enemy
Several hand-drawn illustrations
The Story
Near the old dwarven road lies a tiny... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Be seen by Nobody
This One Shot Adventure Module Contains:
The story for a single adventure
Builds for 3 new monsters
A rule set for fighting giant monsters for D&D 5e
Inspiration for an action-puzzle boss encounter
A rough map of an island
The Story
Far-off from any trade routes, in the middle of the ocean, lies a small island named “Isstic”.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Welcome to the 1st of my 20 part series!!!
Ever have a new group of players, and you're just not sure if starting a whole campaign is the best way to go? Have a few missing players, but the rest of you still want to game? Your world building software is on the fritz, but you still need something cool and original? Then try my games!
Each Mini-Campaign is designed for the same level of player... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This nefarious tome contains puzzles, traps, and tricks mercilessly harvested from the darkest corners of mathematical hell. Brace yourself, for this knowledge is far too powerful for any mere dungeon master to possess.
Prepare to be plunged into a maelstrom of numerical wickedness, where reason trembles and logic quivers. Each chapter unveils a new circle of mathematical agony, a... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Breaking waves
This One Shot Adventure Module contains:
The story for a single maritime adventure - ideal for introducing D&D 5e to new players
Builds for 2 new monsters and 1 new boss monster
Builds for multiple tough NPCs
A simple treasure riddle
Detailed Maps of the mysterious ship called the "Selandia"
A loot table for plundering a passenger ship
Multiple social,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
The secret lies inside you all, with
which to paint me on the wall.
Forge a key of ruby-red, but what
will be must then be dead.
Crypt of the Archmage is an adventure for Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition, designed to mimic the style of Advanced Dungeons and Dragons modules from the 1970s!
Enter the dungeonous crypt of the Archmage, battling puzzles, riddles,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
This self-contained game gives you and your friends the experience of playing the Dungeons & Dragons game in an easy-to-learn format. In this Fast-Play Game, you and your friends take on imaginary roles in a fantastic tale of mighty heroes, mythical dragons, and powerful magic.
This demo version of the game is designed to give you the feel of playing the Dungeons & Dragons game. The... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
The 4th edition of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS® Roleplaying Game showcases an evolution in gameplay and puts an emphasis on fun. These quick-start rules provide an overview of the game so that you can play the Keep on the Shadowfell adventure.
For the complete experience, including character creation and the full rules of the game, pick up the D&D® Player’s Handbook, Dungeon Master’s... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Welcome to the realm of Ravenloft! This set of ideas has been put together to help make a more terror-filled experience in the Curse of Strahd bonus feature, the Death House. Every bone chilling addition written here was used in my campaign to much success. Enjoy the screams of your victims...I mean players.
Disclaimer: This work is an add-on to the published adventure Curse of Strahd and the Death... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Deep Night Chase
This One-Shot Adventure Module contains:
The story of an all night chase through an enchanted wood
Flexible adventure length through modular encounter design
Builds for eight new enemies / monsters
A table for rolling encounters in a dark wood
Several high detail maps to be used in an online tabletop such as Roll20
The Story
It... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Don't break your Pick
This One-Shot Adventure Module Contains:
The story for a single adventure
Builds for 3 new monsters
Detailed and high-resolution encounter maps (to be used e.g. in Roll20)
A boss fight with unique lair actions
Several hazards and ideas for a mining expedition
The Story
Far up in the cold North, nestled between two giant mountains, lies a mining city called Dandery.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Follow the Lights
This One Shot Adventure Module contains:
The story for a single adventure
Builds for a new monster
Build and Background for a NPCs
Puzzles and riddles for your party to solve
Maps and ideas for special combat encounters
The Story
While many know legends or stories about mythical artefacts granting immortality, the gnomish scholar... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Fun for the people
This Adventure Module Collection Contains:
A detailed campaign setting & lore for a wandering fair
Three complete one shot adventure modules
A ruleset on how to fairly judge competitions between players
A ruleset on how to handle drunkeness or getting drunk
A ruleset for creating a Doppelganger race in D&D 5e
A ruleset for how to run a siege
… and lots... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
June's 1-Page Encounter title, Good Knight, lets players engage in a game of cat and mouse across a city.
Every night, starting at sundown, a figure has been breaking into homes, raiding taverns, and confronting the denizens of Slumberton and putting them to sleep. To date, nothing has been reported stolen but the winter months approach and they townfolk have things to do!
You can find other fine... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
An Introductory 4th Edition D&D Adventure for Characters of Levels 1st-3rd.
The town of Winterhaven stands watch over a ruined keep that was once a bastion of good in the realm. This keep overlooks the Shadow Rift, a dark scar in the world that was once a gateway to the Shadowfell but has been dormant for many years. Now, an evil cleric of Orcus, Demon Lord of the Undead, seeks to re-open... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Harvest for Herfol
This One-Shot Adventure Module contains:
The story of a cursed hidden village
An encounter table for enchanted woodland adventures
Builds for three new enemies / monsters
Several high detail maps to be used in an online tabletop such as Roll20
The Story
The small village of Herfol has been suffering from a severe crop shortfall.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
This small one-shot dungeon adventure made with level 3 characters in mind takes the players through a small dungeon of a local cult. Here you go through light combat, a bit of lore, and lots of loot! This is my first homebrew story so I hope you enjoy it and leave some feedback! The book was made with Homebrewery ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
If only we could weave the Bands connecting us
This One-Shot Adventure Module contains:
The story for a single adventure
Build for a new monster
Three builds for diverse NPC factions
A complex social encounter puzzle for experienced players
A simple sketched map of a nomad camp on the beach
The Story
Hidden by the wayside’s thicket, not appearing... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Into the Darkness is a short demo adventure by the Wizards of the Coast team released prior to the launch of 3rd edition.
It includes a four page adventure and a two-page "DM tipsheet" which has a brief summary of the 3rd edition rules. ... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Do you suffer from a lack of excitement? Are you craving an adventure that will astound and amaze? Well you're in luck!
Conniving swindler J.W. Talcum is happy to waylay your woes and soothe your sorrows — all for a price of course. His marvelous 'miracle' elixir is sure to do the job!
But where does Talcum's elixir come from? Who are the... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Könnten wir nur Bänder zwischen uns weben
Dieses One-Shot Abenteuer enthält:
Ein kurzes Abenteuer, perfekt für erfahrene Spieler
Die Karte eines kleinen Nomadenlagers am Strand
Angaben für drei NSC Gruppen
Ein neues, tödliches Boss Monster
Handgezeichnete Illustration
Die Geschichte
Am Wegesrand verborgen und von keiner Karte erfasst liegt der... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Lantern's Cross: A Drag n' Drop D&D Town
An idyllic trading town full of wonder and opportunities for adventure.
[NOTE: This is not an adventure. Rather, this is a setting/backdrop with hooks on which to hang adventures.]
Do you need a town to throw your wandering adventures into? Look no further than Lantern's Cross! Designed for easy readability and accessibility,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Miasteczko Mirmilowo to drugi element kampani, jaki powstał w ramach mojego streamu Warsztat Mistrza Podziemi. Jest to opis miasteczka Mirmilowo, które z łatwością umieścić można w dowolnym settingu i które stanowi idealną bazę wypadową dla postaci na poziomach doświadczenia 1-4.
Dokument PDF zawiera:
- Mapę miasteczka z opisem najważniejszych budynków
- Pięć lokacji w, których... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Murmur through the Cracks
This One Shot Adventure Module contains:
The story for a single adventure
An intriguing mystery for your players to solve
Builds for 4 new monsters
Builds for multiple tough NPCs
Detailed maps of the city of Samin and some key locations
Ideas for special combat encounters and a final boss fight
The Story
Even a decade after... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
In the mood to add some Stranger . . . um . . . stuff to your campaign?
In this excerpt from Offbeat Encounters, a distraught young woman claims rats have overtaken her village. The woman’s story is incomplete – she is in fact controlled by the rats, who are in need of fresh victims. They plan control a settlements’ worth of hosts, in a ploy that could restore an ancient fey power to life –... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
On Her Majesty's Pest Control Service
This One Shot Adventure Module contains:
The story for a single adventure
Tips on how to run a introduction session for new TTRPG players
Builds for several new monsters
Build and Background for a NPC
Puzzles and riddles for your party to solve
Maps and ideas for special combat encounters
The Story
Like most large... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
 This is a The PDF Dungeons & Dragons 5E. If you are looking for the
Fantasy Grounds VTT and Dungeons & Dragons 5E
- click here.
A would be band of adventurers find them self’s helping a wizard collect artefacts from evil necromancers to lock them away for the good of the land and the people that make it their home
intended for a party of 5 from level 1-5 ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Now a PLATINUM seller! And over 52,000 downloads - Holy avernus thank you all so much!
Thank you all for the continued support with this one shot - in the top 40 most popular of "pay what you want" titles. This is amazing I am eternally greatful!
Rise of the Necromancer is a beginners quest for D&D 5e players and DM's offering a descriptive setting and an easy to follow quest with some unique... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Ever have the need to game, but you only have a few hours?
You have a new group of Players, but you don't have much time to prepare?
Want to have some fun, but you also don't want to get sucked into a campaign?
Read this Book! This is a description of what I like to call the Random Roll Style. Just get a little of preparation done, use an online program to randomly roll your character stats,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
You can now get the trilogy bundle here:
This is the FREE-preview version of Sharn, the Missing Schema
This is an introductory adventure to Eberron and Sharn. It is written for 3-6 characters of levels 1 to 5. This adventure showcases the versatility of urban adventures in Sharn. The adventure takes a party of characters from the lowest and more dangerous parts of the city, the lower wards and The... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
You can now get the trilogy bundle here:
This is the FREE-preview version of Sharn II, Council of Roaches
This is an introductory adventure to Eberron and Sharn. It is written for 3-6 characters of levels 1 to 5. This adventure showcases the versatility of urban adventures in Sharn. The adventure takes a party of characters from the lowest and more dangerous parts of the city, the lower wards and... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Looking for a new campaign to get into with your group over the coming months?
Well why not try "The Silver March Sentinels" set around the Nether Mountain's and River Rauvin. In a wild and seldomly travelled region players can expect intrigue, adventure, and lots of exploration.
New parts are available now! Click Here If you enjoy this completely free taster please check out my other work here:... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 Welcome to the Seven Skies, spacers! Each issue in this series of zines will give you all the details on a Wildspace system, including strange locales and exciting cities, as well as new character features, menacing monsters, and new spelljammer options to make your voyages on the Astral Sea more cinematic and exciting! Together with a one shot adventure set in this Wildspace system, you can easily... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
"Deep in the Kryptgarden Forest lies a forgotten temple. Are you brave enough to face the dangers within?"
Temple of the Nightwind is a short LVL 2 adventure designed for new players and new dungeon masters. My goal was to design a fun adventure that anyone can grab and play, without doing too much prep work. You can place the adventure in any setting and you do not need the Monster Manual or Dungeon... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Teuflischer Apfelstrudel
Dieses One-Shot Abenteuer enthält:
Ein kurzes Abenteuer, perfekt für neue Spieler
Die Karte eines kleinen Verliesses (brauchbar in online tabletops wie Roll20)
Angaben für zwei NSC
Ein neues, tödliches Boss Monster
Mehrere handgezeichnete Illustrationen
Die Geschichte
Im Hügelland, östlich der alten Zwergenstraße liegt... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
 Inspired by Charles Addam’s fictional family. Players are invited into the home of a mysterious and creepy family, as newly adopted family members. A simple quest to meet their new siblings leads to uncovering a summoning ritual gone wrong.
A 2-3 hour adventure for 2nd-3rd level characters. Uses an old Cluedo game board as a dungeon map. ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This adventure is made for level 1 characters. In this adventure the players will team up and go sleuthing their way through the divided city of Triburg. In search for the three missing people, the players will encounter all kinds of weird and wonderful characters. From a dyslectic ex ranger to a Tabaxi (cat person) caught up in a pyramid scheme and from a singer that is like totally not jealous... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
I developed this side quest for my campaign of Dragon of Icespire Peak for level 3. My intention was to introduce the party to the Cult of the Dragon as I am intending on running a modified version of Hoard of the Dragon Queen and then Rise of Tiamat.
Any feedback would be appreciated! ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
A beginner-level adventure designed for Levels 1-4.
The cozy prospect of a rainy night in a warm tavern is shattered by the arrival of an archaeologist with a package marked for delivery: a strange, ornate amphora which seems to bring trouble and destruction wherever it goes. Pursued by forces human and supernatural, can the heroes traverse the fearsome woods and deliver... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The Eye in the Pines
This modular One Shot Adventure Module contains:
The story for a single adventure
Additional rules to create a playable session 0 character creation in 5e
A large sprawling map of an old mansion
Several interesting riddles to solve
Builds for several new monsters and fights
3 Loot-tables for the adventure
The Story
The town council... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
“The Fade Lands” is a unique, PC-centric adventure. 185 pages.
It is designed to strengthen the bond of your RPG group.
(A) The player-created, PC backstories are the focus of the adventure.
(B) Unique land, wildlife, & culture.
(C) Optional, peaceful solutions listed for most encounters.
(D) New items, monsters,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
This adventure is designed as an introduction to the world of Eberron and is intended for a party of four 1st-level characters. Adjust the encounters accordingly for groups with fewer or greater numbers. This adventure takes place in Sharn, the City of Towers. It begins, as many incidents in the City of Towers do, with a corpse. A warforged assassin, a mysterious blank book, and an offer from a House... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
The Galley of Death
This One-Shot Adventure Module contains:
The story for a single adventure
Builds for three different enemies / monsters
Builds for two kinds of friendly NPCs
A table for rolling events for a ship caught in a storm
A simple sketched map of a ship
Several high detail maps to be used in an online tabletop such as Roll20
The Story
The... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want