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A definitive guide to the Feywild.
Everything that you will need to run a party through the Feywild, filled with stories and lore to tie into your campaign.
The book includes:
Lore and history of the Feywild
Map of the Feywild
25 Feywild locations
Feywild magical effects
Random encounter tables
50 story based random encounters
New Feywild inspired... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The green trees sway, and a fresh breeze greets you as you walk past the ring of trees, you have stepped into a strange and fantastical realm ruled by ancient creatures where nature reigns supreme.
This book contains materials and inspiration to run your adventures in the Feywild, home of the faeries, under the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition ruleset.
Chapter 1: All... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This supplement includes stat blocks for 27 new monsters, many of which have never been given official stat blocks. All of the major archfey are included, each with their own unique concept to set them apart from any other creature, as well as adaptations of archfey from previous editions. This supplement also describes a new fey related artifact: the Night Diamond.
After two years of selling this... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This 200+ page supplement contains more material about the fey than you could ever possibly use in a single campaign. There's over 100 new fey, roleplay options, categories for easy DM use, locations, and more. Seriously, there is so much fey material in here that it's insane.
Chapter 1: Roleplaying the Fey
An in-depth examination of what makes a fey a fey and guides on ways for DMs to incorporate... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Kids like hags, right? Well good, cause this supplement focuses exclusively on hags and how they work. Every shape of wicked witch with every CR range you could want is here, ready to spread misery and horror! Elder hags, new varieties of hags, hag magic, hag related monsters, powerful hags, everything hags!
You can get this supplement along with my new supplement of horror themed fey and a fey horror... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The fey are not just twinkly little sprites living under flowers. The fey are spirits of nature and dreams, and those dreams can easily turn into nightmares. This supplement details the numerous fey that lurk in the darkness, consort with the dead, and hunger for blood: a total of 65 unique statblocks for original fey and fey adjacent monsters with Challenge Ratings ranging from 1/4 to 15. This includes... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
All forms of horror lurk in the Mists: the shambling dead, the ravenous beasts, the slavering abominations, the conniving fiends, all these and more can be found in the dark and terror of Ravenloft. But what of the fey? What kind of horrors can the fey bring? This supplement aims to show DMs the full extent to which the fey can be horrifying.
This supplement gives you the tools you need to pit your... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
If you are looking for additional Feywild content, check out my other fey compendia here!
And for more fey content created by me and my team, check out the Wild Court!
The fey are creatures of nature and dreams, and there are fey that roam the cold sleep of the world, when nature reclines into slumber and darkness begins to swallow the day. There are fey of ice, of snow,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Even with the release of Volo's Guide to Monsters the amount and variety of fey is still somewhat lacking in 5e, particularly in aquatic environments and the underdark (which, let's face it, have always been pretty lacking in fey to begin with). The books are also quite lacking on fey with a high challenge rating. I've decided to remedy this.
A stat block for the Jabberwocky as an epic level... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Welcome to the Book of the Fey! Inside these pages you’ll find a host of fey creatures for your D&D 5th edition games. Adventurers beware, some of these fey may look friendly and beautiful, but many would be happy to end you.
Inside this book are over 150 fey creatures, ranging from the forgettable (literally!) Forgotten Ones to the mighty Glaistig. Also included in this book... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Strike a deal with an Archfey Patron and unlock its unique features!
Dramatis Personae: Archfey Patrons includes:
16 Variant Archfey class features! Customize your warlock of the Archfey to represent an specific patron such as The Summer Queen or the Mother of All Hags. Each Archfey is different, and so are they warlocks!
Each Archfey patron includes... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
A great reference for both players and DMs!
This guide provides a concise overview of some of the most well-known locations on the continent of Faerun, home to the Sword Coast. The Forgotten Realms is the primary setting for the majority of Wizards of the Coast's 5th edition campaign publications,and is the most popular and developed campaign setting in the history of D&D.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Fey Bargains: Trade and Trickery
Sell your voice for fey favours!
Swap your first-born child for long-lost fey secrets!
Suffer horrible fey consequences for your hubris!
Based on the Diabolic Deals rules found in Descent into Avernus, Fey Bargains: Trade and Trickery is... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Inside you'll find resources to help you roleplay many of the aquatic and amphibious races from many of the regions in the Forgotten Realms. - Underwater Rules Reminder - 9 New Races - 2 Tortle Subraces - 5 Grippli Variants - 9 Race Backgrounds - 7 Aquatic Armor Variants - 6 New Poisons
This supplement is standalone, but works with the entire "Backgrounds... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Codex of the Infinite Planes
Volume 9: Plane of Faerie
The secrets of the Plane of Faerie... purloined at last!
The mythical Codex of the Infinite Planes is a massive book containing information on the very planes of existence. Too many for one document to tackle, so it's been divided up into volumes covering individual planes. Crack open the codex in this continuing volume and learn about the echo... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
A haunted house, a missing person, and a hint of wild fey magic. This is a 8-12 hour adventure balanced for character levels 7-9.
CW: witches, ghosts, rats, mild body horror, death
In the kingdom of Norland in the Moonshae Isles, King Keethan rules by the will of Torm the True, though in Glen Dourn folk still hold true to the old ways—a dense and... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Here it is, the flagship edition of the Across the Planes series, the Feywild.
Welcome to the Feywild, a land of stories, danger, and fey!
In this book, we take a closer look at the politics, geography, and residents of the Feywild. From the living forest of Everbloom to the gloomy courts of the Feydark, ATP: Feywild shines a light on the places, people, and things that are often overlooked... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
“Myrddin’s may well be the gold standard for the Fey realm ... a Must Have for anyone who currently or might someday use Fey or the Feywild in their campaign.“ - Realmwarp Media
"When it comes to an all-in-one themed guide on faeries, Myrddin’s has you covered." - Eric Watson
Whether you are planning a quick trip into the Feywild... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Enrich your characters with this supplement containing backgrounds for ten of the Forgotten Realms elven subraces: The friendly aquatic elves, the free spirited avariel, the distrustful drow, the foreign llewyrr, the lycanthropic lythari, the carefree moon elves, the endangered star elves, the superior sun elves, the feral wild elves, and the aloof wood elves!
Inside you'll find:
- 4 New... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Grazilaxx's Guide to Fey Ancestries converts some of the most popular fey races into the ground-breaking, best selling system Grazilaxx's Guide to Ancestry -- a modular, customizable race-building system that gets rid of the baggage of the core system.
Included in this product:
- A quick summary of the "Grazilaxx System" (you don't have to buy the original).
- TWELVE fey races from... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Children of the Fey is a supplement for both Players and Dungeon Masters of 5th edition Dungeons and Dragons.
For players there are three new races, with three subraces each, as well as a full description of their societies, physical features, general personality traits, naming conventions, and a guide to building an adventurer for each, including what classes and roles they would be best at, and... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Enrich your characters with this supplement containing backgrounds and subraces for eleven of the Forgotten Realms planar races: the angelic aasimar, the dark krinth, the diabolic fey'ri, the cursed shadar-kai, the fiendish tanarukk, the devilish tieflings, the varied genasi, the shadowy gloaming, the displaced dragonborn, the malefic durzagon, and the alien killoren!
Inside you'll find:
... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Enrich your characters with this supplement containing backgrounds for six of the Forgotten Realms gnome and halfling subraces: the hidden deep gnomes, the wily forest gnomes, the inventive rock gnomes, the ethereal ghostwise halflings, the friendly lightfood halflings, and the sturdy stout halflings!
Inside you'll find:
- 3 Gnomish Backgrounds - 3 Halfling Backgrounds - 2 Sub-race... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This side trek encounter challenges the heroes to recover a precious item from the lair of an evil hag. Estimated play time - 2 hours.
This product contains a pair of encounters designed to challenge 4th level PCs. It also includes an extensive backstory, new monsters, and new magic items to add to your campaign. The encounters are easily adapted to almost any campaign setting.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Enrich your characters with this supplement containing backgrounds for six of the Forgotten Realms dwarven subraces: the tough arctic dwarves, the resplendent gold dwarves, the dour gray dwarves, the hopeful shield dwarves, the mysterious urdunnir, and the savage wild dwarves!
Inside you'll find:
- 3 New sub-races - 6 Dwarven Backgrounds - 3 New NPC Stat Blocks - 1 New... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Player's Guide to Faerûn Heraldry
Over 160 pages of Faerûn heraldic shields, badges, insignia, and more. Includes symbol attribution, source reference, blazon (description of shield), and basic information for identifying families, office titles, and locations throughout Faerûn.
All of the images within this product are available as stock art packages. See below hyperlinks for stock art... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The heroes hurry to reclaim a treasured item that an evil hag has hidden away. The item they seek is well guarded by dangerous foes bent on destroying any that dare enter their domain. Estimated play time - 1 hour.
This product contains two combat encounters designed for 4th level PCs, an extensive backstory, new monsters, and new magic items. The encounters are easily adapted to... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Enrich your characters with this supplement containing backgrounds for eight of the Forgotten Realms orcish subraces: the augmented thayan orcs, the civilized gray orc, the adaptable half-orc, the numerous mountain orc, the towering ogrillon, the pacificistic ondonti, and the deep dwelling orog!
Inside you'll find:
- 3 New Races - 4 New Sub-Races - 5 Half-Orc Variants ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This bestiary is part of A.Z.Z. Konezegel's Field Guide: the Collected Volumes for 25% off! Check out the bundle HERE.
Alister Konzegel's Field Guide
Volume VI: Fickle Fey
Within the pages of this field guide are 11 new fey whimsical and capricious monsters... Escape the sticky-fingered grasp of the sinister ashengrasp; watch in awe as green saplings sprout from... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Inside you'll find resources to help you roleplay misunderstood monsters from across the realms. - 4 New Races: Mongrelfolk, Grimlocks, Goblinoids and Giant-Kin, with subraces for each. - 10 Backgrounds - 3 New Weapons - 4 New Feats designed for these races - 2 New Spells - 3 Variant Rules: Goblin-quality weapons, Bluenose Hobgoblins, expanded Half-Ogre... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Scions of the Feywild is a sourcebook for Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition. This book contains rules and options for playing characters with fey blood and magic including:
Fey Elf & Half-Elf Variants Fey Gnome Variants Fey Goblinoid Variants The Feyborn Race Fey Blood Racial Feats Fey Backgrounds and Fey Spells and Magical items
The Feyborn Race represents those of fey blood in the same manner... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This resource will help Dungeon Masters build adventures in the Plane of Faerie, a land where anything can happen.
This resource highlights the different locations in the Feywild with some examples of Wonderous and beautiful locations for your players to stumble across or interact with. It features many guides to building social encounters with the Fey including what many of the creatures and NPC's... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Lend your eternal service to archfey for great powers in this Dungeon Master resource. This resource gives eight fanciful and sly archfey patrons for your warlocks to pledge fealty to, complete with deep histories and fleshed out goals. Enjoy, and leave a review below! ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The Compendium of Written Works: Faerûn
Do your players' characters like to read books? Is finding a library to do monster research something that occurs frequently in your games? Is there a character in your world who just wants to gobble up all the written knowledge that they possibly can? Do you just like books? If so, then this supplement is for you!
If you would like a Fantasy Grounds version... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Faerun is in danger, Titans and Magi-Tech Mechanical monsters run rampant across its surface. Who can put these monsters and mechanical terrors in their place? From the depths of Baator to the heights of the Elemental Chaos, monsters roam the Forgotten Realms.
In this supplement:
7 Kaiju, all at CR 30.
6 of these Kaiju have Mythic Traits, sure to drastically alter the course of the fight.
7... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Leprechauns! Just in time for Saint Patrick's Day!
The Fey Codex is part of a legendary scholarly work compiled ages ago by Stephen the Sage detailing the races, history, and legends of the known world to that point. A collection of papers supposedly unearthed just recently in the inventory of a village curio shop is believed to be a fragment of this work, but... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a PDF of Nine Naughty Fey. If you are looking for the Fantasy Grounds VTT module – click here.
Fey creatures are always in demand, no matter if you’re working in a trip to a fey crossroads, a fey-controlled land or the Feywild itself! Here’s nine classic fey creatures from D&D 3.5’s Monster Manual 4 & 5!
What’s inside “Nine Naughty Fey”?
Nine... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
An introductory guide featuring advice, treasure, charms, and other rewards.
The homes of the fey—in the Feywild or in enchanted regions of the mortal world—offer power and danger for local heroes and intrepid interlopers alike. Many seek their fortunes there for good reason. Any adventurer might quest for the otherworldly power of the fey courts, or even aspire to become an archfey,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
In one of the most secretive places in all the multiverse there is a bazaar where everything can be acquired.
Be ready to venture in a place where all the logic fall apart and let the flow of the fairies’ magic carry you.
Inside this module you will find unique merchants and new magic items to add in your game.
It can be played as a part of any D&D campaign to add some exceptional rules... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Banshrae, Frostwind Virago, Glastig, G. Mindbender, Grig, Jaebrin, Jermlaine, Joystealer, Living Spell (needed for Rage Walker), Lunar Ravager, Nixie, Ocean Strider, Petal, Pixie, Ragewalker, Redcap, Ruin Chanter, Ruin Elemental (needed for Ruin Chanter), Shaedling, Shimmerling Swarm, Sirine, Spirit of the Land, Splinterwaif, S. Knave, Thorn, Verdant Prince, Wild Hunt.
Ranging from CR 1/4 to CR 23,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
From your friendly neighborhood dungeon master, DM Jazzy Hands, of the actual play podcast The Last Refuge comes Seasons of Faerie.
Seasons of Faerie takes adventurers on a journey to find a hidden portal to the Feywild. Filled with fun NPCs, challenging combat, brain teaser puzzles, and of course, lots of fey creatures, this adventure is... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 This supplement is intended to provide a wide range of options for both DMs and players who wish to make the rich religion of the Forgotten Realms a larger part of their campaign. It includes content for the 48 listed gods of the primary Faerunian Pantheon in the Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide, plus Bahamut and Tiamat! This includes:
100 new cantrips
150 new magic items
600 quests and plot hooks
... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Celts - from those powerful barbarians who ruled Europe for centuries and challenged the might of Rome came the Druids, bards, and even the original legend of King Arthur. They ranged from Scotland to Greece and from Spain to Asia Minor, trading, raiding, and establishing a culture that is still alive today. Join mighty heros like the legendary Cu Chulainn or the woman-warrior Boudicca in... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
A CR 20 fey legendary Monster and warlock otherworldly patron, with the amazing art of Tannia.Art made specifically for this monster and the work of Jorge Piraces writing her.
A monster that works well on every ambientation,
Misha, also known as the winter archfey, is the daughter of an extremely powerful archdruid and a forest archfey. She was possessed by a winter spirit for 10 years, giving... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 Fey blood. Sometimes forgotten, sometimes underrated, the fey cross the realms exchanging babies and breaking hearts with their pure beauty and unspeakable horror.
Fey are masters of charm, illusion and teleportation, and are as mutable as the ancient elven god, Corellon Larethian. But they doesn't serve him, or even rever him. No god dares to cross the Twilight paths and mess with the Archfey,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 This document contains 6 fey monsters for 5th edition D&D. These creatures have been converted from D&D 3.5, and range from the CR 1 Shaedling to the CR 14 Ruin Chanter. They are perfect for beguiling and enchanting your players, or subjecting them to cruel curses.
Additionally, this PDF contains 7 wood elf monster stat blocks. With challenge ratings suitable for various tiers of play, DMs... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 This PDF contains statistical information for both lesser and greater feyrs, converted to 5E Dungeons and Dragons. ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |