5e Solo Gamebooks presents The Death Knight’s Squire by Paul Bimler, a 100+ page solo adventure for D&D Fifth Edition, set in the Forgotten Realms. This adventure has been created for individual play without a dungeon master, and is is a great way to scratch your D&D itch between regular adventures with your DM. Or, it can serve as a way for a player who cannot find a group... [click here for more]
This special bundle product contains the following titles.Artificer Combat Cheat SheetRegular price: $1.50 Bundle price: $0.90 Format: ZIP File Who said cheat sheets were for cheaters? To those who do, I say, “How dare you?”
No, no. These cheat sheets are created for you, player-who-can’t-remember-all-those-wonderful-features-you-have-and-whose-DM-is-patiently-waiting-while-you-re-read-your-character-sheet-for-the-fifth-time-this-session.... [click here for more]