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Merc's, Militia, & Mutiny. Expansion on guards and soldiers for 5e games

Merc's, Militia, & Mutiny. Expansion on guards and soldiers for 5e games

A homebrewed set of troops to suppliment the towns guards, allow for NPCs who level with the party, and give a way to take NPCs from commoners to more veteran soldiers. Perfect for filling out a castle that a party has aquired, keeping a more light fingered group in line, or boosting the parties power for a particulalry hard fight. Initially inspired for a town management style game, this has been...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Background - Nomadic Healer

Background - Nomadic Healer

A 5e background for a nomadic healer or traveling doctor. a simple background using a mix of homebbrew elements and already existing backgrounds. The background Summary ; You travel the lands, applying your trade wherever you can, helping those who cannot help themselves. Your experience and knowledge unmatched and unique, you’ve witnessed amazing events but also experienced...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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