Additional free content for the D&D Advent Calendar! Uncover extra encounters, new locations, and unique magic items that didn't make it into the main calendar due to difficulty or pacing.
But as we love their mechanics, we've included them here! They can be used as alternatives (ideal for replays!) or stand-alone encounters.
Encounter 2 Christmas themed plant monsters
Visit a sauna teeming... [click here for more]
Mcgovern Solo adventure 1
I know during isolation not everyone can play RPGs during this time. While this was a first for me in this format. I made a solo adventure for level 1 play. Stay Safe and Game on. ^_^ All you need to play this is dice, and the PHB. ... [click here for more]
Take a child on a Dungeons and Dragons adventure as they take on the role of “The Little Astralnaut.” Lead them as they explore the “Astral Station” and encounter wondrous creatures that come alive in their imaginations. Children as young as three years old can fully enjoy this adventure. It can be ran in as little as 10-15 minutes so you can mesmerize a child’s short attention span. With... [click here for more]
Notice: This title is written in Japanese.注意、これは『ゲルディモスの迷宮』の一部を無料版として扱っているタイトルです。後に“第二次大分割”と呼ばれる災厄の時、ラウドウォーターの町周辺では大きな地震が発生した。自身で発生した巨大な亀裂の底には迷宮の入り口が開いていた。... [click here for more]