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 Hottest Community Festive, Greyhawk
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The Yawning Portal Winter - Battlemaps

The Yawning Portal Winter - Battlemaps

The Yawning Portal - Winter Battlemaps Includes battlemaps for each level of the tavern. Based on numerous descriptions and illustrations of the tavern, this version attempts to provide an accurate depiction of the famous tavern (though of course so many descriptions and images exist that there will be some differences or omissions). This winter version sees the...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $10.99

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The Beckoning

The Beckoning

This document provides a short (one shot) adventure in a very Halloween themed setting for character levels 4-7.  This plot can put the party is a very dangerous position where they will have to rescue themselves.  This adventure is intended to instill fear in your players. The events take place in any medieval fantasy setting in hilly forest terrain in a temperate climate, so it can be dropped...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.99

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