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 Hottest Community Pulp Action, Greyhawk
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Tales From Greyhawk

Tales From Greyhawk

Print on Demand coming soon! From the minds who brought you the best-selling Factions of Phandalin and Factions of Sigil comes a new set of adventures across Greyhawk and the Multiverse! TWENTY ONE adventures spanning from level 1 through 14 make up this comprehensive collection loosely based on classic adventures. Within, stories of interactions with various factions, political entities, and people...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $29.95

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Mr. Porter's Saltmarsh Skullduggeries

Mr. Porter's Saltmarsh Skullduggeries

Mr. Porter is now fully operational in Saltmarsh! Ten more heists bundled together in one convenient package, climaxing in a confrontation with deadly, misunderstood foe. Plunge your characters into an underworld of corruption, theft, death, and money, complete with its own rules, lingo, and protocols. Navigate the treacherous underbelly of Saltmarsh and come out with a fistful or two of coin. Can...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $19.99

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Attack on Saltmarsh | Ghosts of Saltmarsh One-Shot

Attack on Saltmarsh | Ghosts of Saltmarsh One-Shot

A capstone adventure for Ghosts of Saltmarsh or a chance to punch giant monsters in the gut. An ancient prophecy foretells the coming of a great evil. “When the sea rains into the blackened sky and the dwellers of the deep gorge themselves on living flesh, Ujiak returns to ravage the world.” So sayeth a wise seer. Only a mighty band of heroes can prevent the coming dark age—with...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.95

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