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Expedition to Undermountain (3.5)

Expedition to Undermountain (3.5)

Expedition to Undermountainis a 224-page super-adventure that revisits the greatest dungeon in the Forgotten Realms campaign setting. Located beneath the city of Waterdeep, Undermountain has lured countless heroes to their doom. Like other adventures in the “Expedition” series, this product takes a classic D&D location, updates it for v.3.5, and features many new surprises. It also...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $14.99

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The Adventurer's Guide to Cocktails of the Underdark

The Adventurer's Guide to Cocktails of the Underdark

Ever wonder what the drow and other creatures of the Underdark drink while in those deep, dark taverns? Well, don't wonder! We bring you the drinks found all under the Forgotten Realms (and vetted by Elminster himself) to use at your leisure or during one of your gaming sessions! ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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