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A Gem for your Troubles and other tales - Preview of Twilight at Eventide

A Gem for your Troubles and other tales - Preview of Twilight at Eventide

This is a free preview copy of Twilight at Eventide.  Twilight at Eventide is a 32-page collection of three short adventures designed for characters of level 1-3. In the village of Eventide, the walls separating the settlement from the Feywild are weak. And strange creatures stalk the surrounding forests. Dark forms worship their demigod in hidden caves. A darkling elder...   [click here for more]
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A Night of Masks and Monsters (A Requiem of Wings #1)

A Night of Masks and Monsters (A Requiem of Wings #1)

An original one-shot adventure designed for 3-6 level 3 characters. A DMsGuild bestseller, downloaded more than 9,500 times and played by parties around the world. Newly redesigned and updated! Summary In the city of Ibrido, locals enjoy a life of splendor and frivolity. Every week, a lavish party is held at the Castel...   [click here for more]
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A Night of Masks and Monsters | Roll20 VTT

A Night of Masks and Monsters | Roll20 VTT

An original one-shot adventure designed for 3-6 level 3 characters. The Roll20 version of a DMsGuild bestseller, downloaded almost 75,000 times and played by parties around the world. Newly redesigned and updated! Summary In the city of Ibrido, locals enjoy a life of splendor and frivolity. Every week, a lavish party is held at the Castel di Maschera, hosted by the Marquis di Maschera, Prospero,...   [click here for more]
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A Patrulha de Líberis

A Patrulha de Líberis

A Patrulha de Líberis recebeu uma solicitação do Conselho para investigar a oficina do artífice Baran Cajado-da-Montanha, sob a alegação de que o mestre-anão estaria desenvolvendo um artefato de magia negra. Com todos os criminosos que andam soltos pelas ruas apertadas e escuras da cidade, por que o Conselho de Líberis, conhecido por ser corrupto e leniente com a delinquência, solicitaria...   [click here for more]
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A Ship in the Mist - A Horror One Shot

A Ship in the Mist - A Horror One Shot

In A Ship in the Mist, the players are hired to recover a lost skyship known as the Sky Scythe and retrieve an experimental artifact called the Veil of Aramis. The Sky Scythe disappeared decades ago under mysterious circumstances, only to resurface in a desolate region. As the players investigate the ship, they uncover its eerie connection to a plane...   [click here for more]
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Adventure - Shadows of Lineage

Adventure - Shadows of Lineage

"Ladies and gentlemen, you're about to behold a sight so strange, so horrifying, so utterly monstrous, that I urge you who are easily frightened or upset to forgo. They did not ask to be brought into the world, but into the world they came..." The traveling side show is always a spot for minor amusement. However, in thise case, it's also the perfect place for murder. Uncover the threat to a centuries...   [click here for more]
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Adventures Daycare of Uncle Ordark

Adventures Daycare of Uncle Ordark

Adventures Daycare of Uncle Ordark is a DnD one shot where players take the roles of Ordark's proteges around age 4-5 and embark on a quest to investigate his disappearance. Once famous champion Ordark is now retired. That doesn’t stop him from new endeavours such as establishing “Adventures Daycare of Uncle Ordark”, where he takes care of his fellow adventurers’...   [click here for more]
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Adventures Daycare of Uncle Ordark: Halloween

Adventures Daycare of Uncle Ordark: Halloween

Adventures Daycare of Uncle Ordark: Halloween is an one-shot, where the players take the roles of Ordark’s proteges around age 4-5 and will go trick-or-treating to celebrate Halloween. Today is the end of the harvest, and tonight we celebrate All Hallows’ Eve. Ordark prepared everything necessary: decorated the house, sewed the costumes,...   [click here for more]
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An Orphan's Inheritance

An Orphan's Inheritance

Not knowing one's ancestry can be difficult on a person. It can cause someone to question their place in the world and condemn them to a life that never fully understands parts of its existence. And yet... ...and yet there are times when having the opportunity to learn the truth turns out to be worse. This 1-2 hour psychological horror adventure is suitable for PCs between levels...   [click here for more]
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Azorius 99

Azorius 99

 A cop caper set in the world of Ravnica. Officers in the Azorius Senate must find the culprit of a murder in order to keep the peace. Inspired by the police comedy television series set in Brooklyn, NY. ...   [click here for more]
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Back To The Sea

Back To The Sea

When the party are shipwrecked they take shelter in an old forgotten cottage. They soon find themselves uncovering a mysterious death. One thing is for sure, they are not alone... Back to the sea is a 3-5 hour one shot, recommended for Level 1-4 adventurers. It offers a refreshing and different look at Ghosts in D&D. Setting neutral, easy to slide into any campaign, especially settings with ports...   [click here for more]
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Be seen by Nobody

Be seen by Nobody

Be seen by Nobody This One Shot Adventure Module Contains: The story for a single adventure Builds for 3 new monsters A rule set for fighting giant monsters for D&D 5e Inspiration for an action-puzzle boss encounter A rough map of an island The Story Far-off from any trade routes, in the middle of the ocean, lies a small island named “Isstic”....   [click here for more]
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Beware the Moonless Night

Beware the Moonless Night

In the last few weeks, seven children have vanished from the ranching village of Hillsend.  Townsfolk are reacting with a mix of anger, fear, and willful denial. The adults in town are rapidly converging on a consensus: A band of orcs has been spotted skirting the fields of Hillsend, and the townsfolk believe they intend to use or sell the children as slaves. But the local children have a darker suspicion....   [click here for more]
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Borderline Dead

Borderline Dead

The land remembers the evils committed upon it, even when the people are gone.  Blood seeps deeply into the soil, and there it festers until unearthed.  The Zhentarim Merchant Company has decided to pay people to settle the Border Forest.  The company sees it as a great opportunity to build itself into a country, and the people see it as a new life opportunity.  Yet, no one knows what predators...   [click here for more]
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Curious Case of Danvers Carew

Curious Case of Danvers Carew

A short adventure to solve the brutal killing of respected official Danvers Carew.  Explore an early gothic classic in this murder mystery. This adventure is based on the 1886 novella "Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde" by Robert Louis Stevenson.  Untangle the mystery of the murder of Danvers Carew, trace the clues back to Doctor Jekyll, and confront the duo of Jekyll and Hyde in their laboratory...   [click here for more]
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Das ist nicht das Ende (One-Shot!)

Das ist nicht das Ende (One-Shot!)

Deine Sinne kehren langsam zurück und mit einem schweren Keuchen richtest du dich auf. Du bist nicht sicher, was geschehen ist, doch auf einmal bist du genau hier, an diesem trostlosen Ort. Nur vereinzelt siehst du noch andere Bewohner*innen der Burg, die gleichermaßen verwirrt scheinen. Deine Erinnerungen sind verblasst. Du wischt dir über die Augen und versuchst etwas Klarheit...   [click here for more]
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Deadly Music Box

Deadly Music Box

Deadly music box is a 2-4 hour investigation one-shot for any level and number of players. Nevertheless, the adventure was developed with smaller parties in mind and is especially suitable for one player and one DM (DnD duet). The story revolves around a murder in a secluded gnomish community of crafters and creators. Players need to interview community members, uncover their secrets and discover...   [click here for more]
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DHM1 - Murder at The Rampant Rooster

DHM1 - Murder at The Rampant Rooster

A merchant hires the party to escort him from Waterdeep to Neverwinter, but the secrets he knows gets him killed and the party finds itself investigating the murder of their employer to prevent an innocent woman from being framed. ...   [click here for more]
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Don't Break your Pick

Don't Break your Pick

Don't break your Pick This One-Shot Adventure Module Contains: The story for a single adventure Builds for 3 new monsters Detailed and high-resolution encounter maps (to be used e.g. in Roll20) A boss fight with unique lair actions Several hazards and ideas for a mining expedition The Story Far up in the cold North, nestled between two giant mountains, lies a mining city called Dandery....   [click here for more]
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Endless Ages: The Maw of Winter Chapter 1

Endless Ages: The Maw of Winter Chapter 1

Mercenaries, sell swords and adventurers from far and wide have answered the call of the merchant guilds of Avaros to venture to the town of Stonebridge the last outpost of civilization deep past the wilds of the Northern Great Forest, through the treacherous mountain passes of the Tin Hills to the borders of the mysterious White Wood. The people and the trade that flows through this last outpost must...   [click here for more]
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Follow the Lights

Follow the Lights

Follow the Lights This One Shot Adventure Module contains: The story for a single adventure Builds for a new monster Build and Background for a NPCs Puzzles and riddles for your party to solve Maps and ideas for special combat encounters The Story While many know legends or stories about mythical artefacts granting immortality, the gnomish scholar...   [click here for more]
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Ghosts of Ayeeye

Ghosts of Ayeeye

The children are missing from the town of Ayeeye nestled beneath a majestic mountain in the middle of the land. Your party's mission is to decypher the clues and solve the mystery. Mysterious priests, wandering ghosts and deathly guards are waiting. ...   [click here for more]
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Good Knight: A 1-Page Encounter

Good Knight: A 1-Page Encounter

June's 1-Page Encounter title, Good Knight, lets players engage in a game of cat and mouse across a city. Every night, starting at sundown, a figure has been breaking into homes, raiding taverns, and confronting the denizens of Slumberton and putting them to sleep. To date, nothing has been reported stolen but the winter months approach and they townfolk have things to do! You can find other fine...   [click here for more]
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Harvest for Herfol

Harvest for Herfol

Harvest for Herfol This One-Shot Adventure Module contains:  The story of a cursed hidden village An encounter table for enchanted woodland adventures Builds for three new enemies / monsters Several high detail maps to be used in an online tabletop such as Roll20 The Story The small village of Herfol has been suffering from a severe crop shortfall....   [click here for more]
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Heart of a Hero

Heart of a Hero

Cullford’s acclaimed ranger has gone missing. Villagers blame the hag that lives in Rooks Wood, but the two had had a steady truce for years. All that remains is the ranger’s raven familiar, and it’s prepared to guide those willing towards its master’s last wish. A 3-hour adventure for 1st-4th level characters. ...   [click here for more]
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Hillside Cult 1

Hillside Cult 1

This small one-shot dungeon adventure made with level 3 characters in mind takes the players through a small dungeon of a local cult. Here you go through light combat, a bit of lore, and lots of loot! This is my first homebrew story so I hope you enjoy it and leave some feedback! The book was made with Homebrewery ...   [click here for more]
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If only we could weave the bands connecting us

If only we could weave the bands connecting us

If only we could weave the Bands connecting us This One-Shot Adventure Module contains:  The story for a single adventure Build for a new monster Three builds for diverse NPC factions A complex social encounter puzzle for experienced players A simple sketched map of a nomad camp on the beach The Story Hidden by the wayside’s thicket, not appearing...   [click here for more]
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Il Genio Dell'Illusione

Il Genio Dell'Illusione

IL GENIO DELL’ILLUSIONE è un’avventura Gdr in stile Fantasy/Medievale scritta ed illustrata da Matteo Valenti. La storia è basata sulle regole d20, per il sistema di gioco DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 5.0 edition, ed adattabile a qualsiasi altra edizione. L'avventura è stata scritta per un gruppo di 3/4 giocatori di 3°/4°...   [click here for more]
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Kobold Ambush

Kobold Ambush

D&D is generally about player characters walking into traps. So how about a role reversal where the players are better off laying traps than confronting enemies head on? This one-shot explores being a lowly pack of kobolds that work for an ancient dragon. Player characters have low health, artisan tools, and equipment for setting traps. 14 pregenerated kobold specialists. Enough notes, reminders,...   [click here for more]
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Könnten wir nur Bänder zwischen uns weben

Könnten wir nur Bänder zwischen uns weben

Könnten wir nur Bänder zwischen uns weben Dieses One-Shot Abenteuer enthält: Ein kurzes Abenteuer, perfekt für erfahrene Spieler Die Karte eines kleinen Nomadenlagers am Strand Angaben für drei NSC Gruppen Ein neues, tödliches Boss Monster Handgezeichnete Illustration Die Geschichte Am Wegesrand verborgen und von keiner Karte erfasst liegt der...   [click here for more]
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Lantern's Cross

Lantern's Cross

Lantern's Cross: A Drag n' Drop D&D Town An idyllic trading town full of wonder and opportunities for adventure. [NOTE: This is not an adventure. Rather, this is a setting/backdrop with hooks on which to hang adventures.] Do you need a town to throw your wandering adventures into? Look no further than Lantern's Cross! Designed for easy readability and accessibility,...   [click here for more]
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Magic Items from Twilight at Eventide

Magic Items from Twilight at Eventide

These two magic items are featured in the adventure collection Twilight at Eventide. Twilight at Eventide is a 32-page collection of three short adventures designed for characters of level 1-3. In the village of Eventide, the walls separating the settlement from the Feywild are weak. And strange creatures stalk the surrounding forests. Dark forms worship their demigod in hidden caves. A darkling...   [click here for more]
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Map Pack 02 - Lantern's Cross

Map Pack 02 - Lantern's Cross

A mapped region and starter town for you and your players to explore. regional map covering the town of Lantern's Cross and surrounding features. 2 full-color battle maps based around Lantern's Crossing and the nearby Druidic Standing Stones. 2 printer-friendly battle maps.   Grab the companion town supplement,...   [click here for more]
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Murder Mystery on the Lightning Rail

Murder Mystery on the Lightning Rail

A construct of silverware and other various knick knacks (Animated Armor Stats) commits a crime aboard the LightningRail and kills a man’s wife. Simple Whodunnit for the Lightning Rail. Note from the Author: This is more or less just a seed for thought on a small story arc. Could be a one shot. Could be incorporated into something else. If you want to just use portions of it thats totally cool. ...   [click here for more]
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Murmur through the Cracks

Murmur through the Cracks

Murmur through the Cracks This One Shot Adventure Module contains: The story for a single adventure An intriguing mystery for your players to solve Builds for 4 new monsters Builds for multiple tough NPCs Detailed maps of the city of Samin and some key locations Ideas for special combat encounters and a final boss fight The Story Even a decade after...   [click here for more]
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Now that's a kick!

Now that's a kick!

Introduction: A group of adventurers meets up with Reder Dryselw, the townmaster of Pullum, whose wife Lyse Arcourt went missing. Reder suspects foul magic is at play. It is up to the adventurers to uncover the mystery behind Lyse's disappearance. The adventurers face a dungeon, a riddle, and an emotionally laden plot. This adventure has an emphasis on role, even though there are a couple of battles....   [click here for more]
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On Her Majesty’s Pest Control Service

On Her Majesty’s Pest Control Service

On Her Majesty's Pest Control Service This One Shot Adventure Module contains: The story for a single adventure Tips on how to run a introduction session for new TTRPG players Builds for several new monsters Build and Background for a NPC Puzzles and riddles for your party to solve Maps and ideas for special combat encounters The Story Like most large...   [click here for more]
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Righting a Wrong 5e

Righting a Wrong 5e

This is a The PDF Dungeons & Dragons 5E. If you are looking for the  Fantasy Grounds VTT and Dungeons & Dragons 5E - click here. A would be band of adventurers find them self’s helping a wizard collect artefacts from evil necromancers to lock them away for the good of the land and the people that make it their home intended for a party of 5 from level 1-5 ...   [click here for more]
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St. Andral's Orphanage

St. Andral's Orphanage

Welcome to the orphanage. This module was designed to be inserted into the main Curse of Strahd campaign, in the centralized town of Vallaki. However, it is entirely possible to run St. Andral's Orphanage as a stand alone adventure or incorporate it into another campaign. This chapter provides Vallaki with some additional pacing before the events of St. Andral's Feast and the Festival...   [click here for more]
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Sulphur: A Mystery-Horror One Shot

Sulphur: A Mystery-Horror One Shot

Take rest and make allies at The Stag Inn in this Sulphur: A Mystery one-shot adventure designed for 1st-level characters for the world's greatest roleplaying game. ...   [click here for more]
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Tales of Stormhaven - Whitecap Mill

Tales of Stormhaven - Whitecap Mill

One after another, the eastern kingdoms have been razed to the ground by an unstoppable undead army, led by a ruthless death knight, only known as the Black General. Now the city of Stormhaven stands as the last bastion of humanity. The seed of despair has been sown among the few thousands of survivors, as food and other essentials are rapidly running out and the mindless horde continues its unholy...   [click here for more]
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The Ammads Family

The Ammads Family

Inspired by Charles Addam’s fictional family. Players are invited into the home of a mysterious and creepy family, as newly adopted family members. A simple quest to meet their new siblings leads to uncovering a summoning ritual gone wrong. A 2-3 hour adventure for 2nd-3rd level characters. Uses an old Cluedo game board as a dungeon map. ...   [click here for more]
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The Case of the Vanishing Villagers

The Case of the Vanishing Villagers

This adventure is made for level 1 characters. In this adventure the players will team up and go sleuthing their way through the divided city of Triburg. In search for the three missing people, the players will encounter all kinds of weird and wonderful characters. From a dyslectic ex ranger to a Tabaxi (cat person) caught up in a pyramid scheme and from a singer that is like totally not jealous...   [click here for more]
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The Delivery

The Delivery

A beginner-level adventure designed for Levels 1-4. The cozy prospect of a rainy night in a warm tavern is shattered by the arrival of an archaeologist with a package marked for delivery: a strange, ornate amphora which seems to bring trouble and destruction wherever it goes. Pursued by forces human and supernatural, can the heroes traverse the fearsome woods and deliver...   [click here for more]
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The Feywild Exorcism

The Feywild Exorcism

Just in time for Halloween, we offer you a treat - a brief, compact quest that might transport your adventurers into the realm of trickery and deceit. Featuring the ever-known tropes of a cursed child, a scene of exorcism, the shady magics of the Feywild, a vengeful hag and, potentially, a band of drunken satyrs. This is a self-contained quest for all kinds of settings...   [click here for more]
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The Fiendish Felon

The Fiendish Felon

This adventure is designed so that the only book you should need to run it is the players handbook. It should make this a great introduction for new groups, who maybe arent too sure they want to buy all the core rulebooks before they've tried the game first. Otherwise it may be interesting to more veteran groups to see what can be done with just the one book. This adventure should take 1-2...   [click here for more]
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The frosted path

The frosted path

This is a dungeon and dragons level 1 initiation one-shot. Follow the frosted path to the Winter's respite and investigate the curious disappearance of magical beasts in the forbidden mountains! This product include a 12-pages pdf with the main plot, NPC and their statblock, as a well as a map for the final fight. It also includes 12 pre-filled level 1 character sheets and their associated spell list,...   [click here for more]
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The Gilded Isle

The Gilded Isle

The rumours of a treasure filled island have resurfaced after years of being nothing but whispers. Perhaps your party stumbles upon the treasure map, or maybe they're given it by a sea-faring individual. However it occurs, adventure awaits on the sea. This adventure is created with level 4 players in mind, but can be adapted for any range of levels. All maps work well with any VTT. Enjoy this aquatic...   [click here for more]
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The Haunting of Sleepy Hollow

The Haunting of Sleepy Hollow

The village of Sleepy Hollow is in a state of deep distress and urgent need of aid! Crops have withered, animals have disappeared and a strange dark presence seems to shadow the townsfolk! The villagers are in desperate need of adventurers to uncover the mystery behind the sinister happenings and save the village of Sleepy Hollow from its impending doom! The Haunting of...   [click here for more]
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The Hourglass

The Hourglass

You find yourselves infront of a shattered hourglass. With no memory of how you got here. It is up to you to find out why. Throughout this module, 4 players will regain memories for their randomly assigned character. Secrety learning about their character's personality and ulterior motives. Giving each player their own secret objectives to complete throughout this dungeon crawl. ...   [click here for more]
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