Far off the traveled paths of wildspace, a lone crystal sphere bobs in the phlogiston, waiting for unwary visitors greedy for adventure. This is the Astromundi Cluster, a setting easy to find...and nigh-impossible to escape. Unique among the spheres, Clusterspace holds no planets - only thousands of asteroids that wander in a seemingly endless realm. Here Arcane, neogi, illithids and humans have learned... [click here for more]
A new age dawns.an age of terror! They are close. I can feel them even stronger, now. It won't be long before the Masters come again. I have waited for them, waited for their return. Once they extinguish the Light, the true Dawn can begin. The illithids once ruled a mighty empire that stretched across many worlds. These foul creatures enslaved or destroyed whole races in their quest for ultimate... [click here for more]