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 Hottest Community Planar, PDF, September Settings Sale: Fey Offerings
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The Feywild

The Feywild

A definitive guide to the Feywild.  Everything that you will need to run a party through the Feywild, filled with stories and lore to tie into your campaign. The book includes: Lore and history of the Feywild Map of the Feywild 25 Feywild locations Feywild magical effects  Random encounter tables 50 story based random encounters New Feywild inspired...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.95

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Journey into the Feywild

Journey into the Feywild

The green trees sway, and a fresh breeze greets you as you walk past the ring of trees, you have stepped into a strange and fantastical realm ruled by ancient creatures where nature reigns supreme.  This book contains materials and inspiration to run your adventures in the Feywild, home of the faeries, under the Dungeons & Dragons 5th Edition ruleset.  Chapter 1: All...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $7.95

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Fey Creatures: Nymphs, Pixies, and the Jabberwocky

Fey Creatures: Nymphs, Pixies, and the Jabberwocky

Even with the release of Volo's Guide to Monsters the amount and variety of fey is still somewhat lacking in 5e, particularly in aquatic environments and the underdark (which, let's face it, have always been pretty lacking in fey to begin with). The books are also quite lacking on fey with a high challenge rating. I've decided to remedy this. A stat block for the Jabberwocky as an epic level...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.75

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The Summer Games: A Feywild Adventure

The Summer Games: A Feywild Adventure

There are many entrances to the Feywild, but none so grand as appearing before the throne of seelie fey, the Summer Court. The Summer Games, a bestselling mini-arc intended for 5th level characters, introduces a party to court intrigue in the Feywild, headed by Queen Titania with King Oberon at her side. In the tourney the party must navigate unknown dangers, asked...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.95

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Creature Harvest Index - Fey

Creature Harvest Index - Fey

The long awaited sequel to Vol 5: Dragons has finally arrived! "The Fey are notoriously tricky creatures. They have no grasp of reality or humanity, and care little for laws, whether moral or physical. I find them a bothersome, frightening type of creature." - Arimor Frand, Scribe of Windamere Academy This product contains:  * 35 NEW ITEMS crafted from parts harvested from Fey...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Fey Bargains: Trade and Trickery

Fey Bargains: Trade and Trickery

Fey Bargains: Trade and Trickery   Sell your voice for fey favours!   Swap your first-born child for long-lost fey secrets!   Suffer horrible fey consequences for your hubris!   Based on the Diabolic Deals rules found in Descent into Avernus, Fey Bargains: Trade and Trickery is...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.00

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Codex of the Infinite Planes Vol 09 Plane of Faerie

Codex of the Infinite Planes Vol 09 Plane of Faerie

Codex of the Infinite Planes Volume 9: Plane of Faerie The secrets of the Plane of Faerie... purloined at last! The mythical Codex of the Infinite Planes is a massive book containing information on the very planes of existence. Too many for one document to tackle, so it's been divided up into volumes covering individual planes. Crack open the codex in this continuing volume and learn about the echo...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.99

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Full Moon Fey Tales

Full Moon Fey Tales

Who can the heroes trust in the verdant depths of the Feywild? While resting in the wilds on the night of a full moon, the party are accidentally drawn into the Feywild, and must find their way back. With a choice of routes to follow, the heroes may encounter either the naive but vengeful undine Dapple, or the urbane and callous fey lord Verian. Each holds the ability to send the...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.95

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WARFORGED!: The Feyforged - A New Warforged Variant

WARFORGED!: The Feyforged - A New Warforged Variant

WARFORGED! - The Feyforged: A New Warforged Variant Inspired by Biomechanical Elemental Heroes  Writing, Editing and Layout by Cameron Day, Mask Mechanics by Griffin Fredette, Cover Art by Eden Sanders, Interior Art by Marcel Budde, and Creative Consultation from Luke Robinson and FlyCheeseDM.   ___________________________________________________________________________...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.00

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Myrddin's Guide to Faerie

Myrddin's Guide to Faerie

“Myrddin’s may well be the gold standard for the Fey realm ... a Must Have for anyone who currently or might someday use Fey or the Feywild in their campaign.“ - Realmwarp Media "When it comes to an all-in-one themed guide on faeries, Myrddin’s has you covered." - Eric Watson Whether you are planning a quick trip into the Feywild...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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Away with the Faeries

Away with the Faeries

Away with the Faeries “Don’t mistake my insistence on this for cruelty. A deal was struck, a price must be paid. One way or another.” Many centuries ago, the people of Stonebridge lived in peace with the fair folk who dwelled in the nearby forest; a place known for its thin veil between the Material Plane and the magical Plane of Faerie known as the Feywild. This...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Feywild Magic Items

Feywild Magic Items

Every magic item has a tale. In the 5th Edition of Dungeons and Dragons, magic items are a rare occurrence. When a magic item appears in the game, it tends to feel special and have importance. Magic items create an extra layer of storytelling for your game. This document includes: House Rule for Number of Magic Items for Attunement. Feywild Magic Items Origins Table. 23 Magic Items with story ties...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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Fickle Fey

Fickle Fey

This bestiary is part of A.Z.Z. Konezegel's Field Guide: the Collected Volumes for 25% off! Check out the bundle HERE. Alister Konzegel's Field Guide Volume VI: Fickle Fey Within the pages of this field guide are 11 new fey whimsical and capricious monsters... Escape the sticky-fingered grasp of the sinister ashengrasp; watch in awe as green saplings sprout from...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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Surviving the Feywild: A Dungeon Master's Guide to Worldbuilding

Surviving the Feywild: A Dungeon Master's Guide to Worldbuilding

This resource will help Dungeon Masters build adventures in the Plane of Faerie, a land where anything can happen. This resource highlights the different locations in the Feywild with some examples of Wonderous and beautiful locations for your players to stumble across or interact with. It features many guides to building social encounters with the Fey including what many of the creatures and NPC's...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $7.95

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The Feybane Gauntlet

The Feybane Gauntlet

The Feybane Gauntlet is a D&D 5e short gauntlet dungeon suitable for characters of levels 1 through 4, with advice for adjusting to suit the party level. Beneath the keep of Lord Dwyer of Llewellyn on the island of Alaron in the Moonshae Isles is an ancient dungeon. Originally designed to protect the area against incursions of dark fey centuries ago, the dungeon now lies...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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8 Archfey Patrons for your Warlock

8 Archfey Patrons for your Warlock

Lend your eternal service to archfey for great powers in this Dungeon Master resource. This resource gives eight fanciful and sly archfey patrons for your warlocks to pledge fealty to, complete with deep histories and fleshed out goals. Enjoy, and leave a review below! ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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Return to Wonder: More Fae-Themed Content for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition

Return to Wonder: More Fae-Themed Content for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition

Chasing in the shadows, the Fair Folk seek out the brave and sometimes the foolish for their own entertainment. Seldom do they let mortals onto their true motives and what they desire the most, but in some way, shape or form, the faeries find themselves eye-to-eye with those who may not believe in them.  A sequal to Faith D'Ambrosio's popular 'The Big Book of Fey', comes the Return to Wonder: where...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.00

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Sorcerous Origin: Fey-touched

Sorcerous Origin: Fey-touched

The Feywild is a twilight realm of mystery and wonder, its fey inhabitants masters of trickery and deception, their strange desires incomprehensible to mortal minds. You were touched by this place, and it has left its mark on you. Perhaps you wandered through a portal, have a distant fey ancestor, or were taken by faries for a short time as a small child. Regardless, the elegant yet untamed power of...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.95

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FEY002 Touch of the Feywild: Think of the Children

FEY002 Touch of the Feywild: Think of the Children

The Feywild isn't done with you yet! A stand-alone adventure intended to dovetail into FEY001 Mist Island, "Think of the Children" embroils the party in a mystery that threatens to tarnish their reputation forever.  In the independent trading village of Achna Skor, children have gone missing. All attempts to safeguard the children and to track down the missing have been in vain. Divinations come...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.50

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Faeries' Bazaar

Faeries' Bazaar

In one of the most secretive places in all the multiverse there is a bazaar where everything can be acquired. Be ready to venture in a place where all the logic fall apart and let the flow of the fairies’ magic carry you. Inside this module you will find unique merchants and new magic items to add in your game. It can be played as a part of any D&D campaign to add some exceptional rules...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.50

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Beastials (20 New Feywild Animalfolk Races)

Beastials (20 New Feywild Animalfolk Races)

Add 20 new feywild race player options to your game for only $0.99. This 43 page document includes mechanics for 20 new animalfolk races: ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.99

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Seasons of Faerie

Seasons of Faerie

From your friendly neighborhood dungeon master, DM Jazzy Hands, of the actual play podcast The Last Refuge comes Seasons of Faerie. Seasons of Faerie takes adventurers on a journey to find a hidden portal to the Feywild. Filled with fun NPCs, challenging combat, brain teaser puzzles, and of course, lots of fey creatures, this adventure is...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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CCC-SAC-05 Fey in Hell

CCC-SAC-05 Fey in Hell

The corrupted archdruid Kelandrakix is rumored to be running amok in Maladomini, the 7th layer of hell.  Baalzebul wants to put a stop to her pit fighting business and needs and outside party who is not bound by their rules to take care of the problem.  Can the party navigate the bureaucracy of Maladomini and put an end to Kelandrakix’s shenanigans?  Part two of the Fun with Fey series. A Four-Hour...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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The Fey-Touched - 1 new race, 11 subraces, for the children stolen away by the fey.

The Fey-Touched - 1 new race, 11 subraces, for the children stolen away by the fey.

When children are stolen from their cribs by the fey, changelings are left behind. But what of those stolen children, shaped by whimsy and magic, into playthings of the fickle immortals? What becomes of them? As it turns out, some might become Fey-Touched. Strange, beautiful, twisted, and everything in-between, these Fey-Touched straddle the lines of the world they were born into and the plane that...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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Feywild Battle Map

Feywild Battle Map

This item is my interpretation of the Feywild in D&D. This is a battle map that is 11 inches x 17 inches. The file format is PDF and comes with black grid lines, white grid lines, and no grid lines. I hope you enjoy this battle map! (Sidenote: This project took me about 4 hours to complete) If you have any questions feel free to ask in the discussion section below. Thanks! Tree brush attribution:   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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CM02: Candlekeep Mysteries: The Fey Path

CM02: Candlekeep Mysteries: The Fey Path

This download is an original adventure where the player character enter the Feywild via a secret network of paths, which crisscross the world. The paths are treacherous if one does not know where they are going, and hostile fey and other creature linger in or around them. This adventure is made for 3-5 characters in the level range of 3-5. Several fully colored battle maps are provided, at 72dpi, for...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.99

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Living in the chaos of the feywild faeryn tend to stick tightly to their traditions all the while avoiding taking sides that would pull them into racial conflicts. A unique combination of clan and community faeryn believe that a person's skills and knowledge should be used to better the community as a whole. Painted Like the Sky When a faeryn becomes an adult they must choose which...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.99

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