A race of cruel undersea creatures called the kopru once conquered a vast expanse of territory and established a huge, underwater empire. Since the demise of their civilization thousands of years ago, their race has steadily declined, until it became a mere shadow of its former self.
While most of the kopru have succumbed to their monstrous natures and degenerated into barbarism, a few kopru matrons... [click here for more]
Hollyvyre saw her husband eaten right before her eyes by a giant sea monster that walked on water. That same day, a young man found his mother's grave dug up -- and his mother's body missing.
Are the two events connected?
What would a sea monster want with corpses?
Drop this adventure for D&D v3.5 by Eric Haddock into your campaign world wherever there is a small port town. Suitable for four... [click here for more]