"The evil deity Auril, otherwise known as The Frost Maiden spreads fear throughout the region of Icewind Dale. A band of Orcs have fallen in to the clutches of the mistress and expand her reach of icy dominance. Is there a group of adventures that can put a stop to this ever growing evil before the Ten Towns are engulfed in the everlasting freeze..."This adventure includes... [click here for more]
Hope you don't mind freezing your butt off. Well buckle up for a frosty-tipped ride into the icy unkown.
Nothing is as it seems in the realms of Carbid-Yar. This adventure plays well in any fantasy setting with an arctic wasteland.
In the northern reaches of your fantasy setting, an ancient kingdom has lain sleeping for centuries under rock and ice. But first, the meager village of Varkaldr needs... [click here for more]