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Additional free content for the D&D Advent Calendar! Uncover extra encounters, new locations, and unique magic items that didn't make it into the main calendar due to difficulty or pacing.
But as we love their mechanics, we've included them here! They can be used as alternatives (ideal for replays!) or stand-alone encounters.
Encounter 2 Christmas themed plant monsters
Visit a sauna teeming... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
When a group of adventurers become lost in a heavy snowstorm which appears unexpectedly out of nowhere, they are glad to take refuge at Grymm House. However, everything is not as it seems and the situation rapidly proceeds from unsettling to terrifying!
Grymm House is a spooky horror one-shot D&D 5e adventure for 4-6 level 3 players.
Unleash the adventure: 6+... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
These encounters are from the adventure Trouble in Ten Towns published by ACW Publishing. Here the encounters have been modified to apply to any campaign set in the Icewind Dale Region. For more of the same, an adventure module, maps, monsters and mgical items see the full adventure.
Click Here for the Trouble in Ten Towns adventure. ... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Onward! is a series of works that will help make the journey towards your final destination more fun. Arguably, traveling is the least fun part of an adventure. I’m here to change that stigma.
In an adventure, there are three plot points: The Hook, The Journey, and The Climax. This document will help you create a fun hook to quickly get the party started, an expanded journey of intrigue, and a... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
In recent weeks, a giant ice spider has set up its nest in a cave in an underground lake above Whitarrows. Its offspring grew rapidly, and the first spiders having reached a sufficient size left to hunt the local fauna, which quickly deserted the place. The arrival of this new predator is a real danger for the village, as it depletes resources at high speed. The scarcity of game has emboldened the... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 This is a dungeon and dragons level 1 initiation one-shot. Follow the frosted path to the Winter's respite and investigate the curious disappearance of magical beasts in the forbidden mountains!
This product include a 12-pages pdf with the main plot, NPC and their statblock, as a well as a map for the final fight. It also includes 12 pre-filled level 1 character sheets and their associated spell list,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Chapter one in The Snow-Covered Tombs Story.
A Four- to Six-hour adventure for 1st through 4th level characters.
A vicious diseases spreads rapidly in the north of Sword Coast, killing those afflicted by it in short succession. Worse yet, a furious storm has arisen out of nowhere, making travel exceptionally hard. The people of Fireshear are desperate for help - and rumor has it that the cure for... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
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Przygoda “Trzydzieści stóp pod lodem” opowiada historię, w której bohaterowie dołączają do ekspedycji na daleką północ w poszukiwaniu grobowca legendarnego Aozoga - potężnego wojownika i władcy plemienia, żyjącego przed setkami lat. Wyprawa organizowana jest przez Fletchera, który lata poświęcił na gromadzeniu informacji o położeniu grobowca. Na miejscu spodziewa... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |