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Uncaged: Goddesses

Uncaged: Goddesses

2022 Ennie Award winner for Best Adventure (Gold) and Best Cover Art (Silver), with nominations for Best Interior Art and Product of the Year!!! Discover the motivations behind the goddesses of Dungeons & Dragons' rich history in Uncaged: Goddesses, an epic collection of Tier 4 adventures spanning the multiverse.  Each adventure in this massive 297-page book centers around an evil-...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $19.99

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Encounters in Theros

Encounters in Theros

Bring your mythic campaign to life with this companion supplement for Mythic Odysseys of Theros! Encounters in Theros presents over 70 short encounters for a variety of environments. Keep characters busy with these story-rich experiences that help flesh out the world of Theros. This supplement is great for Mythic Odysseys of Theros or any other mythic campaign! This is...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $7.95

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Monster Loot – Mythic Odysseys of Theros

Monster Loot – Mythic Odysseys of Theros

I want to loot Arasta of the Endless Web! When brave adventurers face the dangers of the world, they want something to show for it. This supplement provides individual loot for each monster appearing in Mythic Odysseys of Theros, as well as a basic crafting and harvesting system that works well with 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons.  With this supplement, these brave adventurers...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.45

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The Gray Merchant of Asphodel: 100+ Theros Magic Items

The Gray Merchant of Asphodel: 100+ Theros Magic Items

9 ARTIFACTS, 6 LEGENDARIES, 16 VERY RARES 19 rares, 35 uncommons, 24 commons and 9 story hook items These items are steeped in the lore of Theros with creative and thematic mechanics that were designed with an eye on balance! They include adventuring gear, rings, potions, rods, armor, and weapons! Items inspired by the text or art of Magic cards are hyperlinked so you can see the source...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.95

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Heroes & Villains of Theros

Heroes & Villains of Theros

Heroes & Villains of Theros is a massive expansion for the Theros D&D setting that presents a ton of new content to make your game MYTHIC! Latest Update v1.1 (8/8/2020) Now available for Fantasy Grounds! Subclasses suitable for adventures in any setting! Barbarian: Path of the Mythic Totem Warrior // Bard: College of Tragedy Cleric:...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $7.95

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Mythic Encounters

Mythic Encounters

Disclaimer: According to our team of legal prophets and other assorted diviners, the authors of this tome are not accountable for any burden of destiny thrust upon characters. No, not even your bard Steve. Yes, our diviners told us you would say that. Watch the language please. Alustriel Silverhand, Elminster Aumar, Varja Safahr… err, I mean... Blackstaff. Heroes from our history, all...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.95

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The Eye of Klothys

The Eye of Klothys

Solve the riddle of the oracle in this adventure for the world's greatest roleplaying game! Deep beneath a towering spire lies the Eye of Klothys, a splendid temple dedicated to the god of destiny. For generations, the Oracle of the Eye has dwelt here with her Nyxborn servants, advising and admonishing the nearby cities. But now the Oracle has mysteriously fallen silent, and a party...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.95

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Mythic Actions (Monster Manual)

Mythic Actions (Monster Manual)

"As the final blow is dealt, the tyrannical creature falls to the ground drifting in and out of consciousness. Its dream exacting revenge on the foul creatures that dared stand up to it becomes reality and a horrid form stands in front of you combining mouths, teeth and eyestalks on a fleshy foundation that roughly resembles the shape of a Beholder. With a raging growl, deathly rays fill the room."...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Masks of Theros

Masks of Theros

In ages long past, when mortals prayed the gods to life, Erebos the Shadow had two lovers. Ainoe was the goddess of the doom that awaits all empires, the end of magic, and the grind of time. Elpis was the god of repose at the end of grueling journeys, the spark from which magic blooms, and wayward souls coming home. When Ainoe and Elpis fell in the war against the Titans, grieving Erebos shaped...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $12.95

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Legends From Spelljammer

Legends From Spelljammer

From the minds who brought you the best-selling Factions of Phandalin and Factions of Sigil comes a new set of adventures across 5 settings... FIVE short adventures across the D&D multiverse; play them as mini-campaigns unto themselves or connect them as a 15-session campaign where the characters travel across the Astral Sea and various Wildspace systems to reach the Legendary Spelljammer! Embark...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $19.95

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Trinkets of Theros

Trinkets of Theros

Trinket of Theros This supplement introduces 100 new trinkets that you may find in the campaign setting Theros The trinkets presented in this supplement are inspired by the classical Greek culture and the Magic Gathering cards sets based in Theros.  Trinkets in this book were created to bring an additional layer of depth and world-building to a campaign based in...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Theros Campaign Handbook

Theros Campaign Handbook

This is the PDF Version of the Theros Campaign Handbook. If you are looking for the VTT Module for Fantasy Grounds, Click Here.  Add the depth your Theros campaign has been missing with the Theros Campaign Handbook. This supplement provides a detailed tour of the three major poleis, including city maps for Akros, Meletis, and Setessa. Expand your options with new subclasses, gifts of the gods, and...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $12.95

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Guide of Meletis. A Guide for Theros

Guide of Meletis. A Guide for Theros

...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.99

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Bloodied & Bruised – Mythic Odysseys of Theros

Bloodied & Bruised – Mythic Odysseys of Theros

New Combat Actions for the Creatures in Mythic Odysseys of Theros The bugbear chief nurses a gushing wound in her side before issuing an order of retreat to her allies. A bright light forms around the angel’s dying body, blinding everyone near it as it passes on from the world of the living. With blood streaming down its torso, an enraged hill giant slams its fists into...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.95

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Theros Bestiarium - 72 New Monsters for your Theros Campaign

Theros Bestiarium - 72 New Monsters for your Theros Campaign

The quintessential Theros bestiary, as featured on Now with 72 monsters, allies, and foes! This bestiary is packed to the brim with new creatures from Theros, inspired by Magic: The Gathering cards and Classical Mythology, ranging from Challenge Ratings 0 to 29, including one new mythic encounter. Everything from heroic warriors of the poleis to monstrous foes to powerful nyxborn...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Odyssey Anthology Volume I: In Callaphe's Wake

Odyssey Anthology Volume I: In Callaphe's Wake

Take to the wine-dark seas of Theros with Odyssey Anthology Volume I: In Callaphe's Wake. Taking inspiration from the Odyssey and other Greek myths and Greek-myth-inspired media, the Odyssey Anthology provides everything an adventure will need to plot a course across the Theran seas like the legendary seafarer Callaphe, upon oceans dotted with islands rife with myth and mystery, each with their...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.95

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Theros Adventure Planner

Theros Adventure Planner

Theros Adventure Planner is a reference sheet and accompanying suggestions to help a Dungeon Master to assemble a thematic campaign and roleplaying sessions by making selections from the more than 240 adventure ideas and more than 300 suggestions for villains and monsters within Mythic Odysseys of Theros. The planning sheet provides space so the DM can include their own notes about adventure elements...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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Godkeeping: Dungeon Mastering in Theros

Godkeeping: Dungeon Mastering in Theros

Make the most of your myths! For any dungeon master thinking about starting a Theros campaign, or simply enticed by the concept, there are many things to muse about. How do you get a party of larger than life heroes to get along? How do I make the setting my own? How well do the most well-worn tropes of Western litterature translate to adventure roleplay? This supplement contains tips and suggestions...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $5.00

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Mythic actions! (Volo's Guide to Monsters)

Mythic actions! (Volo's Guide to Monsters)

                                                                   "A crackling sound echoes through the skies as the storm that raged for years is starting to get absorbed by the giant. The body of the ancient creature trembles as pulses of energy seep through it whole. As this abnormal procedure ends, a protective layer of lightning envelops the giant and its...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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A Theros Bestiary: A Guide to the Mortals, Immortals, and Mortified Beings of Theros

A Theros Bestiary: A Guide to the Mortals, Immortals, and Mortified Beings of Theros

A mythically large compendium of monsters and NPCs inspired by the cards. Includes: 352 new beasts, monsters, and NPCs, enriched through heavy research of both Greek and Magic lore, including creatures summoned by Elspeth and Kiora from across the Multiverse. Creatures range from the humble starfish to the lesser titans. Creatures that appear on other planes, such as the basilisk, cockatrice, leucrocota,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Theros Quests: The Islands

Theros Quests: The Islands

Three islands for player character exploration set in Theros' Sea of Sirens.  Includes descriptions of inhabitants, their motives and random charts to assist Dungeon Masters. About the author Troy E. Taylor has been writing and editing for roleplaying games since 2005. His publishing credits include Kobold Press and Engine Publishing. Since 2008 he has been a regular contributor...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.99

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Isle of the Oracles - Tier 1 Adventure Site (2014)

Isle of the Oracles - Tier 1 Adventure Site (2014)

      Tables for Quests, Rumors, Locations, Encounters and Treasures on Isle of the Oracles Tables visible in Previews under the product image. Tier One (Levels 1-4) supporting themes of Cats, Sea, Sky and Temple. An adventure area as standalone module or in campaign involving sea, prophecy, islands, Theros or starting adventurers. Includes d20 tables for ... Introducing the Isle (overview...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.00

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Mythical Things of Theros - Over 50 Magic Items for your Odyssey

Mythical Things of Theros - Over 50 Magic Items for your Odyssey

Building on my best-selling setting-themed item supplements, Mythical Things of Theros describes 50 magic items (and 5 cursed items and 5 trinkets) from the setting of Theros. Also included are plot hooks, rarity varients, and optional Peity tables for additional content and flavor! Check out the full preview above! Also available for Fantasy Grounds! This download also includes an ink-friendly...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.49

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Odyssey Anthology Volume III: In Arixmethes' Clutches

Odyssey Anthology Volume III: In Arixmethes' Clutches

Odyssey Anthology Volume III: In Arixmethes’ Clutches includes 10 Ancient-Greek-themed island adventures for Theros, plus rules to randomly roll dozens of krakens, random encounters for the Theran seas, and a CR 30 Mythic encounter with Arixmethes the island-kraken! "This is the third edition of the most original, inspiring and ridiculously useful anthology series. Whether, you’re...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.95

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Theros - The Meletian Calendar

Theros - The Meletian Calendar

This calendar expands on the information provided in Mythic Odysseys of Theros. The introduction gives details about the Athenian basis of the Meletian calendar; this affects the recording of the year and the importance of the moon. The calendar itself is an interactive .pdf so you can record and plan your adventures in Theros. The titles for each month are...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Odyssey Anthology Volume II: At Thassa's Mercy

Odyssey Anthology Volume II: At Thassa's Mercy

Return to the wine-dark seas of Theros with Odyssey Anthology Volume II: At Thassa's Mercy.  Taking inspiration from the Odyssey and other Greek myths and Greek-myth-inspired media, the Odyssey Anthology provides everything an adventure will need to plot a course across the Theran seas like the legendary seafarer Callaphe, upon oceans dotted with islands rife with myth and mystery, each with their...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.95

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Minotaur's Bargain - The Minotaur Trilogy: Part 1

Minotaur's Bargain - The Minotaur Trilogy: Part 1

 “As the DM I very much loved the story – a one shot that allowed some conversing, some combat and rewarded quick or out-there thinking.” “…started out like we were going in the “Hunger Games”… had fun adding this to our adventure this afternoon” Minotaur’s Bargain Foreword by Dragonlance & New York Times best-selling author – Richard A. Knaak Maps...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Compendium of Blades Vol 4. Weapons of Theros

Compendium of Blades Vol 4. Weapons of Theros

The Compendium of Blades: Weapons of Theros The Compendium of Blades is an ongoing series that covers magical bladed weapons. Future volumes will include daggers, axes, polearms, eastern swords, exotic bladed weapons, and western swords not covered in the original volume. This volume covers 24 magical blade weapons drawn from the campaign setting Theros. Magic weapons are a staple of...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.25

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Gathering Magic: Mystical Archives

Gathering Magic: Mystical Archives

A compilation of over 300 spells with options pulled right out of Ravnica, Theros, and Arcavios (Strixhaven) such as Firemind's Research, Grave Betrayal, Enter the Infinite, Anger of the Gods, Aspect of Gorgon, Thoughtseize, Pigment Storm, Mascot Exhibition, and Flamethrower Sonata. There's at least 1 spell of every level for...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $10.00

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Tap Untap Burn 5 Color Mana Spell Point Variant Rules Core Mechanics

Tap Untap Burn 5 Color Mana Spell Point Variant Rules Core Mechanics

Replace spell slots and the eight schools of magic with spell points and the five color magic paradigm. Alternate preview link: This book redefines spellcasting for DUNGEONS & DRAGONS 5th Edition  Perfect for Ravnica and Theros, fun for all! Variant rules for: - Spells and magic defined by the five colors of Magic: The...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $12.95

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Mythological Magic Items

Mythological Magic Items

Thirty Magic Items from Ancient Greek Mythology Perfect for Any Mythic Game, Including Theros! As featured in such classics as Clash of the Titans, Jason and the Argonautsand The Odyssey! Includes the following, and more: The Aegis of Zeus, a mighty shield that hurls thunderbolts; ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.99

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Guide of Akros. A Guide for Theros

Guide of Akros. A Guide for Theros

Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.99

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Minotaur's Bane - The Minotaur Trilogy: Part 3

Minotaur's Bane - The Minotaur Trilogy: Part 3

"...That final boss fight was sweet!" " players... They LOVED it!" "...was great fun and the players got a laugh out of it ..."  Minotaur's Bane Written by Josh Parry (JVC Parry) and Phil Beckwith (P.B. Publishing) Minotaur’s Bane is a one-shot adventure designed to be played by itself or as the third and final adventure in The Minotaur Trilogy series by P.B. Publishing. It is a Dungeons...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Artifacts of the Gods

Artifacts of the Gods

This Module is the PDF version. For the Fantasy Ground VTT version - Click Here.  Artifacts of the Gods expands on the weapons of the gods provided in Mythic Odysseys of Theros. This product includes 23 pages of new and powerful artifacts including weapons, armor, clothing, and other items. In addition to their inherent abilities, these artifacts see their power increase when wielded by...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.95

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The Stolen Compass: A Theros Odyssey

The Stolen Compass: A Theros Odyssey

Expand your adventures on the wine-dark seas of Theros with this accompanying gazetteer to the Odyssey Anthology, with a guide that combines several islands into one adventure, plus rules for setting up a maritime trade network! The Stolen Compass: A Theros Odyssey The Stolen Compass weaves an adventure through...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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The Book of Myth - A Theros Player Companion

The Book of Myth - A Theros Player Companion

The Book of Myth Do you want to dozens of new options inspired by the Theros setting? Cultures and a background that link you to the world of Theros? Look no further as the Book of Myth has everything you need! 66 new Archetypes, with Oaths and Domains inspired by the Theros pantheon 5 New and Variant races inspired by Theros including Nymphs, Minotaurs and Saytrs A culture option to replace race,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $12.95

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Monster Hunts: Theros

Monster Hunts: Theros

Monster Hunts: Theros brings the beasts of Mythic Odesseys of Theros to life with a slew of monster harvest tables, magical items and monster hunts with which to populate your D&D campaigns. Have a party member away and need a quick one-shot to sate your other players? Or perhaps you've picked up Mythic Odesseys of Theros and want an easy way to integrate some of these...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.95

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Minotaur's Betrayal - The Minotaur Trilogy: Part 2

Minotaur's Betrayal - The Minotaur Trilogy: Part 2

"...I enjoyed the story very much! I fell in love with Astarte..." "...This was great! ..." "...It was tres epic. Worth 24 hours for both books..." (Minotaur's Bargain & Minotaur's Betrayal) Minotaur's Betrayal Written by Josh Parry (JVC Parry) and Phil Beckwith (P.B. Publishing) Minotaur’s Betrayal is the second adventure of The Minotaur Trilogy by P.B. Publishing. It is a Dungeons & Dragons...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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The Nessian Hydra (Theros Adventure)

The Nessian Hydra (Theros Adventure)

Something stirs in the Nessian Wood. Vicious troglodytes have been plundering nearby settlements and chopping down Nylea's sacred trees, all in the name of a particularly cunning hydra lurking in the deepest reaches of the wilderness. And its up to the heroes to stop it... The Nessian Hydra is a 5th level adventure designed to be difficult for 4 players, medium for 5 players, and easy for...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.50

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Theros Map Collection

Theros Map Collection

New maps for adventuring in Mythic Odysseys of Theros!  Make Colony, a sea-facing promontory, or Military Port, with its well-defended harbors, your new home base for a campaign set in Theros. Explore the green expanse of Centaur Garden, the mysteries of the True Believers’ Sanctuary or the monster-riddled Caverns of Despair. Expand your polis:...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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Trinkets and Treasures from Theros

Trinkets and Treasures from Theros

Thanks for helping me reach ELECTRUM! A collection of magic items from Common to Legendary created and suited to the upcoming Theros setting! Currently numbering 33 unique magic items to amaze and horrify, perfect for any adventure set in Theros or easily adaptable to a more general setting.  Plus, bonus supreme and mighty artifacts from...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.50

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Monster Loot – Mythic Odysseys of Theros (Fantasy Grounds)

Monster Loot – Mythic Odysseys of Theros (Fantasy Grounds)

I want to loot Arasta of the Endless Web! Now available for Fantasy Grounds Unity! When brave adventurers face the dangers of the world, they want something to show for it. This supplement provides individual loot for each monster appearing in Mythic Odysseys of Theros, as well as a basic crafting and harvesting system that works well with 5th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.45

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Tap Untap Burn 5 Color Mana Spell Point Variant Rules Knights and Tricksters

Tap Untap Burn 5 Color Mana Spell Point Variant Rules Knights and Tricksters

This book offers an alternate spellcasting system that replaces the 8 schools of magic with 5 colors of magic, and uses colored spell points matching the color of spells you cast.  The mechanics are minimal for DMs to incorporate into any setting, and are perfect for Ravnica, Theros, and other MtG settings, alternate preview link:   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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The Temple at the World’s Edge

The Temple at the World’s Edge

Presented in Chapter 4 of Mythic Odysseys of Theros, the Temple at the World’s Edge is one of the rare places which allows direct passage to Nyx. But beware! The God of Horizons is not happy with mortals reaching the Realms of the Gods, and his holiest temple of mystery is a dangerous place to explore… The Temple at the World’s Edge is a dungeon optimized...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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The Locrian Way: A Mythic Odyssey of Theros

The Locrian Way: A Mythic Odyssey of Theros

The world of Theros is steeped in magic, mystery and mythology—and it's yours to explore! Taken from the award-winning Uncaged anthology, the heroes take some of their first steps into Theros with this adventure for four to six 3rd level characters. You are headed back to Meletis after a successful adventure at the edge of the world. Driven off course by a devastating storm, you crash land on an...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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Theros: Orchid in Ilysia

Theros: Orchid in Ilysia

THEROS: ORCHID IN ILYSIA Continue your heroic exploits in the Mythic Odysseys of Theros setting! In this adventure for a party of level 5 characters, the player characters undertake a quest to remove a curse laid down by three priests of Erebos on the polis of Meletis. A leonin messenger of Heliod arrives — claiming to know a way to undo the curse. But  the path ahead is treacherous!...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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The Book of Myth - Theros Artifacts

The Book of Myth - Theros Artifacts

Pick up over 60 magical items inspired by Theros Mythology including the legendary boons and artifacts wielded by the Gods. Set your enemies ablaze with Khursor, the Sun Spear. Rend souls from your enemies bodies with Mastix, the Soul Render. Revive the wounded land with Karametra's Verdant Crown.         Enjoyed the Book of Night? Check out the previous two installments in Saltmarsh, Theros,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Theros: Encounters in Setessa

Theros: Encounters in Setessa

Setessa is the favored polis of Karametra, and its buildings blend so perfectly into the forest that it’s difficult to tell the difference between inside and outside. The populace lives in harmony with the thick forests, terraced farms, and trained animals of Setessa, and they celebrate the cycle of seasons with grand holidays. This supplement provides 30 encounters set...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.95

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Godsend: The death of gods as a narrative tool in Theros and beyond

Godsend: The death of gods as a narrative tool in Theros and beyond

Godsend: The death of gods as a narrative tool in Theros and beyond Godsend explores how to tell stories that focus on the deaths of gods, through the frame of the weapon Godsend, used by the hero Elspeth Tirel to slay the usurper god Xenagos, only to have it turned on her by another fearful god. This book provides a short compilation of...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.95

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Tartarus | Journey into the Underworld

Tartarus | Journey into the Underworld

Tartarus There is about to be a power shift in the underworld.   Persephone is plotting to seize power of the underworld and seeks the help of mortals… Tartarus is a level 12 one-shot adventure that sends players into the ancient Greek underworld. Adventurers will encounter monsters, unique...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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