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Rumble in the Rubblebelt

Rumble in the Rubblebelt

A 2-4 hour Ravnica adventure for 5th-10th level characters (optimized for 8th level). A Gruul raiding party steals a powerful Izzet magical device, putting all of Precinct Four in danger. If the ignorant Gruul raiders accidentally trigger the device during their drunken Rauk-Chauv revelry, it will vaporize the entire precinct. Can a small group of heroes enter the rubblebelt of the...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Ravnican heist

Ravnican heist

Ravnican heist is a story of a daring bank robbery, set in the city of guilds. Strict time limits, tricky traps, and borderline competent guards stand no chance against brave heroes. Or do they? This 4-8 hour one-shot for level 6 characters allows your players to plan the heist at the Orzhov church-bank, in an urban fantasy setting. Rarely play Ravnica? Fear no...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild   FREE 

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Biologist - An Artificer Subclass

Biologist - An Artificer Subclass

"All Artificers possess a deep connection to science, though their areas of specialization can vary wildly. Luckily for the world at large, some of these magical inventors study the natural world, and every creature’s place in it. These Artificers are known as Biologists, and they spend their days researching plants, natural life, and all types of creatures. The knowledge they gain from this study...   [click here for more]
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Пограбування по-равніканськи

Пограбування по-равніканськи

Пограбування по-равніканськи - це історія про зухвале обкрадання банку, що відбувається в місті гільдій. Жорсткі часові рамки, хитромудрі пастки та гранична компетентність вартових не представляють жодної загрози...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild   FREE 

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Gloamings (New Player Character Race) Gloamings are fey beings descended from the Feywild. These unusual creatures are quite uncommon in the Underdark and extremely rare in the surface world. Most observers can easily recognize that a gloaming is feytouched in some fashion but few know exactly how, encountering them in the shadowy Underdark where they dwell. Members of other races...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild   FREE 

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Azorius 99

Azorius 99

 A cop caper set in the world of Ravnica. Officers in the Azorius Senate must find the culprit of a murder in order to keep the peace. Inspired by the police comedy television series set in Brooklyn, NY. ...   [click here for more]
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Fighter Archetype: Mariner

Fighter Archetype: Mariner

A new fighter class, designed for swashbucklers or any other characters, actually. A fun, diverse class, specialized in various categories. ...   [click here for more]
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Free Preview: Planeswalkers of Ravnica

Free Preview: Planeswalkers of Ravnica

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Ravnica- Guilded Age, Demo Version

Ravnica- Guilded Age, Demo Version

A Guildmaster’s Greatest Companion! As a new author, I understand you'll be taking a chance to buy the book of someone you've never bought from before. To give readers a taste of what to expect, I've made a free version to give you an idea of what you can expect and what my book has to offer, should you choose to buy the full version! Enjoy! Full Version:   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild   FREE 

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Revelry Restrained

Revelry Restrained

What happens when you promise a group of depraved Rakdos Cultists eternal glory through pleasing Rakdos himself? You get exactly what you want. Compliance. When a big-shot club owner goes missing, A Blood Witch offers a group of Rakdos prisoners their freedom in exchange for the safe return of said club owner. What seems like a complicated undertaking will be rather convuluded- yet easy enough to...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Sights and Sounds of Ravnica

Sights and Sounds of Ravnica

Ravnica: The City That Never Sleeps Ravnica is a vibrant and diverse city, filled with the absolute wonder, near-constant rivalry, and unique challenge that comes from the ten Guilds packed together on a single set of labyrinthine streets. As your players race around this wonderful city, you’ve got to make sure that they’re always looking around corners to find something new and exciting! Give...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild   FREE 

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The Essence of Heroism: Villain Codex I

The Essence of Heroism: Villain Codex I

Villain Codex I: The Essence of Heroism Introduce a compelling new villain to your D&D campaign with Villain Codex I: The Essence of Heroism. This PDF provides an in-depth look at Archibald Heartcrest, a noble knight turned vengeful revenant, driven by betrayal and the loss of his family. With detailed lore, tactical encounter setups, and role-playing...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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The Mad Leper Presents – Technomancy

The Mad Leper Presents – Technomancy

Technomancy is the savant mixture of science and arcana. Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic; any sufficiently analyzed magic is indistinguishable from science; a perfect mix of technology and magic is indistinguishable from awesome. It is with that lens that we venture into the world of artifices and applied magic, as we discover two specialists of such endeavor: the...   [click here for more]
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ラヴニカ:2レベルキャラクター向けアドベンチャー オルゾフの貴族がラヴニカの中心部から離れた場所に邸宅を買った。 雨の降る夜、キャラクターは晩餐会に招待され、あるいは雨風をしのぐために邸宅を訪れる。 しかし、職場にはある不吉な噂があった。 そこはかつてギルドパクト崩壊の原因となった戦争のとき、ディミーア家の工作員が隠れ家として使った場所であり、...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild   FREE 

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