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 Hottest Nonspecific/Any Setting, Original Edition (OD&D)
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Chainmail: Rules for Medieval Miniatures (0e)

Chainmail: Rules for Medieval Miniatures (0e)

"Get the fantasy miniatures game that started it all! Chainmail is a fully fleshed out fantasy miniatures game that puts YOU in charge of your very own army. Whether you want to fight historical battles based in the trenches of reality or fantasy battles rife with magic and fantastic beasts, Chainmail gives you the rules to fight the wars you want to fight! The Chainmail Medieval Miniatures section...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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OD&D Supplement III: Eldritch Wizardry (0e)

OD&D Supplement III: Eldritch Wizardry (0e)

The book you now hold in your hand represents new dimensions to an already fascinating game system. This is the third supplement to DUNGEONS & DRAGONS, and was produced as a result of an ever increasing demand for new material. This book also represents a new trend in the fine art of Dungeon Mastering. As originally conceived, D & D was limited in scope only by the imagination and devotion...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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OD&D Supplement IV: Gods, Demi-gods & Heroes (0e)

OD&D Supplement IV: Gods, Demi-gods & Heroes (0e)

Well, here it is: the last D&D supplement. It is with a strange mixture of sadness and relief that I tell you this. My first assignment, fresh out of college, was BLACKMOOR. I came to regard it with a mixture of love and loathing, that has gradually seen the love win out. The loathing grew out of the educational trip that it was for me. They don't teach you in college what to do when the press...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99 $2.99

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Swords & Spells (0e)

Swords & Spells (0e)

Rules for large-scale miniatures battles based on the game Dungeons & Dragons. Product History "Swords & Spells" (1976), by Gary Gygax with Dave Arneson & Rob Kuntz, is supplement for OD&D. It was published in August 1976. Origins (I): A Fifth Supplement. "Swords & Spells" is the fifth supplement for OD&D, published in same format as "Supplement...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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Western Countries Trail Map

Western Countries Trail Map

Fantasy worlds are vast, with many strange places to discover and marvel, but only the best of travelers find their way by the stars alone. For the wise and the true adventurers, only Trail Maps will do. TMI shows the nations in the western region of the D&D@ game Known World, from Glantri to Rockhome, and as far north as the Ethengar plains to the steamy Isles of Ierendi. Discover details about...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.95

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