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The Raven Nebula

The Raven Nebula

"No one can hear you scream." Of all the terrors of wildspace and the astral sea, nothing frightens Spelljammers more then the legend of the Raven Nebula, an inescapable cluster of dark and haunted worlds such as Barovia and Darkon, a hunting ground for all the terrors of space. "The Raven Nebula" is an Adaptation of Ravenloft to a Spelljammer setting. It is inspired by our Podcast "Wonderful World...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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Mordenkainen's Magnificent Statblock - CR23

Mordenkainen's Magnificent Statblock - CR23

Mordenkainen's Magnificent Statblock is here! Use the Archmage in your campaign now with stats! Maybe your players cured Mordenkainen's madness and he is no longer the "Mad mage of the mountain" or maybe you want to use him with the new book Mordenkainen's tome of foes! What you get: -A CR23 statblock of Mordenkainen with magic items and treasures! -3 new Mordenkainen spells! Check my other...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.00

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From Beyond the Veil: The Dark Powers of Barovia Expanded

From Beyond the Veil: The Dark Powers of Barovia Expanded

Herein lie the Dark Powers of the Amber Temple, exposed in detail for your enjoyment! Forge pacts with entities from beyond reality, discover the history of the Amber Temple, and much more within!  ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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100 Books to Find on a Ravenloft Bookshelf

100 Books to Find on a Ravenloft Bookshelf

Books can be an important source of knowledge. They can contain needed or valuable information or clues, or they may have value as treasure. There are other books that are less valuable. They may be sensationalist, fabrications, dated or of dubious if any accuracy. This supplement has 100 less important books that can be added to flesh out a Ravenloft bookshelf, covering such as history, travel, myths...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.25

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Pumpkinheads: A Spooky Species

Pumpkinheads: A Spooky Species

A Proper Scare! “In the dark shadow of the grove, on the margin of the brook, he beheld something huge, misshapen and towering. It stirred not, but seemed gathered up in the gloom, like some gigantic monster ready to spring upon the traveler”. –Washington Irving, The Legend of Sleepy Hollow Legends tell of strange beings who patrol the night with heads carved...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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Curse of Strahd: Deed to the Old Bonegrinder

Curse of Strahd: Deed to the Old Bonegrinder

Deed to the Old Bonegrinder windmill, found in the Death House in Curse of Strahd. Included files: PDF of Deed with white background for printing Image file of "aged" Deed for use as a digital handout in VTT Many thanks to reddit user Johnswizzle for his original comment providing the majority of the plain text to work from, and reddit user BadlyDrawnGrrl for posting a photo of her family's antique...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Roots of Evil - The Gothic Conversion

Roots of Evil - The Gothic Conversion

Roots of Evil The Gothic Conversion Requires the AD&D Ravenloft Adventure Roots of Evil, to play by Igor Comunale The Grand Conjunction has come to pass! As a result, the lords of Ravenloft have broken through the Mists and escaped into the Prime Material Plane. Bit by bit, monsters of the demiplane of dread are following behind....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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Encounters Enhanced: Barovia—Part 1: Cities of Barovia

Encounters Enhanced: Barovia—Part 1: Cities of Barovia

Enhance your Encounters for Curse of Strahd or any campaign set in Barovia! Encounters Enhanced: Barovia is a two-part supplement meant to amp up the encounter table found in Curse of Strahd. For use with any horror campaign but deeply imbedded in the gothic land of Barovia, challenge and reward your players with urban encounters in Part 1: Cities...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.50

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Death House: Cult Chants Audio

Death House: Cult Chants Audio

In Death House, the optional mini-adventure presented as Appendix B: Death House in Curse of Strahd, as well as a free introductory adventure on the Wizards of the Coast website, there is a cult which is described as chanting particular phrases over and over again (see Areas 35 and 38). This product contains 4 short audio tracks in mp3 format, one for each phrase the cult chants....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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The Weathermay-Foxgrove Twins' Guide to Ghosts

The Weathermay-Foxgrove Twins' Guide to Ghosts

The Weathermay- Foxgrove Twins' Guide to Ghosts A 5th Edition conversion and expansion of Van Richten's Guide to Ghosts and Children of the Night Ghosts by Igor Comunale This book you hold now, written from the prospective of the Weathermay-Foxgrove twins, updates to D&D 5th Edition...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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Fog Over Barovia

Fog Over Barovia

"Enough time for one more story.  One more story, before dawn, just to keep us warm." Fog Over Barovia is a ghostly adventure for Curse of Strahd inspired by John Carpenter's classic nautical horror film, The Fog.  The adventure is set in a new Barovian village, Antonbucher, a lakeside fishing village opposite Vallaki.  It is designed for three tiers of challenge...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.99

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Baba Lysaga's Encounter Essentials

Baba Lysaga's Encounter Essentials

Creators Venatus Maps and Printable Heroes have teamed up to provide essential tabletop content that will vastly improve your gameplay experience for the Baba Lysaga encounter as it's described in the 5E Curse of Strahd module. All together, this product includes: A 30x30 square map visualizing the Berez Marsh (in two color variants: muddy & spooky) PNG...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.00

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Ravenloft: Apple of a mother's eye

Ravenloft: Apple of a mother's eye

Berez re-imagined and expanded for Curse of Strahd. The village of Berez lies in the swamps abandoned by all. Not all, its inhabitants relive events of the past. You may learn things that may alter your perception of Barovia, its people and its dark lord. Expands the content for the village of Berez in Curse of Strahd. This 6-10 hours adventure is optimized for characters level 10 but can...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $5.00

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Vallaki's Got Talent

Vallaki's Got Talent

Rictavio has arrived! And he's looking for performers for tomorrow's festival. Vallaki's Got Talent leads your players through an exciting and potentially plot-influencing performance in Curse of Strahd. Get ready for a session of memorable role-playing! This supplement includes: how to prepare your players (including some performance ideas) balancing...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.99

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Dread Domain: Bukang Dalamhati

Dread Domain: Bukang Dalamhati

The Blooming of Grief. The tropical idyll of Bukang Dalamhati brims with petty conflicts between those who seek to preserve the past and those who look to the future for inspiration. Dare to find wisdom in balancing both, for the domain’s two Darklords spare no patience when their deeds go unnoticed. This accessory is one of a series detailing far domains hidden by the Dark Powers...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.49

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Classic Modules Today: I6 Ravenloft (5e)

Classic Modules Today: I6 Ravenloft (5e)

In 1983, TSR published the module named “Ravenloft” with the module code “I6”. It was written by Tracy and Laura Hickman and illustrated by Clyde Caldwell. This 32-page booklet had two outer folders containing maps by David Sutherland III. It spawned a 1986 sequel, "I10 Ravenloft II: The House on Gryphon Hill"; together, they formed the basis of AD&D 2nd Edition's Ravenloft campaign setting....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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The Madhouse of Tasha's Kiss - Adventure (Fantasy Grounds)

The Madhouse of Tasha's Kiss - Adventure (Fantasy Grounds)

This is the Fantasy Grounds VTT version of the module. If you are looking for the PDF - click here. Includes Unity  An adventure by Remley Farr and Jeff C. Stevens — Product Overview — Can you survive the Madhouse of Tasha’s Kiss? Or will you go mad trying? ♦ 3 to 5 hours for four to six characters. ♦ Scalable for 3rd-10th level. ♦ High-resolution maps of the...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $10.50

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Tier 1 Monster Hunts: Ravenloft

Tier 1 Monster Hunts: Ravenloft

Tier 1 Monster Hunts: Ravenloft contains a collection of horrific monsters and deadly challenges for your low level parties. This 30 page supplement features 5 new horrifying creatures from CR 1 - 5, complete with harvest tables, magical items, NPCs, creature tokens and monster hunting adventures - a perfect starting point for any new or returning gothic horror campaign! Find more best...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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The Weathermay-Foxgrove Twins' Guide to Vampires

The Weathermay-Foxgrove Twins' Guide to Vampires

The Weathermay- Foxgrove Twins' Guide to Vampires A 5th Edition conversion and expansion of Van Richten's Guide to Vampires and Children of the Night Vampires by Igor Comunale This book you hold now, written from the prospective of the Weathermay-Foxgrove twins, updates to D&D 5th...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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Curse of Strahd: Raven Witch Class

Curse of Strahd: Raven Witch Class

CURSE OF STRAHD: RAVEN WITCH CLASS REVAMPED 2024 is a 5th Edition (5e) 2024 Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) homebrew class. The Curse of Strahd Sourcebook, Van Richten’s Guide to Ravenloft, and Core Rulebooks (Player’s Handbook, Monster Manual, and Dungeon Master’s Guide) are recommended sources to play this class in the Domain of...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild   FREE 

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Recharged: Curse of Strahd

Recharged: Curse of Strahd

This is the PDF. Click HERE for the Roll20 Addon version of the supplement. Recharge Your Game! Did you know that no stat blocks unique to Curse of Strahd have rechargeable special abilities? Not anymore! There are 96 rechargeable special abilities in this supplement, one for each Curse of Strahd creature that doesn’t already have one. They are appropriate...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.95

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Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire - Dalla padella alla brace

Out of the Frying Pan into the Fire - Dalla padella alla brace

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️Languages - Lingue⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ ⭐️⭐️⭐️ENGLISH - ITALIANO⭐️⭐️⭐️ By the author of the super Best Sellers "First Adventure" and "The Feather of Aka'ayah" ⭐️BEST SILVER SELLER⭐️ START CURSE OF STRAHD OR YOUR NEW RAVENLOFT CAMPAIGN IN A DIFFERENT WAY. The PCs were...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.95

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Encounters Enhanced: Barovia—Part 2: Hinterlands of Barovia

Encounters Enhanced: Barovia—Part 2: Hinterlands of Barovia

Enhance your Encounters for Curse of Strahd or any campaign set in Barovia! Encounters Enhanced: Barovia is a two-part supplement meant to amp up the encounter table found in Curse of Strahd. For use with any horror campaign but deeply imbedded in the gothic land of Barovia, challenge and reward your players with urban encounters in Part 1: Hinterlands...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.50

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TALES OF THE TAROKKA - The Tempter: The Carnival

TALES OF THE TAROKKA - The Tempter: The Carnival

Step right up to the Carnival, a domain of warped wonders and dark delights where every laugh carries an edge, and every thrill hides a secret. In “The Tempter,” players will be drawn into a surreal world of fey illusions and sinister spectacles, ruled by enigmatic performers and twisted attractions. The Mists have deposited you in this place of painted smiles and veiled temptations, where the...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.99

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Svalich Woods Map Pack

Svalich Woods Map Pack

This product is perfect for your Barovian exploration! You will find a full-preview to give you an idea of the maps available in this product. Most of them have additional versions in order to fit different situations. Alternatively, you can use this as creepy forest in any setting. License You may use these maps for both personal and commercial use. They can be altered,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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Ravenloft Gazetteer: Sithicus

Ravenloft Gazetteer: Sithicus

Ravenloft. A bleak mistscape of isolated domains, each the prison of a powerful evil. The Ravenloft Gazetteer follows the mysterious "S" as she travels the mistways and explores the Domains of Dread, providing new villains, locations and stories to alarm and distress even the hardiest of characters.  SITHICUS is a domain of dread ruled by illusion and enchantment. Intoxicating...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $12.95

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People Die at the Fair - A Ravenloft Adventure

People Die at the Fair - A Ravenloft Adventure

The party embarks on a journey like no other as they stumble upon the eerie Carnival. A chance encounter with a mysteriously acquired flyer leads them to the unsettling realization that this eerie spectacle has arrived in the town of Cursevale, looming ominously over its modest skyline. The carnival’s allure is undeniable, its charm irresistible, yet the air is heavy with foreboding as whispers of...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.99

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Various Villains - Volume 2

Various Villains - Volume 2

Various Villains - Volume 2 Unleash the Darkness: Introduce the Ultimate Villains to Your Campaign From the twisted mind of Ken Tate comes a collection of malevolent beings designed to challenge, intrigue, and terrify even the most seasoned adventurers. Are Your Players Ready to Face True Evil? Dive deep into the shadows of your world and...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.97

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Behind the Mask

Behind the Mask

Dementlieu. A Dread Domain built on lies and deceit. Everyone here has secrets and to lose your mask is the greatest danger of all. Even the Dread Lady Saidra, hostess of the Grand Masquerade, the Red Death herself, has much to hide and much to lose when a party of adventurers find their way to Port-a-Lucine. Behind the Mask is a 46-page, 5-part adventure through Dementlieu, where the players must...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $7.95

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Van Richten's Guide to Korvidas

Van Richten's Guide to Korvidas

"Korvidas is the perfect DLC companion to Van Richten's Guide to Ravenloft, adding an additional lycanthropy-centric domain of dread with a brooding darklord and several fun story hooks and ideas." - Eric Watson (review) "A guided tour, by Rudolph van Richten himself, of a fascinating expansion realm in Ravenloft. Fight lycanthropes, or choose to join them in staving off extinction at the hands of...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.95

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Expedition to Castle Ravenloft (3e)

Expedition to Castle Ravenloft (3e)

The master of Ravenloft is having guests for dinner... and you are invited.   A dark shape emerges from the shadow of Castle Ravenloft. A flash of lightning reveals the sneering countenance of Count Strahd von Zarovich. His eyes burn with eternal hunger and a contempt for life. From a narrow balcony, he peers out into the drizzling twilight at the few sad lights of the village...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $19.99

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The Headless Horseman of Barovia

The Headless Horseman of Barovia

A few miles south of the River Ivlis Crossroads, the village of Sleepy Hollow is unique in all Barovia, for Sleepy Hollow is protected from the terrors of Strahd’s minions.  This protection comes from a vow made centuries ago, back in the time Strahd was still a human conqueror, and the tale of that vow also holds the key to discovering many secrets of Strahd and of his castle.  However, first...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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Vestigial Appendages - the Lost Armament of the Amber Temple

Vestigial Appendages - the Lost Armament of the Amber Temple

Add exciting and flavorful weapons to your Curse of Strahd campaign! Vestigial Appendages is magic weapon compendium to add 20 new magic weapons to your Curse of Strahd campaign (or any setting).  Each weapon is inspired by and based on one of the vestiges within the Amber Temple.  They each have new abilities designed by PhantomTim and exquisite custom artwork by Lucy Lin (@LooceyLoo). ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.00

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Midwinter Ghost Stories

Midwinter Ghost Stories

In the bleak midwinter   Frosty wind made moan   Eight haunting short adventures by authors of UncagedEat the Rich, and the upcoming Book of Seasons Winter is a terrifying time. The Victorians knew this, and told ghost stories around roaring fires to revel in the sense of safety and warmth in the face...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $7.95

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Necromancer Trinkets

Necromancer Trinkets

Necromancer Trinkets This supplement introduces Fifty new trinkets that you may find in a necromancer’s workshop The trinkets presented in this supplement are inspirited by the gothic horror genre and will bring an additional layer of depth to any Horror adventure, Ravenloft or Curse of Strahd campaign. Many of the Trinkets are designed as plot devices to inspire...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.75

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Crya: Domain of Dread

Crya: Domain of Dread

Enter a cracked landscape of green rock, marked with the scars of arcane duels and whispering with the pain of the past. Caught in an eternal battle between its Darklords Cul’sir the Visionary and Cardaen the Arcane Calamity, Crya is a place where your past will come back to haunt you…and maybe kill you in the process. This supplement describes the blasted Domain of Crya, inhabited primarily...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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Masque of the Red Death - Gothic Earth Bestiary

Masque of the Red Death - Gothic Earth Bestiary

Welcome to the Gothic Earth Bestiary. This book contains an assortment of monsters for the RavenloftMasque of the Red Death campaign setting for use with the Dungeons & Dragons™ 5th Edition Rules. The monsters in this book have been converted from previous editions of Dungeons & Dragons. The brute, haunt best, hollow, knight terror, lost boy, river...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Domains of Ravenloft: Souragne

Domains of Ravenloft: Souragne

Souragne is a domain dominated by a vast swamp, the Maison d'Sablet. It is an industrious country, producing large amounts of cotton, sugar, and rice. It is a divided domain, with the vast majority of inhabitants enslaved by a small minority of nobles. In the swamps live the true ruler of the domain, the Darklord known as the Lord of the Dead, Anton Misroi. A man whose jealousy...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.95

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The Barovia Gazetteer Collected Edition

The Barovia Gazetteer Collected Edition

The Barovia Gazetteers, a set of guidebooks containing detailed setting information, new encounters, and additional resources for running Curse of Strahd, have been published in a collected edition. All the information is now available in one PDF, which has been remastered with a more readable page background and fully searchable text. All handouts are included as separate PDFs so you can share...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $19.99

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Morgantha's Dream Pastry Recipe: Curse of Strahd Ephemera

Morgantha's Dream Pastry Recipe: Curse of Strahd Ephemera

An excellent accompaniment to your Curse of Strahd module or your morning tea! This small supplement is intended to be used as a handout at your table or VTT. This recipe is based on the Czech kolache. If you intend to make this recipe at home and can’t find finely milled children’s bones, store-bought is fine (5-3/4 to 6-1/2 cups all-purpose flour total). Hags' ovens may vary, but try 350 Fahrenheit...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Lamordia: The Sinister Plot of Dr. Viktra Mordenheim

Lamordia: The Sinister Plot of Dr. Viktra Mordenheim

WHAT HAPPENS WHEN YOUR OWN ANATOMY BETRAYS YOU? In a land where the pursuit of knowledge has driven people to monstrous sins, no genius—or immorality—surpasses that of Dr. Viktra Mordenheim. The fearsome scientist holds life so cheap she will manipulate the bodies of the adventurers as a means toward her latest fascination. Lamordia: The Sinister Plot of Dr. Viktra Mordenheim is an adventure...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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Phantasms of Sri Raji

Phantasms of Sri Raji

The thematic sequel to Curse of Strahd that you’ve been waiting for is here! Phantasms of Sri Raji takes PCs from levels 13-15 all the way up through level 20, pitting them against a rakshasa lord, tasking them with escaping the prison that is his ironic punishment.   THRILLING ADVENTURES: Participate in a heist and a burglary! Solve an escape...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $24.95

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Camp Silver Lake: A Slasher Horror Ravenloft Domain

Camp Silver Lake: A Slasher Horror Ravenloft Domain

IT'S TIME TO ADD THE GENRE OF '80s SLASHER HORROR TO RAVENLOFT! WELCOME TO CAMP SILVER LAKE, home of the masked, machete-wielding serial killer named Yanek. You won't see him, at first... but once you do, run! AS BOTH A SETTING AND A SELF-CONTAINED ADVENTURE, Camp Silver Lake introduces PCs to a gothic, survival-horror environment, which pays loving...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.00

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The Created - The Gothic Conversion

The Created - The Gothic Conversion

The Created The Gothic Conversion Requires the AD&D Ravenloft Adventure The Created, to play by Igor Comunale "Beware what you wish, for it might come true" is an old Vistani saying. In the small town of Odiare, a toymaker has wished a puppet to life - only this puppet is not a friendly, playful toy. It is a thing of evil, bent upon killing...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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The 3-Pile Tarokka Technique - A Curse of Strahd Supplement

The 3-Pile Tarokka Technique - A Curse of Strahd Supplement

The tarokka reading is an important, unique and exciting element of Curse of Strahd – but running it as a random draw of the cards (as intended) can be risky, possibly leading to an overall unsatisfying campaign experience for both the DM and the players. As a result, a lot of DMs choose to ‘stack’ the deck and rig the reading instead, which is understandable – but it can be a shame...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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A Ship in the Mist - A Horror One Shot

A Ship in the Mist - A Horror One Shot

In A Ship in the Mist, the players are hired to recover a lost skyship known as the Sky Scythe and retrieve an experimental artifact called the Veil of Aramis. The Sky Scythe disappeared decades ago under mysterious circumstances, only to resurface in a desolate region. As the players investigate the ship, they uncover its eerie connection to a plane...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Barovian Bridges & Crossroads Map Pack

Barovian Bridges & Crossroads Map Pack

This product is perfect for your Barovian exploration as it contains most of the crossroads and bridges for the wretched land of the Devil! You will find a full-preview to give you an idea of the maps available in this product. Most of them have additional versions in order to fit different situations. Alternatively, you can use this as creepy wilderness in any setting. License You...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $5.99

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The Mad Mansion on Mount Baratok

The Mad Mansion on Mount Baratok

Please note that I've set this up for free, but if you buy it 100% of my profits (so the 50% that doesn't go to DMsGuild) will go driectly to Extra Life.  Introduction Rumors of a mage roaming the shores of Lake Zarovich spread throughout the small villages of Barovia. The mage’s mind is said to have fractured after coming face to face with the vampire lord Strahd...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Death Unchained - The Gothic Conversion

Death Unchained - The Gothic Conversion

Death Unchained The Gothic Conversion Requires the AD&D Ravenloft Adventure Death Unchained, to play by Igor Comunale What can you do when the Mists deposit you in the city of Lekar? The militia is no better than a gang of sadistic bullies, the citizens are more contagious than a fleet of plague ships, and every foot of public space...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.99

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Ravenloft Backgrounds

Ravenloft Backgrounds

These 5th edition backgrounds are designed for use in the Ravenloft setting, and the Curse of Strahd campaign or any horror based campaign setting. However, they may be used in any campaign setting, with any character class or race. The backgrounds contained in this file include: The Returned: You were dead. Now you are not. That’s all that you know. Investigator: You have dedicated yourself to...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $0.50

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