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Aloysius' Guide to Social Acceptance Vol 1
Aloysius' Guide to Social Acceptance is a personal passion project to showcase creatures all throughout Dungeon and Dragon's history and allow it's readers the ability to make player characters with such creatures from all across Faerun. Volume 1 will contain old and new races that seasoned adventurers... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The DM's ART PACK ART103 Mind Flayer Stock Art pack provides 12 high quality images for your DM's Guild Projects.
All images are US Letter sized, high resolution 300dpi (commercial print ready size) PNG images with transparency.
These images are yours to modify and use in your publications. Please do not distribute the images or resell them as an artwork only product.
Please specify... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The Struggles of Stelmane A Battle of Minds Rages On
Set within Baldur's Gate, Duke Belynne Stelmane wards off a mental illithid assault trying to claim control of her body. The pieces are falling into place.
Explore the caverns beneath Baldur's Gate, confront the illithid threat, and discover the truth behind some of Baldur's Gate's greatest secrets.
A 2-4 hour Dungeons & Dragons... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
"In the final days, the stars wilted upon the black vines of night as even the dead sprung forth to deliver us from His gaze.
When the skies darkened, only then did we behold His face, and all our wailing could not drown out his silence." - Author unknown
Silence has fallen... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The exploration of magic in the Forgotten Realms continues with Vajra Safahr, the Blackstaff of Waterdeep.
Blackstaff’s Book of Bloodlines presents 31 new archetypes for the sorcerer class, each with tailored spells to add depth and flavor to your game experience - for a total of 126 new spells.
In the pages of this book, you will discover the secrets of the sorcerous origins,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The Nine Hells have their champions of Bael and Zariel, but what of the Abyss? The lords of that fetid realm of infinite horrors have much to gain from the death of all that is good, and they all have their own players in this endless game.
This supplement contains stat blocks for 9 entirely new unique demonic generals, 5 stat block adjustments for other demonic generals, 6 new demons, 7 new fiendish... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
New Combat Actions for the Creatures in Volo's Guide to Monsters
The bugbear chief nurses a gushing wound in her side before issuing an order of retreat to her allies. A bright light forms around the angel’s dying body, blinding everyone near it as it passes on from the world of the living. With blood streaming down its torso, an enraged hill giant slams its fists into... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
A mind flayer has called for a massive conference of monsters in the Underdark beneath Hillsfar. Trolls, umber hulks, demons, and more have answered the illithid's call. To infiltrate this gruesome menagerie, you must embrace the monster within yourself.
A two-hour-adventure with two one-hour bonus objectives for 1st to 4th level characters. To succeed, the characters must transform into powerful... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
$4.99 $3.99
Reports of an Illithid in the area south of Hillsfar have the Emerald Enclave and the Harpers on the trail of a mind flayer. The mind flayer is suspected to be Klondrus Imdree which has been presumed dead for quite sometime but is he? The call has come out for heroes to investigate and see what can be learned by his appearance. This is a 4-Hour adventure for Tier 2... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
A hunt for a mad illithid has brought startling and dire news to the Emerald Enclave and the Harpers. The call has gone out for heroes to follow on the trail of Klondros Imdree as he seeks a book of terrible power, and to stop him once and for all. A 4-Hour Adventure for Tier 3 Characters. Optimized for APL 14.
Something Vile This Way Comes premiered at Holiday Around the... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Klondras Imdree’s necromancer master has been stopped, but the undead illithid is still at large, and is one step closer to claiming the Book of Vile Darkness as his own. Heroes are called on to go after the mad mindflayer and to stop him at all costs. A 4-Hour Adventure for Tier 3 Characters. Optimized for APL 14.
A Vile Wake premiered at Holiday Around... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Phlan’s refugees are being assaulted on the road and taken into the Underdark to become illithid thralls. Can the characters save some of the travelers and uncover the mastermind of this evil operation? Only a delve into the Underdark will tell.
About Mount Ogden Gaming Company
MOGC is a group of gamers that decided to jump in and take advantage of the CCC program offered by Wizards of the... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
A collection of 22 creatures, inspired by the book 'Forgotten Realms Underdark', for use in your campaign and adventures:
Giant Maggot (CR 1/4) Baphitaur (CR 1) Chameleon Bugbear (CR 1) Giant Cockroach (CR 1) Phaerlock (CR 1) Giant Maggot, large (CR 2) Stone Flyer (CR 2) Baphitaur, Barbarian (CR 3) Ineffable Horror (CR 3) Portal Dragon, wyrmling (CR 3) Faerzress-Infused Minotaur (CR 4 Giant Cockroach,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
UPDATE: I have gone through and fixed several issues such as editing and spelling. Moreover, I have added player and DM maps. I'm sorry I didn't do these things sooner.
Small Disclaimer:
Tower of Xandlexa is the fourth and final adventure in the "TH" series. Like all the others it can be played separately or together with the... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 [Can be played as a standalone adventure] Welcome to the first adventure in the Fate of the Planes campaign. This epic chain of events will build in intensity, pushing your party to their limits. What at first seems to be an unrelated series of adventures will eventually bring the adventurers' careers to a climax at one event. Good luck, as you begin the quests that will eventually decide the fate... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This 37-page supplement to the Out of the Abyss adventure restructures Chapter 4: Gracklstugh to streamline, simplify, and expand upon the elements within the adventure as originally written.
Changes to existing content:
Enhances the role of the Deepking of Gracklstugh.
Enhances the role of the derro Council of Savants and the Cult of Demogorgon.
Revises and clarifies the roles of the Gray... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Welcome to an adventure in the Spies Below the Moonsea series of Underdark adventures! This adventure can be played as entirely stand-alone.
Are you ready to turn the tables and enact a devious ambush against drow slavers? Do you want to visit a tavern run by an illithid? Have a run in with a dwarf battlerager? This is your chance!
The simmering conflict... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Mr. M is a mind flayer protecting a small village on a well-traveled road. Except... no visitors ever pass through and the villagers seem oddly forgetful and there's a warehouse no one's allowed to enter.
Wake up. Take your place in this village. You have always lived here. Those memories of past adventures and future goals are but dreams slipping from your grasp.
I Am Your World... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Ingeborg's Guide to Hugging Illithids
(and other aberrations)
In this tome of strange and incomprehensible lore, the aberrant warlock and astral pirate Ingeborg Salt-Hag guides the reader through the intricacies of finding, befriending, and yes, hugging, aberrations of every blush. With this book, you get:
Twenty-five monster stat-blocks for creatures... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
We just released the biggest Jarlaxle's Bag of Everything update to date. The New Year's Update brings welcome balance to an already fan-favorite book. Player options are scaled perfectly with those listed in Tasha's Cauldron of Everything and adds new features. It also streamlines several rules, clarifies optional features, and ties into other... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
When miners in Termalaine, one of the towns of Ten-Towns, unknowingly discover a new source of the mysterious and powerful chardalyn, powerful foes from the Underdark take note and begin their own investigation. Strange things begin to happen around Termalaine, and heroes find themselves drawn into a mystery with few obvious answers. Can they discover the truth of the sinister mechanisms... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |

Now for Fantasy Grounds!
When miners in Termalaine, one of the towns of Ten-Towns, unknowingly discover a new source of the mysterious and powerful chardalyn, powerful foes from the Underdark take note and begin their own investigation. Strange things begin to happen around Termalaine, and heroes find themselves drawn into a mystery with few obvious answers. Can they discover... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
UNDERMOUNTAIN BECKONS... TERROR AND TREASURE AWAIT! It takes more than a strong arm and a sharp sword to overcome the dangers of Undermountain. What you need is an expert, someone who has been there before and can advise what resources you will need to survive. Who better to guide you than Mirt, the renowned veteran of Undermountain? Mirt's Undermountain Survival Guide... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
 The following set of rules is a new neutral aligned Illithid PC designed with a cultural twist that allows for this iconic race to fit into an adventuring party without the usual problems of being an evil brain eating slaver.
The Godspawn Illithids are a new race, separate from other Illithids. They are born from a spawning pool built within the comatose skull of Auppenser;... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Deep in the Underdark, an elder brain Cyrog has died and been reanimated by the Demon Prince of Undeath, Orcus. Brave adventurers will be called upon to help vanquish this evil. Should they fail, Cyrog and all of his mind flayers will be able to create an army for Orcus to unleash destruction upon the Underdark and the world.
In this supplement to Out of the Abyss, your party will... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Now for Fantasy Grounds!
This module now works in Fantasy Grounds Unity, with Line of Sight
Deep in the Underdark, an elder brain Cyrog has died and been reanimated by the Demon Prince of Undeath, Orcus. Brave adventurers will be called upon to help vanquish this evil. Should they fail, Cyrog and all of his mind flayers will be able to create an army for Orcus to unleash destruction... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
What elder evils lurk in the depths of the freezing mountain ruins? Find out in The Stoneheart Ruin!
The adventure features:
A 4-hour adventure for 2nd-4th level characters set in a desolate, wintry mountain landscape.
16 pages full of intrigue and mystery, containing full color maps, plus 2 unique monster stat blocks.
Provides a great introduction to Mind... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Quill & Cauldron presents to you a very special 300+ page tome, aimed at both players and dungeon masters.
It is narrated by none other than Ulraunt, the Keeper of Tomes at Candlekeep, and also supports epic level play (as introduced in Epic Characters).
Below is a short description of what you will find within each part of the... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The Underdark is a dangerous place, one that requires specialized skills and abilities in order to survive the monstrous creatures, the environmental hazards and the twisting tunnels that wander deep into the earth.
Provide your players with fresh new class variants and races, all converted from the "Forgotten Realms - Underdark" sourcebook for 3.5e. They are perfect for... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Ten random encounters ready to be dropped into your Underdark-based setting, or added as random encounters in your Out of the Abyss/Rage of Demons campaign. Each encounter has flavor text, challenges (whether monsters, skills, or roleplay) to overcome, pre generated treasure and three adventure hooks to continue the story. This encounter pack contains a total of 10 encounters, 30... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Underdark Tables for Non-Combat, Creatures, Locations, Items and Extras
Tables visible in Previews under the product image. Supports Volo's Guide to Monsters and Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes.
Encounters for adventures and campaigns in terrain of the Underdark, underground caverns, dark elf cities, mind flayers, kuo-toa, aboleths and Rage of Demons
Includes d8+d12 tables for ...
Using... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This product is now Adventurers League legal and uses code DDHC-WDH-02.
Add a new villain option and cunning criminal organization to Waterdeep: Dragon Heist. Hlaavin, a half-doppelganger/half-illithid crime boss, runs the UNSEEN, an illegal cabal of assassins, thieves, spies, illusionists, and shapechangers that plots to rule the city from the shadows. Written by Dragon Heist... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
The Warlock class is, without a doubt, my all time favorite class of 5e. I simply adore the class, and as a result I have created quite a large amount of supplementary material related to said class. I provide it all to you here. In this product you will find 4 new patrons, 49 unique expanded spell lists, 12 new invocations, 6 variations on the Profane Soul options, 3 new familiars, and 2 elementals.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
An unexpected envoy arrives in Sporedome and offers to give aid against the fire giants of Maerimydra, if you are willing to help his people with a small problem.
Designer: Alan Patrick
Characters of Level 5-10
Playtime: 2 hours
Also included in the purchase of this adventure is a version specially converted for use with the Fantasy Grounds virtual tabletop software. The converted adventure features... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
Maglubiyet... Blibdoolpoolp... Diinkarazan... Panzuriel.... Such names are whispered in the dark on the far side of midnight, or muttered fearfully around jugs of wine when old, scarred adventurers tell their tales. They are the unseen, unknown things worshipped by monsters and monstrosities. Learn all about the avatars and shamans of giants, goblins, the Underdark - even illithids and beholders... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
$9.99 $5.99
The place has many names: the Underdark, Deepearth, the Realms Below, the Night Below, the Lightless Lands. This vast world beneath the surface is home to fabled races such as beholders, cloakers, drow, illithids, and ixzan. Menzoberranzan, the dreaded City of Spiders, is only one of the hidden cities of the Underdark. This 128-page book, compiled by the Underdark's most famous son, Drizzt Do'Urden,... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |
MYTH DRANNOR, city of glory. We shall not see its like again PERHAPS YOU'VE HEARD ITS SHINING STORY.. of a time when elves and dwarves, gnomes and halflings and men lived and loved together, striving to create beauty and right wrongs. Magic was brighter then, in the City of Song. Folk were richer then, in the City of Wonder. Once this proud city stood as the highest jewel in the glittering crown... [click here for more] |
Wizards of the Coast |