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Forgotten Realms Campaign Set (1e)

Forgotten Realms Campaign Set (1e)

The Forgotten Realms Campaign Set ESD contains two books and four maps. Two of the maps are drawn to provide a general overview of the Realms, running from the Moonshae Isles in the west to the land of Thay in the east, and from the Spine of the World Mountains in the north to the Jungles of Chult in the south. The other two maps are detailed blow-ups of sections of the former maps, covering that...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $9.99

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City System (1e)

City System (1e)

It is called the City of Splendors: Waterdeep, most populous of the cities of North. It is a city of wealth, adventure, and danger. More men have died in its taprooms and bars than in all the sieges of Dragonspear Castle. Success and death lurk in its shadowed entranceways and dimly -lit streets. Come explore the greatest city of the Realms in this incredible product dealing with urban fantasy adventures....   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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H3 The Bloodstone Wars (1e)

H3 The Bloodstone Wars (1e)

What strange role does Orcus, Prince of the Undead, play in the invasion of peace-loving Damara? And what interest does the Grandfather of Assassins have in the tiny barony of Bloodstone Pass? With this adventure, your player characters inherit an entire barony - with a recently reopened mine that produces immense wealth. Wealth enough to attract the dangerous attention of their neighbors?wealth...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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FRE3 Waterdeep (1e/2e)

FRE3 Waterdeep (1e/2e)

Who will be the new gods? The God of Strife is dead, destroyed in his attack on Tantras, and Midnight and the player characters have recovered the first Tablet of Fate-one of a pair of mysterious artifacts that will return the gods to their former glory and save the Realms from the fallen deities\' wrath. But the quest isn\'t over! To find the other Tablet of Fate, your heroes...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $5.00

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REF4 The Book of Lairs II (1e)

REF4 The Book of Lairs II (1e)

This is the second in a series of ground-breaking AD&D accessories. Within these pages are nearly 70 fully developed adventures that can be inserted into any campaign. They are ready-to-play challenges for all levels of characters. DMs need not spend long hours creating diversions for their players?we've done it for you. If you have The Book of Lairs, you already know what you'll find herein....   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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REF5 Lords of Darkness (1e)

REF5 Lords of Darkness (1e)

The Undead. Denied the eternal rest of Death, cursed to wander the many planes and worlds forever, their very existence a mockery of life they constantly crave yet cannot have. Created by the foulest of magics, they have only one thought, on burning goal: revenge against the living. Or do they? Lords of Darkness is an anthology of short adventures set in various locations in the Forgotten Realms,...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.99

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FRE1 Shadowdale (1e/2e)

FRE1 Shadowdale (1e/2e)

The Gods walk the Realms. Cast out from their heavenly domain, the gods of the Forgotten Realms wander the land as mortals-extremely powerful mortals, to be certain, but mortal nonetheless. They seek the lost Tablets of Fate, key to their return. But as the good and evil gods for the Realms bring their fight down to earth, the people and lands are caught in between. Nature itself revolts; strange...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $5.00

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FRE2 Tantras (1e/2e)

FRE2 Tantras (1e/2e)

Elminster has been murdered. And to make matters worse, the player characters who helped to save Shadowdale from the armies of Zhentil Keep in Shadowdale have been sentenced to death for killing the old sage. They're innocent, of course, but in this time of troubles in the Realms, truth and justice are not always served. Imprisoned in the Tower of Ashaba, the heroes must escape...   [click here for more]
Wizards of the Coast  $4.96

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