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Critically Awesome Essentials is an extension framework used for the 5th Edition D&D ruleset in the Fantasy Grounds VTT. It uses content modules for different functions and assets.
To use THIS module, you MUST HAVE "Critically Awesome Essentials" (available here).
DM Tools is part of the Critically Awesome Essentials family.
Welcome to the third module developed for the Critically Awesome Essentials... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Fantasy Grounds 5E Background & Class Equipment Bundles
This a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT software.
Do you play or DM Fantasy Grounds D&D 5E?
These are drop and drag parcels for each class and background to INSTANTLY put in your inventory when building your PC.
All in drop and drag format so you can FULLY EQUIP your PCs.
And now, included here are "ONE DROP AND... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Fantasy Grounds 5E Trinkets Table (with Items)
This a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT software.
Do you play or DM Fantasy Grounds D&D 5E?
Here the Player's Handbook Trinkets table WITH ALL 100 ITEMS. All in drop and drag format so you can FULLY EQUIP your PCs.
Any errors found, please let me know, I will publish corrections immediately!... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Monsters of the Guild is a DMs Guild community-driven project which includes 121 incredible monsters for your Dungeons & Dragons 5E game, from 48 of the Guild's most talented and exciting monster creators.
This product is a Fantasy Grounds VTT module.
It is also available as a PDF and/or Hardback Book - click here.
FEATURED FOREWORD by Chris Lindsay... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This product was designed for Dungeons & Dragons 2014
Find the updated D&D 2024 Expert Equipment Set HERE (Not for Fantasy Grounds)
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
TIMELY REVISIONS: This (third) major revision of Wraith Wright’s award-winning COMPREHENSIVE EQUIPMENT MANUAL now includes additions and updates to all chapters... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
Includes Unity
Assault from the Astral
After crash-landing onto the Material Plane, a strange, otherworldly ship brings with it an unexpected wave of piracy, hideous creatures from the bottom of the Trackless Sea, and a notorious foe who has been awakened from the deep, intent on destroying... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
“The NPC is, a guy, you know…I forget his name.”
“The woman slowly looks up at you, her glasses resting at the edge of her nose.
She just greets you with a nod and a “hmm.”
It’s funny how just a simple quirk can make an NPC more memorable and fun to role-play. Even if you’re... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT.
This Fantasy Grounds module creates random encounters using the methodology found in Xanathar's Guide to everything.
You can create encounters based on PC level, terrain type, monster type, Legendary Encounters, custom encounters, and more...
Monster sources used are Monster Manual, Volo's Guide to Monsters, and Mordenkainen's Tome of... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a Fantasy Grounds VTT Module! For the PDF version click here.
Includes Unity
This is contained in the "Solo Adventure Bundle 1", please consider acquiring that first at a discount...
5e Solo Gamebooks presents Tyrant of Zhentil Keep by Paul Bimler, a 160+ page solo adventure for Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition. This adventure is designed for one 3rd-level... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
New 2nd Edition added as of 8/1/22
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
“A fantastic resource for DMs that want to keep players on their toes or want stronger or weaker variants of certain monsters.” - Comicbook.com
“Monster Manual Expanded does a fantastic job of lovingly... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Fantasy Grounds 5E Random Wizard Spellbook Generator
This a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT software.
This will generate a Wizard's Spellbook for any level 1 through 20.
You can use this to create a spellbook as a treasure item in your adventures, OR a player can use it to generate all the spells for any level wizard if they don't want to cherry-pick. Role-play what you get! Super... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
1) New Condition: Intoxicated!
2) Intoxication DCs per type of alcohol
3) 11 detailed beers, 4 ciders, 17 wines, 5 champagnes, 14 liquors!
4) Rules for alcoholic potions, with two examples.
5) 7 specific wondrous alcohols.
6) Drug addiction and recovery.
7) 25 drugs from the mundane coca leaf... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This download contains all the individual tokens (.png) as well as a Fantasy Grounds VTT .mod file (for those that use FG), so everyone can enjoy!
It contains transparent tokens for use as auras.
13 colors represented.
4 shapes.
52 tokens in all.
Pay What You Want.
Donations appreciated.
Rob Twohy | rob2e
Discord: discord.gg/rob2e
Twitch: twitch.tv/rob2e
YouTube: youtube.com/robtwohy
Facebook: facebook.com/RobTwohyFG
Twitter: @rob2e... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
"Very useful selection of ready-made NPCs, well organized and beautifully laid out! Grab a copy!" -Travis Legge, head of Aegis Studios
35 Versatile NPCs, a Gold bestselling collection of useful NPC stat blocks, is back with a sequel to blow away the original. Find the right NPC for any situation!... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Fantasy Grounds Random PC Generator
This a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT software.
I totally rebuilt the way this works! Build a PC in less than 10 minutes. BAM!
This will give you all the info you need to build a PC in Fantasy Grounds completely randomly in one click OR you can do it randomly STEP BY STEP and choose what you want to use.
It uses ALL current 5E sources in... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a PDF. If you are looking for the Fantasy Grounds VTT version - click here.
Unknown Whom II - The Mark of the Eye
A level 3 to 6 adventure
A Sequel to Unknown Whom.
The first adventure in this series (Unknown Whom) had the party being toyed with by an unknown evil entity. They started as amnesiac beings in a dark dungeon, and as they made their way out, they grew close to each other through comradery,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT and Dungeons & Dragons 5E.
Fantasy Grounds 5E Page Number Links - Dungeon Master's Guide
Do you play or DM Fantasy Grounds D&D 5E?
This Module is intended to help the DM with quick access to referenced page numbers that are often found within published adventures and supplements of D&D 5th Edition.
How many times have you seen "reference... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT.
This module brings fully built encounters for spells that conjure, summon, call, or find creatures!
It can pull from a plethora of sources such as the Monster Manual, Volo's Guide to Monsters, Mordenkainen's Tome of Foes, and more!
Dungeon Masters can now easily add summoned and conjured creatures to the combat tracker to keep the game flowing.
If... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
Nerd Immersion Review (of the PDF): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfcd7vns8yM
"5 Stars. Holy crap what a cool idea to add some new flavor to your game! These talents are nicely balanced and give variety to any character. If you're a DM, this would be the perfect way to surprise your players by... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
D&D 5E Class List Quick Start
The Artificer is here!
Quick help in character creation...
The purchase of this item includes two PDFs as well as the module to use in the Fantasy Grounds VTT software.
Always updated with the latest WotC 5E releases.
Hit Dice Main Ability Secondary Ability Max Armor Shield... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
Everyone loves a trilogy! Welcome to Nerzugal's Dungeon Master Toolkit 3!
The third installment in the Dungeon Master Toolkit series, expanding upon the Adamantine and Mithral Best-Sellers of the previous toolkits.
This time the series returns with plenty of content in the... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
Whimsical Heroes: Races
Add some whimsy into your games with these 8 animalfolk races.
Bearkin, bear-like humanoids. Three subraces to choose from: Black, Brown, or Polar
Canids, dog-like humanoids. Six subraces to choose from: Herding, Hound, Sporting, Terrier,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
Monster Manual Expanded II is the sequel to the best selling Monster Manual Expanded. Just like the first book, this aims to provide Dungeon Masters more options and flexibility in designing adventures and dressing up their dungeons with a wider variety of creatures and characters that are... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
*** This Package has now been moved to the NEW DMs Guild BUNDLE FORMAT! ***
These are modules for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for PDFs - click here.
5e Solo Gamebooks presents Solo Adventure Bundle 1, a collection of the first four of our solo (DM-less) adventures.
The adventures included in this bundle are:
The Death Knight's Squire
Tyrant of... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a Fantasy Grounds VTT module.
Now with Unity
Ever needed to spice up a stay in a city? Or, ever needed something to fill the gap between sessions when you are missing a player? Add a little flavor to the adventurers’ city visits with a rampaging mummy, a circus gone wild, a haunted inn, and much, much, more.
This 80-page supplement contains 26 encounters written... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
Includes Unity
From James Ohlen, the lead designer of Baldur's Gate I & II...
Sinister forces are moving against the city of Baldur’s Gate
in this adventure book for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition!
FG version includes DM and Player maps Includes illustrations and statistics for 15 legendary heroes... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Random Monster Tables - REVAMPED!
This a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT software.
This is a set of tables (for use with the Fantasy Grounds VTT) to generate a random monster from ANY CR level. - Now includes ALL Monster CR levels (0 to 30)! I built this because I wanted to save time looking up monsters and rolling a d(whatever) to determine... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
"An incredibly useful tool which has many different applications and uses. Rob Twohy does it again!" - Jonathan G. Nelson (AAW Games)
Want to travel in a world where the fall of the dice can make things appear randomly? Get completely lost in this book with multiple quests and worlds of your choosing,... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is the FANTASY GROUNDS VTT Software version of the PDF. For the PDF itself, click here.
Now with Unity
"My players were afraid to enter a room, but were also excited!"
"Solid story!"
"My players had a blast and it was a fun adventure to run." ... "they all enjoyed the atmosphere of the adventure and commented that the creepy stuff definitely felt creepy."
"This... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
This is Athanae’s Divinations, a sourcebook of divination spells and supplemental material for 5e D&D. If you thought diviners were weak or ill-suited for dangerous adventuring, think again!
What’s inside? Twenty-Eight new and/or reimagined divination spells with DM’s sidebars and examples. Spells... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
The Food Shaman Class offers great role-playing opportunities and will have you charging head-on into some battles while cowering behind the group's tank in others.
It plays a big role in the Haven Cross module as the class of one of the main NPCs and the hook for unusual and interesting quests.
It is featured... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
In this guide, we will report all that we have learned from Volo about ghosts. He has assured us that he has personally witnessed most of the information herein, while the rest come from verified sources.
In this supplement you will find:
- Tables to give different origins, appearances, and anchors to... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
Includes Unity
Encounters in the Savage Underdark is a supplement containing mini-adventures, NPCs, locations, and magic items.
In all, the writers have produced 24 unique encounters, NPCs, and locations for you to add to any subterranean campaign.
We’ve... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT and Dungeons & Dragons 5E. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
A Guide to Running Underwater Campaigns
Underwater Campaigns is the perfect resource for exploring the wonder and danger of underwater worlds and adventure - oceans, lakes, rivers, sewers, and flooded ruins.
Whether you want to add an aquatic room in your dungeon, flesh out trade... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Fantasy Grounds 5E Page Number Links - Player's Handbook
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT software.
Do you play or DM Fantasy Grounds D&D 5E?
This Module is intended to help the Player and DM with quick access to referenced page numbers that are often found within published adventures and supplements of D&D 5th Edition.
How many times have you seen "reference PHB p. 116" for... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT and Dungeons & Dragons 5E. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
This volume aids in creating a tavern or an inn, from its appearance and staff to what can occur there.
Inside you will discover:
- Chapter 1: Everything about the appearance of a tavern/inn, including various special features.
- Chapter 2: Owner, Staff, and Customers. Everything... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT and Dungeons & Dragons 5E.
Random Quest Generator Tables
For DMs who want a generic side quest to use as a filler in their big campaign.
Tables to randomly generate a generic side quest to run (whether to buy time or to mix things up).
Currently, there are approximately 2.42000002 x 10^27 different possible results, making it pretty safe to say that... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
D&D 5E Reincarnation Race Table
All current WotC races are on this table that REPLACES the PHB reincarnation race table used with the Reincarnation spell.
Tired of not having ALL the information? Here it is...
Purchase of this item includes PDF as well as the module to use in the Fantasy Grounds VTT software.
Suitable for handy one-sheet.
Enjoy!... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
Unknown Whom II - The Mark of the Eye
Now with Unity
A level 3 to 6 adventure
A Sequel to Unknown Whom.
The first adventure in this series (Unknown Whom) had the party being toyed with by an unknown evil entity. They started as amnesiac beings in a dark dungeon, and as they made their way out, they grew... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. IF you are looking for the PDF - click here.
Includes Unity
This is contained in the "Solo Adventure Bundle 1", please consider acquiring that first at a discount...
5e Solo Gamebooks presents Citadel of the Raven, the third in our series of solo adventures. Citadel of the Raven is the sequel to Tyrant of Zhentil Keep but... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
21 ACME Spells in the spirit of the Road Runner Cartoons.
To be clear - this is for comedy.
This is more READING material for laughs than it is for practical game use, HOWEVER, they are fully drag and droppable spells useable in Fantasy Grounds Games as normal, so if you see fit for comedy... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
This is an EXTENSION for use with the Fantasy Grounds VTT and specifically the D&D 5E ruleset only!
This extension allows to fully automate combat for player characters.
Main Feature 1: Automating actions
This extension will automatically execute actions one by one when you click on a button to the left of the weapon/spell/power name (see picture).
By default, all actions... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Magic Shops & Random Item Rarity Tables
Create Magic Shops and Populate Them With Items
This a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT software.
D&D 5E, many players and DMs ask, "What can PCs do with all this gold?"
The magic item economy is left to the vagaries of the Dungeon Master's Guide rules and many players/DMs are frustrated by the magic item economy of ol' having disappeared.... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a Fantasy Grounds module.
Ever wanted to put the spell components in your PC sheet inventory?
The Components
You can locate the Spell Components by looking in the Spell Component Group in the items menu.
All components are identified by default.
Each Spell Component has a link to at least one spell it is used for.
Roll Tables List
In addition to the individual items, there... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT.
This presents ninety (90) INSPIRATION CARDS.
DMs can use them in a variety of ways. I personally use them in my "5E Pick-up Games" where I let players trade unused inspiration at the end of a session to roll on the INSPIRATION CARDS table.
There are:
11 Platinum
24 Gold
24 Silver
31 Bronze
You can change the percentages on the table to your liking... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a Fantasy Grounds VTT module. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
Includes Unity
So Volo gave you Trollskull Manor. You even had it renovated and first patrons come to taste your ale. But what’s next? This small module is useful for both DMs and players and offers:
- simple rules for making deals and earning money
- 16 upgrades for the manor and tavern, which provide small... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Fantasy Grounds Pregenerated Characters (FULLY CODED)
This is a module with pre-generated characters for the Fantasy Grounds VTT software.
PAY WHAT YOU WANT, but I will be continually updating this with each new WotC class. (and any I create)
If you have suggestions, let me know.
These are fully coded and fully made... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
Pay What You Want
Are you tired of having to edit images of your player's stats every time before a stream?
How much would you expect to pay to have that already done for you and dynamically pulled from Fantasy Grounds?
4 easy payments of $99.99?
One payment of $20, and you can use it in unlimited games of 5E, with unlimited numbers of players.
Your job as a streaming DM of 5E games just got a LOT easier!
No more... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
Includes Unity
The Ruins of Nightstone Keep
"Upon a rocky cliff overlooking the foreboding valley of the Red Tusk Orc tribe sits the ruins of Nightstone Keep. Within its walls hides a small library, once protected by the soldiers who made the keep their home. Tucked away... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |
This is a module for the Fantasy Grounds VTT. If you are looking for the PDF - click here.
Realm Events is a collection of random events for settlements or larger realms, suitable for any Dungeons & Dragons Fifth Edition campaign. Realm Events can help you introduce new plots to your campaigns. For each of the 55 events included, there are: descriptions, hints for side quests, and many tables... [click here for more] |
Dungeon Masters Guild |