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Expanded Bag of Beans

Expanded Bag of Beans

The bag of beans is one of the most exciting wonderous items in Dungeons and Dragons, offering fun, chaos, and unpredictable storytelling curveballs each time it’s introduced. Few players forget the first time they plant a bean and some mysterious pyramid or beanstalk springs from the ground. Yet the random options provided in the Dungeon Master’s Guide are limited, with only...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Secret Library Trap

Secret Library Trap

Deep beneath the fortress of Candlekeep is a secret library that protects a tome of ancient prophecy. But securing the tome is no easy task, as adventurers brave secret doors, flinging books, deadly paper cuts, and an imprisonment charm that promises to transform them into their own leather-bound autobiography. Designed to be played with a group of 3-4 characters of level 5-10, the Secret Library...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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