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Deities and Domains: Specialty Priests of the Forgotten Realms (39 Feats for 5E)

Deities and Domains: Specialty Priests of the Forgotten Realms (39 Feats for 5E)

Do you fondly remember the Specialty Priests from Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Second Edition?  This book uses feats to update additional abilities of Specialty Priests to Dungeons and Dragons Fifth Edition. Within these pages you will find thirty-nine feats for the thirty-seven Forgotten Realms deities listed in the D&D Fifth Edition Player’s Handbook. Note: This product was previously titled...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.99

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Deities and Domains 3: Specialty Priests of the Drow and Elven Pantheon (19 Feats for 5E)

Deities and Domains 3: Specialty Priests of the Drow and Elven Pantheon (19 Feats for 5E)

Do you fondly remember the Specialty Priests of AD&D Second Edition Within these pages you will find 19 feats for 17 deities of the drow and elven pantheon featured in the sword coast adventurer’s guide. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Deities and Domains 2: Specialty Priests of the Faerünian Pantheon (11 Feats for 5E)

Deities and Domains 2: Specialty Priests of the Faerünian Pantheon (11 Feats for 5E)

Deities and Domains 2 provides feats for 11 deities found in the Sword Coast’s Adventurers Guide and completes the Faerünian Pantheon for the Forgotten Realms setting. Here is an example deity and their Specialty Priest feat: THE RED KNIGHT HOLY STRATEGIST Prerequisite: Cleric with the War Divine Domain   You are pledged to the goddess of strategy....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Character Crucible: Dhampirs (A Race for 5E)

Character Crucible: Dhampirs (A Race for 5E)

Full rules for playing a new race, Dhampirs, for Dungeons and Dragons. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Character Crucible: The Celestial (A Warlock Otherworldly Patron For 5E)

Character Crucible: The Celestial (A Warlock Otherworldly Patron For 5E)

Do you want more Otherworldly Patrons for the  Warlock class? Inside you will find full details on the Celestial, an angelic Otherworldly Patron, who wishes to give you the power to achieve it’s enigmatic and primeval goals. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Character Crucible: The Wyrm (A Warlock Otherworldy Patron for 5E)

Character Crucible: The Wyrm (A Warlock Otherworldy Patron for 5E)

Do you want more otherworldly patrons for the  warlock class? Inside you will find full details on the wyrm, an draconic otherworldly patron, who wishes to give you the power to facilitate its unusual needs. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Psionics Unearthed: Way of the Telekinetic (A Monastic Tradition for 5E)

Psionics Unearthed: Way of the Telekinetic (A Monastic Tradition for 5E)

Bring the power of psionics into your Dungeons and Dragons game. This supplement introduces a new Monastic Tradition, where you master mind over matter and learn the Way of the Telekinetic. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Psionics Unearthed: Mind Mage (A Sorcerous Origin for 5E)

Psionics Unearthed: Mind Mage (A Sorcerous Origin for 5E)

My Psionic Unearthed series continues with a Sorcerous Origin that features a psionic bloodline that focues on Telepathy. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Psionics Unearthed: Tesseract (A Martial Archetype for 5E)

Psionics Unearthed: Tesseract (A Martial Archetype for 5E)

The Psionics Unearthed serires continues with the teleporing Tesseract, a new Martial Archetype for the Fighter. You were born with the psionic gift of teleportation and have honed your ability over the years, mixing it with your martial training. As a tesseract, vanishing in the blink of an eye to ambush your enemies, comes as naturally to you as walking. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Character Crucible: Giff (A Race for 5E)

Character Crucible: Giff (A Race for 5E)

Thick-skinned, big boned, and hippopotami-headed, giff are humanoids who stand almost nine feet tall, with powerfully built frames. They have stocky, flat, cylindrical legs. Their chests are broad and their heads have a natural helmet of flexible, chitinous plates. This product features your favorite mercenaries of Realmspace and introduces them to the Fifth Edition of Dungeons & Dragons....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Psionics Unearthed: Soulknife (A Martial Archetype for 5E)

Psionics Unearthed: Soulknife (A Martial Archetype for 5E)

Do you want to add psionics and more martial archetypes for the fighter class? Inside you will find full details on the Soulknife, a psionic martial archetype that can generate its own weaponry with merely a thought. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Ravenloft: Calibans (A Race for 5E)

Ravenloft: Calibans (A Race for 5E)

Do you want more races for your Dungeons & Dragons game? Do you love Ravenloft and want to play through the Curse of Strahd? Inside this PDF, you will find full details on Calibans, tortured souls who were marked by the Dark Powers of Ravenloft while still in their mother’s womb. Each has phyiscal disfigurements wholly distinct from the rest of their kin. But some of them are willing...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Character Crucible: Acererak (A Warlock Otherworldy Patron for 5E)

Character Crucible: Acererak (A Warlock Otherworldy Patron for 5E)

Do you want more Otherworldly Patrons for the Warlock class? Inside you will find full details on Acererak, the Fogotten One, architect of the Tome of Horrors and the Tomb of Annihilation, who is willing to share the mastery of necromancy itself with his followers. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.99

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Deities and Domains: Mage-Priest (A Sorcerous Origin for 5E)

Deities and Domains: Mage-Priest (A Sorcerous Origin for 5E)

Do you want more sorcerous origins for the sorcerer class? Inside you will find full details on the Mage-Priest, a sorcerous origin, that can uses metamagic to evoke it’s deity’s divine will. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Character Crucible: Monster Hunter (A Ranger Archetype for 5E)

Character Crucible: Monster Hunter (A Ranger Archetype for 5E)

You have encountered the monsters that stalk the night, lycanthropes and vampires, and in that moment, you chose to answer a clarion call from ancient forces to hunt and destroy them. Often, your calling only came after losing someone close to you or even worse, being transformed into the very creatures that preyed upon them.  The Monster Hunter provides new options for the Hunter Ranger...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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