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PO-BK-3-03 Smoke on the Water

PO-BK-3-03 Smoke on the Water

The characters are assigned the task of investigating the floating city, which is constructed from stolen ships tethered to a large barge, anchored near the center of the Lake of Steam. Part Three of the Pirates of the Border Kingdoms series of adventures. A Four-Hour Adventure for 1st through 4th Level Characters ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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Grimm Encounters II

Grimm Encounters II

Grimm Encounters II Twelve Terrors Return! If you need some horrifying and grotesque encounters for your table, look no further. This supplement is filled with 12 haunting encounters based on classic fairy tales from the Grimm Brothers and their contemporaries. These encounters are perfect for dropping into horror themed games, those set in Ravenloft or the Shadowfell, or for your...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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18 Cursed Magic Items

18 Cursed Magic Items

Mentioned on The Tome Show podcast, on The Kind DM blog and Tom & Drew's Magic Item Review! A Fantasy Grounds .mod file is now available at checkout. This work includes descriptions of eighteen cursed items ranging from trinkets to magical weapons and armor.  Some are just fun little additions to your campaign, while others could be...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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The House of the Midnight Violet (Roll20)

The House of the Midnight Violet (Roll20)

This product is a Roll20 Addon One-Shot Adventure featuring Dynamic Lighting and Doors & Windows. Click HERE for the PDF version of the adventure. "This was a great adventure to drop into my ongoing campaign - it hits just the right kinds of horror notes, and has a really interesting story that unfolds at a nice pace." "A well-written...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.95

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Dunwood - Demons, Druids, & Danger

Dunwood - Demons, Druids, & Danger

Welcome To Dunwood - A land filled with Demons, Druids, and Danger! This Forgotten Realms sourcebook provides nine new adventures and plenty of background lore to start adventuring in and around the forest once known as Rawlinswood.  Even if you're not interested in the Forgotten Realms, the adventure's contained within can easily be dropped into most campaign settings. This book details the ancient...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.95

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There's Something Wrong with Santa (FANTASY GROUNDS)

There's Something Wrong with Santa (FANTASY GROUNDS)

There's Something Wrong With Santa Now available for Fantasy Grounds Unity! An adventure by Jeff C. Stevens "What could happen if Santa became a vampire?" There’s Something Wrong with Santa is a 2- to 4-hour adventure for four to five characters of 5th level. Scaling Suggestions are included, allowing you to run the adventure for lower or higher-level characters. This adventure is designed...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $5.95

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Annalyse's Revenge (Roll20)

Annalyse's Revenge (Roll20)

Annalyse Penn plotted revenge for those responsible for destroying her lover Jack von Zarovich – also known as Happy Jack. During her grief, she was guided by a group of demons known as the Quartet. These demons took her to the Lavolion Theater as a venue to stage her revenge. She joined the theater as a dancer, then slowly let the Quartet demons manipulate the place, eventually twisting the world...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.95

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Into the Belly of the Beast - Adventure

Into the Belly of the Beast - Adventure

This is the PDF module.  For the Fantasy Grounds VTT module - go here. "Another great piece of writing from one of the guilds leading writers!!!" ***NOTE - The preview shows several maps and is really for DM's eyes only.*** Into the Belly of the Beast is a swamp adventure for four to five...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.95

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Mistress of Blood Tower - Adventure

Mistress of Blood Tower - Adventure

Mistress of Blood Tower is a horror adventure designed for four to five characters of levels 3rd thru 7th. Scaling suggestions are provided for lower level parties. Short-Term Madness is used in the adventure, and It has the potential to be deadly. This is a PDF version of the adventure. If you are looking for the Fantasy Grounds VTT module -...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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The Puzzling Temple of Flummox Heist (Roll20)

The Puzzling Temple of Flummox Heist (Roll20)

The Puzzling Tiemple of Flummox Heist is a linear dungeon crawl utilizing word puzzles and riddles written in the English language. Challenge your players and their characters with a brainteasing mix of puzzles, combat, and roleplay in this one-shot adventure for characters of 3rd, 4th, 5th, or 6th level which will delight fans of escape rooms and solve-at-home mystery adventures. This...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.95

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Scourge of the Nightingale: Part 1 A Song of Love

Scourge of the Nightingale: Part 1 A Song of Love

Scourge of the Nightingale Part One: A Song of Love   Get your inner-bard on with this adventure! A masked menace terrifies the region, raiding villages to fund her devious plan. Unknowingly, the adventurers stumble into her most recent evil scheme: the kidnapping of a famous performer known as Devon Artis. Their mission is to deliver a ransom and collect...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.95

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Encounters in the Savage Arctic

Encounters in the Savage Arctic

Encounters in the Savage Arctic contains 6 short encounters, 8 short adventures, and a few new arctic creatures perfect for your Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden or home campaign. Most of the adventures include scaling suggestions so they can be used with various character levels.   Survive a frozen ambush Battle winter gnolls Speak with Sloosh the Awakened Walrus Meet...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $12.95

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Way of the Owlbear - Monk Monastic Tradition

Way of the Owlbear - Monk Monastic Tradition

Monks of the Way of the Owlbear revere the mighty beast, practicing ancient traditions which slowly transform them, giving them physical aspects of the owlbear. The traditions are passed from generation to generation, as the bonds of family are strong with owlbears.   While many practitioners of this tradition study it in their natural racial form, some choose to follow the teachings...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.00

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Weapons of Myth (Fantasy Grounds)

Weapons of Myth (Fantasy Grounds)

Weapons of Myth Now available for Fantasy Grounds Unity! Enhance your treasure hoards, villains, and shop keeps with unique and fascinating magical weapons! — A Bevy of Magic Weapons! — Weapons of Myth contains 50 magical weapons, including 20 weapons that increase in power, allowing a character to acquire...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.95

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Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm

Last March of the Tyrant Wyrm

“Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement.” --J.R.R. Tolkien  Can your party engineer the redemption of an ailing red dragon?  Faerun is counting on it…   A chance encounter with a fleeing, injured red dragon leads to a multi-day journey through...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $5.95

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Blinsky's Toyshop (Roll20)

Blinsky's Toyshop (Roll20)

An adventure by Remley Farr and Jeff C. Stevens — Product Overview — ► 2— to 4—hour adventure for three to five characters ► Scalable for 3rd—7th level (optimized for 5th) ► Exploration, Roleplay, and Combat ► A fun adventure for Halloween or Spooky Horror sessions. — Featuring All New... — ► Costumes: Owlbear, Fireball, and Flumph...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.95

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The Madhouse of Tasha's Kiss - Adventure (Fantasy Grounds)

The Madhouse of Tasha's Kiss - Adventure (Fantasy Grounds)

This is the Fantasy Grounds VTT version of the module. If you are looking for the PDF - click here. Includes Unity  An adventure by Remley Farr and Jeff C. Stevens — Product Overview — Can you survive the Madhouse of Tasha’s Kiss? Or will you go mad trying? ♦ 3 to 5 hours for four to six characters. ♦ Scalable for 3rd-10th level. ♦ High-resolution maps of the...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $10.50

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War Tortle Brewery - Adventure

War Tortle Brewery - Adventure

An adventure by Casey Bax and Jeff C. Stevens — Product Details — ► 2- to 4-hour adventure for three to five characters. ► Scalable for 1st-6th level. ► New statblocks for Yeast Ooze, Keg Man, Partiers, and more! ► Includes party games, intoxication rules, maps, handouts and more! ► Easily adapted to any setting. ► A perfect Party or Octoberfest adventure! ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.95

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Scourge of the Nightingale: Part 2 A Song of Revenge

Scourge of the Nightingale: Part 2 A Song of Revenge

Scourge of the Nightingale Part Two: A Song of Revenge   The events that transpired during A Song of Love implicate Hobart Taggart, a tavern owner in Hillsfar, with dealing with the strange, masked menace who kidnapped the performer known as Devon Artis. The adventurers are tasked with finding Hobart Taggart and gathering information about this unique villain. However, the...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.95

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Happy Jack's Funhouse (Fantasy Grounds)

Happy Jack's Funhouse (Fantasy Grounds)

This is the Fantasy Grounds VTT version of the module. If you are looking for the PDF - click here. Includes Unity  An adventure by Remley Farr and Jeff C. Stevens — Product Overview — A perfectly creepy, horror-style one-shot adventure, excellent for Halloween sessions. ♦ 4 to 8 hours for four to six characters. ♦ Scalable for 3rd-10th level. ♦ High-resolution...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $10.50

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Annihilation Hold (Roll20)

Annihilation Hold (Roll20)

Annihilation Hold is designed for four to five characters of levels 10 thru 16. Approximate run-time is 2 to 4-hours. Beyond the western mountains, the orcs generally kept to themselves. Over the years they built their civilization. They enriched themselves through magic and music, and followed a doctrine of peace and acceptance that was empowered by the dangerous mountain range on one...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.95

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CCC-TRI-19 Dead Men's Tales (Part One of the Dead Men Series)

CCC-TRI-19 Dead Men's Tales (Part One of the Dead Men Series)

A call for help is received from Abigail’s Cove: a fishing village located just south of Hulburg. Recently, two moss-covered skeletons walked out of the Moonsea and attacked the village. The villagers were able to defend themselves, but they fear something worse may be coming as a thick and ominous fog slowly rolls in from the Moonsea. This is a Tier 1 (APL 3) Adventurers League legal adventure...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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Scourge of the Nightingale: Part 3 A Song of War

Scourge of the Nightingale: Part 3 A Song of War

Scourge of the Nightingale Part Three: A Song of War Nightingale continues to build her army, and she only has one more ally to secure. Once she does, she plans to invade Hillsfar, destroying the hopes and dreams of all who live there. The First Lord of Hillsfar tasks the adventurers with thwarting Nightingale’s meeting with the Clan of Broken Bones – a large goblinoid host whose...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.95

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Screams at Sunset - Adventure

Screams at Sunset - Adventure

"Ultimately, Screams at Sunset is an excellent adventure. I consider it one of Jeff’s best products." "...weaves together mystery, dynamic combat, intriguing NPCs and engaging plots to create a cracking product!" There are two versions of this adventure available at checkout.  You get all of the below:        A 4-hour+ adventure for a...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.95

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Haunting of Owlbear Lodge (Roll20)

Haunting of Owlbear Lodge (Roll20)

An adventure by Jeff C. Stevens This adventure is also available as PDF and for Fantasy Grounds. —Product Details — ♦ 2- to 4-hour adventure for three to five characters ♦ Scalable for 1st-6th level ♦ High-quality map of the Owlbear Lodge ♦ New undead owlbear and porcupine statblocks ♦ Set in Forgotten Realms, but easily adapted to other settings...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.95

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Il Manicomio della Carezza di Tasha

Il Manicomio della Carezza di Tasha

Non riesci a visualizzare correttamente questa pagina? Passa alla versione desktop. Un'avventura di Jeff C. Stevens & Remley Farr tradotta da Cruor Games Il Manicomio della Carezza di Tasha è la prima storia della trilogia Freak Show. — Non oso guardarmi allo specchio... Quale orrore vedrò? — In un piccolo villaggio deserto un bambino piange...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.95

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Tower of the Mad Twins

Tower of the Mad Twins

A Halfling girl battling a rare disease that no magic can cure. A fruit, which has the power to heal and the power to corrupt, now guarded by mad siblings. A journey through a hostile forest, a trapped tower, and a dungeon to retrieve the fruit to heal the young girl. Will your heroes be triumphant, or will they perish while attempting to retrieve the mysterious fruit? A four to six-hour adventure...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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CCC-TRI-15 The Dark of the Hive (Part Four of the Yulash Series)

CCC-TRI-15 The Dark of the Hive (Part Four of the Yulash Series)

Strange events are occurring near the town of Yûlash—ground tremors originating from an old mind flayer hive. Our heroes are asked to investigate the old hive and determine the cause of the seismic activity, but another pressing matter is revealed to them, too. This is a Tier 3 (APL 13) Adventurers League legal adventure set in a small town near Yûlash. This module first premiered...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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The Rage Within - Adventure

The Rage Within - Adventure

The Rage Within An Iron Arbiters Adventure   Administrator Skull of the Iron Arbiters has a mission for the adventurers—investigate a strange occurrence in the hamlet of Hipswitch. Four friends entered the forest, yet only one, who can’t recall the events of the night, returned. Two bodies were found without their hearts, and another of the group is missing. The Iron Arbiter...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Encounters in the Savage Cities (Fantasy Grounds)

Encounters in the Savage Cities (Fantasy Grounds)

This is a Fantasy Grounds VTT module.  Now with Unity  Ever needed to spice up a stay in a city?  Or, ever needed something to fill the gap between sessions when you are missing a player?  Add a little flavor to the adventurers’ city visits with a rampaging mummy, a circus gone wild, a haunted inn, and much, much, more. This 80-page supplement contains 26 encounters written...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $19.95

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Monsters of the Guild (Fantasy Grounds)

Monsters of the Guild (Fantasy Grounds)

Monsters of the Guild is a DMs Guild community-driven project which includes 121 incredible monsters for your Dungeons & Dragons 5E game, from 48 of the Guild's most talented and exciting monster creators. This product is a Fantasy Grounds VTT module. It is also available as a PDF and/or Hardback Book - click here. FEATURED FOREWORD by Chris Lindsay...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $19.95

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CCC-TRI-25 Dead Men's Treasure (Part Two of the Dead Men Series)

CCC-TRI-25 Dead Men's Treasure (Part Two of the Dead Men Series)

A map with an “X marking the spot” has been found in a recently uncovered tomb located in the small fishing village of Abigail’s Cove. The village’s mayor has sent out a secret call to trusted adventurers; offering a split of whatever treasure they can recover. Success means fortune for Abigail’s Cove, its villagers, and the adventurers. This is a Tier 2 (APL 8) Adventurers League legal...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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The Throne of Bone (Roll20)

The Throne of Bone (Roll20)

"I absolutely loved the adventure and how it was set up." "The balance between combat and non-combat encounters is excellent." The Throne of Bone is an adventure for four to five characters of 6th to 8th level, and can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours to play. Scaling suggestions are inlcuded for higher level characters. The adventure is a dungeon crawl, featuring puzzles,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.95

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Krew na szlaku

Krew na szlaku

Jedna z najlepiej sprzedających się przygód na DMsGuild (ponad 2500 sprzedanych kopii) już w języku polskim! Znakomita dla początkujących graczy – Iron Emblem Gaming. Doskonała przygoda dla początkujących graczy i MP. Łatwo nadążyć za ciekawą fabułą, a napotkane postacie są zabawne. Czego chcieć więcej?! – The Scrollarium...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $3.95

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CCC-TRI-34 Rise of the Sea Dragon (Part Three of the Dead Men Series)

CCC-TRI-34 Rise of the Sea Dragon (Part Three of the Dead Men Series)

Old pirates tell an aged tale of a black dragon attacking merchant ships sailing the Moonsea. The beast was slain, or so they thought. Recently, merchant ships have been attacked, and they say the culprit was a black dragon. The beast may fly away with a few victims, but it leaves the rest to fend for themselves in the Moonsea. Could this be the same creature from before? Can the adventurers slay the...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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CCC-BMG-MOON12-2 A Gift from the Queen

CCC-BMG-MOON12-2 A Gift from the Queen

With the fate of the Moonshaes held in the balance, the adventurer’s path lies  in the lost tomb of an ancient Queen. What answers could she possibly offer to loosen the Slain’s deadly hold on this world. A Two to Four-Hour Adventure for Tier 3 characters. Optimized for APL 13. Contend Warning: This adventure contains themes of body horror. Player discretion is advised. ...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.99

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Świrowisko Pieszczoty Tashy

Świrowisko Pieszczoty Tashy

Ponad 1000 sprzedanych egzemplarzy wersji angielskiej! Czy przeżyjesz w Świrowisku Pieszczoty Tashy? Czy szaleństwo ogarnie twój umysł? Drużyna trafia do małej wioski, w której nie ma nikogo, prócz małego chłopca. Dziecko szlocha siedząc w pobliżu pięknie zdobionego powozu wędrownej błazen. Tłumaczy bohaterom, że wszyscy mieszkańcy wioski, w tym jego rodzina, weszli...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Xanathar's Scrolls of Lost Subclasses (Roll20)

Xanathar's Scrolls of Lost Subclasses (Roll20)

Roll20 Note: This product is a Roll20 Addon. Creators are unable to create content that automatically integrates with the Charactermancer. You will need to manually input this information. Add a little flavor to your game with these four new subclasses! The Xanathar hoards all types of treasure, some of which will most likely never been seen again. However, thanks to a...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $2.00

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Dragonlance Trinkets & Treasures (Roll20)

Dragonlance Trinkets & Treasures (Roll20)

This product is a Roll20 Add-On. Dragonlance Trinkets & Treasures is a collection of trinkets and magic items inspired by several of the original Dragonlance adventures. The writing team tapped into the texts of Dragons of Despair, Dragons of Flame, Dragons of Dreams, The Knight’s Sword, Oak Lords, Dragon Knight,...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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Encounters in the Savage Frontier (Fantasy Grounds)

Encounters in the Savage Frontier (Fantasy Grounds)

This is a Fantasy Grounds VTT module. If you are looking for the PDF - click here. Now with Unity  "Incredibly useful encounters..." "Very useful book!" What could happen while traveling the vast Savage Frontier?  Just about anything! This complete FANTASY GROUNDS MODULE faithfully replicates the 72 page PDF of the same name. This supplement contains encounters...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $19.95

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Scourge of the Nightingale - The Complete Saga

Scourge of the Nightingale - The Complete Saga

Scourge of the Nightingale The Complete Saga This product contains all three of the Scourge of the Nightingale adventures listed below. This is a PDF module. If you are looking for the Fantasy Grounds VTT - click here.    A Song of Love: A masked menace terrifies the region, raiding villages...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $18.95

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Stars Over Stormwreck (Roll20)

Stars Over Stormwreck (Roll20)

This product is a Roll20 AddOn adventure. For the PDF version, click HERE. Stars Over Stormwreck is a short adventure for four to five characters with an Average Character Level of 4. This product is designed to act as a bridge adventure between the Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set adventure Dragons of Stormwreck Isle...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.95

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Way of the Owlbear (Roll20)

Way of the Owlbear (Roll20)

Monks of the Way of the Owlbear revere the mighty beast, practicing ancient traditions which slowly transform them, giving them physical aspects of the owlbear. The traditions are passed from generation to generation, as the bonds of family are strong with owlbears.   While many practitioners of this tradition study it in their natural racial form, some choose to follow the teachings...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $1.25

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Volo's Vetted Vendors — 20 shops & shopkeepers (Fantasy Grounds)

Volo's Vetted Vendors — 20 shops & shopkeepers (Fantasy Grounds)

Now Available for Fantasy Grounds Unity! The Best Shops of the Forgotten Realms Volothamp Geddarm is back! After years of research, Volo’s Vetted Vendors is the humble scribe’s latest work. Wherever your adventures take you, this treatise will be your guide to the local businesses. Whether you're looking for a place to sleep, somewhere to stock up on supplies, or simply a place to get...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $14.95

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The Night of the Rise - Adventure (Roll20)

The Night of the Rise - Adventure (Roll20)

This product is a Roll20 AddOn adventure. "Simply put, this is one of the most unique adventures I've ever read." "...twists that turn the classic bandit clearing cliche on its head,..." The Night of the Rise is a unique adventure that offers the party an alternative to the "hack & slash" approach. The opportunity for role play is high and it is sure to tap...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $5.95

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Fountains, Pools, & Wells

Fountains, Pools, & Wells

Wicked Encounters Fountains, Pools & Wells This supplement is a collection of unique and interesting water sources that you can add to your game as an encounter, side quest, one-shot, or longer adventure. Imagine the parched characters drinking the cool well water, only to be turned into a gelatinous cube, grow strange appendages, be granted a blessing or a curse, or simply fall asleep....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $4.95

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La Casa dei Divertimenti di Happy Jack

La Casa dei Divertimenti di Happy Jack

Non riesci a visualizzare correttamente questa pagina? Passa alla versione desktop. Un'avventura di Jeff C. Stevens & Remley Farr tradotta da Cruor Games La Casa dei Divertimenti di Happy Jack è la seconda storia della trilogia Freak Show. — Happy Jack ti ama! — In un piccolo villaggio un gruppo di genitori si è riunito per dare voce alle...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $6.95

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Cute, Cuddly, and Dangerous Otterfolk are petite, high-energy creatures who exude kindness. Since their nature is to build strong family bonds, it’s rare to see an Otterfolk adventurer. Those who do venture outside of their villages and families often do so as a result of being wronged by others, or from being shunned by their family or village for breaking the bonds of trust....   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  Pay What You Want

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Terror Beneath The Frozen Gate

Terror Beneath The Frozen Gate

Terror Beneath the Frozen Gate Welcome to the village of Joarl: an unassuming motte-and-bailey farming community where a mysterious enchantment has entrapped its inhabitants beneath a layer of ice. The story begins as the adventurers arrive at Joarl’s icy gates. Investigating the frozen community uncovers strange creatures and dangerous secrets hidden within. This is a Tier 1...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $9.95

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Villains & Lairs (Fantasy Grounds)

Villains & Lairs (Fantasy Grounds)

This is a Fantasy Grounds VTT module. If you are looking for the PDF - click here. Includes Unity  Now with even more Villains and Lairs! Expand your game with this collection of 56 NPCs of various Challenge Ratings, thirteen of which include maps and details of their lairs. Add these NPCs as a side-quest, a main villain, a one-shot, a bounty for easy money, or however else...   [click here for more]
Dungeon Masters Guild  $24.95

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